NUnit: Asserting that all items in a list is of one value - nunit

Is there a method in Nunit that asserts that all items in a list is of one value, and one value only?
Currently I'm using
var doubleListHashSet= new HashSet<double>(myDoubleList);
Assert.AreEqual(1, doubleListHashSet.Count);
Assert.AreEqual(theSingleValue, doubleListHashSet.First());
But I can't help but think that NUnit has this built-in.

You can use
Assert.That(myDoubleList, Has.All.EqualTo(theSingleValue));
If you explore the constraint-based fluent syntax you'll find several other ways to do it, but that one seems clearest to me.


Is there another way way to replace paginate() with take()->get() where query param is present? (Laravel 9)

Usually I use paginate when I want the user to view a list (or a narrowed down list based on filters). Simple example below:
If I wanted the user to view a short list, like get the five newest models, I would create a separate api with a query like below:
I want to combine the two eloquent queries in such a way that it gets the paginated list by default, but will take 5 if the query param 'take=5' is present. I can do this the following way:
fn ($query, $count) => $query->take((int)$count)->get(),
fn ($query) => $query->paginate(50)
The above works but has been described by a colleague as a little confusing, since the 3rd argument to when() is if the first argument is false (documentation) but that isn't immediately apparent when viewing the code. The "confusing" part might be subjective here but I would like to make sure my code is quickly understood by other devs as best as possible.
Does anyone know of a simpler/clearer or just another way to achieve this? In an ideal world the take()->get() would only exist in the when() method and paginate() would exist outside of it, but be overridden by the when() condition if true.
Note: I anticipate some people might say that they should remain as separate api's, however in my opinion the extra logic here is so simple that the gain in reduced code outweighs the gain in "do one thing well".

EF - Eager include grandchildren not working, does not contain definition for 'Select'

I am working in VS 2015 solution with an MVC 5 project and a code library project using EF 6.1. I have redone the entire project from a previous version in VS 2013 hoping it would resolve this problem, but no luck. I am just trying to eager load a child with grandchildren. I tried this:
Test t = db.Tests
and this:
Test t = db.Tests
Include using the string works for the child, but not the grandchildren. And with the 2nd query, I'm getting this error:
'TestsRemoteOBD' does not contain a definition for 'Select' and no extension method 'Select' accepting a first argument of type 'TestsRemoteOBD' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
I've seen the same question resolved by adding "using System.Data.Entity;", but I had done that a long time ago. No help. What else could I be missing?
Thanks so much, to all those who commented. I would have been banging my head for another day, at least. The way I had written the second statement would have worked fine if the parent [Tests] had a 1-to-many relationship with [TestRemoteOBD], but since the latter was not a collection, there was no 'Select' defined. I have not tested, but I believe it should be something like:
Test t = db.Tests
Bump. Found this and thought I'd throw in my own research.
states: To include a reference and then a reference one level down: query.Include(e => e.Level1Reference.Level2Reference)
-- but this doesn't seem to work under even the simplest use case. Executing the query with a .ToList() does not actually include anything. Smells like an obvious bug to me!
I can see 2 workarounds.
First, as Ben here suggests, you can manually iterate over the entities to force EF to load them.
Second, if scoping permits, you can forget the 'using' block and keep a more permanent instance of the dbcontext as a class member so that it's still available, not disposed (System.ObjectDisposedException), when the members are accessed.

Difference between protractor locators

I was going through the protractor guide here:
It says in order to locate a element, I could use
var temp = element(by.css("someclass"));
or alternatively
var temp1 = ptor.findElement(protractor.By.css('someclass'))
Which kind of locator is to be used when ? Could someone pls clarify
They are the same. element is the preferred syntax because it is shorter and because you can chain locators and use some fancy protractor features. Protractor extends the webdriver api and that is why you can use the same functions that you would use in plain webdriver.
For example, the following expressions are equivalent:
To look for multiple elements use:
There are many examples in the document:
The difference between ptor.findElement and element is that the first should be used pages without Angular while the second is used on pages with Angular. This is related to how protractor syncs with Angular. The first returns a WebDriver WebElement, the second returns a Protractor ElementFinder.
However to address your question directly, there is no difference between the locators returned by by.css and protractor.By.css.
The two are equivalent. The object referenced by the global by object is the same as the the object referenced by protractor.By.
From Protractor's runner.js: = global.By = protractor.By;
There are two versions of the API. The old version used protractor.By, whereas the new version uses by. You may often see the old style but if you are in doubt, you can use the new style and be sure nothing unexpected will happen.

Best way to compare EXPECT result with our true records in Jasmine testing framework?

What are the ways to compare the expect results with our true records using Jasmine Testing Framework?
One of the way is to use a static values within expect Parameters which is good for very basic values... But it has several limitations like it does not compare objects at runtime...
How to compare objects at runtime for its validity...???
it("Read JSON record with Id.", function(){
result = Database.selectRecordById (STORE_ID, id3);
expect(result).toEqual(aRecord); //cValue
Here is the code. Now my problem is to compare the result value to aRecord. I will get result from method Database.selectRecordById. For now i am using a static value of aRecord. I want some other way which is more reliable so that my aRecord becomes dynamic. One thing i thought is to make a database which will contain all true values... but then i manually have to see that... What could be other alternative.??
As far as I see there is nothing wrong with static values for comparing result. That is how we usually do unit testing both in Java and in JavaScript.
The actual value is what you get from the actual database/method call and the expected value is a static value. The less 'moving parts' you have here, the better. If you were to dynamically load the expected values, that can go wrong as well and you do not want your tests failing if your application because your test data load was wrong. It is also a lot more cumbersome to maintain.
Hope I did not misunderstand your question.

ClearQuest Perl : how to clear a list of values? SetFieldValue doesn't work on lists

New to Perl and new to ClearQuest Perl API both. I am trying to clear some values from a CQ form. I am able to clear values by simply setting the value to "" but it doesn't work on lists. Any idea how this can be done?
# following doesn't work on lists. What to do?
$entity->SetFieldValue("Foo_List", "");
# following works just fine
$entity->SetFieldValue("barstatus", "");
Here is CQ API reference:
As I understand your API, the undef is unlikely to work. setFieldValue can not be called on a list to begin with. I don't know much Perl either. But try creating a loop to read all values, and delete each value using DeleteFieldValue method of entity object.
All methods of entity objects are listed here:
I don't know Perl syntax well. But someone here may be able to help.