Disable Chrome Devtools Element Panel Tickertape AutoScroll - google-chrome-devtools

Does anyone know of a way to stop this part of the dev tools from slowly auto-scrolling when you are deep in the element tree?
The constant movement is distracting sometimes; I would rather it not start scrolling or just jump to the end.


Remove ui square when many touches

I am coding a game on a Touchscreen with many players at the same time. The issue is, when there are 2 or more touches, a little square is appearing on the screen. It seems to be a unity built-in feature as it is still present in an empty project.
Is there a way to prevent this annoying little square to appear ? I already disabled magic touch shortcuts in windows. And this doesn't appear on the desktop home screen.
I am able to listen to the touches. It seems to be only a visual thing.
Even when I disable multitouch with Input.multiTouchEnabled = false; It still appears.
I also tried to remove the 18 default Axes in the Input Manager.
My goal is to handle every touch separately, without listening to pinch, long press, or scroll interactions. Each player has only to tap somewhere on the screen.
Thanks for you time
Solved it by myself. I completely disabled Touch feedback in the windows parameters. I don't think it is the only way to do that but it works.
Configuration Panel > Pen and Touch
Unmark "Show visual feedback when touching the screen"

How to control smooth and probably custom scrolling in flutter web with mouse and trackpad both

Initially, I wanted to have smooth scrolling in flutter web, I tried web_smooth_scroll, which had some level of smoothness but while it was used I was unable to use the trackpad to scroll on my laptop.
Now, am looking for a scrolling solution for flutter web where I can manipulate the scroll through scroll_controller which works with a mouse, trackpad, and touchscreen.
Any advice is helpful.

Leaflet.markercluster keyboard resize mobile

I am using the super useful Leaflet.markercluster for leaflet which has been great for performance because of the nice getExpandedVisibleBounds feature.
One problem I am running into is on mobile devices with the keyboard changing the viewport/bounds. When I enter an input box and the keyboard pops up, it shrinks the map viewport. After the keyboard goes away the viewport/bounds don't seem to update for the markercluster. The map is fully visible again but markers that are on the lower half of the map (where the keyboard was) are now not visible. Panning the map and zooming in and out don't seem to fix it. After a minute or so of use it seems to correct itself and the markers and now visible on the whole viewport again.
Any suggestions on how to fix this issue? Thanks!

Emacs: mouse wheel scroll preserve buffer position

How to enforce preserving buffer position while scrolling with mouse wheel?
Currently if I scroll for amount that buffer cursor position should be out of the screen that position is changed. And I don't want this because it is not happening in other editors like Qt Creator, IntelliJ IDEA etc.
I would like to have some mouse-wheel-scroll-preserve-buffer-position.
You can't. The Emacs display engine doesn't allow this. See this question
BTW, while the position of point has to be on screen, that doesn't prevent an Elisp package from reverting point to what it was before the mouse-wheel scroll when you stop scrolling and hit the keyboard again.
So, Emacs doesn't support it right now, but it shouldn't be difficult to make it work if you really want to. Patches welcome to add such an optional behavior.

How to change cursor style in android?

I have different views on my activity. I wanna change my cursor style when cursor is move to any view. How to do same in android.For example there is a normal cursor on the android activity when cursor moves to a button i wanna change cursor style normal to finger style.
The only cursor I know about in Android is used alongside SQLite databases. Seeing as Android phones/tablets are all touchscreen... there is no 'mouse' cursor, except in the emulator.
Of course, you could draw a cursor that followed finger movement, but I can't think of a lot of reasons you'd want do that in a standard UI.
actually there is a mouse cursor in Android 3.0 and later. The only way to see it is to connect a bluetooth mouse to the device and youll see the cursor once you move the mouse around. The only reason I found this site was because I wanted to change the cursor color so sorry I cant help you with that one.