How to center my window in another application's window? - swift

My application is distributed via App Store (just to let you know about some limitations). I would like to center my application in the frontmost app window. Is it possible?
The only thing I need to know is the frame of the frontmost application. I checked NSWorkspace.shared.frontmostApplication but there is nothing about the window's position.

I found a solution for that. It looks like it doesn't even require Accessibility permission.
if let activeApp = NSWorkspace.shared.frontmostApplication {
(CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo([.excludeDesktopElements, .optionOnScreenOnly], kCGNullWindowID) as [AnyObject]?)?
.first { $0.object(forKey: kCGWindowOwnerPID) as? pid_t == activeApp.processIdentifier }
.flatMap { $0.object(forKey: kCGWindowBounds) as CFDictionary? }?
.flatMap {
guard let bounds = CGRect(dictionaryRepresentation: $0) else { return }
print("Active window bounds: \(bounds)")
Also, keep in mind:
The coordinates of the rectangle are specified in screen space, where the origin is in the upper-left corner of the main display.


How to get focused element's cursor position using accessibility API in macOS?

I'm working on a mac app that uses Accessibility APIs to get the cursor position from the focused element (Focused element can be from any app) and shows a window near the cursor position.
I checked the window positioning in native apps like XCode, Notes, and Messages and tried on web apps as well everything is working fine.
I checked the same on the slack desktop app where I'm facing an issue. Which is I'm getting the XOrigin always as 0 and YOrigin as 982 (That is equal to my screen's size: NSScreen.main?.frame.height). Seems it is breaking on electron apps. What am I missing here? Do we need to account for anything else to handle electron apps?
Attaching my code for reference.
extension AXUIElement {
func getCursorRect() -> CGRect? {
guard let cursorPosition = cursorPosition else {return nil}
var cfRange: CFRange = .init(location: cursorPosition, length: 1)
let axval: AXValue? = AXValueCreate(.cfRange, &cfRange)
var bounds: CFTypeRef?
guard let axval = axval else {return nil}
AXUIElementCopyParameterizedAttributeValue(self, kAXBoundsForRangeParameterizedAttribute as CFString, axval, &bounds)
var cursorRect: CGRect = .zero
guard let bounds = bounds else {return nil}
AXValueGetValue(bounds as! AXValue, .cgRect, &cursorRect)
return cursorRect

How to get size and position of a sceneWindow under mac Catalyst

I have been able to obtain the size of a sceneWindow when I resize it using
func windowScene(_ windowScene: UIWindowScene, didUpdate previousCoordinateSpace: UICoordinateSpace, interfaceOrientation previousInterfaceOrientation: UIInterfaceOrientation, traitCollection previousTraitCollection: UITraitCollection) {
print("movement trapped \(windowScene.coordinateSpace.bounds)"
within the sceneDelegate. But the x,y coordinates are always 0,0 regardless of where I drag the window to. Looking to be able to dictate where the new sceneWindow is located on the mac's screen relative to the "default" sceneWindow.
you can try to convert window frame from windowScene coordinateSpace to UIScreen coordinateSpace
windowFrame = [window convertRect:window.frame toCoordinateSpace:window.windowScene.screen.coordinateSpace];
I didn't find a way to get this done in UIWindow but remember, Catalyst does support AppKit and you can call it anytime use objc runtime.
So here comes up the idea:
Get NSWindows from NSApplication
Get UIWindow from view.window
Compare some magic and lookup our target NSWindow
Get the frame of that NSWindow
var targetNSWindow: AnyObject? = nil
let nsWindows = (NSClassFromString("NSApplication")?.value(forKeyPath: "") as? [AnyObject])!
for nsWindow in nsWindows {
let uiWindows = nsWindow.value(forKeyPath: "uiWindows") as? [UIWindow] ?? []
if uiWindows.contains(view.window!) {
targetNSWindow = nsWindow
if let found = targetNSWindow {
print(found.value(forKeyPath: "_frame")!)
And here is a sample output.
NSRect: {{818, 296}, {964, 614}}
A little bit more, you can have your window information from sceneDelegate and compare the magic with it in a similar way. But be careful, sometimes you don't have any window when the app just loads. Do the jobs in DispatchQueue.main.async block if that happens.

Highlight NSWindow under mouse cursor

Since this is quite a lot of code and it probably helps if there is a sample project where you can better understand the current problem I made a simple sample project which you can find on GitHub here:
I want to implement some functionality pretty similar what the macOS screenshot tool does. When the mouse hovers over a window the window should be highlighted. However I am having issues only highlighting the part of the window which is visible to the user.
Here is a screenshot of what the feature should look like:
My current implementation however looks like this:
My current implementation does the following:
1. Get a list of all windows visible on screen
static func all() -> [Window] {
let options = CGWindowListOption(arrayLiteral: .excludeDesktopElements, .optionOnScreenOnly)
let windowsListInfo = CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo(options, CGMainDisplayID()) //current window
let infoList = windowsListInfo as! [[String: Any]]
return infoList
.filter { $0["kCGWindowLayer"] as! Int == 0 }
.map { Window(
frame: CGRect(x: ($0["kCGWindowBounds"] as! [String: Any])["X"] as! CGFloat,
y: ($0["kCGWindowBounds"] as! [String: Any])["Y"] as! CGFloat,
width: ($0["kCGWindowBounds"] as! [String: Any])["Width"] as! CGFloat,
height: ($0["kCGWindowBounds"] as! [String: Any])["Height"] as! CGFloat),
applicationName: $0["kCGWindowOwnerName"] as! String)}
2. Get the mouse location
private func registerMouseEvents() {
NSEvent.addLocalMonitorForEvents(matching: [.mouseMoved]) {
self.mouseLocation = NSEvent.mouseLocation
return $0
NSEvent.addGlobalMonitorForEvents(matching: [.mouseMoved]) { _ in
self.mouseLocation = NSEvent.mouseLocation
3. Highlight the window at the current mouse location:
static func window(at point: CGPoint) -> Window? {
// TODO: only if frontmost
let list = all()
return list.filter { $0.frame.contains(point) }.first
var mouseLocation: NSPoint = NSEvent.mouseLocation {
didSet {
//TODO: don't highlight if its the same window
if let window = WindowList.window(at: mouseLocation), !window.isCapture {
highlight(window: window)
} else {
private func removeHighlight() {
highlightWindowController = nil
func highlight(window: Window) {
highlightWindowController = HighlightWindowController()
highlightWindowController?.highlight(frame: window.frame, animate: false)
class HighlightWindowController: NSWindowController, NSWindowDelegate {
// MARK: - Initializers
init() {
let bounds = NSRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 100)
let window = NSWindow(contentRect: bounds, styleMask: .borderless, backing: .buffered, defer: true)
window.isOpaque = false
window.level = .screenSaver
window.backgroundColor =
window.alphaValue = 0.2
window.ignoresMouseEvents = true
super.init(window: window)
window.delegate = self
// MARK: - Public API
func highlight(frame: CGRect, animate: Bool) {
if animate {
NSAnimationContext.current.duration = 0.1
let target = animate ? window?.animator() : window
target?.setFrame(frame, display: false)
As you can see the window under the cursor is highlighted however the highlight window is drawn above other windows which might intersect.
Possible Solution
I could iterate over the available windows in the list and only find the rectangle which does not overlap with other windows to draw the highlight rect only for this part instead of the whole window.
I am asking myself whether the would be a more elegant and more performant solution to this problem. Maybe I could solve this with the window level of the drawn HighlightWindow? Or is there any API from Apple which I could leverage to get the desired behavior?
I messed around with your code, and #Ted is correct. NSWindow.order(_:relativeTo) is exactly what you need.
Why NSWindow.level wont work:
Using NSWindow.level will not work for you because normal windows (like the ones in your screenshot) all have a window level of 0, or .normal. If you simply adjusted the window level to, say "1" for instance, your highlight view would appear above all the other windows. On the contrary, if you set it to "-1" your highlight view would appear below all normal windows, and above the desktop.
Problems to be introduced using NSWindow.order(_: relativeTo)
No great solution comes without caveats right? In order to use this method you will have to set the window level to 0 so it can be layerd among the other windows. However, this will cause your highlighting window to be selected in your WindowList.window(at: mouseLocation) method. And when it's selected, your if-statement removes it because it believes it's the main window. This will cause a flicker. (a fix for this is included in the TLDR below)
Also, if you attempt to highlight a window that does not have a level of 0, you will run into issues. To fix such issues you need to find the window level of the window you are highlighting and set your highlighting window to that level. (my code didn't include a fix for this problem)
In addition to the above problems, you need to consider what happens when the user hovers over a background window, and clicks on it without moving the mouse. What will happen is the background window will become front.. without moving the highlight window. A possible fix for this would be to update the highlight window on click events.
Lastly, I noticed you create a new HighlightWindowController + window every time the user moves their mouse. It may be a bit lighter on the system if you simply mutate the frame of an already exsisting HighlightWindowController on mouse movement (instead of creating one). To hide it you could call the NSWindowController.close() function, or even set the frame to {0,0,0,0} (not sure about the 2nd idea).
TLDR; Show us some code
Here's what I did.
1. Change your window struct to include a window number:
struct Window {
let frame: CGRect
let applicationName: String
let windowNumber: Int
init(frame: CGRect, applicationName: String, refNumber: Int) {
self.frame = frame.flippedScreenBounds
self.applicationName = applicationName
self.windowNumber = refNumber
var isCapture: Bool {
return applicationName.caseInsensitiveCompare("Capture") == .orderedSame
2. In your window listing function ie static func all() -> [Window], include the window number:
refNumber: $0["kCGWindowNumber"] as! Int
3. In your window highlighting function, after highlightWindowController?.showWindow(nil), order the window relative to the window you are highlighting!
highlightWindowController!.window!.order(.above, relativeTo: window.windowNumber)
4. In your highlight controller, make sure to set the window level back to normal:
window.level = .normal
5. The window will now flicker, to prevent this, update your view controller if-statement:
if let window = WindowList.window(at: mouseLocation) {
if !window.isCapture {
highlight(window: window)
} else {
Best of luck and have fun swifting!
I forgot to mention, my swift version is 4.2 (haven't upgraded yet) so the syntax may be ever so slightly different.
I'm not used to Swift, sorry, but it seems to me the natural solution to this would be to use - orderWindow:relativeTo:. In ObjC that would be (added just after the highlight window is shown):
[highlightWindow orderWindow:NSWindowAbove relativeTo:window];
And let the window server handle all the details of hiding obscured portions. Of course, this creates a different headache of keeping the highlight window directly above the target window as users move stuff around on-screen, but...

swift Mac OS: make trackpad reflect display size for NSTouch events

I am trying to make touch events take the trackpad as the display when moving it.
What I mean in this is:
Consider a Mac laptop display, and imagine it to be exactly the size of the trackpad, or so this is how I want the touch events to be implemented. There was a normalised x y coordinate property before in NSEvent which may have given me this, but it seems to have been deprecated.
Below are touchBegan and touchMoved overrides and what I mean:
override func touchesBegan(with event: NSEvent) {
CGDisplayMoveCursorToPoint(CGMainDisplayID(), event.location(in: overlayScene))
let player = SCNAudioPlayer(source: tick)
override func touchesMoved(with event: NSEvent) {
let location = event.location(in: overlayScene)
guard let node = overlayScene.nodes(at: location).first else{
if currentSKNode != nil{
currentSKNode = nil
if currentSKNode != node{
currentSKNode = node
let player = SCNAudioPlayer(source: tick)
Imagine a fgraph reader where x and y axes are centred at exactly width/2 and height/2 of the trackpad. When I touch anywhere on it, this should reflect exactly on the apps window which is set to full screen.
Currently, the mouse cursor seems to go only partially across the display when I make a full left to right move, hence trying to reposition the mouse cursor to the position of the NSView, or in this case the SKScene.
Ok, so it turns out, as Kent mentioned, normalised position is not deprecated, but I was looking into NSEvent not NSTouch.
Here's the code for anyone who would stumble upon the same requirements. Works fine, just need to figure out now how to make this as responsive as possible.
override func touchesMoved(with event: NSEvent) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
let touch = event.touches(matching: .moved, in: self.sceneView).first
let normalised = touch!.normalizedPosition
let translated = CGPoint(x: self.width*normalised.x - self.widthCenter, y: self.height*normalised.y - self.heightCenter)
guard let node = self.overlayScene.nodes(at: translated).first else{
self.currentSKNode = nil
if self.currentSKNode != node{
self.currentSKNode = node
let player = SCNAudioPlayer(source: self.tick)

How to set the window size and position programmatically for a SpriteKit/GameScene app on OSX

I have a bare-bones project created in Xcode as a SpriteKit/GameScene app. I want to set the window size programmatically. I've read a lot of answers here, and several tutorials elsewhere, but none of the things I've read have helped.
This answer talks about overriding WindowController.windowDidLoad, but GameScene doesn't give me a WindowController. It does give me a ViewController. This tutorial says you can call self.view.window?.setFrame() from ViewController.viewDidLoad(), but my window stubbornly remains the same size. A number of the answers I've found on SO talk about auto-layout. I don't have anything to lay out. It's just a SpriteKit starter project.
This answer says you can set preferredContentSize in ViewController.viewWillAppear(), and that does in fact let me set the window size, but if I make the window too big (because I had to guess at a legitimate size), it's not draggable or resizable. This answer says you can get the correct size from view.bounds.size, but that says 800 x 600, which is nowhere near the size of my screen. This answer says you can get the bounds from UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.size, but my GameScene/SpriteKit starter project seems not to have any kind of UIScreen in it.
How can I get the screen size, and how can I set the window size and position programmatically?
Also, one of the other answers, which I can't seem to find any more, says you should delete GameScene.sks, which I did, and everything seems fine still, except for the size.
Updated for Swift 5
Window Size
Remember to add NSWindowDelegate to your NSViewController class if you wish to implement it there (ie. viewDidLoad(), viewWillAppear(), viewDidAppear(), etc.)
class ViewController: NSViewController, NSWindowDelegate {
override func viewWillAppear() {
/// Sizes window to fill max screen size
func fillWindow() {
if let screenSize = view.window?.screen?.frame {
view.window!.setFrame(screenSize, display: true)
class WindowController: NSWindowController {
override func windowDidLoad() {
/// Sizes window to fill max screen size
func fillWindow() {
if let screenSize = window?.screen?.frame {
window!.setFrame(screenSize, display: true)
Print to Debugger Console
print(screenSize) // embed within if let screenSize { ... }
Window Position
See the full answer, with implemented code, here.
extension NSWindow {
/// Positions the `NSWindow` at the horizontal-vertical center of the `visibleFrame` (takes Status Bar and Dock sizes into account)
public func positionCenter() {
if let screenSize = screen?.visibleFrame.size {
self.setFrameOrigin(NSPoint(x: (screenSize.width-frame.size.width)/2, y: (screenSize.height-frame.size.height)/2))
/// Centers the window within the `visibleFrame`, and sizes it with the width-by-height dimensions provided.
public func setCenterFrame(width: Int, height: Int) {
if let screenSize = screen?.visibleFrame.size {
let x = (screenSize.width-frame.size.width)/2
let y = (screenSize.height-frame.size.height)/2
self.setFrame(NSRect(x: x, y: y, width: CGFloat(width), height: CGFloat(height)), display: true)
/// Returns the center x-point of the `screen.visibleFrame` (the frame between the Status Bar and Dock).
/// Falls back on `screen.frame` when `.visibleFrame` is unavailable (includes Status Bar and Dock).
public func xCenter() -> CGFloat {
if let screenSize = screen?.visibleFrame.size { return (screenSize.width-frame.size.width)/2 }
if let screenSize = screen?.frame.size { return (screenSize.width-frame.size.width)/2 }
return CGFloat(0)
/// Returns the center y-point of the `screen.visibleFrame` (the frame between the Status Bar and Dock).
/// Falls back on `screen.frame` when `.visibleFrame` is unavailable (includes Status Bar and Dock).
public func yCenter() -> CGFloat {
if let screenSize = screen?.visibleFrame.size { return (screenSize.height-frame.size.height)/2 }
if let screenSize = screen?.frame.size { return (screenSize.height-frame.size.height)/2 }
return CGFloat(0)
Positions the existing window to the center of visibleFrame.
Sets a new window frame, at the center of visibleFrame, with dimensions
window!.setCenterFrame(width: 900, height: 600)
Using xCenter() and yCenter() to get the central x-y points of the visibleFrame.
let x = self.view.window?.xCenter() ?? CGFloat(0)
let y = self.view.window?.yCenter() ?? CGFloat(0)
self.view.window?.setFrame(NSRect(x: x, y: y, width: CGFloat(900), height: CGFloat(600)), display: true)
It would be awesome if some UI guru could comment on whether this is the "right" answer, but here's what I did as a wild guess based on "El Tomato's" rather cryptic comments. First, add the following to ViewController.swift:
class WildGuessWindowController: NSWindowController {
override func windowDidLoad() {
if let screenSize = window?.screen?.frame {
window!.setFrame(screenSize, display: true)
Next, open Main.storyboard in the project navigator. You might see something like the following:
Click on the box that says "Window Controller", and open the right-hand side panel. You should see something like this.
Notice the box next to the arrow, that has a grayed-out class name in it. (Also notice that you might have to click the "Identity inspector" button, the blue one above where it says "Custom Class".) Now click that drop-down, and you should see WildGuessWindowController. Select that, and you're set. Build and run. The framework will instantiate your class, and run windowDidLoad().