python code worked with Proxy server, now not working without - unknown-host

'All,this is code that will put production counts off machines and load them into a lean manufacturing software. This tracks production states and Preventative maintenance for machines. The code used to work until network changes started with changing v-lans and now the latest no proxy server. since then they assigned the PC which this code will be running on with a static IP not requiring it to read from the company server, nor go through a proxy. When starting Python with command line Shift right click ( the screen is black then goes away. If the code is tested with Notepad++, the code gives errors pertaining to xlrd, then requests. I changed all upgraded the xlrd and the files are in the script folder of the pc. Still striking out to no avail. I don't do much C code, but have been searching several websites for answers. Any help would be appreciated. Thank You- Bruno'
import xlrd # module to interface with excel
import requests # module to upload the data to L2L
from datetime import datetime #module for time stamps
import os
import time
outtime = 5
import requests
session = requests.Session()
session.trust_env = false
response = session.get('')
from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning
L1Startlog = 0
L1Startgood = 0
L1Flog = 0
L1Fgood = 0
L1EndLog = 0
L1EndGood = 0
L1Err = 0
file_location = "C:/Users/brfdc/Desktop/L2L.xlsm" #location of excel file on local computer
workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(file_location)#opening the excel file specified in the previous line
sheet = workbook.sheet_by_index(0) #opening the first sheet in the excel file.
L3Sgood = sheet.cell_value(3,1) #Line 3 starting report good bottle count
#Line three error checking
if (L3Sgood != 42) and (L3Slog != 42):
L3Startgood = L3Sgood
L3Startlog = L3Slog
if (L3Bottle != 42):
L3BottleG = L3Bottle
L3BottleG = 0
#end of line 3 error checking
if (L5Sgood != 42) and (L5Slog != 42): #Line 5 Error checking
L5Startgood = L5Sgood #Line 5
L5Startlog = L5Slog #Line 5
if (L1Sgood !=42) and (L1Slog != 42): #Line 1 Error checking
L1Startgood = L1Sgood #Line 1
L1Startlog = L1Slog #Line 1
if (L2Sgood != 42) and (L2Slog != 42): #Line 2 Error checking
L2Startgood = L2Sgood #Line 2
L2Startlog = L2Slog #Line 2
if (L7Sgood != 42) and (L7SAlog != 42) and (L7SBlog != 42): #Line 7 Error checking
L7Startgood = L7Sgood #Line 7
L7StartlogA = L7SAlog #Line 7
L7StartlogB = L7SBlog #Line 7
if (L6Sgood != 42) and (L6Slog != 42): #Line 6 error checking
L6Startgood = L6Sgood #Line 6
L6Startlog = L6Slog #Line 6
if (L8Sgood != 42) and (L8SAlog != 42) and (L8SBlog != 42): #Line 8 Error checking
L8Startgood = L8Sgood #Line 8
L8StartlogA = L8SAlog #Line 8
L8StartlogB = L8SBlog #Line 8
Api_End_Point = ''
API_key = "c74de26eee9d5617de3218b5301d00de"
url = Api_End_Point +"?auth=" + API_key
testsendfinal = 0
L7StartlogT = L7StartlogA + L7StartlogB #Add the two SIPA sides together Line 7
L8StartlogT = L8StartlogA + L8StartlogB #Add the two SIPA sides together Line 8
while True:
#while True:
startingTime = #assigning the current time to this variable
secs ="%S")
mins ="%M")
#corrective math for on the dot 30 minute marks because program drifts in time over the course of an hour.
if (int(mins) >= 27 and int(mins) < 30):
minutes_to_30 = 29 - int(mins)
minutes_to_seconds = minutes_to_30 * 60
secs_to_go = 60 - int(secs)
seconds_to_30 = secs_to_go + minutes_to_seconds
pause_time = seconds_to_30
pause_time = 60 #180
print('start time of log ' + startingTime) #this is just printing on the screen what the time is. used for troubleshooting
L3SLoss = L3Startlog - L3Startgood #Line 3 Difference in two counters to calculate scrap
L5SLoss = L5Startlog - L5Startgood #Line 5 Difference in two counters to calculate scrap
L1SLoss = L1Startlog - L1Startgood #Line 1 Difference in two counters to calculate scrap
L2SLoss = L2Startlog - L2Startgood #Line 2 Difference in two counters to calculate scrap
L6SLoss = L6Startlog - L6Startgood #Line 6 Difference in two counters to calculate scrap
L7SLoss = L7StartlogT - L7Startgood #Line 7 Difference in two counters to calculate scrap
L8SLoss = L8StartlogT - L8Startgood #Line 8 Difference in two counters to calculate scrap
#change 6:30 and 18:30 start of report numbers. force these numbers to zero when at these two times.
hour_time ="%H")
minute_time ="%M")
if int(hour_time) == 6 or int(hour_time) == 18:
if int(minute_time) == 30:
L1SLoss = 0
L2SLoss = 0
L3SLoss = 0
L5SLoss = 0
L6SLoss = 0
L7SLoss = 0
L8SLoss = 0
L1Startgood = 0
L2Startgood = 0
L3Startgood = 0
L5Startgood = 0
L6Startgood = 0
L7Startgood = 0
L8Startgood = 0
L1EndGood = 0#added this 10/29/2018
L2EndGood = 0
L3EndGood = 0
L5EndGood = 0
L6EndGood = 0
L7EndGood = 0
L8EndGood = 0
L1EndLog = 0
L2EndLog = 0
L3EndLog = 0
L5EndLog = 0
L6EndLog = 0
L7EndLogA = 0
L7EndLogB = 0
L8EndLogA = 0
L8EndLogB = 0
print("Not right minute for number force to zero")
print("Not Right time for number force to zero ")
time.sleep(pause_time) # sleep for ~3 minutes
currentTime = #assigning the current time to this variable.
file_location = "C:/Users/brfdc/Desktop/L2L.xlsm" #location of excel file on local computer
workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(file_location) #opening the excel file specified in the previous line
sheet = workbook.sheet_by_index(0) #opening the first sheet in the excel file
L3Fgood = sheet.cell_value(3,1) #Line 3 end report good bottle count
L3Flog = sheet.cell_value(2,1) #Line 3 end report log bottle count
L5Flog = sheet.cell_value(6,1) #Line 5 end report log bottle count
L5Fgood = sheet.cell_value(7,1) #Line 5 end report good bottle count
L1Flog = sheet.cell_value(9,2) #Line 1 end report log bottle count
L1Fgood = sheet.cell_value(10,1)#Line 1 end report good bottle count
L2Fgood = sheet.cell_value(14,1)#Line 2 end report good bottle count
L2Flog = sheet.cell_value(13,1) #Line 2 end report log bottle count
L7Fgood = sheet.cell_value(21,1)#Line 7 starting report good bottle count
L7FAlog = sheet.cell_value(19,1)#Line 7 starting report log bottle count side A
L7FBlog = sheet.cell_value(20,1)#Line 7 starting report log bottle count side B
L6Flog = sheet.cell_value(17,1) #Line 6 end report log bottle count
L6Fgood = sheet.cell_value(18,1)#Line 6 end report good bottle count
L3Bottle = sheet.cell_value(3,3)#Line 3 bottle being run. 1 means running arizona
L8Fgood = sheet.cell_value(25,1)#Line 8 starting report good bottle count
L8FAlog = sheet.cell_value(23,1)#Line 8 starting report log bottle count side A
L8FBlog = sheet.cell_value(24,1)#Line 8 starting report log bottle count side B
mins_time ="%M")
m ="%M")
if (L3Fgood != 42) and (L3Flog != 42): #Line 3
L3EndGood = L3Fgood #Line 3
L3EndLog = L3Flog #Line 3
L3Err = 0
L3Err += 1
if (L3Bottle != 42):
L3BottleG = L3Bottle
if (L5Flog != 42) and (L5Fgood != 42): #Line 5
L5EndGood = L5Fgood #Line 5
L5EndLog = L5Flog #Line 5
L5Err = 0
L5Err += 1
if (L1Flog != 42) and (L1Fgood != 42): #Line 1
L1EndGood = L1Fgood #Line 1
L1EndLog = L1Flog #Line 1
L1Err = 0
L1Err += 1
if (L2Fgood != 42) and (L2Flog != 42): #Line 2
L2EndGood = L2Fgood #Line 2
L2EndLog = L2Flog #Line 2
L2Err = 0
L2Err += 1
if (L7Fgood != 42) and (L7FAlog != 42) and (L7FBlog != 42):
L7EndGood = L7Fgood
L7EndLogA = L7FAlog
L7EndLogB = L7FBlog
L7Err = 0
L7Err += 1
if (L6Fgood != 42) and (L6Flog != 42):
L6EndGood = L6Fgood
L6EndLog = L6Flog
L6Err = 0
L6Err += 1
if (L8Fgood != 42) and (L8FAlog != 42) and (L8FBlog != 42):
L8EndGood = L8Fgood
L8EndLogA = L8FAlog
L8EndLogB = L8FBlog
L8Err = 0
L8Err += 1
L3EndLoss = L3EndLog - L3EndGood #Line 3 Difference in two counters at end of report to calculate scrap
L5EndLoss = L5EndLog - L5EndGood #Line 5 Difference in two counters at end of report to calculate scrap
L1EndLoss = L1EndLog - L1EndGood #Line 1 Difference in two counters at end of report to calculate scrap
L2EndLoss = L2EndLog - L2EndGood #Line 2 Difference in two counters at end of report to calculate scrap
L6EndLoss = L6EndLog - L6EndGood #Line 6 Difference in two counters at end of report to calculate scrap
L7EndLogT = L7EndLogA + L7EndLogB #Line 7 add two SIPA log bottle sides together
L7EndLoss = L7EndLogT - L7EndGood #Line 7 Difference in two counters at end of report to calculate scrap
L8EndLogT = L8EndLogA + L8EndLogB #Line 8 add two SIPA log bottle sides together
L8EndLoss = L8EndLogT - L8EndGood #Line 8 Difference in two counters at end of report to calculate scrap
L3ChangeGood = L3EndGood - L3Startgood #Line 3 Change in starting report good bottle count and ending report good bottle count
L3ChangeLoss = L3EndLoss - L3SLoss #Line 3 Change in two different scrap numbers calculated above
L5ChangeGood = L5EndGood - L5Startgood #Line 5 Change in starting report good bottle count and ending report good bottle count
L5ChangeLoss = L5EndLoss - L5SLoss #Line 5 Change in starting report loss calculation and ending report loss calculation
L1ChangeGood = L1EndGood - L1Startgood #Line 1 Change in starting report good bottle count and ending report good bottle count
L1ChangeLoss = L1EndLoss - L1SLoss #Line 1 Change in starting report loss calculation and ending report loss calculation
L2ChangeGood = L2EndGood - L2Startgood #Line 2 Change in starting report good bottle count and ending report good bottle count
L2ChangeLoss = L2EndLoss - L2SLoss #Line 2 Change in two different scrap numbers calculated above
L6ChangeGood = L6EndGood - L6Startgood #Line 6 change in starting report good bottle count and end report good bottle count
L6ChangeLoss = L6EndLoss - L6SLoss #Line 6 change in two different scrap numbers calculated above
L7ChangeGood = L7EndGood - L7Startgood #Line 7 Change in starting report good bottle count and ending report good bottle count
L7ChangeLoss = L7EndLoss - L7SLoss #Line 7 Change in two different scrap numbers calculated above
L8ChangeGood = L8EndGood - L8Startgood #Line 8 Change in starting report good bottle count and ending report good bottle count
L8ChangeLoss = L8EndLoss - L8SLoss #Line 8 Change in two different scrap numbers calculated above
L7DiffLogA = L7EndLogA - L7StartlogA
L7DiffLogB = L7EndLogB - L7StartlogB
L8DiffLogA = L8EndLogA - L8StartlogA
L8DiffLogB = L8EndLogB - L8StartlogB
if L7DiffLogA >= 1 and L7DiffLogB == 0:
L7Bottle = "Side A"
elif L7DiffLogB >= 1 and L7DiffLogA == 0:
L7Bottle = "Side B"
L7Bottle = "Side A & B"
if L8DiffLogA >= 1 and L8DiffLogB == 0:
L8Bottle = "Side A"
elif L8DiffLogB >= 1 and L8DiffLogA == 0:
L8Bottle = "Side B"
L8Bottle = "Side A & B"
#below is logic to never send negative numbers for actual bottles and not send a relatively large amount of lost bottles
m ="%M")
if (L3ChangeLoss < -1000) or (L3ChangeLoss>300): #Line 3
L3SendLoss = 0 #Line 3
else: #Line 3
L3SendLoss = L3ChangeLoss #Line 3
if (L3ChangeGood <0): #Line 3
if int(m) < 33 and int(m) > 30: #Line 3
L3SendGood = L3EndGood #Line 3
else: #Line 3
L3SendGood = 0 #Line 3
else: #Line 3
L3SendGood = L3ChangeGood #Line 3
if (L5ChangeLoss < -1000) or (L5ChangeLoss>600): #Line 5
L5SendLoss = 0 #Line 5
else: #Line 5
L5SendLoss = L5ChangeLoss #Line 5
if (L5ChangeGood < 0): #Line 5
if int(m) < 33 and int(m) > 30: #Line 5
L5SendGood = L5EndGood #Line 5
else: #Line 5
L5SendGood = 0 #Line 5
else: #Line 5
L5SendGood = L5ChangeGood #Line 5
if (L1ChangeLoss < -1000): #Line 1
L1SendLoss = 0 #Line 1
else: #Line 1
L1SendLoss = L1ChangeLoss #Line 1
if (L1ChangeGood < 0): #Line 1
if int(m) < 33 and int(m) > 30: #Line 1
L1SendGood = L1EndGood #Line 1
else: #Line 1
L1SendGood = 0 #Line 1
else: #Line 1
L1SendGood = L1ChangeGood #Line 1
if (L2ChangeLoss < -1000) or (L2ChangeLoss>300): #Line 2
L2SendLoss = 0 #Line 2
else: #Line 2
L2SendLoss = L2ChangeLoss #Line 2
if (L2ChangeGood <0): #Line 2
if int(m) < 33 and int(m) > 30: #Line 2
L2SendGood = L2EndGood #Line 2
else: #Line 2
L2SendGood = 0 #Line 2
else: #Line 2
L2SendGood = L2ChangeGood #Line 2
if (L6ChangeLoss<-1000) or (L6ChangeLoss>3000): #Line 6
L6SendLoss = 0 #Line 6
else: #Line 6
L6SendLoss = L6ChangeLoss #Line 6
if (L6ChangeGood <0): #Line 6
if int(m) < 33 and int(m) > 30: #Line 6
L6SendGood = L6EndGood #Line 6
else: #Line 6
L6SendGood = 0 #Line 6
else: #Line 6
L6SendGood = L6ChangeGood #Line 6
if (L7ChangeGood <0): #Line 7
if int(m) < 33 and int(m) > 30: #Line 7
L7SendGood = L7EndGood #Line 7
else: #Line 7
L7SendGood = 0 #Line 7
else: #Line 7
L7SendGood = L7ChangeGood #Line 7
if (L8ChangeGood <0): #Line 8
if int(m) < 33 and int(m) > 30: #Line 8
L8SendGood = L8EndGood #Line 8
else: #Line 8
L8SendGood = 0 #Line 8
else: #Line 8
L8SendGood = L8ChangeGood #Line 8
if (L3BottleG == 0):
RunningBottle = "Heinz"
elif (L3BottleG == 2):
RunningBottle = "Hershey"
elif (L3BottleG == 3):
RunningBottle = "RedGold"
RunningBottle = "128oz Arizona"
parameters = {
'site': 1, # the site code for site 0123 (bradford) is 1
'linecode': '0123-BLWM-0003', # line code for line 3
'start': startingTime, # start time of data being collected
'end': currentTime, # end time of data being collected
'actual': L3SendGood, # number of good bottles going to
'scrap': L3SendLoss, # This will be determined as to what numbers i really need. I assume log count less final count.
'operation_count': 2, # number of operators on the line. usually one but have to ask if this is needed
'productcode': RunningBottle, # this will be where we put the name of product being produced. if needed.128oz Arizona Heinz
parametersL5 = {
'site': 1, # the site code for site 0123 (bradford) is 1
'linecode': '0123-BLWM-0005', # line code for line 5
'start': startingTime, # start time of data being collected
'end': currentTime, # end time of data being collected
'actual': L5SendGood, # number of good bottles going to
'scrap': L5SendLoss, # This will be determined as to what numbers i really need. I assume log count less final count.
'operation_count': 1, # number of operators on the line. usually one but have to ask if this is needed
'productcode': 'Bottle', # this will be where we put the name of product being produced. if needed.
parametersL1 = {
'site': 1, # the site code for site 0123 (bradford) is 1
'linecode': '0123-BLWM-0001', # line code for line 1
'start': startingTime, # start time of data being collected
'end': currentTime, # end time of data being collected
'actual': L1SendGood, # number of good bottles going to
'scrap': L1SendLoss, # This will be determined as to what numbers i really need. I assume log count less final count.
'operation_count': 1, # number of operators on the line. usually one but have to ask if this is needed
'productcode': 'Old Country', # this will be where we put the name of product being produced. if needed.
parametersL2 = {
'site': 1, # the site code for site 0123 (bradford) is 1
'linecode': '0123-BLWM-0002', # line code for line 2
'start': startingTime, # start time of data being collected
'end': currentTime, # end time of data being collected
'actual': L2SendGood, # number of good bottles going to
'scrap': L2SendLoss, # This will be determined as to what numbers i really need. I assume log count less final count.
'operation_count': 1, # number of operators on the line. usually one but have to ask if this is needed
'productcode': '128oz Arizona', # this will be where we put the name of product being produced. if needed.
parametersL7 = {
'site': 1, # the site code for site 0123 (bradford) is 1
'linecode': '0123-BLWM-0007', # line code for line 7
'start': startingTime, # start time of data being collected
'end': currentTime, # end time of data being collected
'actual': L7SendGood, # number of good bottles going to
'scrap': L7ChangeLoss, # This will be determined as to what numbers i really need. I assume log count less final count.
'operation_count': 1, # number of operators on the line. usually one but have to ask if this is needed
'productcode': L7Bottle, # this will be where we put the name of product being produced. if needed.
parametersL8 = {
'site': 1, # the site code for site 0123 (bradford) is 1
'linecode': '0123-BLWM-0008', # line code for line 7
'start': startingTime, # start time of data being collected
'end': currentTime, # end time of data being collected
'actual': L8SendGood, # number of good bottles going to
'scrap': L8ChangeLoss, # This will be determined as to what numbers i really need. I assume log count less final count.
'operation_count': 1, # number of operators on the line. usually one but have to ask if this is needed
'productcode': L8Bottle, # this will be where we put the name of product being produced. if needed.
parametersL6 = {
'site': 1, # the site code for site 0123 (bradford) is 1
'linecode': '0123-BLWM-0006', # line code for line 7
'start': 'startingTime', # start time of data being collected
'end': 'currentTime', # end time of data being collected
'actual': L6SendGood, # number of good bottles going to
'scrap': L6ChangeLoss, # This will be determined as to what numbers i really need. I assume log count less final count.
'operation_count': 1, # number of operators on the line. usually one but have to ask if this is needed
'productcode': "L6Bottle", # this will be where we put the name of product being produced. if needed.
if (L3SendGood == 0) and (L3SendLoss == 0):
print("Zero numbers no Send Line 3") #This is just for my entertainment
print("sending L3")
three =, proxies=proxies, data=parameters,verify=False,timeout=out-time) #line actually making the call to upload the log
L3list = three.text
if L3list.find("true") != -1:
L3Startgood = L3EndGood #RT is running total. this will be for bottle count correction
L3Startlog = L3EndLog
print("L3 good")
print("Number didn-t go through. Will not update starting numbers.")
if (L5SendGood == 0) and (L5SendLoss == 0):
print("Zero numbers no Send Line 5")
print("sending L5")
five =, data=parametersL5,verify=False,timeout=out-time)
L5list = five.text
if L5list.find("true") != -1:
L5Startgood = L5EndGood
L5Startlog = L5EndLog
print("L5 good")
Print("L5 numbers didn't go through. Will not update starting numbers.")
if (L1SendGood == 0) and (L1SendLoss == 0):
print("Zero numbers no Send Line 1")
print("sending L1")
one =, data=parametersL1,verify=False,timeout=out-time)
L1list = one.text
if L1list.find("true") != -1:
L1Startgood = L1EndGood
L1Startlog = L1EndLog
print("L1 good")
print("L1 numbers didn't go through. Will not update starting numbers.")
if (L2SendGood == 0) and (L2SendLoss == 0):
print("Zero numbers no Send Line 2")
print("sending L2")
two =, data=parametersL2,verify=False,timeout=out-time)
L2list = two.text
if L2list.find("true") != -1:
L2Startgood = L2EndGood
L2Startlog = L2EndLog
print("L2 good")
print("L2 numbers didn't go through. Will not update starting numbers.")
if (L7SendGood == 0) and (L7ChangeLoss == 0):
print("Zero numbers no Send Line 7")
print("sending L7")
seven =, data=parametersL7,verify=False,timeout=out-time)
L7list = seven.text
if L7list.find("true") != -1:
L7Startgood = L7EndGood
L7StartlogT = L7EndLogT
print("L7 good")
print("L7 numbers didn't go through. Will not update starting numbers.")
if (L8SendGood == 0) and (L8ChangeLoss == 0):
print("Zero numbers no Send Line 8")
print("sending L8")
eight =, data=parametersL8,verify=False,timeout=out-time)
L8list = eight.text
if L8list.find("true") != -1:
L8Startgood = L8EndGood
L8StartlogT = L8EndLogT
print("L8 good")
print("L8 numbers didn't go through. Will not update starting numbers.")
if (L6SendGood == 0) and (L6SendLoss == 0):
print("Zero numbers no Send Line 6") #This is just for my entertainment
print("sending L6")
six =, data=parametersL6,verify=False,timeout=out-time) #line actually making the call to upload the log
L6list = six.text
if L6list.find("true") != -1:
L6Startgood = L6EndGood
L6Startlog = L6EndLog
print("L6 good")
print("Number didn't go through. Will not update starting numbers.")
except Exception as e:


dht11 sensor only retuning unexpected number of pulse often

I am trying to make a simple water pump controller using a dth11 to make the pump turn on more frequently when the temperature is higher. i have it working but every 4th or 5th time i call measure on the dht11 sensor i get an error saying "InvalidPulseCount: Expected 82 but got 0 pulses" or "InvalidPulseCount: Got more than 82 pulses". I have added try block that is stopping the program from crashing but would really like to figure out why it is happening. I also had to edit the lib to have 82 instead of 84 as the default expected pulses because that was what was commonly returned.
here is my file
from machine import Pin
from time import sleep_ms
import dht
import I2C_LCD_driver
sensor = dht.DHT11(Pin(28))
lcd = I2C_LCD_driver.lcd()
pump = Pin(7, machine.Pin.OUT)
counter = 0
pumpTime = 30
normalTime = 60
hotTime = 30
lowTemp = 19
# sensor variables only updated every 3 loops
lastMesure = 1
temp = 0
humid = 0
first = True
while True:
# sensor.messure can only be called ever 3 seconds
# start at 1 and set to zero in the first loop for our first messurement
lastMesure += -1
if lastMesure <= 0:
lastMesure = 3
temp = round((sensor.temperature), 0)
humid = sensor.humidity
print("something went wrong")
print("Counter: {:.0f} pumpping:{:0.f}".format(counter, pump.value()))
print("Temp: {:.0f}℃ HUMIDITY: {:.0F}% ".format(temp, humid))
# if the pump is running
if pump.value() == 1:
if counter >= pumpTime: # if it has been the set pump run time
pump.value(0) # turn off pump
counter = 0 # reset counter
counter += 1
# check current temp
# if warmer then {lowTemp} check for {hotTime} else check for {normalTime}
if (temp > lowTemp and counter >= hotTime) or counter >= normalTime:
pump.value(1) # turn on pump
counter = 0 # reset counter
counter += 1
# print current data to the screen
lcd.lcd_display_string("T: {:.0f}C H:{:.0f}%".format(temp, humid), 1)
if pump.value() == 1:
status = f'Pumping {pumpTime - counter}s'
lcd.lcd_display_string(status, 2);
lcd.lcd_display_string("Pump off ", 2)
here is a picture of my breadboard set up. I have run it both with and without a 1k pull up resistor on the data pin

Program not running with error unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'function' and 'int'

Im creating a program for NIM for my Python Intro class, and am having a problem with trying to get the program to finish.
I am at a loss...
def main():
import random
#User random to generate integer between 10 and 100 for random pile size of marbles.
ballCount = random.randint(10, 100)
print("The size of the pile is: ",ballCount)
#Generate a random integer between 0 and 1, this will tell if the human or computer takes first turn.
def playerTurn(ballCount):
playerTurn = random.randint(0, 1)
if playerTurn == 0:
print("Its the computers turn...")
print("Its your turn...")
#Generate a random integer between 0 and 1, to determine if the computer is smart or dumb.
computerMode = random.randint(0, 1)
def computerDumbMode(ballCount):
computerMode = random.randint(0, 1)
if computerMode == 0:
print("This computer is very dumb, no need to stress")
def computerSmartMode(ballCount):
computerMode = random.randint(0, 1)
if computerMode == 1:
print("This computer is very intelligent, beware")
#In dumb mode the computer generates random values (between 1 and n/2),
#you will use a random integer n for ballCount, when it is the computers turn.
while ballCount != 1: #This will compile untill you are left with only one marble.
if playerTurn == 0: #This will initiate computers turn.
if computerMode == 1: #This will initiate Smart Mode.
temp = random.randint(1, ballCount/2) #Pick a random number between 1, and n/2.
else: # Pick your own number of Marbles for your ballCount (n).
if ballCount - 3 > 0 and ballCount - 3 < ballCount/2:
temp = ballCount - 3
elif ballCount - 7 > 0 and ballCount - 7 < ballCount/2:
temp = ballCount - 7
elif ballCount - 15 > 0 and ballCount - 15 < ballCount/2:
temp = ballCount - 15
elif ballCount - 31 > 0 and ballCount - 31 < ballCount / 2:
temp = ballCount - 31
temp = ballCount - 63
print("The computer has chosen: %d marbles." % temp) #Print the number of marbles the computer has chosen.
ballCount -= temp #Then subtract the number of marbles chosen by the computer.
ballCountToPick = int(input("It is now your turn, Please pick the number of marbles in the range 1 - %d: " % int(ballCount/2))) #Reads the number of marbles to be picked by user.
while ballCountToPick < 1 or ballCountToPick > ballCount/2: #If computer reads this invalidly, it will try repeatedly.
ballCountToPick = int(input("The number you chose, is incorrect. Try again, and pick marbles in the range 1 - %d: " % int(ballCount/2)))
ballCount -= ballCountToPick #Subtract the marbles that were chosen by user.
playerTurn = (playerTurn + 1) % 2 #Changes the turn of player.
print("Now the pile is of size %d." % ballCount)
if playerTurn == 0: #Show the outcome.
print("You came, you saw, and you won... CONGRATULATIONS!!!")
print("Once again... You lost and the computer wins!!!")
Trying to get the program/game to run and print end result if the computer or person wins!
Your "playerTurn" variable is a function in the following line:
playerTurn = (playerTurn + 1) % 2 #Changes the turn of player.
Have a separate "playerTurn" function and "player_turn" variable will resolve your problem.

Eloquent sum of units within duration from date

I have a table (projects) which contains a start_date and duration (in weeks) and a number (progress_pw) as to how much progress units can be achieved per week
| ID |start_date|duration|progress_pw|
| 1 |2018-06-15| 2 | 500 |
| 2 |2018-06-19| 4 | 120 |
I want to get a summary by week of the total number of progress units expected to be used in that given week.
*In the week starting Monday 11 June 1 is expected to consume 500 units
*In the week starting Monday 18 June 1 is expected to consume 500 units & 2 is expected to consume 120 units with a total consumption of 620 units.
*In the week starting 2018-12-01 (sometime in the future) there are no active projects so 0 units consumed.
while ($i < $weeks) {
$thisweek = Carbon::now()->addWeeks($i)->startOfWeek()->format('Y-m-d');
$requiredcap = DB::table('projects')->select(DB::raw("sum(progress_pw) as progress"))
->where('install_date', ">=", $thisweek) //<<< This is where im getting stuck!
$capacity['label'][] = Carbon::now()->addWeeks($i)->startOfWeek()->format('d M');
$capacity['required'][] = $requiredcap;
Any pointers of the logic behind this one?
Try this:
$i = 0; $weeks = 12;
while ($i < $weeks) {
$start = Carbon::now()->addWeeks($i)->startOfWeek();
$end = (clone $start)->addDays(6);
$requiredcap = DB::table('projects')
->select(DB::raw('sum(progress_pw) as progress'))
->whereBetween('start_date', [$start->toDateString(), $end->toDateString()])
->orWhere(function ($query) use ($start, $end) {
$query->where('start_date', '<', $start->toDateString())
->where('end_date', '>=', $start->toDateString());
$capacity['label'][] = $start->format('d M');
$capacity['required'][] = $requiredcap->progress;

Matlab - preprocess CSV file

I have a CSV file in a format similar to the following one:
index columnA1 columnA2 columnA3
1 2 3 6
2 23 23 1
3 2 3 45
4 2 2 101
index columnB1 columnB2 columnB3
1 23 53 6
2 22 13 1
3 5 4 43
4 8 6 102
I want to build a function readCustomCSV which receives a CSV file in the bellow illustrated format and a row index i and returns an output file with (for let's say i = 3) the following content:
index columnA1 columnA2 columnA3
3 2 3 45
index columnB1 columnB2 columnB3
3 5 4 43
Do you know how to use the csvread function in order to obtain this type of functionality?
It confuses me that there are 2 types sections. I was thinking at using the whole thing as a string and then split it into 2 .csv files and then read the corresponding line line.
try using this function :
I assumed that all tables have equal number of columns/rows. The code can definitely be shortened / improved / extended ;)
function multi_table_csvread (row_index)
filename_INPUT = 'multi_table.csv' ;
filename_OUTPUT = 'selected_row.csv' ;
fIN = fopen(filename_INPUT,'r');
nextLine = fgetl(fIN);
tableIndex = 0;
tableLine = 0;
csvTable = [];
% start reading the csv file, line by line
while nextLine ~= -1
lineStr = strtrim(strsplit(nextLine,',')) ;
% remove empty cells
lineStr(cellfun('isempty',lineStr)) = [] ;
tableLine = tableLine + 1 ;
% if 1 element start new table
if numel(lineStr) == 1
tableIndex = tableIndex + 1;
tableLine = 1;
csvTable{tableIndex,tableLine} = lineStr ;
lineStr = add_comas(lineStr) ;
csvTable{tableIndex,tableLine} = lineStr ;
nextLine = fgetl(fIN);
fOUT = fopen(filename_OUTPUT,'w');
if row_index > size(csvTable,2) -2
error('The row index exceeds the maximum number of rows!')
for k = 1 : size(csvTable,1)
title = csvTable{k,1};
columnHeaders = csvTable{k,2};
selected_row = csvTable{k,row_index+2};
function line_with_comas = add_comas(this_line)
for ii = 1 : length(this_line)-1
this_line{ii} = strcat(this_line{ii},',') ;
line_with_comas = this_line ;

adding (Showing current start to number of entries of Total entries) in zend Paginator

what i want to do is that i wana show user this
Showing 1 to 10 of 50 entries
Showing 11 to 20 of 50 entries
Showing 21 to 30 of 50 entries
Showing 31 to 40 of 50 entries
Showing 41 to 50 of 50 entries
i have used Zend Paginator in my app lets say
Showing A to B of C entries
I can easily find C which is equal to
$result = $DB->fetchAll($sql);
$total =count($result);
if we see here
//here we can get the requested page#.
//lets hard code this
$per_page =10;
in my view count($this->paginator) give me total number of pages that is if
if total = 101 = $total
than page = 9 = $page
and paginator = 11 = count($this->paginator)
how can i achieve this but generic mean working with next,previous and so on..
Showing A to B of C entries
Is roughly this:
$page = $paginator->getCurrentPageNumber();
$perPage = $paginator->getItemCountPerPage();
$total = $paginator->getTotalItemCount();
$A = ($page - 1) * $perPage + 1;
$B = min($A + $perPage - 1, $total);
$C = $total;