How to ssh into docker-desktop kubernetes node? - kubernetes

Able to ssh to minikube, but not in docker-desktop node in Kubernetes ?

From a minikube instance, the idea is not to ssh to docker desktop, but to use docker directly through:
eval $(minikube docker-env)
See "Goodbye Docker Desktop, Hello Minikube!" from Abhinav Sonkar as an example.


Unable to open service url from minikube

I have a service running on minikube which as you can see from screenshots is accessible when I ssh to minikube but when I try to access it through browser on PC where minikube is running then it is not accessible. Can you please help me find the problem.
I used port-forward and that worked.
kubectl port-forward service/frontend -n guestbook-qa 8080:80

How to run docker image in minikube

How to run docker hub image in minikube, seems like minikube doesn't connect to docker hub to download docker image by default.
With image tag
kubectl create deployment hello-nginx --image=nginx

Run Kubernetes api server in minikube in verbose mode

Is it possible to run the kubernetes api-server in minikube with maximum log verbosity?
$ minikube start --v 4
didn't work for me. When I exec into the api-server container and do ps, the api-server commandline didn't have --v=4 in it. So, minikube is not passing the --v = 4 down to the api-server.
there is an error in the parameters, try this instead
minikube start --v=7

Accessing to service by name

I am a beginner in swarm and I have some troubles with accessing to service from host by name of service.
My steps:
1) Creating 1 manager and 2 workers
$ docker-machine create --driver virtualbox manager1
$ docker-machine create --driver virtualbox worker1
$ docker-machine create --driver virtualbox worker2
2) Initialization manager:
$ docker-machine ssh myvm1 "docker swarm init --advertise-addr"
3) Initialization workers:
$ docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-2xrmha8wyxo471h85sttujbt28f95rm32d40ql3lr3kf3mf27q-4kjyqz4a5lz5ks390k35oc969
4) Creating env:
$ docker-machine env manager1
$ eval $(docker-machine env manager1)
5) Creating overlay:
$ docker network create --driver overlay --subnet my-overlay-network
6) Creating service:
$ docker service create -p 5000:5000 --replicas 3 --network my-overlay-network --name qwe vaomaohao/app_qwe
After this steps service was successfully deployed, but I can access to it only by IP address, not by service name.
Can you explain me please, why?
Thank you in advance!
a single solution but you need implemented it. You can use traefik or docker flow proxy, and file file hosts in windows or linux.
I recommend you traefik, have easy use. DFP Now project is not a good time.
Hosts File example:
Linux: /etc/hosts
Windows: c:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts yourdomain.swarm

Specific Docker Command in Kubernetes

I am trying to start a Bro container in a Pod. In docker I would normally run something like this:
docker run -d --net=host --name bro
Is there something in the container spec that would replicate that functionality?
You can use the hostNetwork option of the API to run a pod on the host's network.