Bing Map API - Update / Delete Entity - bing-maps

I am trying to use Bing Map API to Update / Delete Entities in an existing Data source, though it is possible, it appears like I have to upload the whole dataset every time after making necessary updates to the relevant entities. Is there an alternative way to update or delete individual entities through API other than using the Bing Maps Dev Center?

Log into the Bing Maps dev center.
Select "Data Sources" -> "Managed data sources" at the top of the page.
Locate your data source in the list and click edit.
Go through your data and make edits or delete items as you see fit. Press "Update" button after making a change to an item.
After all your edits are done, press the "Publish" button.

There is a parameter "loadOperation" when invoking the Load Datasource URL
If we provide the value "complete" to this parameter it overwrites the entities in the existing data source, however when we provide the value "incremental" it just updates/deletes required entities.
For deleting the entities, we must add a property named __deleteEntity to the schema and set it to 1 or true for each entity that we want to remove.
These details are available in the documentation link


Realtime datatable with core web app , EF core and SignalR

I want to retrieve data from Sqlserver database with EntityFramework core and do crud operations and show data table to client without refreshing the page (Realtime) , is there any source or example in this case ?
Not sure there is a definitive source for this, but it's not that hard to build yourself.
It should be relatively straight forward. In general you'd need
A model for the grid that defines the properties to show and edit, and also which row is selected.
An HTML Helper to change the rows from read-only to editable
A view to display the table.
An [edit] action link for each row enables you to select a row by ID for editing, and after clicking it, reloads the page and then the view can respond accordingly to change the type of the row from read-only to editable.
You could use Blazor or maybe Ajax to change a row from read-only to editable without refreshing the page, but I'm not sure if you need to meet certain requirements that discard using either of them.
John Ciliberti has written a recipe for a book, that works just like I described, find it on his Github page to get some ideas of what's involve.
If you need a more out-of-the-box solution, perhaps consider wiring up DataTables.js.

Retrieving all the possible options in a drop-down menu (when creating a work item) through the Azure DevOps API

I'm in the process of recreating the Work Item creation UI in my web app. The UI includes a lot of drop down menus. My choice right now is either to hardcode all of the options available, or retrieve them and dynamically populate. I would like to populate them dynamically, but that would require me to retrieve the possible options for each drop down menu. Is there a way to retrieve these through the API?
There's no direct rest api for this. If you want to retrieve the possible WorkItem types in current project, you should 1.first get the processID of current project and then 2.list the WorkItem types in specific process.
If you're using rest api like your tags above: You can consider using Processes-List to get the processID and List Work Items Types to get the available WorkItem types in one project. We can't do that directly in one api, no matter rest api or client api.
Just to follow up on this:
This document answers the question:
We can retrieve the allowed values for our field through the API query GET{organization}/{project}/_apis/wit/workitemtypes/{type}/fields?$expand={$expand}&api-version=5.1
My issue now is that the allowed values for one of my drop-down menu depends on the value of another. For instance, if I selected X in one of my drop down menus, the allowed values for my other drop down menu changes dynamically. I'm not sure how to handle this using the API.

Azure DevOps: Field with default value containing another fields value

I am trying to find a way in Azure DevOps of displaying a field on a User Story layout that is made up of a URL plus the value of another field on the same story.
We have an external support ticket system where all of our support calls are logged. When the story (or even Defect) is created, we have a field where a support reference is entered.
I want another field that combines a URL and the support reference so it creates a link to the support ticket.
Is this do-able?
This is achievable. You can Add a custom field to a work item type for an inherited process.
1,First you need to create a inherited process.
Go to Organization settings, From the Process page under Boards, open the … context menu of the process you'll use to create an inherited process, and then choose Create inherited process. Choose the same system process—Agile, Basic, Scrum, or CMMI—that was used to create the project that you want to customize.
2, Add a custom field to an existing work item type for the inherited process.
From the Process page of the selected inherited process, choose the work item type(User Story) you want to add the custom field to.
Select the work item type and click new field or ... to add a field under a group.
For example i add a new field Support Url under group Planning(click Options to define a default value for this field).
3, Apply the customized process to your project.
Click team projects of the process shown as below screenshot.
Open the … context menu for the process and choose the Change team projects… option.
Then you will have the custom field with default value for the work item type in your project.
For detailed steps please check Microsoft Document there.
Field value made up of a static part, plus another field
There is no direct way or any tool i can find to achieve this. However there is a complicate workaround to achieve this.
You can try creating a service server to to combine the field values and update the workitem field with workitem update rest api, and add a service hook to this service server.
You can refer to the service hook sever provided by Microsoft. Check reate a pull request status server with Node.js

Trigger a plugin step on "entityimage" change

I created a plugin that should upload the contact entity "entityimage" to an external storage.
The code itself should works (it works as a console app), but I am unable to add a step that trigger on "entityimage" change as I can't find it in the filtering attribute list in the Plugin Registration Tool.
Is there a way to trigger this plugin only when "entityimage" change?
Reviewing the Contact's entityimage field in the Metadata Browser indicates that it is a "Virtual" field, which may be why it is unavailable as a filtering attribute.
Also, according to the SDK there does not appear to be any other message available besides "Update" on the Contact that could be used to indicate that the entityimage has changed.
And, changing the image through the UI does create an Audit History entry, however, it is a generic "Update" entry, with the old value and new value blank.
It appears that triggering a plugin on change of only the entityimage field is not possible, nor do there appear to be any OOB hooks to see if that field has changed.
The only other think I can think to research is Change Tracking. Otherwise it looks like you may have to upload the image on any Update of a Contact.
Or, you could sync the image URL's from CRM to an external system and compare the one in CRM to the external system before uploading.
Strangely enough, if you don't set any filtering attributes the plugin does get triggerd when changing the image, but i guess this also means that all field changes will trigger it.

MOSS 2007 - Customize Send To Menu

We currently have a need to add a custom menu item to the Send To menu within our document libraries that would allow a user to create a link to the currently selected list item within another library. When the user clicks on the new "Send Link to..." menu item, they should be prompted to browse to the library in which the link should be added. Once the user chooses a destination, the link, along with the metadata from the list item, should magically appear in the selected desitnation library. Once again, we only want a link, not a copy of the file. Is this possible to do? Code examples would be much appreciated.
Does it have to be in the send to menu? Can it also be directly in the context menu (say at the bottom)? If so, you can create a feature that deploys a CustomAction to the site. If it really, REALLY needs to be under the "send to" menu, you are going to have to use javascript (since that is how the out of the box context menu is created) to "hijack" the menu and insert your own item.
IMHO this is rarely needed, a CustomAction is the preferred way of doing this. It is the easiest and most "maintainable" (all it is is a feature + customaction definition with maybe some code, all of which are deployed using a solution).
More info on CustomActions here.
P.S. if you do decide to go with javascript, don't go editing the out of the box sharepoint js files in SharePoint's 12 Hive, but add a ContentEditorWebPart to the page and insert your Javascript in there.
P.P.S. While assigning a method from an assembly as the action for a CustomAction is allowed in most cases, it is not for the ListEdit (item) context menu.
What they say is that "Sharepoint server 2010 will have it out of the box", i.e. documents may stay where they were created and links go to the Records center (named "In Place Records Management, see
MOSS 2007 requires the actual document to be copied to the Records repository to be registered.