Will running "ufw reload" frequently in a cronjob interrupt network connections? - server

Will running "ufw reload" frequently in a cronjob interrupt network connections? I know that "systemctl reload nginx" doesn't, but wondering if reloading ufw does. Like if it'll close or block any existing connections, thanks.


how to check if postgres gracefully shutdown

I have some code that will perform a pg_rewind if it detects that the standby is out of sync. However I saw in the documentation that it requires that the database was gracefully shutdown before this command is run. I would like to be able to detect if postgres did not shut down gracefully so I can:
start and stop postgres ahead of time so pg_rewind will work
know if I should run some checks on my data to see if it is ok
I'm assuming that having it shut down non-gracefully either means it crashed, the server crashed or was told to shutdown immediately, so it would be nice to know if something bad happened and I should do something like run pg_checksums.
pg_rewind and pg_checksums both require a cleanly shutdown server.
You could probably try and replicate PostgreSQL's own checks that normally lead to a "database system was not properly shut down" entry that appears in the server log after startup. But you can just as well simply use those - and since they require a startup, you can also let it attempt to recover and perform a fresh, clean, graceful smart shutdown. To avoid any immediate connection attempts, you could use a different port for that cycle.
For a regular server, checking pg_is_in_recovery(); after startup would be some indication of a non-graceful shutdown taking place earlier, which causes the db to enter recovery mode on the next startup. However, by design a standby always stays in recovery mode until promoted, so that won't mean the same thing here.

SIGTERM signal arrives first to kuma and stops all active application connections immediately

we have applications that work with Kafka (MSK), we noticed that once pod is starting to shutdown (during autoscaling or deployment) the app container loses all active connections and the SIGTERM signal causes Kuma to close all connections immediately which cause data loss due to unfinished sessions (which doesn’t get closed gracefully) on the app side and after that we receive connection errors to the kafka brokers,
is anyone have an idea how to make Kuma wait some time once it gets the SIGTERM signal to let the sessions close gracefully?
or maybe a way to let the app know before the kuma about the shutsown?
or any other idea ?
This is known issue getting fixed in the coming 1.7 release: https://github.com/kumahq/kuma/pull/4229

.NET Core / Kubernetes - SIGTERM, clean shutdown

I'm trying to verify that shutdown is completing cleanly on Kubernetes, with a .NET Core 2.0 app.
I have an app which can run in two "modes" - one using ASP.NET Core and one as a kind of worker process. Both use Console and JSON-which-ends-up-in-Elasticsearch-via-Filebeat-sidecar-container logger output which indicate startup and shutdown progress.
Additionally, I have console output which writes directly to stdout when a SIGTERM or Ctrl-C is received and shutdown begins.
Locally, the app works flawlessly - I get the direct console output, then the logger output flowing to stdout on Ctrl+C (on Windows).
My experiment scenario:
App deployed to GCS k8s cluster (using helm, though I imagine that doesn't make a difference)
Using kubectl logs -f to stream logs from the specific container
Killing the pod from GCS cloud console site, or deleting the resources via helm delete
Dockerfile is FROM microsoft/dotnet:2.1-aspnetcore-runtime and has ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "MyAppHere.dll"], so not wrapped in a bash process or anything
Not specifying a terminationGracePeriodSeconds so guess it defaults to 30 sec
Observing output returned
The API pod log streaming showed just the immediate console output, "[SIGTERM] Stop signal received", not the other Console logger output about shutdown process
The worker pod log streaming showed a little more - the same console output and some Console logger output about shutdown process
The JSON logs didn't seem to pick any of the shutdown log output
My conclusions:
I don't know if Kubernetes is allowing the process to complete before terminating it, or just issuing SIGTERM then killing things very quick. I think it should be waiting, but then, why no complete console logger output?
I don't know if console output is cut off when stdout log streaming at some point before processes finally terminates?
I would guess that the JSON stuff doesn't come through to ES because filebeat running in the sidecar terminates even if there's outstanding stuff in files to send
I would like to know:
Can anyone advise on points 1,2 above?
Any ideas for a way to allow a little extra time or leeway for the sidecar to send stuff up, like a pod container termination order, delay on shutdown for that container, etc?
SIGTERM does indeed signal termination. The less obvious part is that when the SIGTERM handler returns, everything is considered finished.
The fix is to not return from the SIGTERM handler until the app has finished shutting down. For example, using a ManualResetEvent and Wait()ing it in the handler.
I've started to look into this for my own purposes and have come across your question over a year after it was posted... This is a bit late, but have you tried GraceTerm?
There is an associated NuGET package for this.
From the description...
Graceterm middleware provides implementation to ensure graceful shutdown of AspNet Core applications. The basic concept is: After application received a SIGTERM (a signal asking it to terminate), Graceterm will hold it alive till all pending requests are completed or a timeout occur.
I haven't personally tried this yet, but it does look promising.
Try add STOPSIGNAL SIGINT to your Dockerfile

cf stop command does not perform graceful shutdown on bluemix

I have a node app in bluemix which holds some transaction cache in memory and I would like to flush this cache to DB before the application goes down. So I have the appropriate event handlers to intercept SIGTERM/SIGINT signals and all works fine from my laptop, however, it seems like the cf stop command does not perform graceful shutdown.
Unfortunately, there is no clear documentation around this topic, at one place in the cloudfoundary app-lifecycle doc they do mention that first SIGTERM is issued and then wait for 10 secs etc but Im not seeing this happening. Probably a bug on their side. https://docs.cloudfoundry.org/devguide/deploy-apps/app-lifecycle.html
Has anyone noticed this issue and probably have a workaround pls?
CF is sending the SIGTERM first but because of how the app is started by other processes, it's not being correctly propagated to your app.
As a workaround, disable App Management by setting the CF environment variable BLUEMIX_APP_MGMT_INSTALL=false and prefix your app's start command in your package.json file with 'exec' (e.g. exec node app.js).

When marathon restarts process, possible to pass different command-line flag?

I notice that when I am running a process under marathon and I restart it, the process automatically starts back up. The way the logic of the process works, if it is restarted, it enters a recovery mode where it tries to replay its state. The recovery mode is entered when a command-line flag is seen, such as "-r". I want to append this flag to cmd command that is initially used during startup in marathon. Is there an option somewhere in marathon for this capability?
I solved my issue by using event subscriber in marathon. By using PUT with curl rather than POST, you are able to modify a deployment rather than recreating a brand new one with POST.