how to stub a function for unit testing using mocktail - flutter

i'm using mocktail package to mock my repositories for unit testing. I already tested out few of my controllers and its passing, until i encountered a error in my submitPhoneNumber method which I cant figure out where the problem is and what am i missing.
The setup is I'm stubbing my controller.submitPhoneNumber to answer a Future.value(true), which means success. so my expectations are the authRepository.registerWithPhoneNumber method should be called 1 time and the debugState.value.hasError should be false. But i'm getting this error:
No matching calls. All calls: MockFirebaseAuthRepository.registerWithPhoneNumber(+15551234567, Closure: (String) => void, Closure: () => void)
(If you called `verify(...).called(0);`, please instead use `verifyNever(...);`.)
package:test_api fail
package:mocktail/src/mocktail.dart 722:7 _VerifyCall._checkWith
package:mocktail/src/mocktail.dart 515:18 _makeVerify.<fn>
test/src/features/authentication/presentation/sign_in/phone_sign_in/sign_in_controller_test.dart 41:13 main.<fn>.<fn>
this means that the controller.submitPhoneNumber has not been called and the debugState.value.hasError is true. But in actual, my controller is working fine in both emulator and physical device.
I cant figure out why this is happening so maybe I made mistake on how I stubbed my function.
Appreciated so much if someone could help me figure this out.
Here is my test:
void main() {
group('controller submit phone number test', () {
final controller = SignInController(
formType: SignInFormType.register, authRepository: authRepository);
test('submit phonumber success', () async {
const phoneNumber = '+15551234567';
///this is where the error is comming from
when(() => controller.submitPhoneNumber(phoneNumber, (e) {}, () {}))
.thenAnswer((_) => Future.value(true));
await controller.submitPhoneNumber(phoneNumber, (e) {}, () {});
verify(() => authRepository.registerWithPhoneNumber(
phoneNumber, (e) {}, () {})).called(1);
expect(controller.debugState.value.hasError, false);
expect(controller.debugState.formType, SignInFormType.register);
expect(controller.debugState.value, isA<AsyncValue>());
}, timeout: const Timeout(Duration(milliseconds: 500)));
And here is my controller
class SignInController extends StateNotifier<SignInState> {
required SignInFormType formType,
required this.authRepository,
}) : super(SignInState(formType: formType));
final AuthRepository authRepository;
Future<bool> submitPhoneNumber(String phoneNumber,
void Function(String e) verificationFailed, VoidCallback codeSent) async {
state = state.copyWith(value: const AsyncValue.loading());
final value =
await AsyncValue.guard(() => authRepository.registerWithPhoneNumber(
state = state.copyWith(value: value);
return value.hasError == false;
final signInControllerProvider = StateNotifierProvider.autoDispose
.family<SignInController, SignInState, SignInFormType>((ref, formType) {
final authRepository =;
return SignInController(
authRepository: authRepository,
formType: formType,

The callbacks you are passing to the controller during setup, invocation, and verification are not the same instances.
There are two ways you can fix this:
Before your setup, create local variables for verificationFailed and codeSent. Pass these instead of an anonymous function.
Use any<T> where T is the type of your parameter (void Function(String) and VoidCallback).
void errorFunction(String value) {
void onSentCode() {}
when(() => controller.submitPhoneNumber(
phoneNumber, any<void Function(String)>(), any<VoidCallback>()))
.thenAnswer((_) => Future.value(true));
await controller.submitPhoneNumber(
phoneNumber, errorFunction, onSentCode);
verify(() => controller.submitPhoneNumber(
phoneNumber, errorFunction, onSentCode)).called(1);


FakeUsedError: 'execute' No Stub was found

I'm using mockito for testing, riverpod for state management. I'm trying to test the method in my controller class but getting the FakeUsedError:
FakeUsedError: 'execute' No stub was found which matches the argument
of this method call: execute(Instance of 'AuthUseCaseInput').
I'm calling AuthUseCase class method from the AuthController class.
class AuthController extends StateNotifier<AuthState> {
final AuthUseCase authUseCase;
AuthController(this.authUseCase) : super(const AuthState.initial());
Future<void> mapAuthEventToAuthState(AuthEvent event) async {
state = const AuthState.loading();
signInWithEmailAndPassword: (signInWithEmailAndPassword) async {
final result = await authUseCase.execute(AuthUseCaseInput(,
await result.fold(
(failure) async => state = AuthState.error(failure),
(login) async => state = const AuthState.loggedIn(),
The test class code is given below
void main() {
late AuthUseCase mockAuthUseCase;
late Login login;
late AuthUseCaseInput authUseCaseInput;
late AuthController authController;
setUpAll(() {
mockAuthUseCase = MockAuthUseCase();
login = LoginModel.fromJson(
authUseCaseInput = AuthUseCaseInput(email, password);
(_) async => Right(login),
authController = AuthController(mockAuthUseCase);
group('Auth Controller', () {
stateNotifierTest<AuthController, AuthState>(
'[AuthState.loggedIn] when sign in is success',
setUp: () async {
(_) async => Right(login),
actions: (notifier) => notifier.mapAuthEventToAuthState(
const SignInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password)),
expect: () => [const AuthState.loading(), const AuthState.loggedIn()],
build: () {
return authController;

Flutter: How to unit testing moor/drift?

I already implementation of Drift for local storage, and want make it testable function. But I get stack and idk how to fix it the unit test.
#DriftAccessor(tables: [RepositoriesTable])
class HomeDao extends DatabaseAccessor<AppDatabase> with _$HomeDaoMixin {
HomeDao(AppDatabase db) : super(db);
Future<List<RepositoriesTableData>> getRepositories() async =>
await select(repositoriesTable).get();
tables: [RepositoriesTable],
daos: [HomeDao],
class AppDatabase extends _$AppDatabase {
AppDatabase() : super(_openConnection());
int get schemaVersion => 1;
QueryExecutor _openConnection() {
return SqfliteQueryExecutor.inDatabaseFolder(
path: 'db.sqlite',
logStatements: true,
abstract class GTHomeLocalDataSource {
const GTHomeLocalDataSource();
Future<List<RepositoriesTableData>> getRepositories();
class GTHomeLocalDataSourceImpl implements GTHomeLocalDataSource {
final AppDatabase appDatabase;
const GTHomeLocalDataSourceImpl({required this.appDatabase});
Future<List<RepositoriesTableData>> getRepositories() async =>
await appDatabase.homeDao.getRepositories();
void main() => testGTHomeLocalDataSource();
class MockDatabaseHandler extends Mock implements AppDatabase {}
void testGTHomeLocalDataSource() {
late GTHomeLocalDataSource localDataSource;
late AppDatabase databaseHandler;
setUp(() {
databaseHandler = MockDatabaseHandler();
localDataSource = GTHomeLocalDataSourceImpl(
appDatabase: databaseHandler,
group("GTHomeLocalDataSource -", () {
test(''' \t
GIVEN Nothing
WHEN call getRepositories
THEN databaseHandler select function has been called and return list of RepositoriesTableData
''', () async {
when(() => databaseHandler.homeDao.getRepositories())
.thenAnswer((_) => Future.value(repositoriesDummyTable));
final result = await localDataSource.getRepositories();
verify(() => databaseHandler.homeDao.getRepositories());
expect(result, isA<List<RepositoriesTableData>>());
expect(result.length, repositoriesDummyTable.length);
expect(result.first.language, repositoriesDummyTable.first.language);
tearDown(() async {
await databaseHandler.close();
My function is work well for get data from the local db and show it in the app, but when running as unit test, I stacked with this error.
package:gt_core/local/database/database_module.g.dart 424:22 MockDatabaseHandler.homeDao
package:gt_home/data/data_sources/gt_home_local_datasource.dart 20:25 GTHomeLocalDataSourceImpl.getRepositories
test/data/data_sources/gt_home_local_datasource_test.dart 35:44 testGTHomeLocalDataSource.<fn>.<fn>
test/data/data_sources/gt_home_local_datasource_test.dart 29:12 testGTHomeLocalDataSource.<fn>.<fn>
type 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'Future<void>'
package:drift/src/runtime/api/db_base.dart 125:16 MockDatabaseHandler.close
test/data/data_sources/gt_home_local_datasource_test.dart 47:27 testGTHomeLocalDataSource.<fn>
test/data/data_sources/gt_home_local_datasource_test.dart 46:12 testGTHomeLocalDataSource.<fn>
===== asynchronous gap ===========================
dart:async _completeOnAsyncError
test/data/data_sources/gt_home_local_datasource_test.dart testGTHomeLocalDataSource.<fn>
test/data/data_sources/gt_home_local_datasource_test.dart 46:12 testGTHomeLocalDataSource.<fn>
type 'Future<List<RepositoriesTableData>>' is not a subtype of type 'HomeDao'
Anyone know how to fix it?
If you use Mocking to test Drift database, then you'll need to mock the method call as well, otherwiser the method will return null which is the default behavior for Mockito. For example.
// return rowid
when(db.insertItem(any)).thenAnswer((_) => 1);
However it is recommended as per Drift documentation to use in-memory sqlite database which doesn't require real device or simulator for testing.
This issue was also has been discussed here
Using in memory database
import 'package:drift/native.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:my_app/src/database.dart';
void main() {
MyDatabase database;
MyRepo repo;
setUp(() {
database = MyDatabase(NativeDatabase.memory());
repo = MyRepo(appDatabase: database);
tearDown(() async {
await database.close();
group('mytest', () {
test('test create', () async {
await repo.create(MyDateCompanion(title: 'some name'));
final list = await repo.getItemList();
expect(list, isA<MyDataObject>())

type 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'Future<bool>'

I'm getting the below error while I'm trying to implement bloc testing in my flutter project
type 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'Future<bool>'
package:mynovatium/features/signup/repositories/signup_repository.dart 10:16 MockRepository.createAccountsignup
Following are the corresponding files that might help identify the cause of the error
class MockRepository extends Mock implements SignUpRepository {}
void main() async {
await configureInjection(inj.Environment.test);
group('SignupBloc', () {
late SignUpBloc signUpBloc;
late SignUpRepository signupRepositoryMock;
setUp(() {
signupRepositoryMock = MockRepository();
signUpBloc = SignUpBloc(signUpRepository: signupRepositoryMock);
test('initial state of the bloc is [AuthenticationInitial]', () {
expect(SignUpBloc(signUpRepository: signupRepositoryMock).state,
group('SignUpCreateAccount', () {
blocTest<SignUpBloc, SignUpState>(
'emits [SignUpCreateAccountLoading, SignupInitial] '
'state when successfully Signed up',
setUp: () {
),).thenAnswer((_) async => Future<bool>.value(true));
build: () => SignUpBloc(signUpRepository: signupRepositoryMock),
act: (SignUpBloc bloc) => bloc.add(
const SignUpCreateAccount(
expect: () => [
This is the code for the signup repository.
class SignUpRepository {
Future<bool> createAccount(String _firstName, String _lastName, String _eMailAddress, String _language) async {
final Response _response;
try {
_response = await CEApiRequest().post(
jsonData: <String, dynamic>{
'firstName': _firstName,
'lastName': _lastName,
'email': _eMailAddress,
'language': _language,
'responseUrl': Endpoints.flutterAddress,
final Map<String, dynamic> _customerMap = jsonDecode(_response.body);
final CustomerModel _clients = CustomerModel.fromJson(_customerMap['data']);
if ( != null) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} on KBMException catch (e) {
final KBMException _exception = e;
throw _exception;
If anyone has any ideas on what might be the issue here, please help!!
Okay so in the above code you need to stub the methods within the mock repository as well and override it to have it return something incase null is being returned.
class MockRepository extends Mock implements SignUpRepository {
Future<bool> createAccount(String? _firstName, String? _lastName, String? _eMailAddress, String? _language) =>
super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#createAccount, [_firstName, _lastName, _eMailAddress, _language]),
returnValue: Future<bool>.value(false),);
Doing something like that done in the above code works well.

Testing bloc events type 'Null' is not a subtype of type

I am trying to learn bloc and I am writing simple unit tests. I am trying to test the auth events but I am facing the error below. Inside my app when I trigger an event, I don't get any errors and everything seems to work fine, so why am I getting error here? Am I missing something, could anyone advise?
class AuthenticationBloc
extends Bloc<AuthenticationEvent, AuthenticationState> {
final AuthenticationRepository _authRepository;
late StreamSubscription<AuthStatus> _authSubscription;
{required AuthenticationRepository authenticationRepository})
: _authRepository = authenticationRepository,
super(const AuthenticationState()) {
_authSubscription = _authRepository.status
.listen((status) => add(AuthStateChanged(authStatus: status)));
enum AuthStatus { unknown, authenticated, unauthenticated }
class AuthenticationRepository {
final _controller = StreamController<AuthStatus>();
Stream<AuthStatus> get status =>;
Future<void> logIn({
required String username,
required String password,
}) async {
await Future.delayed(
const Duration(milliseconds: 300),
() => _controller.add(AuthStatus.authenticated),
void logOut() {
void dispose() => _controller.close();
class AuthenticationState extends Equatable {
final AuthStatus status;
final User? user;
const AuthenticationState({this.status = AuthStatus.unknown, this.user});
List<Object?> get props => [user, status];
void main() {
late AuthenticationBloc authenticationBloc;
MockAuthenticationRepository authenticationRepository = MockAuthenticationRepository();
authenticationBloc = AuthenticationBloc(authenticationRepository: authenticationRepository);
group('AuthenticationEvent', () {
group('Auth status changes', () {
test('User is unknown', () {
expect(authenticationBloc.state.status, AuthStatus.unknown);
test('User is authorized', () {
authenticationBloc.add(AuthStateChanged(authStatus: AuthStatus.authenticated));
expect(authenticationBloc.state.status, AuthStatus.authenticated);
test('User is unauthorized', () {
authenticationBloc.add(AuthStateChanged(authStatus: AuthStatus.unauthenticated));
expect(authenticationBloc.state.status, AuthStatus.unknown);
It is most likely that you have not created a stub for a function in your mock class. This is generally the cause of the NULL return. This can be achieved by using when() from the mockito package.
Also there is a bloc testing package that may be useful to look into.
Below is an example of how I implemented it. Hope this helps.
blocTest<ValidateUserBloc, ValidateUserState>('Validate User - Success',
build: () {
when(mockSettingsRepo.validateUser(url, authCode)).thenAnswer(
(_) async => User(
success: true, valid: true, url: url, authCode: authCode));
return validateUserBloc;
seed: () => ValidateUserState(user: User(url: url, authCode: authCode)),
act: (bloc) => bloc.add(ValidateUserAuthoriseEvent()),
expect: () => <ValidateUserState>[
status: ValidUserStatus.success,
user: User(
success: true, valid: true, url: url, authCode: authCode))

Problems at Flutter/Dart Unit Test development

I'm trying to code the Unit Test for my DataSourceImpl class, but I'm facing a problem with the methods that are called into the testing method.
I mocked and set the return for all methods into the DataSource testing method with the when statement, but it's not working...
Into the save and remove methods the Stream is called to notify the changes.
I'm using mocktail: ^0.1.4 for mocking dependency objects.
class DocumentDataSourceImpl implements IDocumentDataSource {
final FlutterSecureStorage _storage;
final StreamController<List<DocumentModel>> _streamController;
DocumentDataSourceImpl(this._storage, this._streamController);
Future<void> remove(String id) async {
try {
await _storage.delete(key: id);
_streamController.sink.add(await getAll());
} catch (e) {
throw DocumentNotRemovedException();
Future<void> save(DocumentModel model) async {
try {
await _storage.write(key:, value: json.encode(model.toJson()));
_streamController.sink.add(await getAll());
} catch (e) {
throw DocumentNotSavedException();
Future<List<DocumentModel>> getAll() async {
final result = await _storage.readAll();
return result.entries
.map((e) => DocumentModel.fromJson(json.decode(e.value)))
void main() {
// Global Definitions
//-----Main Objects
late FlutterSecureStorageMock storage;
late StreamControllerMock<List<DocumentModel>> streamController;
late DocumentDataSourceImpl dataSource;
// SetUp Test
setUp(() {
//-----Objects Initialization
storage = FlutterSecureStorageMock();
streamController = StreamControllerMock();
dataSource = DocumentDataSourceImpl(storage, streamController);
group(("DocumentDataSource: Remove"), () {
final tArgument = "Document 1";
test("[P] Should remove the DocumentModel on Storage", () async {
when(() => storage.readAll())
.thenAnswer((_) async => tDocumentModelListMap);
when(() => dataSource.getAll())
.thenAnswer((_) async => tDocumentModelList);
when(() => streamController.sink.add(tDocumentModelList));
when(() => storage.delete(key: tArgument)).thenAnswer((_) async => null);
verify(() => storage.delete(key: tArgument)).called(1);
verify(() => streamController.sink.add(tDocumentModelList)).called(1);
"[N] Should return a DocumentNotRemovedException when the call of Storage is unsuccessful.",
() async {
when(() => storage.delete(key: tArgument)).thenThrow(
final result = dataSource.remove(tArgument);
expect(result, throwsA(DocumentNotRemovedException()));
verify(() => storage.delete(key: tArgument)).called(1);
verifyNever(() => streamController.sink.add(tDocumentModelList));
group(("DocumentDataSource: Save"), () {
final tArgument = tDocumentModel;
test("[P] Should save the DocumentModel on Storage", () async {
when(() => storage.readAll())
.thenAnswer((_) async => tDocumentModelListMap);
when(() => dataSource.getAll())
.thenAnswer((_) async => tDocumentModelList);
when(() => streamController.sink.add(tDocumentModelList));
when(() => storage.write(
key:, value: json.encode(tArgument.toJson())));
verify(() => storage.write(
key:, value: json.encode(tArgument.toJson()))).called(1);
// verify(() => realTimeEvents.update(tDocumentModelList)).called(1);
"[N] Should return a DocumentNotSavedException when the call of Storage is unsuccessful.",
() async {
when(() => storage.write(
key:, value: json.encode(tArgument.toJson()))).thenThrow(
final result =;
expect(result, throwsA(DocumentNotSavedException()));
verify(() => storage.write(
key:, value: json.encode(tArgument.toJson()))).called(1);
verifyNever(() => streamController.sink.add(tDocumentModelList));
class FlutterSecureStorageMock extends Mock implements FlutterSecureStorage {}
class StreamControllerMock<T> extends Mock implements StreamController<T> {}
type 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'Future<Map<String, String>>'
===== asynchronous gap ===========================
dart:async _completeOnAsyncError
package:memo/features/data/datasources/document_datasource_impl.dart DocumentDataSourceImpl.getAll
Bad state: Cannot call `when` within a stub response
✖ DocumentDataSource: Remove [P] Should remove the DocumentModel on Storage
Bad state: Cannot call `when` within a stub response
✖ DocumentDataSource: Remove [N] Should return a DocumentNotRemovedException when the call of Storage is unsuccessful.
Bad state: Cannot call `when` within a stub response
✖ DocumentDataSource: Save [P] Should save the DocumentModel on Storage
Bad state: Cannot call `when` within a stub response
✖ DocumentDataSource: Save [N] Should return a DocumentNotSavedException when the call of Storage is unsuccessful.
Exited (1)