flutter-web) how to capture whole screen and save it to gallery - flutter

I am running a project with a flutter web
and i need to capture whole screen and save it directly to gallery or photos
but the methods and packages what I have used downloads only as a file
does anyone knows some packages or methods to capture screen and save directly to the gallery??

Do you try this package: ScreenShot


how to: save image data to gallery [Flutter]

I have 1 question:
I use a library and it returns the Image data type, so how do I save or share the image in the library of my device?
Image image = await HmsScanUtils.buildBitmap(request);
This plugin saves images and videos to gallery/photos.
You need to provide a path to the file that you want to save like below:
You can use this package
If you dont understand any documentation given on this page then you can simply follow the following tutorial by Johannes

Is there a way to specify the file name in advance for the picture taken with the flutter camera plugin?

Hi I am using the flutter camera plugin and it works fine, the main issue I am having is that I can't find a way to tell the plugin the image file name when taking the picturee, in android using Kotlin this would be something like:
photoUri = FileProvider.getUriForFile(requireActivity(), "io.awesomedomain", photoFile) // build uri on the app storage space and specific file name -> photoFile.
captureImageIntent.putExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT, photoUri) // define the pic name before picture is actually taken by the camera.
startActivityForResult(captureImageIntent, REQUEST_PHOTO) // start the camera
I am currently just renaming the picture file name after the picture XFile returns from the flutter camera plugin but this doesn't feel optimal so I am wondering if I am missing something. Is it possible to specify the file name in advance to the flutter camera plugin?
I am currently using the latest available version at the moment: camera: ^0.7.0+2
OK, it looks like I had a misunderstanding of the Camera plugin, I noticed that the returned XFile places the picture in the cache directory and actually provides a method to save the picture to a more definitive storage xfile.saveTo so I did:
var appDir = appDocDirectory.parent.path; // get app directory
So the picture is properly saved under $myAppDir/files/picName.jpg where the files is a directory I configured to have permission to write to and the picName is defined by the application as I wanted.

cannot display images from api response flutter

"poster_path": "/9gk7adHYeDvHkCSEqAvQNLV5Uge.jpg"
what should I use to display images like this?
I tried to use image network widget but it didn't work
if you are storing the image locally, you have to go to the pubspec.yaml file and change the dependencies for the assets. if you want to load it from a url in the internet, you can use Image.network(url) .

How to load image that fails with 'Unable to load asset:...'

My flutter app does not show the album art of my music files that I'm trying to load with AssetImage().
I debugged all the way down to asset_bundle.dart and asset is null as you can see in this debugging screenshot:
When I check out that image file on my phone and open it with any image displaying app it works.
Could the fact that the file ending is missing be the problem?
If so, how can I tell my app to try to interpret such files without a file ending as .png?
If you're curious about the exact code of the project: here

how to load or get image by folder from photo library in iOS

i want to do something which help is not available on net. so i am asking here. The problem is that i want to load images or want to give the option to iPhone user to select images by folder like if i select the folder then whole images of the folder should load from photo library to in my application.As far now i only saw the option of loading single image using native controller or multiple selection using 3rd party controller. But i didn't found any thing by which i can select or load images by folder so can any one help me.
After long wait and for a lot of the search i decided to make my own control so i modified the
Elcimagepickerviewcontroller and modified to select or load images by album here is the modified code now user can select images by album :) .