How to set a text content of a specific column as a variable using Batch or PowerShell? [closed] - powershell

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Closed 4 months ago.
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For example, I have a file/file output with the following content:
2022-10-16 14:33 1,860,477 Mausi-~1.JPG Mausi-wife.JPG
There are spaces between these five blocks in between, i.e. between date and time and number and file name and another file name.
I would now like to set only the fourth column of this as a variable. Is this possible?

Split the string on spaces, update the desired value in the resulting array, and then stitch back together with -join:
$row = '2022-10-16 14:33 1,860,477 Mausi-~1.JPG Mausi-wife.JPG'
# split into individual field values
$fields = $row.Split(' ')
# update/overwrite the 4th item in the resulting string array
$fields[3] = "New value"
# stitch row back together with `-join`
$row = $fields -join ' '


Perl script to remove new line character and move next line data to previous line [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I have input like below
The data present in Desc column has new line characters.
So the data came to second line.
Some records of data went to third line. But I need all data to be present in first line."
"101"|"This record desc is correct data which has present in single line. So I need data to present in single line."
I need output like below,
"100"|"The data present in Desc column has new line characters.So the data came to second line.Some records of data went to third line. But I need all data to be present in first line."
"101"|"This record desc is correct data which has present in single line. So I need data to present in single line."
Can someone please help the Perl script where we can achieve above requirement.
Use Text::CSV_XS to process the file as it can parse it correctly.
perl -MText::CSV_XS=csv -wE 'csv( in => shift,
always_quote => 1,
sep_char => "|",
eol => "\n",
on_in => sub { $_[1][1] =~ s/\n//g } );
' -- file.csv > newfile.csv
I'm testing this in a Linux shell, you might need a different eol if you're in MSWin. Also, I don't know what rules Powershell uses for quoting, co you might need to use a different type of quotes.

how to print substring between quotes in a string in Java [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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such string:
interface Loopback0 description "Loopback Interface for network management" ip address no ip proxy-arp
how to print what is between " "?
Loopback Interface for network management
Assuming that the " character occurs only 2 times or if you want the first pair:
# Get the indices of the " characters
ind1 = exampleStr.find('"')
ind2 = exampleStr.find('"', ind1+1)
# Get the substring between the two indices
result = exampleStr[ind1+1:ind2]

How to extract only version number from a string [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am extracting oracle version from windows using powershell command and i get result as, however i need to extract only numeric value i.e. (only version number). Any way we can do it ?
Version info extracted is = Production, Production, Production, Production
You can use a regular expression to extract a substring. Example:
"" | Select-String '((?:\d{1,3}\.){4}\d{1,3})' | ForEach-Object {
# Outputs the string ''
You can read more about regular expressions by reading the about_Regular_Expressions help topic:
PS C:\> help about_Regular_Expressions

Print a substring of an array value [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have an array in the third element dataArr[2], I know it contains a 10 digit phone. I need to only read or print the first 6 digits. For instance if my phone is 8329001111, I need to print out the 832900. I tried to see if I can use substr but I keep reading or printing the full list. Do I need to dereference..
Try this :
$dataArr[2] =~ s/\s//g; # ensure there's no spaces
print substr($dataArr[2], 0, 6);
# ^ ^ ^
# variable | |
# offset start|
# |
# substring length

Converting single line to multiple lines in perl [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have file as below.
and I want the output as below using perl.
Please help me how to convert using perl.
perl -F'\|\||##' -lanE'$.>1 or $" ="||",next; say "#F[0,$_,$_+4]" for 1..4' file
perl -F'\|\|' -lane '#a=split(/##/,$F[1]); #b=split(/##/,$F[2]); print "$F[0]||$a[$_]||$b[$_]" foreach 0..$#a;' file