Questions on LinkedIn Ads Data - linkedin-api

Is it possible to get the name of a creative (ad) in LinkedIn? We see creative IDs but no table showing their name. We see campaign names in campaign history table but not ad (creative) names.
Also, there is a table (targeting_criteria_include_history) that talks about campaign criteria (which LinkedIn users had the ad show up) but it is all codes. Is there a lookup table that can help decode them?
There is a table called AD_ANALYTICS_BY_MEMBER_JOB_TITLE…with member_job_title as a column. And we’re assuming the lookup table for member_job_title is the table title…but the id’s do not match. For some they do but lot do not. Can you help shed some light on this?
We see that we can get clicks and impressions by job role, by organization, but it does not look like we can pivot the results based on multiple criteria, such as size of company and job title. We can see KPIs one dimension at a time. Could you see if that is true?
Thank you!


How to get Facebook group created date using Graph API

As I can get other details of group like members, feeds etc, but being an admin, I want a created date of group using graph API. Please help me...
There is no straight option, but there are two workarounds to achieve something (it's not 100% perfect):
you can get the date when the group was last updated: Group, using updated_time field
second option, you can create a doc, that the group was established, and when you will have created doc, you can access created_time field, on group docs: Group-Doc
Hope, that helps.

Query near public events via Facebook API v2.2

I want to retrieve a list of upcoming public events in my hometown from the Facebook Graph API.
I already know that FQL is deprecated and that I can query by keywords using a statement similar to
However, this list is not enough because there are lots of events which do not contain the City Name either in the event title, description or Location name.
On the other hand I can retrieve a list of places within the same City by using
In my assumption I could retrieve a better event list if I create a query stating "give me all public events (eid) of all given places within this city in a specified distance".
Does anybody know if this is somehow possible to query?
I am unsure if batch processing is the right way to go, or if there is another possibility to Combine These two entities. My simple Approach would be to query each given Place again by requesting
but I also know that Facebook has a rate Limit of 50 requests in this case.
Right now Facebook doesn't have a way to do what you want or at least not documented.
The only way I think you could it is:
1- Find with the facebook API the pages in one city. (You can do do this manually or search for places near the city and then use the places that also ara pages)
2- Get the events of the pages (if exists) and save this in a db also with the location of the place/page.
3- Show all the events of the city.

Retrieving image from salesforce for iOS

I m working on iOS integration with SalesForce. I stuck in following points.
I m using #"SELECT Contact.FirstName FROM Contact" query for getting all member list. Now i want retrieve profile image and company logo for above FirstName person. How can I get these info. One more thing I m using ZKSForce framework.
There is no images as standard fields for the Contact object so I don't know what you thought you were trying to retrieve.
Using the user record you can retrieve the chatter photo of a particular person, but I am not aware of such a feature on contact unless you have added it as a custom field. If you provide some more information I might be able to help further.
# Swap, they have not implemented any function for retrieving image for any user or company logo.
You can see this link for more information.
They are simply returning this information in loginResult.

How does facebook store the friends of a user?

I am wondering how exactly the information that a user with id x is friends with users with ids z,y,w is stored in a very large scale app like facebook.
I am thinking of several possibilities
a) Have a table which maps friendships with the ids of the people involved as foreign keys, as shown here:
x -------------------y
x ------------------ z
x------------------- w
Which seems to me it wouldnt scale well at all.
b) Have a field in the users row that stores the ids of their friends in a kind of serialized format like a string "#z#y#w". I suppose with the right algorithm the parsing and updating of this string would be easy.
c) Have a separate table with the friends of each user. Would this be too much load on the server?
d) Something else?
So, if anybody knows what facebook does and can share details it will be appreciated, that's what the question is about. Also, if someone can share insight why what I listed here would not scale well or would have other problems performance-wise, I am interested in hearing it.
Here are some links. The first link's page has a link in it on the words "largely complex" that link to a flickr image of a schema. I cannot vouch for the correctness of any of the information in these links:
The image I mentioned was created by analyzing the business entities in the API that Facebook has opened up.
That was 2007, so may or may not be representative any longer.

Count total users on Facebook, grouped by country

How do I count total users in Facebook grouped by country, similar to
Go to
Click the button to create an ad.
Experiment with the 'Country' setting. Note that the "Estimated Reach" box will tell you how many people are in the currently selected countr(y/ies).
If you're clever, you could even script something to scrape this information automatically for you.