How to remove MUI **V4** Card Action Area Hover - material-ui

Similar to How to remove MUI 5 Card Action Area Default Hover State but for Material-UI V4.
I would like to remove the light grey background that occurs when hovering over the CardActionArea.
I have tried all reasonable props for the underlying ButtonBase (disableRipple, etc.)
All of the answers I've found use v5 styled components or the sx prop. Any help for v4 would be very much appreciated.


Material UI component with arrow

Is there a Material UI component that is like a container/box with an arrow coming out of it like tooltips can do? I'll insert a screenshot of what I'm trying to do below. The only way I can think of right now is to just use tooltip and set open to always be true, but i was hoping there was an already built component for this that i just cant find
I am pretty sure MUI doesn't have a component like that. Otherwise you should customize a Paper component, Popper or Box or style a div.

Material UI: manually highlight xgrid row

I am new to Material UI and React in general, but as a 10 yr HTML UI vet I am so perplexed right now. We are using XGrid component with rows and columns. When you hover over rows they highlight by turning light blue, but I am at a loss as to how this is happening. When I inspect the row with regular inspector, I don't see any class changes when hovering over the row. When I force hover state, it does not highlight the row. I am guessing two things
It's a mouseenter event, not hover
It's using some built in browser highlight, not a class
Anyway what I'm trying to do is manually highlight a row and it would make sense to use the same class/colour or call some API function, but I cannot find either.
There's documentation here:
Here's an example: How to change the text color of the selected row in material ui table

AEM - Classic UI - Can we implement tooltip on Classic UI dialogue CQ widgets? If possible, how can we do it?

I am working on AEM Classic UI and I want to add a checkbox widget inside dialouge and to add a tooltip on it. Is that possible to add a tooltip or on mouse hover text inside dialogue on cq widgets? If possible, how can we implement it?
I found the solution.
The answer is NO. We can't implement direct tooltip inside dialogue box.
But we can implement a short text that works like tooltip.
feildLabel = <p title="Trust me! I am tooltip!!">Hover over me</p>
Note: In the above example, the tooltip text will appear only if we place the mouse over the base text for more then 1 second. There is an delay for a second.
We can implement tooltip in classic UI. Here below I gave the node structure to implement that.
Node Structure:
=> nt:unstructured
=> tooltip
jcr:primaryType = nt:unstructured
autoHide = true(Boolean)
title = title for tooltip
text = text for tooltip

Material UI: change underline color of Input when hovering

Actually it is not clear from documentation what is the way for changing underline color for Input component on hover. By default underline color is black when hovering on element so it would be great if someone can share the proper of way of handling this case
Note: I know how to solve it with withStyles but it is critical for me to avoid it
Please do not suggest me this answer as my request a little bit different
Thanks to #RyanCogswell, here is the answer

How to show downshift + popper on top of material-ui dialog?

I've implemented an autocomplete multi-select field based on the Downshift with Popper Material-UI demo. That worked well up until I tried to reuse the component within a Material-UI Dialog. The Popper appears behind the mask of the Dialog.
I've modified the Material-UI demo as an example of this behavior:
Looking at Material-UI's old auto-complete solution, it use to use Popover instead of Popper. I tried substituting that in to see if it's z-index would be higher than that of the Dialog, but I think Popover steals focus from Downshift in a way that triggers the autocomplete to close immediately after it opens. Here's an example, again modifying Material-UI's demo
Any ideas on how I can make either approach work?
Overriding z-index on the Popper to be above the 1300 that Material-UI defaults dialogs to works, but I was hoping to avoid having to do that if possible.