Are control sequences the same number in every encoding? - encoding

I am writing a parser, and the original spec states:
The file header ends with the control sequence Ctrl-Z
They do not specify which encode the header is written in (could be latin1, utf8, windows-1252,...), so I wonder whether the sequence the same number in every language.
It appears to be the case, that it always correspond to decimal 26 or the hexa 1A
It would be good to know in a more general way, whether this is for all sequences.

Most likely, ASCII is assumed. For/if ASCII, especially if you say "Ctrl-Z" corresponds to binary representation/"codepoint" dec 26 hex 1A, this would be the SUB (substitute) sequence.
Other alternatives of the extended character sets/encodings wouldn't apply here, because if dec 26 in ASCII, it's within the first/lower 7 bits of the byte (dec 0-126 of 255 total). The 8th bit then was used to toggle all the previous codepoints/patterns once more and gain/use the other half, the other remaining 127 codepoints from dec 128-255. The idea here is that the extended character sets usually share/retain the lower ASCII codepoints/mappings (also for backward compatibility), but introduce their own special characters in the higher codepoint bit-patterns/range 128-255. And there's then many different ones of this type, trying to support more writing scripts of the world with such custom extended code sets. Like Windows-1252 which is an European mix, ISO-8859-1 for German, ISO-8859-15 which is identical but only adds the Euro currency symbol, code page 437 for IBM DOS shapes to use characters for drawing a TUI on the console (this, for example, has a different mapping at it's code points for what is the control sequences in ASCII), and so on. The problem obviously is, there's a lot of these:
each only gains 128 more characters
you can't combine/load/apply any two of them at the same time (if characters would be needed from multiple different code sets)
each application has to know (or be told) beforehand in which code set a file was saved in order to interpret/display/map the correct character rendering/symbols on the screen for these byte patterns, and if the user or a tool/app applies and saves the wrong code set to save its character renderings while not recognizing that, because the source was previously created/saved with a different code set, some characters didn't appear with the intended original renderings, now the file is "corrupt" because some bytes were stored under the assumption they would be rendered with code set A and some under the assumption they're for code set B, and can't apply both as there's also no mechanism in these flat dumb plain-text files on some old, memory-short DOS file systems to tell which part of a file is for which code-set, the characters can never be rendered correctly and it can be difficult work or impossible to retroactively guess + repair what the desired interpretation/rendering was for the binary pattern in a byte
no hope to get anywhere with only 127 more characters added on top of ASCII when it comes to Chinese etc.
So then the improvement was to not use the 8th bit for these stupid code pages, but instead use it as a marker that, if set, it's an indication that another byte is following (UTF-8), hence expanding the amount of code-points greatly. This can even be repeated with the next, subsequent byte. But, it's optional. If the character is within the 7-bit ASCII codepoints, then UTF-8 does not need to set the 8th bit and add another byte.
Also means, the extended code pages and UTF-8 cannot be mixed (used/applied at the same time). For many/most code pages and for UTF-8/UTF-16 as well, the character-onto-codepoint (latter is the bit pattern) mappings are identical to ASCII. If your characters are within the first/lower 7 bits of the byte, it does not matter what the encoding theoretically would be, as the 8th bit is not used for any of code pages or UTF-8. It only matters a great deal if/for characters that do have the 8th bit set/used (and usually if there's bytes like that, the choice of its encoding would usually then then for the entire file, just that some bytes may stay within the single-byte ASCII, but really should take great care at inserting/interpreting binary patterns that have the 8th bit set in a byte).
Easy rule is: if all bytes (or the byte in question) don't have the 8th bit set, it only matters whether the lower 7 bits are ASCII or not. EBCDIC for example is a non-ASCII alternative, where dec 26 hex 1A is UBS (unit backspace), while it also does have a SUB (substitute) but it's on codepoint (binary pattern) dec 63 hex 3F. Other encodings may not have ASCII's SUB at all, or something similar but with a slightly different meaning/use, or maybe ASCII has it's SUB from EBCDIC, etc. But there's no need to wonder/worry about UTF-8, as it does not apply if ASCII can be assumed, for the characters as encoded in ASCII are encoded identically UTF-8 as a single byte with the highest bit not set.
Maybe it can be determined from the spec if all the characters mentioned are within the ASCII range and according to the ASCII codepoint definitions, or if there's other characters that might only be found in UTF-8 (or UTF-16 or UTF-32) or in one of the old extended code pages (but not found in others), or if there's any indication that the encoding might not be ASCII/ASCII-based.
It's obviously problematic if a spec doesn't explicitly state the encoding it's implicitly assuming, if the spec is about a format, protocol or data representation. On the other hand, maybe the Ctrl-Z is misleading, because dec 26 hex 1A is always the same, no matter what the encoding could be if it were text/characters. Maybe the spec just uses this pattern as a construct with no meaning in terms of character display whatsoever, and is introducing only it's own particular local meaning as defined within the spec.


Understanding encoding schemes

I cannot understand some key elements of encoding:
Is ASCII only a character or it also has its encoding scheme algorithm ?
Does other windows code pages such as Latin1 have their own encoding algorithm ?
Are UTF7, 8, 16, 32 the only encoding algorithms ?
Does the UTF alghoritms are used only with the UNICODE set ?
Given the ASCII text: Hello World, if I want to convert it into Latin1 or BIG5, which encoding algorithms are being used in this process ? More specifically, does Latin1/Big5 use their own encoding alghoritm or I have to use a UTF alghoritm ?
1: Ascii is just an encoding — a really simple encoding. It's literally just the positive end of a signed byte (0...127) mapped to characters and control codes.
Refer to to see the full set and inspect the characters.
There are definitely encoding algorithms to convert ascii strings to and from strings in other encodings, but there is no compression/decompression algorithm required to write or read ascii strings like there is for utf8 or utf16, if that's what you're implying.
2: LATIN-1 is also not a compressed (usually called 'variable width') encoding, so there's no algorithm needed to get in and out of it.
See for a nice description of LATIN-1 conceptually and of each character in the set. Like a lot of encodings, its first 128 slots are just ascii. Like ascii, it's 1 byte in size, but it's an unsigned byte, so after the last ascii character (DEL/127), LATIN1 adds another 128 characters.
As with any conversion from one string encoding to another, there is an algorithm specifically tailored to that conversion.
3: Again, unicode encodings are just that — encodings. But they're all compressed except for utf32. So unless you're working with utf32 there is always a compression/decompression step required to write and read them.
Note: When working with utf32 strings there is one nonlinear oddity that has to be accounted for... combining characters. Technically that is yet another type of compression since they save space by not giving a codepoint to every possible combination of uncombined character and combining character. They "precombine" a few, but they would run out of slots very quickly if they did them all.
4: Yes. The compression/decompression algorithms for the compressed unicode encodings are just for those encodings. They would not work for any other encoding.
Think of it like zip/unzip. Unzipping anything other than a zipped file or folder would of course not work. That goes for things that are not compressed in the first place and also things that are compressed but using another compression algorithm (e.g.: rar).
I recently wrote the utf8 and utf16 compression/decompression code for a new cross-platform library being developed, and I can tell you quite confidently if you feed a Big5-encoded string into my method written specifically for decompressing utf8... not only would it not work, it might very well crash.
Re: your "Hello World" question... Refer to my answer to your second question about LATIN-1. No conversion is required to go from ascii to LATIN-1 because the first 128 characters (0...127) of LATIN-1 are ascii. If you're converting from LATIN-1 to ascii, the same is true for the lower half of LATIN-1, but if any of the characters beyond 127 are in the string, it would be what's called a "lossy"/partial conversion or an outright failure, depending on your tolerance level for lossiness. In your example, however, all of the characters in "Hello World" have the exact same values in both encodings, so it would convert perfectly, without loss, in either direction.
I know practically nothing about Big5, but regardless, don't use utf-x algos for other encodings. Each one of those is written very specifically for 1 particular encoding (or in the case of conversion: pair of encodings).
If you're curious about utf8/16 compression/decompression algorithms, the unicode website is where you should start (watch out though. they don't use the compression/decompression metaphor in their documentation):
You probably won't need anything else.
... except maybe a decent codepoint lookup tool:
You can roll your own code based on the unicode documentation, or use the official unicode library:
Hope this helps.
In general, most encoding schemes like ASCII or Latin-1 are simply big tables mapping characters to specific byte sequences. There may or may not be some specific algorithm how the creators came up with those specific character⟷byte associations, but there's generally not much more to it than that.
One of the innovations of Unicode specifically is the indirection of assigning each character a unique number first and foremost, and worrying about how to encode that number into bytes secondarily. There are a number of encoding schemes for how to do this, from the UCS and GB 18030 encodings to the most commonly used UTF-8/UTF-16 encodings. Some are largely defunct by now like UCS-2. Each one has their pros and cons in terms of space tradeoffs, ease of processing and transportability (e.g. UTF-7 for safe transport over 7-bit system like email). Unless otherwise noted, they can all encode the full set of current Unicode characters.
To convert from one encoding to another, you pretty much need to map bytes from one table to another. Meaning, if you look at the EBCDIC table and the Windows 1250 table, the characters 0xC1 and 0x41 respectively both seem to represent the same character "A", so when converting between the two encodings, you'd map those bytes as equivalent. Yes, that means there needs to be one such mapping between each possible encoding pair.
Since that is obviously rather laborious, modern converters virtually always go through Unicode as a middleman. This way each encoding only needs to be mapped to the Unicode table, and the conversion can be done with encoding A → Unicode code point → encoding B. In the end you just want to identify which characters look the same/mean the same, and change the byte representation accordingly.
A character encoding is a mapping from a sequence of characters to a sequence of bytes (in the past there were also encodings to a sequence of bits - they are falling out of fashion). Usually this mapping is one-to-one but not necessarily onto. This means there may be byte sequences that don't correspond to a character sequence in this encoding.
The domain of the mapping defines which characters can be encoded.
Now to your questions:
ASCII is both, it defines 128 characters (some of them are control codes) and how they are mapped to the byte values 0 to 127.
Each encoding may define its own set of characters and how they are mapped to bytes
no, there are others as well ASCII, ISO-8859-1, ...
Unicode uses a two step mapping: first the characters are mapped to (relatively) small integers called "code points", then these integers are mapped to a byte sequence. The first part is the same for all UTF encodings, the second step differs. Unicode has the ambition to contain all characters. This means, most characters are in the "UNICODE set".
Every character in the world has been assigned a unicode value [ numbered from 0 to ...]. It is actually an unique value. Now, it depends on an individual that how he wants to use that unicode value. He can even use it directly or can use some known encoding schemes like utf8, utf16 etc. Encoding schemes map that unicode value into some specific bit sequence [ can vary from 1 byte to 4 bytes or may be 8 in future if we get to know about all the languages of universe/aliens/multiverse ] so that it can be uniquely identified in the encoding scheme.
For example ASCII is an encoding scheme which only encodes 128 characters out of all characters. It uses one byte for every character which is equivalent to utf8 representation. GSM7 is one other format which uses 7 bit per character to encode 128 characters from unicode character list.
It uses 1 byte for characters whose unicode value is till 127.
Beyond this it has its own way of representing the unicode values.
Uses 2 byte for Cyrillic then 3 bytes for Hindi characters.
It uses 2 byte for characters whose unicode value is till 127.
and it also uses 2 byte for Cyrillic, Hindi characters.
All the utf encoding schemes fixes initial bits in specific pattern [ eg: 110|restbits] and rest bits [eg: initialbits|11001] takes the unicode value to make a unique representation.
Wikipedia on utf8, utf16, unicode will make it clear.
I coded an utf translator which converts incoming utf8 text across all languages into its equivalent utf16 text.

Why can't we store Unicode directly?

I read some article about Unicode and UTF-8.
The Unicode standard describes how characters are represented by code points. A code point is an integer value, usually denoted in base 16. In the standard, a code point is written using the notation U+12CA to mean the character with value 0x12ca (4,810 decimal). The Unicode standard contains a lot of tables listing characters and their corresponding code points:
Strictly, these definitions imply that it’s meaningless to say ‘this is character U+12CA‘. U+12CA is a code point, which represents some particular character; in this case, it represents the character ‘ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE WI’. In informal contexts, this distinction between code points and characters will sometimes be forgotten.
To summarize the previous section: a Unicode string is a sequence of code points, which are numbers from 0 through 0x10FFFF (1,114,111 decimal). This sequence needs to be represented as a set of bytes (meaning, values from 0 through 255) in memory. The rules for translating a Unicode string into a sequence of bytes are called an encoding.
I wonder why we have to encode U+12CA to UTF-8 or UTF-16 instead of saving the binary of 12CA in the disk directly. I think the reason is:
Unicode is not Self-synchronizing code, so if
10 represent A
110 represent B
10110 represent C
When I see 10110 in the disk we can't tell it's A and B or just C.
Unicode uses much more space instead of UTF-8 or UTF-16.
Am I right?
Read about Unicode, UTF-8 and the UTF-8 everywhere website.
There are more than a million Unicode code-points (you mentionned 1,114,111...). So you need at least 21 bits to be able to separate all of them (since 221 > 1114111).
So you can store Unicode characters directly, if you represent each of them by a wide enough integral type. In practice, that type would be some 32 bits integer (because it is not convenient to handle 3-bytes i.e. 24 bits integers). This is called UCS-4 and some systems or software do already handle their Unicode string in such a format.
Notice also that displaying Unicode strings is quite difficult, because of the variety of human languages (and also since Unicode has combining characters). Some need to be displayed right to left (Arabic, Hebrew, ....), others left to right (English, French, Spanish, German, Russian ...), and some top to down (Chinese, ...). A library displaying Unicode strings should be capable of displaying a string containing English, Chinese and Arabic words.... Then you see that decoding UTF-8 is the easy part of Unicode string displaying (and storing UCS-4 strings won't help much).
But, since English is the dominant language in IT technology (for economical reasons), it is very often cheaper to keep strings in UTF8 form. If most of the strings handled by your system are English (or in some other European language using the Latin alphabet), it is cheaper and it takes less space to keep them in UTF-8.
I guess than when China will become a dominant power in IT, things might change (or maybe not).
(I have no idea of the most common encoding used today on Chinese supercomputers or smartphones; I guess it is still UTF-8)
In practice, use a library (perhaps libunistring or Glib in C), to process UTF-8 strings and another one (e.g. pango and GTK in C) to display them. You'll find many Unicode related libraries in various programming languages.
I wonder why we have to encode U+12CA to UTF-8 or UTF-16 instead of saving the binary of 12CA in the disk directly.
How do you write 12CA to a disk directly? It is a bigger value than a byte can hold, so you need to write at least two bytes. Do you write 12 followed by CA? You just encoded it in UTF-16BE. That's what an encoding is...a definition of how to write an abstract number as bytes.
Other reading:
The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!)
Pragmatic Unicode
For good and specific reasons, Unicode doesn't specify any particular encoding. If it makes sense for your scenario, you can specify your own.
Because Unicode doesn't specify any serialization, there is no way to "directly" store Unicode, just like you can't "directly" store a mathematical number or a flow chart to implement a program you designed. The question isn't really well-defined.
There are a number of existing serialization formats (encodings) so it is very likely that it makes the most sense to use an existing one unless your requirements are significantly different than what any existing encoding provides; even then, is it really worth the cost?
A stream of bits is just a stream of bits. Conventionally, we chop them up into groups of 8 and call that a "byte" and the latter half of your question is really "if it's not a byte, how can you tell which bits belong to which symbol?" There are many ways to do that, but the common ones generally define a sequence of some particular length (8, 16, and 32 are often convenient for reasons of compatibility with bus width on modern computers etc) but again, if you really wanted to, you could come up with something different. Huffman trees come to mind as one way to implement a way to communicate a structure of variable length (and is used for precisely that in many compression algorithms).
Consider one situation, even if you can directly save unicode binary into disk and close the file, what happens when you open the file again? It's just a bunch of binary, you don't know how many bytes a char occupied right, which means, if '🥶'(U+129398) and 'A' are the content of your file, then if you take it 1 byte for a char, then '🥶' can't be decoded correctly, which takes 2 bytes, then instead 1 emoji you see, you get two, which is U+63862 and U+65536 unicode char.

Are there bytes that are not used in the UTF-8 encoding?

As I understand it, UTF-8 is a superset of ASCII, and therefore includes the control characters which are not used to represent printable characters.
My question is: Are there any bytes (of the 256 different) that are not used by the UTF-8 encoding?
I wondered if you could convert/encode UTF-8 text to binary.
Here my though process:
I have no idea how the UTF-8 text encoding works and how it can use so many characters (only that it uses multiple bytes for characters not in ASCII (Latin-1??)) but I know that ASCII text is valid in UTF-8 so the control characters (bytes 0-30) are not used differently by the UTF-8 encoding but they are at the same time not used for displaying characters, right??
So of the 256 different bytes, only ~230 are used. For a 1000 (binary) long Unicode text there are only 1000^230 different texts? Right?
If that is true, you could convert it to a binary data which is smaller than 1000 bytes.
Wolfram alpha: 1000 bytes of unicode (assumption unicode only uses 230 of the 256 different bytes) --> 496 bytes
Yes, it is possible to devise encodings which are more space-efficient than UTF-8, but you have to weigh the advantages against the disadvantages.
For example, if your primary target is (say) ISO-8859-1, you could map the character codes 0xA0-0xFF to themselves, and only use 0x80-0x9F to select an extension map somewhat vaguely like UTF-8 uses (nearly) all of 0x80-0xFF to encode sequences which can represent all of Unicode > 0x80. You would gain a significant advantage when the majority of your text does not use characters in the ranges 0x80-0x9F or 0x0100-0x1EFFFFFFFF, but correspondingly lose when this is not the case.
Or you could require the user to keep a state variable which tells you which range of characters is currently selected, and have each byte in the stream act as an index into that range. This has significant disadvantages, but used to be how these things were done way back when (witness e.g. ISO-2022).
The original UTF-8 draft before Ken Thompson and Rob Pike famously intervened was probably also somewhat more space-efficient than the final specification, but the changes they introduced had some very attractive properties, trading (I assume) some space efficiency for lack of contextual ambiguity.
I would urge you to read the Wikipedia article about UTF-8 to understand the design desiderata -- the spec is possible to grasp in just a few minutes, although you might want to reserve an hour or more to follow footnotes etc. (The Thompson anecdote is currently footnote #7.)
All in all, unless you are working on space travel or some similarly effeciency-intensive application, losing UTF-8 compatibility is probably not worth the time you have already spent, and you should stop now.
0xF8-0xFF are not valid anywhere in UTF-8, and some other bytes are not valid at certain positions.
The lead byte of a character indicates the number of bytes used to encode the character, and each continuation byte has 10 as its two high order bits. This is so that you can pick any byte within the text and find the start of the character containing it. If you don't mind losing this ability, you could certainly come up with more efficient encoding.
You have to distinguish Characters, Unicode and UTF-8 encoding:
In encodings like ASCII, LATIN-1, etc. there is a one-to-one relation of one character to one number between 0 and 255 so a character can be encoded by exactly one byte (e.g. "A"->65). For decoding such a text you need to know which encoding was used (does 65 really mean "A"?).
To overcome this situation Unicode assigns every Character (including all kinds of special things like control characters, diacritic marks, etc.) a unique number in the range from 0 to 0x10FFFF (so-called Unicode codepoint). As this range does not fit into one byte the question is how to encode. There are several ways to do this, e.g. simplest way would always use 4 bytes for each character. As this consumes a lot of space a more efficient encoding is UTF-8: Here every Unicode codepoint (= Character) is encoded in one, two, three or four bytes (for this encoding not all byte values from 0 to 255 are used but this is only a technical detail).

What issues would come from treating UTF-16 as a fixed 16-bit encoding?

I was reading a few questions on SO about Unicode and there were some comments I didn't fully understand, like this one:
Dean Harding: UTF-8 is a
variable-length encoding, which is
more complex to process than a
fixed-length encoding. Also, see my
comments on Gumbo's answer: basically,
combining characters exist in all
encodings (UTF-8, UTF-16 & UTF-32) and
they require special handling. You can
use the same special handling that you
use for combining characters to also
handle surrogate pairs in UTF-16, so
for the most part you can ignore
surrogates and treat UTF-16 just like
a fixed encoding.
I've a little confused by the last part ("for the most part"). If UTF-16 is treated as fixed 16-bit encoding, what issues could this cause? What are the chances that there are characters outside of the BMP? If there are, what issues could this cause if you'd assumed two-byte characters?
I read the Wikipedia info on Surrogates but it didn't really make things any clearer to me!
Edit: I guess what I really mean is "Why would anyone suggest treating UTF-16 as fixed encoding when it seems bogus?"
I found another comment in "Is there any reason to prefer UTF-16 over UTF-8?" which I think explains this a little better:
Andrew Russell: For performance:
UTF-8 is much harder to decode than
UTF-16. In UTF-16 characters are
either a Basic Multilingual Plane
character (2 bytes) or a Surrogate
Pair (4 bytes). UTF-8 characters can
be anywhere between 1 and 4 bytes
This suggests the point being made was that UTF-16 would not have any three-byte characters, so by assuming 16bits, you wouldn't "totally screw up" by ending up one-byte off. But I'm still not convinced this is any different to assuming UTF-8 is single-byte characters!
UTF-16 includes all "base plane" characters. The BMP covers most of the current writing systems, and includes many older characters that one can practically encounter. Take a look at them and decide whether you really are going to encounter any characters from the extended planes: cuneiform, alchemical symbols, etc. Few people will really miss them.
If you still encounter characters that require extended planes, these are encoded by two code points (surrogates), and you'll see two empty squares or question marks instead of such a non-character. UTF is self-synchronizing, so a part of a surrogate character never looks like a legitimate character. This allows things like string searches to work even if surrogates are present and you don't handle them.
Thus issues arising from treating UTF-16 as effectively USC-2 are minimal, aside from the fact that you don't handle the extended characters.
EDIT: Unicode uses 'combining marks' that render at the space of previous character, like accents, tilde, circumflex, etc. Sometimes a combination of a diacritic mark with a letter can be represented as a distinct code point, e.g. á can be represented as a single \u00e1 instead of a plain 'a' + accent which are \u0061\u0301. Still you can't represent unusual combinations like z̃ as one code point. This makes search and splitting algorithms a bit more complex. If you somehow make your string data uniform (e.g. only using plain letters and combining marks), search and splitting become simple again, but anyway you lose the 'one position is one character' property. A symmetrical problem happens if you're seriously into typesetting and want to explicitly store ligatures like fi or ffl where one code point corresponds to 2 or 3 characters. This is not a UTF issue, it's an issue of Unicode in general, AFAICT.
It is important to understand that even UTF-32 is fixed-length when it comes to code points, not characters. There are many characters that are composed from multiple code points, and therefore you can't really have a Unicode encoding where one number (code unit) corresponds to one character (as perceived by users).
To answer your question - the most obvious issue with treating UTF-16 as fixed-length encoding form would be to break a string in a middle of a surrogate pair so you get two invalid code points. It all really depends what you are doing with the text.
I guess what I really mean is
"Why would anyone suggest treating
UTF-16 as fixed encoding when it seems
Two words: Backwards compatibility.
Unicode was originally intended to use a fixed-width 16-bit encoding (UCS-2), which is why early adopters of Unicode (e.g., Sun with Java and Microsoft with Windows NT), used a 16-bit character type. When it turned out that 65,536 characters wasn't enough for everyone, UTF-16 was developed in order to allow this 16-bit character systems to represent the 16 new "planes".
This meant that characters were no longer fixed-width, so people created the rationalization that "that's OK because UTF-16 is almost fixed width."
But I'm still not convinced this is
any different to assuming UTF-8 is
single-byte characters!
Strictly speaking, it's not any different. You'll get incorrect results for things like "\uD801\uDC00".lower().
However, assuming UTF-16 is fixed width is less likely to break than assuming UTF-8 is fixed-width. Non-ASCII characters are very common in languages other than English, but non-BMP characters are very rare.
You can use the same special handling
that you use for combining characters
to also handle surrogate pairs in
I don't know what he's talking about. Combining sequences, whose constituent characters have an individual identity, are nothing at all like surrogate characters, which are only meaningful in pairs.
In particular, the characters within a combining sequence can be converted to a different encoding form one characters at a time.
>>> 'a'.encode('UTF-8') + '\u0301'.encode('UTF-8')
But not surrogates:
>>> '\uD801'.encode('UTF-8') + '\uDC00'.encode('UTF-8')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
UnicodeEncodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't encode character '\ud801' in position 0: surrogates not allowed
UTF-16 is a variable-length encoding. The older UCS-2 is not. If you treat a variable-length encoding like fixed (constant length) you risk introducing error whenever you use "number of 16-bit numbers" to mean "number of characters", since the number of characters might actually be less than the number of 16-bit quantities.
The Unicode standard has changed several times along the way. For example, UCS-2 is not a valid encoding anymore. It has been deprecated for a while now.
As mentioned by user 9000, even in UTF-32, you have sequences of characters that are interdependent. The à is a good example, although this character can be canonicalized to \x00E1. So you can make it simple.
Unicode, even when using the UTF-32 encoding, supports up to 30 code points, one after the other, to represent the most complex characters. (The existing characters do not use that many, I think the longest in existence is currently 17 if I'm correct.)
For that reason, Unicode developed Normalization Forms. It actually considers five different forms:
Unnormalized -- a sequence you create manually, for example; text editors are expected to save properly normalized (NFC) code sequences
NFD -- Normalization Form Decomposition
NFKD -- Normalization Form Compatibility Decomposition
NFC -- Normalization Form Canonical Composition
NFKC -- Normalization Form Compatibility Canonical Composition
Although in most situations it does not matter much because long compositions are rare, even in languages that use them.
And in most cases, your code already deals with canonical compositions. However, if you create strings manually in your code, you are not unlikely to create an unnormalized string (assuming you use such long forms).
Properly implemented servers on the Internet are expected to refused strings that are not canonical compositions as per Unicode. Long forms are also forbidden over connections. For example, the UTF-8 encoding technically allows for ASCII characters to be encoded using 1, 2, 3, or 4 bytes (and the old encoding allowed up to 6 bytes!) but those encoding are not permitted.
Any comment on the Internet that contradicts the Unicode Normalization Form document is simply incorrect.

What are Unicode, UTF-8, and UTF-16?

What's the basis for Unicode and why the need for UTF-8 or UTF-16?
I have researched this on Google and searched here as well, but it's not clear to me.
In VSS, when doing a file comparison, sometimes there is a message saying the two files have differing UTF's. Why would this be the case?
Please explain in simple terms.
Why do we need Unicode?
In the (not too) early days, all that existed was ASCII. This was okay, as all that would ever be needed were a few control characters, punctuation, numbers and letters like the ones in this sentence. Unfortunately, today's strange world of global intercommunication and social media was not foreseen, and it is not too unusual to see English, العربية, 汉语, עִבְרִית, ελληνικά, and ភាសាខ្មែរ in the same document (I hope I didn't break any old browsers).
But for argument's sake, let’s say Joe Average is a software developer. He insists that he will only ever need English, and as such only wants to use ASCII. This might be fine for Joe the user, but this is not fine for Joe the software developer. Approximately half the world uses non-Latin characters and using ASCII is arguably inconsiderate to these people, and on top of that, he is closing off his software to a large and growing economy.
Therefore, an encompassing character set including all languages is needed. Thus came Unicode. It assigns every character a unique number called a code point. One advantage of Unicode over other possible sets is that the first 256 code points are identical to ISO-8859-1, and hence also ASCII. In addition, the vast majority of commonly used characters are representable by only two bytes, in a region called the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP). Now a character encoding is needed to access this character set, and as the question asks, I will concentrate on UTF-8 and UTF-16.
Memory considerations
So how many bytes give access to what characters in these encodings?
1 byte: Standard ASCII
2 bytes: Arabic, Hebrew, most European scripts (most notably excluding Georgian)
3 bytes: BMP
4 bytes: All Unicode characters
2 bytes: BMP
4 bytes: All Unicode characters
It's worth mentioning now that characters not in the BMP include ancient scripts, mathematical symbols, musical symbols, and rarer Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (CJK) characters.
If you'll be working mostly with ASCII characters, then UTF-8 is certainly more memory efficient. However, if you're working mostly with non-European scripts, using UTF-8 could be up to 1.5 times less memory efficient than UTF-16. When dealing with large amounts of text, such as large web-pages or lengthy word documents, this could impact performance.
Encoding basics
Note: If you know how UTF-8 and UTF-16 are encoded, skip to the next section for practical applications.
UTF-8: For the standard ASCII (0-127) characters, the UTF-8 codes are identical. This makes UTF-8 ideal if backwards compatibility is required with existing ASCII text. Other characters require anywhere from 2-4 bytes. This is done by reserving some bits in each of these bytes to indicate that it is part of a multi-byte character. In particular, the first bit of each byte is 1 to avoid clashing with the ASCII characters.
UTF-16: For valid BMP characters, the UTF-16 representation is simply its code point. However, for non-BMP characters UTF-16 introduces surrogate pairs. In this case a combination of two two-byte portions map to a non-BMP character. These two-byte portions come from the BMP numeric range, but are guaranteed by the Unicode standard to be invalid as BMP characters. In addition, since UTF-16 has two bytes as its basic unit, it is affected by endianness. To compensate, a reserved byte order mark can be placed at the beginning of a data stream which indicates endianness. Thus, if you are reading UTF-16 input, and no endianness is specified, you must check for this.
As can be seen, UTF-8 and UTF-16 are nowhere near compatible with each other. So if you're doing I/O, make sure you know which encoding you are using! For further details on these encodings, please see the UTF FAQ.
Practical programming considerations
Character and string data types: How are they encoded in the programming language? If they are raw bytes, the minute you try to output non-ASCII characters, you may run into a few problems. Also, even if the character type is based on a UTF, that doesn't mean the strings are proper UTF. They may allow byte sequences that are illegal. Generally, you'll have to use a library that supports UTF, such as ICU for C, C++ and Java. In any case, if you want to input/output something other than the default encoding, you will have to convert it first.
Recommended, default, and dominant encodings: When given a choice of which UTF to use, it is usually best to follow recommended standards for the environment you are working in. For example, UTF-8 is dominant on the web, and since HTML5, it has been the recommended encoding. Conversely, both .NET and Java environments are founded on a UTF-16 character type. Confusingly (and incorrectly), references are often made to the "Unicode encoding", which usually refers to the dominant UTF encoding in a given environment.
Library support: The libraries you are using support some kind of encoding. Which one? Do they support the corner cases? Since necessity is the mother of invention, UTF-8 libraries will generally support 4-byte characters properly, since 1, 2, and even 3 byte characters can occur frequently. However, not all purported UTF-16 libraries support surrogate pairs properly since they occur very rarely.
Counting characters: There exist combining characters in Unicode. For example, the code point U+006E (n), and U+0303 (a combining tilde) forms ñ, but the code point U+00F1 forms ñ. They should look identical, but a simple counting algorithm will return 2 for the first example, and 1 for the latter. This isn't necessarily wrong, but it may not be the desired outcome either.
Comparing for equality: A, А, and Α look the same, but they're Latin, Cyrillic, and Greek respectively. You also have cases like C and Ⅽ. One is a letter, and the other is a Roman numeral. In addition, we have the combining characters to consider as well. For more information, see Duplicate characters in Unicode.
Surrogate pairs: These come up often enough on Stack Overflow, so I'll just provide some example links:
Getting string length
Removing surrogate pairs
Palindrome checking
is a set of characters used around the world
a character encoding capable of encoding all possible characters (called code points) in Unicode.
code unit is 8-bits
use one to four code units to encode Unicode
00100100 for "$" (one 8-bits);11000010 10100010 for "¢" (two 8-bits);11100010 10000010 10101100 for "€" (three 8-bits)
another character encoding
code unit is 16-bits
use one to two code units to encode Unicode
00000000 00100100 for "$" (one 16-bits);11011000 01010010 11011111 01100010 for "𤭢" (two 16-bits)
Unicode is a fairly complex standard. Don’t be too afraid, but be
prepared for some work! [2]
Because a credible resource is always needed, but the official report is massive, I suggest reading the following:
The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!) An introduction by Joel Spolsky, Stack Exchange CEO.
To the BMP and beyond! A tutorial by Eric Muller, Technical Director then, Vice President later, at The Unicode Consortium (the first 20 slides and you are done)
A brief explanation:
Computers read bytes and people read characters, so we use encoding standards to map characters to bytes. ASCII was the first widely used standard, but covers only Latin (seven bits/character can represent 128 different characters). Unicode is a standard with the goal to cover all possible characters in the world (can hold up to 1,114,112 characters, meaning 21 bits/character maximum. Current Unicode 8.0 specifies 120,737 characters in total, and that's all).
The main difference is that an ASCII character can fit to a byte (eight bits), but most Unicode characters cannot. So encoding forms/schemes (like UTF-8 and UTF-16) are used, and the character model goes like this:
Every character holds an enumerated position from 0 to 1,114,111 (hex: 0-10FFFF) called a code point.
An encoding form maps a code point to a code unit sequence. A code unit is the way you want characters to be organized in memory, 8-bit units, 16-bit units and so on. UTF-8 uses one to four units of eight bits, and UTF-16 uses one or two units of 16 bits, to cover the entire Unicode of 21 bits maximum. Units use prefixes so that character boundaries can be spotted, and more units mean more prefixes that occupy bits. So, although UTF-8 uses one byte for the Latin script, it needs three bytes for later scripts inside a Basic Multilingual Plane, while UTF-16 uses two bytes for all these. And that's their main difference.
Lastly, an encoding scheme (like UTF-16BE or UTF-16LE) maps (serializes) a code unit sequence to a byte sequence.
character: π
code point: U+03C0
encoding forms (code units):
      UTF-8: CF 80
      UTF-16: 03C0
encoding schemes (bytes):
      UTF-8: CF 80
      UTF-16BE: 03 C0
      UTF-16LE: C0 03
Tip: a hexadecimal digit represents four bits, so a two-digit hex number represents a byte.
Also take a look at plane maps on Wikipedia to get a feeling of the character set layout.
The article What every programmer absolutely, positively needs to know about encodings and character sets to work with text explains all the details.
Writing to buffer
if you write to a 4 byte buffer, symbol あ with UTF8 encoding, your binary will look like this:
00000000 11100011 10000001 10000010
if you write to a 4 byte buffer, symbol あ with UTF16 encoding, your binary will look like this:
00000000 00000000 00110000 01000010
As you can see, depending on what language you would use in your content this will effect your memory accordingly.
Example: For this particular symbol: あ UTF16 encoding is more efficient since we have 2 spare bytes to use for the next symbol. But it doesn't mean that you must use UTF16 for Japan alphabet.
Reading from buffer
Now if you want to read the above bytes, you have to know in what encoding it was written to and decode it back correctly.
e.g. If you decode this :
00000000 11100011 10000001 10000010
into UTF16 encoding, you will end up with 臣 not あ
Note: Encoding and Unicode are two different things. Unicode is the big (table) with each symbol mapped to a unique code point. e.g. あ symbol (letter) has a (code point): 30 42 (hex). Encoding on the other hand, is an algorithm that converts symbols to more appropriate way, when storing to hardware.
30 42 (hex) - > UTF8 encoding - > E3 81 82 (hex), which is above result in binary.
30 42 (hex) - > UTF16 encoding - > 30 42 (hex), which is above result in binary.
Originally, Unicode was intended to have a fixed-width 16-bit encoding (UCS-2). Early adopters of Unicode, like Java and Windows NT, built their libraries around 16-bit strings.
Later, the scope of Unicode was expanded to include historical characters, which would require more than the 65,536 code points a 16-bit encoding would support. To allow the additional characters to be represented on platforms that had used UCS-2, the UTF-16 encoding was introduced. It uses "surrogate pairs" to represent characters in the supplementary planes.
Meanwhile, a lot of older software and network protocols were using 8-bit strings. UTF-8 was made so these systems could support Unicode without having to use wide characters. It's backwards-compatible with 7-bit ASCII.
Unicode is a standard which maps the characters in all languages to a particular numeric value called a code point. The reason it does this is that it allows different encodings to be possible using the same set of code points.
UTF-8 and UTF-16 are two such encodings. They take code points as input and encodes them using some well-defined formula to produce the encoded string.
Choosing a particular encoding depends upon your requirements. Different encodings have different memory requirements and depending upon the characters that you will be dealing with, you should choose the encoding which uses the least sequences of bytes to encode those characters.
For more in-depth details about Unicode, UTF-8 and UTF-16, you can check out this article,
What every programmer should know about Unicode
Why Unicode? Because ASCII has just 127 characters. Those from 128 to 255 differ in different countries, and that's why there are code pages. So they said: let’s have up to 1114111 characters.
So how do you store the highest code point? You'll need to store it using 21 bits, so you'll use a DWORD having 32 bits with 11 bits wasted. So if you use a DWORD to store a Unicode character, it is the easiest way, because the value in your DWORD matches exactly the code point.
But DWORD arrays are of course larger than WORD arrays and of course even larger than BYTE arrays. That's why there is not only UTF-32, but also UTF-16. But UTF-16 means a WORD stream, and a WORD has 16 bits, so how can the highest code point 1114111 fit into a WORD? It cannot!
So they put everything higher than 65535 into a DWORD which they call a surrogate-pair. Such a surrogate-pair are two WORDS and can get detected by looking at the first 6 bits.
So what about UTF-8? It is a byte array or byte stream, but how can the highest code point 1114111 fit into a byte? It cannot! Okay, so they put in also a DWORD right? Or possibly a WORD, right? Almost right!
They invented utf-8 sequences which means that every code point higher than 127 must get encoded into a 2-byte, 3-byte or 4-byte sequence. Wow! But how can we detect such sequences? Well, everything up to 127 is ASCII and is a single byte. What starts with 110 is a two-byte sequence, what starts with 1110 is a three-byte sequence and what starts with 11110 is a four-byte sequence. The remaining bits of these so called "startbytes" belong to the code point.
Now depending on the sequence, following bytes must follow. A following byte starts with 10, and the remaining bits are 6 bits of payload bits and belong to the code point. Concatenate the payload bits of the startbyte and the following byte/s and you'll have the code point. That's all the magic of UTF-8.
ASCII - Software allocates only 8 bit byte in memory for a given character. It works well for English and adopted (loanwords like façade) characters as their corresponding decimal values falls below 128 in the decimal value. Example C program.
UTF-8 - Software allocates one to four variable 8-bit bytes for a given character. What is meant by a variable here? Let us say you are sending the character 'A' through your HTML pages in the browser (HTML is UTF-8), the corresponding decimal value of A is 65, when you convert it into decimal it becomes 01000010. This requires only one byte, and one byte memory is allocated even for special adopted English characters like 'ç' in the word façade. However, when you want to store European characters, it requires two bytes, so you need UTF-8. However, when you go for Asian characters, you require minimum of two bytes and maximum of four bytes. Similarly, emojis require three to four bytes. UTF-8 will solve all your needs.
UTF-16 will allocate minimum 2 bytes and maximum of 4 bytes per character, it will not allocate 1 or 3 bytes. Each character is either represented in 16 bit or 32 bit.
Then why does UTF-16 exist? Originally, Unicode was 16 bit not 8 bit. Java adopted the original version of UTF-16.
In a nutshell, you don't need UTF-16 anywhere unless it has been already been adopted by the language or platform you are working on.
Java program invoked by web browsers uses UTF-16, but the web browser sends characters using UTF-8.
UTF stands for stands for Unicode Transformation Format. Basically, in today's world there are scripts written in hundreds of other languages, formats not covered by the basic ASCII used earlier. Hence, UTF came into existence.
UTF-8 has character encoding capabilities and its code unit is eight bits while that for UTF-16 it is 16 bits.