Teamcity Unity library folder - unity3d

I am using teamcity to build my Unity3d projects. When I am selecting branch in custom build or when build is triggered from "not master branch" git performs clean, and it removes my Library folder. I need to persist this folder because it is a cache that builds a huge amount of time. When I stay on master, everything is fine and this cache is reused. How can I do this? I want this folder to be shared between my branches.
I tried to create multiple VSC roots, but it copies my repo for every branch. I also disabled all "clean" options that I found in settings. But nothing helps

You could try one of these:
In VCS Root settings you could set Clean Policy to Never. It sets whether and when TeamCity should exec git clean in working dir. Default value is "On branch change" which I guess is your case. But it means that you should manually clean your working dir from build artifacts. For more information see here
You could use Unity Accelerator
You could backup your Library folder in the end of every build and restore in the beginning of the next one


When I add a solution to source control in VS 2019 Azure Devops only the startup project gets added - how do I add the others?

I am working on a solution that has 14 projects (so far) in it. I added the solution to Azure Devops source control and can see that the solution and the startup project have the little locks in the solution explorer, also I can see the startup project files in the devops repo, but I can't see how to add the other projects. Obviously I messed up somewhere, since ideally the repo would contain a folder for the startup project rather than the files themselves, but I don't know how to "undo" the source control and reset my solution back to its original state.
Can someone tell me how to either fix the source control so that the master branch contains all of the projects in sub-folders (as per the visual studio folder structure) - i.e. how to move the startup project files in the devops repo to a sub-folder and how to add the other projects to their own sub-folders, or, failing that, how to undo the source control so that all of my solution files are back on my local hard disk?
Any advice will be appreciated.
You mentioned that you are using git. So when you DO NOT have local changes which are not pushed to your git server, that means everything is "synced".
Make a backup of your folder, just copy & paste everything!
You can just delete the .git folder. So you have no "link" to the git server anymore.
You can the link the "folder" again to your git server, with sth. like:
git remote add origin
Other option is check your .gitignore file, maybe some of your projects are excluded.
When you are working with Visual Studio, can can also create a new empty solution and add the projects one by one. Also be sure that there is NO Filter in Project Explorer in Visual Studio.
You can also check your git changes, with git log or git status from any terminal or command line tool.

What Egit actions do I take to get copy of src file TESTGIT1 from MainServerRepository into LocalServerRepo to work on?

As a new Egit user, aiming to set up version control to update the way a team manages source code without changing locations of our build and dev servers and to identify correct Egit commands to use for check in and check out code from both servers.
In a single Eclipse workspace, initially had one project without use of Egit just a basic automatic and adhoc file copy back up of changed development directory into folders with dates of backup. Promotion to the build server was done by manually copying source files and binaries, doing a diff between source on the MainServer and local server to manage any merges. Now need to implement a proper version control system, using Egit, so as a first time Egit user. I have set up two test Eclipse projects in my workspace: project A shared with MainServerRepository and project B shared with LocalServerRepo. The two git repositories will be in different directories: MainServerRepository on the network and LocalServerRepo on my area on the network where I backup my PC.
What Egit actions do I take to promote latest TESTGIT1.src from MainServerRepository into LocalServerRepo to work on in my local server? (Team > Fetch from upstream is grayed out). Then, once tested, how do I check in src for TESTGIT1 into the main build server project, source and objects are in MainServerRepository?
I've used Team > Commit successfully to check in, but am using cut and paste to move code between two projects (prior to commit) and feel there must be a better way to do this or to set up the projects differently within Eclipse.
Or should I be using Team > push or Team > merge?
Do I need local repository or should I just check out into workspace?
Any comments/ question/assistance would be welcome as haven't figured it out from reading the EGit/User_Guide.
Edit TESTGIT1.src in Eclipse project shared with LocalServerRepo(testGitRepo) until work on it is complete on local server. Then, apply same changes to TESTGIT1 in the main build server project, using right click copy +paste from right click, team > check in. Then in Git Staging view, click plus sign to add to index (staging area), then click commit button, merging in with any other changes made to TESTGIT1.src by other developers. Don't use push command to push entire contents of LocalServerRepo. Or is there a better answer?

Adding TeamCity build configurations to (proper) source control

We have over 100 build configurations in Team City, and I've come to realize over the past few months that these assets are just as important (if not more so) than the actual project assets (code, config, etc) we are delivering.
To that end, I know TC provides it's own build configuration version control but to me that seems a bit low on features - for example if a build stops working it would be really good to be able to diff the actual XML build configurations in my favorite diff tool rather than rely on TC's built in one, or to be able to view differences across a longer time frame than simply against the previous state.
Obviously this can be handled manually by extracting the build definition and committing, and then applying self disciple to always do this when you change the definition. Can anyone suggest a more joined up approach? We're using TeamCity Enterprise v8.0.5
Can you upgrade to TeamCity 9? TeamCity now has built in support to sync the build configurations to Git or Mercurial.
As an interim solution before you upgrade to TeamCity 9, you could write a scheduled job to run every 10mins (or even every minute) and automatically commit the changes to a new repository. I'd use a new repository so TeamCity doesn't ever try and trigger off the commits.
I don't know what OS or VCS you are using, but you'd just need to commit all XML files so you get project-config.xml, build type XML, and plugin config, you don't want .properties files as the build number files will change after every build.
If you are using Git you could easily just init a repo in the projects directory, add a .gitignore for anything other than *.xml, and run git add . and git commit -m "Build configuration settings were edited" as a scheduled job.

Is there a way to prevent some files from appearing on the main branch in the remote repo?

I'm working on a simple project with other people. They use Eclipse to build it, but I don't like Eclipse and wrote a makefile and some batch/bash scripts to do the job for me.
I want to keep track of changes I make to these files, but I don't want others to see them in the main repo (at least not on the default branch, it would be okay to have my own). I could make a subrepo, but I don't want to type the folder each time I build something (besides, keeping makefile NOT in the root would be a bit awkward).
What are my options?
Use MQ-extension
Have adding these needed (personal local) files in MQ-patch(es)
Work locally with patch applied, unapply patch before push

Keeping custom build configuration files in a git repository

I've got a project in a git repository that uses some custom (and so far unversioned) setup scripts for the build environment etc. I'd like to put these under version control (hopefully git) but keep them versioned separate from the project itself, while still living in the base directory of the project - I've considered options like local branches but these seem to have the problem that switch back to master (or any other "real" branch) will throw away the working copies of the setup scripts.
I'm on Windows using msysgit so I've got a few tools to play with; does anyone have a recommendation or solution?
If you really need them separate from your main git repo while still living directly within it, you could try:
creating a new repo with those script within it
adding that new repo as a submodule to your repo. Except:
a/ those scripts won't live directly in the base directory, but in a subfolder representing the submodule
b/ you need of course to not publish (push) that new repo, in order for other cloning your main repo to not get those setup files
merging that new repo into your main repo (with the subtree project), but:
you need to split back your project to get rid of those files
for a project with a large history, and with frequent push, that step (the split) can be long and cumbersome.
I would consider a simpler solution, involving some evolution to your current setup files:
a private repo (as in "not pushed") with those setup files
environment variables with the path of your main git repo in order for your setup files (which would not be directly within the base directory of said main repo) to do their job in the right directory (like beginning for instance with a 'cd right_main_git_repo_dir').
I want to share an additional solution and some samples from which to start.
I've has a similar problem in attempting to build Mozilla Firefox with Buildbot -- I need to have some files in the root folder (namely the .mozconfig file and some helper scripts) and I wanted to version them separately.
My solution is as follow:
checkout the Firefox code from the Mercurial repository;
checkout an additional repository with the additional file I need;
before starting the build, I copy these file to the folder with the Firefox code.
This approach is implemented in the following repositories:
buildconfig-mozilla-central: it contains the Buildbot configuration, which
pulls both repositories
copies the files from the scripts repository
and start the build;
buildscripts-mozilla-central: the repository with the build configuration and helper scripts.
Please note that the code might not be well factored (for example the paths) but it should be a good starting point.
This procedure is tailored for Firefox, but it can be applied to any repository.