show that n insertions in a 2-3 tree can be done in order O(n) - 2-3-tree

I have to probe that n insertions in a 2-3 tree can be done in order O(n). I know that one insertion in the worst case is O(log2(n)), but what happens when I try n insertions...
I don't know what to do, help


Amortization complexity when resizing arrays by a constant?

I know that when you resize an array by a scalar (like doubling the length of the array, then copying all elements into the new big array) the amortized time complexity is O(1).
But why is it the case that when you do it with a constant (say, resizing it by +10 each time) not O(1) as well?
Edit: this site seems to explain it, but I am very confused on the math. Where does big $N$ come from? I thought we were dealing with k?
If every kth consecutive insertions cost as much as the number of elements that are already in the array (denote by n+N*k where n is the initial size of the array) then you got sequences of this type:
n O(1) Operations
Expensive operation of O(n)
k O(1) Operations
Expensive operation of O(n+k)
k O(1) Operations
Expensive operation of (n+2k)
k O(1) Operations
Expensive operation of O(n+3k)
See where this is going? each expensive insertion happens every k insertions (expect first time) and costs as the current number of elements.
This means that after, lets simplify, n+A*k insertions we had A copies of n elements, and also we had A-1 copy of the first set of k elements, A-2 copies of the second set of k elements, and so on..
This sums up to O(An + A^2 * k). And because we did n+Ak, we can divide to get amortized cost.
This gives us (An + A^2 * k)/(n+Ak)=A
So, this implies that we are amortized dependent in this array on the NUMBER OF INSERTIONS, which is bad because we won't be able to state that this array, does a constant work in average.

What is the time complexity of first-where?

For clarification, first(where:) method keeps iterating through the sequence until it finds the satisfied element and returns it.
Based on that I would assume that it is not O(n) (linear time) because at some point it doesn't has to iterate through the whole sequence until its end.
You could check: What is the difference between filter(_:).first and first(where:)?
I'm not sure if it could be something relates to O(log n), AFAIK it has something to do with splitting into halves...
It would be great if someone could describe how we can determine the time complexity for such a process.
We are usually interested in the worst case running time of a program. Based on that, it should be O(n) as the worst case is when it iterates through all the elements.
On average you'll only have to check 1/2 of the values, so you'd think first(where:) would be O(1/2 N). But O() notation ignores constants. O(N) means it grows linearly as the number of elements grows. For 10 items, you'd check 5 on average, for 100, you'd check 50, for 1000, you'd check 500 on average. Connect the points (10,5), (100,50), (1000, 500). That's a straight line.

What is the runtime for initializing a hash table with n elements?

Is it O(n) or O(n logn)? I have n elements that I need to setup in a hash table, what is the worst-case and average runtime?
Worst case is unlimited. You need to calculate hash codes and may have to compare elements, and the time for that is not limited.
Assuming that calculating hashes and comparing elements is constant time, for insertion the worst case is O (n^2). What saves you is the fact that the worst case would be exceedingly rare, assuming a halfway decent has function. Average time for a decent implementation is O (n).

Why is merge sort's worst case still n log n?

It was a question on my final I took earlier and I had no idea how to answer it.
Well it was
What is Merge sort's worst case runtime but MORE IMPORTANTLY, why?
The divide-and-conquer contributes a log(n) factor. You divide the array in half log(n) times, and each time you do, for each segment, you have to do a merge on two sorted array. Merging two sorted arrays is O(n). The algorithm is just to walk up the two arrays, and walk up the one that's lagging.
The recursion you get is r(n) = O(n) + r(roundup(n/2))+r(rounddown(n/2).
The problem is that you cant use the Masters Theorem for solving this due to the rounding. Hence you can ether do the math or use a little hack-like solution. If ur input isn't a power of two number just "blow it up". Then u can use the masters theorem on r(n) = O(n) + 2r(n/2). Obviously this leads to O(nlogn). The function merge() itself is in O(n), because in the worst case you need n-1 compares.

Time complexity of QuickSort+Insertion sort hybrid algorithm?

I am implementing an algorithm that perform Quick sort with Leftmost pivot selection up to a certain limit and when the list of arrays becomes almost sorted, I will use Insertion sort to sort those elements.
For left most pivot selection,I know the Average case complexity of Quick sort is O(nlogn) and worst case complexity ,i.e. when the list is almost sorted, is O(n^2). On the other hand, Insertion sort is very efficient on almost sorted list of elements with a complexity is O(n).
SO I think the complexity of this hybrid algorithm should be O(n). Am I correct?
The most important thing for the performance of qsort is picking a good pivot above all. This means choosing an element that's as close to the average of the elements you're sorting as possible.
The worse case of O(n2) in qsort comes about from consistently choosing 'bad' pivots every time for each partition pass. This causes the partitions to be extremely lopsided rather than balanced eg. 1 : n-1 element partition ratio.
I don't see how adding insertion sort into the mix as you've describe would help or mitigate this problem.