Logic Apps trigger Databricks notebook - triggers

I have an issue. Is that possible for Logic Apps to trigger Databricks notebook in its pipeline?
I want to automate processing of downloaded files from Sharepoint and trigger notebook of Databricks.
Starting to build the custom logicapp connector but struggling according to this guide: https://medium.com/#poojaanilshinde/create-azure-logic-apps-custom-connector-for-azure-databricks-e51f4524ab27
Unfortunately struggling to create json Openapi file (image below)

1.Created a Databricks resource in Azure.
Created a Logic Apps Custom Connector resource with name Databricksconnector.
Once created clicked on edit option as shown below,
Followed the document https://medium.com/#poojaanilshinde/create-azure-logic-apps-custom-connector-for-azure-databricks-e51f4524ab27
by # Pooja Shinde
and performed below steps.
Connector creation I have kept all with default values in this section.
In General Information, selected scheme as Https and in host give data bricks url as https://databricksinstancename.azuredatabricks.net
In Security, selected authentication as basic as shown below,
In Definition tab, added new action by clicking on New action
In General tab, provided Summary, Description, Operation ID and Visibility selected as none.
In Request tab, Clicked on Import from sample.
I am retrieving job details by passing job_id and details are,
Request Type: Get
Url: api/2.0/jobs/get?job_id=*******
Headers: Content-Type: application/ json
12.Click on import and request will be update as below,
Next click on Update connector and connector will be saved.
Connector saved successfully as shown below,
We can view all the provided details in json format by clicking on swagger editor,
Now created a logic app with recurrence trigger.
Able to see created custom connector as shown below,
Created connection for Azure data bricks as per the document https://medium.com/#poojaanilshinde/create-azure-logic-apps-custom-connector-for-azure-databricks-e51f4524ab27
Added parameter “job_id” and given value as shown below,
20. logic app ran successfully and able to get job details,
Reference: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/databricks/dev-tools/api/2.0/jobs?source=recommendations#--runs-list


How to get an asset all details in AEM with API request?

I am using AEM API in my automation. We published a file from workfront to AEM. That file have multiple information:
1. Basic
2. Test1
3. test2
4. etc
When I hit the api:
I am getting very less information under the properties and metadata section. (In short, it does not have Test1, Test2 and other tab information)
Is there any way to fetch all these from aem API's? It will reduce my overhead to validate these details from UI Automation.
First of look checkout the metadata nodes of file for the desired data to be present. I would rather prefer writing a custom servlet in AEM which takes in path parameter as an asset path and gives back the response back in desired format.
I figured it out.
The following API returns all the JCR content in API response:
<baseURL>/content/dam/path to that file.-1.json

Insert value into Azure DevOps Custom Fields through Rest Api

I've added some custom fields for Test Plan in Azure DevOps. But when I try to create a new Test Plan through the Rest API call, it is only creating a Test Plan with default fields populated, while custom fields remain blank.
I've tried using both the field name (like Team Name) along with field reference name (like custom.TeamName) but to no avail. Even Get is also not exposing custom fields. Is some extra configuration required for custom fields, or it is a code related issue?
Details: I've created one Inherited process under the organization, and then under Process->Test Plan I've created new fields in the Test Plan, as shown in the screen shot:
I've tried below code to create Test Plan as Work Item and successfully created it with extra fields. But as I couldn't create a test suite independently, it is not behaving properly.
I've created a JsonPatchDocument and added all the fields (adding just one here) like below code:
JsonPatchDocument patchDocument= new JsonPatchDocument();
VssConnection connection=new VssConnection(uri,credential);
WorkItemTrackingHttpClient workItemTrackingHttpClient= connection.GetClient<WorkItemTrackingHTTPClient>();
WorkItem res=workItemTrackingHTTPClient.CreateWorkItemAsync(patchDocument,project,"Test Plan").Result;
It is creating the Test Plan, but not Test Suite. So it is acting weirdly. Kindly check this.
Insert value into Azure DevOps Custom Fields through Rest Api
I could reproduce this issue with the REST API Test Plans - Create.
I think this should be related to the REST API, that because even if I use the REST API Test Plans - Get to get the custom field, but the request body does not include the custom field.
Since we could not get the custom field, we could not use the POST or PATCH for the custom filed.
You could add this request for this feature on our UserVoice site (https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/content/idea/post.html?space=21 ), which is our main forum for product suggestions. Thank you for helping us build a better Azure DevOps.

Calling IBM Function through HTTP

I created a function in IBM cloud which displays some JSON data when invoked. I am trying to figure out how client can consume this information. I am unable to find any information on net. I would like to preferable access the function through HTTP request or if that is not possible do it through some python script. Does anyone have more information on how this can be achieved?
Depending on the nature of your action/function, there are different ways to call it. In any case, you can find the required information about URL (and API key), by clicking the action in the action panel, and select 'endpoints' from there.
If you created a 'plain' action (i.e. one that accepts JSON and returns JSON), you will have to use the API key shown on the panel mentioned above. You can find it -- and the URL to use, in the 'Rest API' section. At the bottom of this page, there is also a complete curl command, which you can just copy & paste (and where you only need to insert the API key).
In case you created a web action (see here for details: https://console.bluemix.net/docs/openwhisk/openwhisk_webactions.html#openwhisk_webactions) , you can call it anonymously. The URL for that is different than the one referred to above -- you can find it in the 'web actions' section of the 'Endpoints' tab.

Autocomplete testing on Azure Search explorer

I am trying to build and test the auto complete feature on a master item lookup tables using Azure Search (for a ASP MVC application). The search index was done with the suggesterName SG set to ItemDisplayName
I was looking to test it first on Azure portal- so that I could aim to replicate the results via code. This is because the results I am getting in code are quite unexpected
As I type the substring the itemDislayName, the expectation was that upto 5 selected names will be displayed
On the portal, I tried a query string of
with the base request URL containing the index, api version and sugestorName-but I don't get results of items containing 'str' and with the fuzziness as below
Could you please guide around
[1] how I can get suggestor output in azure portal-search explorer
[2] can I control fuzziness using queryType and ~1,~2
I was referring to these 3 links
1) https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/searchservice/suggestions
2) https://channel9.msdn.com/Shows/Azure-Friday/Azure-Search-103-Azure-Search-Suggestions-with-Liam-Cavanagh
3) gunnarpeipman.com/2016/07/azure-search-suggesters/
Azure Search Portal doesn't support the Suggestion API yet. You will need to use an HTTP client like Fiddler or Postman.
Make sure you use the right URL for you Suggest requests:
https://[service name].search.windows.net/indexes/[index name]/docs/suggest
Please use our User Voice page to vote for adding the Suggest API to the Portal: https://feedback.azure.com/forums/263029-azure-search

Error when trying to load tables from desktop with dashDB

I'm trying to load a csv file into a table and receiving the following error:
The steps that I am doing are launching the dashDB instance that I have, Load, Load from Desktop, Browse for the csv... I have tried to create a new table from the csv and add to an existing table, both resulting with the error. I have also created a dummy csv with just 1 record in it and it is also failing with the same error. When creating the table from the load, the result is the table getting created with no data loaded.
The error you are getting is an already known bug of the Bluemix Dashboard integration with the dashDB one:
The team is working on this issue, but a fully working workaround is available.
In order to complete your data loading through your file you should:
access your application section on the Bluemix dashboard
click on the 'Environment variables' section and select the 'VCAP_SERVICE' button
retrieve the 'https_url' of the dashDB service and save also the related username and password values
paste on your browser url the https_url value, it will open directly the dashDB dashboard, you can now login using the username and password found in VCAP_SERVICE section
click on 'Load' section in the left menu of the dashDB dashboard
in this section you could upload your file without any problem.