I have Eclipse (Mars) web development tools installed on a MacBook Air. Recently, hitting f3 stopped opening the declaration.
The key mapping in Eclipse (Mars) - web development tools:
In another Eclipse install (Luna) - Android development tools, where the f3 function is working, the key mapping is:
What is wrong with the Mars version? What do I need to add to get it to work in the Java editor?
I have seen this post, but I don't have the exact same issue. Nothing happens when I hit f3.
Other short cut keys work.
Opening the declaration with the context menu does work.
But there is no key short cut listed in the context menu.
Did this key mapping change with Mars? In my Luna verion, the context menu has the key map listed:
I've the same issue. You can use "Ctrl + Left mouse click" instead.
Make sure your function lock key is not pressed. I apparently hit mine and didn't notice given that F3 is the only function key I use.
Seems stupid but this literally happened to me and the other suggestion didn't help.
In eclipse mars goto:
Keys to open the key mapping view.
type 'open declaration' in the filter text.
copy one of the commands that are already there Copy Command
Enter 'F3' in the Binding.
In the drop down menu of the combo box of 'When' select Editing
Then whatever Language You Are Using
and press Ok
I had the same issue after installing Apache Directory Studio.
Go to Window->Preferences, General->Keys. Filter for F3 and you'll see all the different ways that F3 is bound. I got it to work again by disabling F3 in the LDAP windows (i.e. deleting the binding).
Some suggestions to try:
1) Try creating a new workspace, and check if F3 works
2) Try switching to a different perspective
3) Try downloading a different eclipse release, maybe the java developers release, check that F3 works, then install whatever you need for web development.
Good luck :)
Right Click on the project -> Properties -> Project Facets -> Click on the Configuration Link -> Click on Apply Button -> Click on OK button.
The above steps should set your project as a Java project.
Looking at the comparison of the preferences that work vs what does not work, the issue is clear.
Go to: Window/preferences/General/Keys to open the key mapping view.
Type 'Open declaration' in the search box
Enter 'F3' in the Binding textbox.
If you are editing for C++, Java any language, you need to have a specific F3 binding for that language!
Example for Java source code select 'Editing Java Source' in the 'When' dropbox.
Apply and press Ok
Even I faced the same issue in windows,I was using cucumber and was unable to navigate using F3. I solved by doing the following:
Click on Help in Eclipse >
Eclipse MarketPlace
type "Natural" in search and press enter
Install "Natural 0.9" plugin
Restart Eclipse
This should work, if not working even after that, uninstall cucumber plugin in Eclipse Marketplace
You will be able to navigate from Gherkins, even after this if you are finding issues do the following:
Go to Window ->Preferences, General->Keys > Click on "Restore Defaults"
I had a similar problem today - Unable to open Declarations in Java Editor using F3 or CTRL+Left Click.
Solution :
STEP1: Selected any java file in Eclipse Explorer.
STEP2: Clicked the - sign at the top of the Eclipse explorer. This compressed view of all modules in Eclipse.
STEP3: Right click on the empty space on the Eclipse Java Explorer and chose Refresh Option (F5) .
STPE4 : Happily the navigate options like F3, F2 , CTRL + Right Click all started working.
Solution :
1. Download and install this eclipse
F3 shortcut key is worked for java file and Testng.xml.
i am able see package name and class name and also it navigate methods.
Can someone please provide the eclipse shortcut xml to load it in jdeveloper?
thanks in advance.
I have tried to load keyboard schemes from eclipse in jdeveloper. But it is not helping. In order to import the shortcuts by the import option, I need the shortcut xml.
There is already Eclipse key mapping in JDeveloper - no need to import. Do this:
Preferences->Shortcut Keys->More Actions->Load Keyboard Schema
Eclipse is one of the options there.
I use Eclipse Luna 4.4.0 under Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS. When I edit a file (especially a Java file), then the editor has a vi-like behaviour with a command and edit mode. But I want the same editor behaviour as under Windows which is like Notepad(++), without a command mode.
I couldn't find any key settings under Windows -> Preferences -> General -> Keys. There's a default scheme, a "vim's key bindings" scheme and an emacs scheme, but there seems to be no difference between the default and the vim scheme. And, additionally, I couldn't find any way to export Windows' editor preferences and to import them under Linux.
Is there any way to solve my problem? Or do we have this different behaviour due to platform-dependent implementation?
I guess, you have Vrapper or a different plug-in installed that provides these key bindings. If you don't want to have these features, try to uninstall them (select Help -> About from the menu, then click on Installation Details button on the bottom of the About dialog, where you can look for any possible culprits, and uninstall them.
I'm using eclipse on Ubuntu 12.04 and Ctrl+x closes my Eclipse. I tested Ctrl+x in other applications and it cuts text, which is what I want, so it must be an eclipse shortcut binding.
I checked my Preferences>General>Keys settings and couldn't find an exit/quit/explode eclipse command and when I search for Ctrl+x I only see 'Cut' binded to that key combo.
It has been driving me crazy so any help will be appriciated, you go to cut and omg eclipse is closing lol.
I had a similar problem. Here's how to solve it:
When you open Eclipse, go to Window -> Preferences -> General -> Keys.
Search for the 'Cut' command. The Binding option should show 'Ctrl+X'. Change the When option from 'In Dialogs and Windows' to 'Editing Text'.
I checked my Eclipse environment, I don't have this problem. Ctrl+ X is for cut.
I can suggest to go where you did, and look inside the bindings column, if there is any ctrl+x and change it.
Look also for other programs you are running, maybe they listen to shortcuts.
I had the exact same problem on Windows 8. The CTRL+x binding closed Eclipse but in the bindings dialog the only binding for CTRL+x was for the cut action. Finally, I have found the solution in the Arch Linux Wiki. See . It's a bug in Eclipse which can be solved by editing a metadata file by hand.
Previously, using the ALT+COMMAND+R key combination after highlighting a variable name in a Java file would go into the rename refactor mode. Now, the key combination replaces the highlighted text with a registered trademark symbol. How can I get the key combination to go into the rename refactor mode instead of inserting the symbol?
The current file encoding is set to MacRoman, which is the default setting inherited from container. As far as I know, nothing here has changed.
I am using Eclipse Indigo (Build id: 20110615-0604) on Mac OS X 10.7.5. Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers and FreeMarker IDE SDK 1.1.0.v201006011046R-H111-GA are installed. I don't think there are any non-standard plugins.
The only recent change I can remember making is installing PyDev a few weeks ago. With the default PyDev installed, ALT+COMMAND+R opens a context menu in the lower right corner with 2 option: rename and set next symbol (this is in addition to replace the text with the symbol). I disabled the Set Next Symbol key binding in my preferences, restarted eclipse, and tried the key combo again. The text was still replaced by the symbol but the rename refactor mode was not entered did not open. I uninstalled PyDev, restarted eclipse, and tried the key combo again. The text was still replaced by the symbol.
Update (December, 2012): Another user on eclipse forums is having a similar issue:
Update (January, 2013): I have opened APSTUD-7664 in PyDev's Jira. Hopefully, a developer will pick it up and find a solution.
Same problem here (OS X 10.7.5, Eclipse Juno for Java, build 20120614-1722, PyDev recently installed). The following solution worked for me:
Eclipse > Preferences... > General > Keys
Choose Rename - Refactoring (Category: Refactor - Java)
Click Unbind Command
Click Binding field and type Command-Option-R
Click OK
A possible clue as to what's going on (I don't know): the User column is set to "C" before fixing the binding, and set to "U" afterward.
Ed's unbind/rebind trick didn't work for me, but changing "When" from "In Windows" to the more specific "Editing Java Source" seems to have done the trick.
I guess it's a bit more restrictive, but for my workflow Java is really the only place I'll be doing any refactoring.
If anyone is still having this issue (and it is still an issue with the most recent Eclipse Kepler when you install PyDev), this is the solution that worked for me. It's very similar to Ed's, but I had to unbind on the PyDev command specifically.
Go into Preferences > General > Keys menu:
Filter by the word "refactor" in the filter box. What you'll see is that there's a conflict ("C" in user column):
You need to sort by the highlight the Rename - Refactoring command and sort by binding. Then remove the filter. This will show all conflicts (including the PyDev one that is fouling things up)
Click the PyDev command bound to the same key combination click "Unbind Command"
Now nothing will be bound to that key combination, so just go back up to the correct command, "Rename - Refactoring" and rebind Command-Option-R to it.
When you're finished, it will show as a User defined command (U in user column), but it will work properly in both the project menu and in the code editor. The only thing that won't work is the PyDev command that was bound to it. If you want, feel free to bind that command to an alternative key combination.
I think .. the solution is full resetting. So i do as follow.
My environment is Eclipse kepller and Mac Mountain lion.
Terminate eclipse.
Copy workspace for safety. (Maybe its useless, but for safety...)
Delete .metadata hidden folder from workspace.
Start eclipse, then you see whole new workbench without projects!
Now, import existing project from your workspace folder.
That's all. Your default rename key is restored. And you have refreshed environment.
It's simple.
Have a nice development time.