how to create an initial prisma migration - postgresql

I have a PostgreSQL database and prisma schema. My migration history is empty and I don't have migrations table. When I am trying to run prisma migrate dev to create migrations table and add initial migration to this table it wants to delete all my database table's data.
prisma migrate dev --name migration_name --create-only command tries to reset my database too.
How to create initial prisma migration without losing my data?
Is it possible to create prisma migrations table in my PostgreSQL database and add initial migration to this table without losing data?
I've tried to follow this article: but it wants to reset my database after db pull.

You can follow these steps to generate the initial migration without resetting your database.
mkdir -p prisma/migrations/init
npx prisma migrate diff --preview-feature --from-empty --to-schema-datamodel prisma/schema.prisma --script > prisma/migrations/init/migration.sql
npx prisma migrate resolve --applied init
npx prisma migrate dev # it should say everything is in sync


Index are auto deleted after migration

Migrating data from IBM DB2 z/os to Postgresql in AWS RDS , using Attunity replicate.
Following these steps:
Create table DDL
Create Indexes
Migrate data
Create foreign keys
Before migration all Indexes are created in postgresql DB and visible but after MIGRATION all indexes are getting auto deleted and we have to recreate that indexes.
Why it is happening ?? any other suggestion

prisma db pull doesn't see a new table

I have existing schema for prisma.
I copied the table from another schema to be included in the Prisma schema.
But when I run prisma db pull new table doesn't appear in Prisma schema.
If you use supabase and running this command and it returns something like this 'The following models were commented out because we couldn't retrieve columns for them. Please check your privileges.' or something similar regarding privileges, the solution is to go to your SQL editor from supabase and put this command and execute it
You're misinterpreting the function of the prisma db pull command.
From the docs
The db pull command connects to your database and adds Prisma models to your Prisma schema that reflect the current database schema.
Basically, it will make your Prisma schema match the existing database schema. What you want is the opposite here: Update the database schema to match the current Prisma schema.
You can do this in two ways:
If you want to update the database and keep the changes in your migration history, use the prisma migrate dev command. More Info
If you just want to update the database without creating a migration, use the prisma db push command. More info
More information is available in the docs explaining how you should choose between 1 and 2.
I had a similar issue once and a quick check confirmed for me that it was the lack of security permissions granted for prisma on new table in the database itself.
Try this:
Note the name of the database user that Prisma connects to the database with. You'll likely find this via your schema.prisma file, or perhaps via a DATABASE_URL config setting in the related .env file if you're using that with prisma.
Go into the database itself and ensure that database user which Prisma connects with has been granted sufficient security privileges to that new table. (note: what 'sufficient' is I cannot say since it depends on your own needs. At a guess, I'd say at least 'select' permission would be needed.)
Once you've ensure that user has sufficient privileges, try running a prisma db pull command once again.
For reference, another thing you could do is:
cross-check against one of the other tables that is already in your database that works correctly with prisma.
compare the security privileges of that old table with the security privileges of the new table and see if there are any differences.

How do I merge a local Postgres dump to AWS RDS without the -c flag?

I have version A of my PostgreSQL database in AWS RDS and version B on my local machine. DB B was created from a dump of DB A and has been updated locally. I am trying to merge the data I have locally to RDS.
A has data that B doesn't have and B has data that A doesn't have, hence I cannot use the -c flag in pg_dump (as in this question).
I export my database with pg_dump:
pg_dump -f dump.sql mydb
I try to import my database to RDS using psql:
psql -h -U myself mydb < dump.sql
This updates schema, i.e. adds columns I had locally to RDS, but fails to insert any values into these columns. I get the following error for every table that exists in DB A:
ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "table_pkey"
As I understand from this question, my sequence may be out of sync, but this seems odd given I get it for every table in DB A, and DB B was created from a dump of DB A.
If I use the -c flag with pg_dump the merge works but all of the data in DB A that DB B did not have gets deleted.
How do I merge my local database into the remote one on AWS without losing data?
If you don't need to modify any of the existing rows, you can use pg_dump's option --on-conflict-do-nothing, new in v12.
This will not add any new columns. pg_dump is not a schema migration tool.

Cannot drop db in postgres [duplicate]

I can't seem to reset my database while using docker compose. I've tried killing the server, killing just the database, and restarting the machine.
Anyone know the best way to clear out the development database?
Here's what I tried:
docker-compose run web rake db:reset
I am getting this error:
PG::ObjectInUse: ERROR: cannot drop the currently open database
Couldn't drop database 'postgres'
rake aborted!
I'm using the setup exactly as described by the docker-compose quickstart:
I have a rails container and a postgres container
You are using the wrong database.
The database postgres is normally not used for user data, but for administrative purposes. For example, if you want to drop a database, you have to be connected to a different database in the PostgreSQL database cluster to issue the SQL statement DROP DATABASE. Normally, the database postgres is used for that purpose, and I have no doubt that Docker does exactly that when it tries to drop a database.
If you really want to drop the database postgres, you'd have to connect to some other database in the cluster. The correct solution, however, is to keep your data in a different database. Then the problem should go away by itself.

Clone database and it's tables structure to another database (without data)

I have already known query to clone like:
But that query also cloned the data in the tables. I want to clone all tables and it's structures in the database, but not the data. How can I do this?
I'm not sure if is SQL comand for this. but you can try
create backoup in PGadmin and in dump option select only schema option and then restore it to new db.