can mongodb handle queries with hundreds of filter conditions? - mongodb

Supposed that a collection has billions of documents. Can mongodb handle queries that have hundreds of filter conditions on this collection by millions of users simultaneously? Assuming that this collection is indexed properly?


Is the Firestore collection write limit (imposed by sequentially-updated indexed fields) affected by collection-group queries?

From how I understand it, if a collection has a monotonically-increasing indexed field, a write limit is imposed on that collection. If that collection is split into two separate collections, each collection would have its own write limit. However, if we split that collection into two separate collections but give them the same name (putting them under different documents), would they still have their own independent write limits if the monotonically-indexed field was part of a collection-group query that queried them both together?
No, that's not the way it works. A collection group query requires its own index, and the limit you're talking about is the write rate of the index itself, not the collection. Each collection automatically indexes fields from documents for just that specific collection, but that would not apply the collection group queries that span collections.
Note that the documentation states the limit as:
Maximum write rate to a collection in which documents contain sequential values in an indexed field
On a related note, disabling the indexing for a specific field on a collection allows you to bypass the normal monotonic write limits for that one field on that collection because it's no longer being indexed.

How to query documents from an entire MongoDB database containing multiple collections at once (Pymongo)

I have a DB containing thousands of collections, each collection containing documents.
How would I query all these documents from all the collections at once?
I have considered using the $lookup aggregation method but from my knowledge, it only combines an additional collection at once, whereas I have thousands of collections that I want to combine and query altogether.
Is there a way to achieve this?
MongoDB operations work on a single collection at a time. As you point out, $lookup can perform a cross-collection lookup, but it won't help you with a large number collections.
Re-design your data model.

Is better to have multiple collections with thousands of documents or one collection with 100 million documents?

I'm migrating a MySql table which has 100 million rows to a MongoDB database, this table stores companys documents and what difference them are the column company_id. I was wondering if have multiple collections on mongodb would be faster than just one collection, for example, each company would have it own collection (collections: company_1, company_2, company_3...) and store only documents from that company, so I will not need to filter then as I would need to do if I just had 1 big collection and in every document there would be a column named company_id that would be used to filter documents.
Which method would perform best in this case?
Here's a JSON document example:
You could have one collection and one document per company, with company specific details in the document, assuming the details do not exceed 16MB in size. Place an index on company id for performance reasons. If performance conditions are not meeting expectations scale vertically - i.e., add memory, CPU, disk IO, and network enhancements to increase performance. If that does not suffice, consider sharding the collection across multiple hosts.

Get latest two documents in Mongo aggregagte query

I am using aggregate query to fetch multiple data from various Collections. Some of the collections have more than one records, I there a way where I can get latest(by latest i mean recently added) two records from particular collection.

Avoid MongoDB to load index

I want to perform a huge query that performs joins across my database, more than 600 collections with billions of documents. The point is that if I perform that query, my db will explode because MongoDB will be trying to load the index of each collection.
¿Is there any way to avoid MongoDB to automatically load the indexes of each collection?