Failed to decode data coming from client - swift

I am following Ray Wanderlich's book 'Server Side Swift with Vapor' and I am at chapter 26: Adding profile pictures.
First, I defined this struct:
struct ImageUploadData: Content {
var picture: Data
Then, in a route I try to decode it:
func postProfilePictureHandler(_ req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture<User> {
let data = try req.content.decode(ImageUploadData.self)
From the client side, I use Alamofire:
#discardableResult func uploadProfilePicture(for user: User, data: Data) async throws -> User {
enum Error: LocalizedError {
case missingUserID
guard let userID = else {
throw Error.missingUserID
let appendix = "\(userID)/profilePicture"
let parameters = [
"picture": data
return try await withCheckedThrowingContinuation { continuation in
Task {
AF.request(baseUrl + appendix, method: .post, parameters: parameters).responseData { response in
switch response.result {
case .success(let data):
do {
let user = try JSONDecoder().decode(User.self, from: data)
continuation.resume(returning: user)
} catch {
continuation.resume(throwing: error)
case .failure(let error):
continuation.resume(throwing: error)
In my integration tests, I create the picture's data like this:
guard let data = image?.pngData() else {
throw Error.missingPictureData
And then I pass it to the above method. The problem is that in the server side, the decoding fails with this error:
The data couldn’t be read because it is missing.
Just to understand if I was doing something else wrong, I tried the above methods with one difference: I replace the type 'Data' with 'String':
struct ImageUploadData: Content {
var picture: String
This wouldn't be useful for me because I need a data object, but just as a test to see if this doesn't produce an error, I tried and indeed this is decoded successfully. So I suspect that the problem is in how I encode the data before sending it to the server, but I don't know what's wrong.


Swift Generics - Pass multiple types from caller

I have a function to talk to my REST server as follows
func send<T: Decodable>(_ request: HTTPSClient.Request) async throws -> T {
do {
let (data, status): (Data, HTTPSClient.StatusCode) = try await request.send()
if status.responseType != .success { // success means 2xx
throw try JSONDecoder().decode(CustomError.self, from: data)
return try JSONDecoder().decode(T.self, from: data)
} catch {
// some error handling here
And is called as follows
public struct API1Response: Codable {
// some fields
let response: API1Response = try await self.send(httpsRequest)
Now I have a special use case where the response needs to be JSON decoded into different structs based on the HTTP response status code (2xx).
For example, if the response code is 200 OK, it needs to be decoded into struct APIOKResponse. If the response code is 202 Accepted, it needs to be decoded into struct APIAcceptedResponse and so on.
I want to write a similar function as above which can support multiple response types
I have written the below function, it does not throw any compilation errors
func send<T: Decodable>(_ request: HTTPSClient.Request, _ types: [HTTPSClient.StatusCode: T.Type]) async throws -> T {
do {
let (data, status): (Data, HTTPSClient.StatusCode) = try await request.send()
if status.responseType != .success { // success means 2xx
throw try JSONDecoder().decode(CustomError.self, from: data)
guard let t = types[status] else {
throw ClientError.unknownResponse
return try JSONDecoder().decode(t.self, from: data)
} catch {
// some error handling here
I don't understand how to call this though. Tried below
struct APIAcceptedResponse: Codable {
// some fields
struct APIOKResponse: Codable {
// some fields
let response = try await self.send(httpsRequest, [.accepted: APIAcceptedResponse, .ok: APIOKResponse])
// and
let response = try await self.send(httpsRequest, [.accepted: APIAcceptedResponse.self, .ok: APIOKResponse.self])
But in both cases it shows error
Cannot convert value of type 'APIAcceptedResponse.Type' to expected dictionary value type 'APIOKResponse.Type'
Is there something I am doing wrong in the send function itself?
If not, how to call it?
Is this is something can be achieved even?
This cannot be solved with generics. T has to be of a certain type. So you cannot provide an array of multiple different types the function could choose from. Also this type has to be known at compile time. You can´t choose it depending on your response.
As an alternative you could use protocols.
A simple example:
protocol ApiResponse: Decodable{
// common properties of all responses
struct ApiOkResponse: Codable, ApiResponse{
struct ApiErrorResponse: Codable, ApiResponse{
func getType(_ statusCode: Int) -> ApiResponse.Type{
if statusCode == 200{
return ApiOkResponse.self
} else {
return ApiErrorResponse.self
func send() throws -> ApiResponse{
let data = Data()
let responseStatusCode = 200
let type = getType(responseStatusCode)
return try JSONDecoder().decode(type, from: data)

How to decode the body of an error in Alamofire 5?

I'm trying to migrate my project from Alamofire 4.9 to 5.3 and I'm having a hard time with error handling. I would like to use Decodable as much as possible, but my API endpoints return one JSON structure when everything goes well, and a different JSON structure when there is an error, the same for all errors across all endpoints. The corresponding Codable in my code is ApiError.
I would like to create a custom response serializer that can give me a Result<T, ApiError> instead of the default Result<T, AFError>. I found this article that seems to explain the general process but the code in there does not compile.
How can I create such a custom ResponseSerializer?
I ended up making it work with the following ResponseSerializer:
struct APIError: Error, Decodable {
let message: String
let code: String
let args: [String]
final class TwoDecodableResponseSerializer<T: Decodable>: ResponseSerializer {
lazy var decoder: JSONDecoder = {
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
decoder.dateDecodingStrategy = .iso8601
return decoder
private lazy var successSerializer = DecodableResponseSerializer<T>(decoder: decoder)
private lazy var errorSerializer = DecodableResponseSerializer<APIError>(decoder: decoder)
public func serialize(request: URLRequest?, response: HTTPURLResponse?, data: Data?, error: Error?) throws -> Result<T, APIError> {
guard error == nil else { return .failure(APIError(message: "Unknown error", code: "unknown", args: [])) }
guard let response = response else { return .failure(APIError(message: "Empty response", code: "empty_response", args: [])) }
do {
if response.statusCode < 200 || response.statusCode >= 300 {
let result = try errorSerializer.serialize(request: request, response: response, data: data, error: nil)
return .failure(result)
} else {
let result = try successSerializer.serialize(request: request, response: response, data: data, error: nil)
return .success(result)
} catch(let err) {
return .failure(APIError(message: "Could not serialize body", code: "unserializable_body", args: [String(data: data!, encoding: .utf8)!, err.localizedDescription]))
extension DataRequest {
#discardableResult func responseTwoDecodable<T: Decodable>(queue: DispatchQueue = .userInitiated), of t: T.Type, completionHandler: #escaping (Result<T, APIError>) -> Void) -> Self {
return response(queue: .main, responseSerializer: TwoDecodableResponseSerializer<T>()) { response in
switch response.result {
case .success(let result):
case .failure(let error):
completionHandler(.failure(APIError(message: "Other error", code: "other", args: [error.localizedDescription])))
And with that, I can call my API like so:
AF.request(request).validate().responseTwoDecodable(of: [Item].self) { response in
switch response {
case .success(let items):
case .failure(let error): //error is an APIError
log.error("Error while loading items: \(String(describing: error))")
completion(.failure(.couldNotLoad(underlyingError: error)))
I simply consider that any status code outside of the 200-299 range corresponds to an error.
ResponseSerializers have a single requirement. Largely you can just copy the existing serializers. For example, if you wanted to parse a CSV (with no response checking):
struct CommaDelimitedSerializer: ResponseSerializer {
func serialize(request: URLRequest?, response: HTTPURLResponse?, data: Data?, error: Error?) throws -> [String] {
// Call the existing StringResponseSerializer to get many behaviors automatically.
let string = try StringResponseSerializer().serialize(request: request,
response: response,
data: data,
error: error)
return Array(string.split(separator: ","))
You can read more in Alamofire's documentation.

Handling 401 status w/ RxSwift & URLSession

I currently have a network client that looks like the below:
class Client<R: ResourceType> {
let engine: ClientEngineType
var session: URLSession
init(engine: ClientEngineType = ClientEngine()) {
self.engine = engine
self.session = URLSession.shared
func request<T: Codable>(_ resource: R) -> Single<T> {
let request = URLRequest(resource: resource)
return Single<T>.create { [weak self] single in
guard let self = self else { return Disposables.create() }
let response = self.session.rx.response(request: request)
return response.subscribe(
onNext: { response, data in
if let error = self.error(from: response) {
do {
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
let value = try decoder.decode(T.self, from: data)
} catch let error {
onError: { error in
struct StatusCodeError: LocalizedError {
let code: Int
var errorDescription: String? {
return "An error occurred communicating with the server. Please try again."
private func error(from response: URLResponse?) -> Error? {
guard let response = response as? HTTPURLResponse else { return nil }
let statusCode = response.statusCode
if 200..<300 ~= statusCode {
return nil
} else {
return StatusCodeError(code: statusCode)
Which I can then invoke something like
let client = Client<MyRoutes>()
client.request(.companyProps(params: ["collections": "settings"]))
.map { props -> CompanyModel in return props }
.subscribe(onSuccess: { props in
// do something with props
}) { error in
}.disposed(by: disposeBag)
I'd like to start handling 401 responses and refreshing my token and retrying the request.
I'm struggling to find a nice way to do this.
I found this excellent gist that outlines a way to achieve this, however I am struggling to implement this in my current client.
Any tips or pointers would be very much appreciated.
That's my gist! (Thanks for calling it excellent.) Did you see the article that went with it?
There are two key elements in handling 401 retries. First is that you need a way to insert tokens into your requests and start your request pipeline with Observable.deferred { tokenAcquisitionService.token.take(1) }. In your case, that means you need a URLRequest.init that will accept a Resource and a token, not just a resource.
The second is to throw a TokenAcquisitionError.unauthorized error when you get a 401 and end your request pipeline with .retryWhen { $0.renewToken(with: tokenAcquisitionService) }
So, given what you have above, in order to handle token retries all you need to do is bring my TokenAcquisitionService into your project and use this:
func getToken(_ oldToken: Token) -> Observable<(response: HTTPURLResponse, data: Data)> {
fatalError("this function needs to be able to request a new token from the server. It has access to the old token if it needs that to request the new one.")
func extractToken(_ data: Data) -> Token {
fatalError("This function needs to be able to extract the new token using the data returned from the previous function.")
let tokenAcquisitionService = TokenAcquisitionService<Token>(initialToken: Token(), getToken: getToken, extractToken: extractToken)
final class Client<R> where R: ResourceType {
let session: URLSession
init(session: URLSession = URLSession.shared) {
self.session = session
func request<T>(_ resource: R) -> Single<T> where T: Decodable {
return Observable.deferred { tokenAcquisitionService.token.take(1) }
.map { token in URLRequest(resource: resource, token: token) }
.flatMapLatest { [session] request in session.rx.response(request: request) }
.do(onNext: { response, _ in
if response.statusCode == 401 {
throw TokenAcquisitionError.unauthorized
.map { (_, data) -> T in
return try JSONDecoder().decode(T.self, from: data)
.retryWhen { $0.renewToken(with: tokenAcquisitionService) }
Note, it could be the case that the getToken function has to, for example, present a view controller that asks for the user's credentials. That means you need to present your login view controller (or a UIAlertController) to gather the data. Or maybe you get both an authorization token and a refresh token from your server when you login. In that case the TokenAcquisitionService should hold on to both of them (i.e., its T should be a (token: String, refresh: String). Either is fine.
The only problem with the service is that if acquiring the new token fails, the entire service shuts down. I haven't fixed that yet.

getting error message from server during API call

I have an app where I used RxSwift for my networking by extending ObservableType this works well but the issue I am having now is when I make an API request and there is an error, I am unable to show the particular error message sent from the server. Now how can I get the particular error response sent from the server
extension ObservableType {
func convert<T: EVObject>(to observableType: T.Type) -> Observable<T> where E: DataRequest {
return self.flatMap({(request) -> Observable<T> in
let disposable = Disposables.create {
return Observable<T>.create({observer -> Disposable in
request.validate().responseObject { (response: DataResponse<T>) in
switch response.result {
case .success(let value):
if !disposable.isDisposed {
case .failure(let error):
if !disposable.isDisposed {
observer.onError(NetworkingError(httpResponse: response.response,
networkData:, baseError: error))
return disposable
let networkRetryPredicate: RetryPredicate = { error in
if let err = error as? NetworkingError, let response = err.httpResponse {
let code = response.statusCode
if code >= 400 && code < 600 {
return false
return true
// Use this struct to pass the response and data along with
// the error as alamofire does not do this automatically
public struct NetworkingError: Error {
let httpResponse: HTTPURLResponse?
let networkData: Data?
let baseError: Error
response from the server could be
"status" : "error",
"status" : "success",
"data" : " gghfgdgchf"
my response is handled like this
class MaxResponse<T: NSObject>: MaxResponseBase, EVGenericsKVC {
var data: T?
public func setGenericValue(_ value: AnyObject!, forUndefinedKey key: String) {
switch key {
case "data":
data = value as? T
print("---> setGenericValue '\(value)' forUndefinedKey '\(key)' should be handled.")
public func getGenericType() -> NSObject {
return T()
the error is
return ApiClient.session.rx.request(urlRequest: MaxApiRouter.topupWall(userId: getUser()!.id!, data: body))
.convert(to: MaxResponse<Wall>.self)
In the official Alamofire docs it is mentioned that validate(), without any parameters:
Automatically validates status code within 200..<300 range, and that
the Content-Type header of the response matches the Accept header of
the request, if one is provided.
So if you do not include Alamofire's validate() you are saying that no matter the status code, if the request did get through, you will consider it successful, so that's why it shows nothing in the failure block.
However if you prefer to use it, yes, it will give you an ResponseValidationFailureReason error, but you still have access to the Try printing it, you should see the expected error response from the server:
if let responseData = {
print(String(data: responseData, encoding: .utf8))

Alamofire nonblocking connection

I am using Alamofire for basic networking. Here is my problem. I have a class
class User {
var name:String?
var company:String
init () {
manager = Alamofire.Manager(configuration: configuration)
func details () {
//first we login, if login is successful we fetch the result
manager.customPostWithHeaders(customURL!, data: parameter, headers: header)
.responseJSON { (req, res, json, error) in
if(error != nil) {
NSLog("Error: \(error)")
else {
NSLog("Success: \(self.customURL)")
var json = JSON(json!)
println("I fetched correctly")
func fetch() {
manager.customPostWithHeaders(customURL!, data: parameter, headers: header)
.responseJSON { (req, res, json, error) in
if(error != nil) {
NSLog("Error: \(error)")
else {
NSLog("Success: \(self.customURL)")
var json = JSON(json!)
//set name and company
My problem is if I do something like
var my user = User()
println("Username is \(")
I don’t get anything on the console for However if I put a break point, I see that I get username and company correctly inside my fetch function. I think manager runs in separate non blocking thread and doesn’t wait. However I really don’t know how can I initialize my class with correct data if I can’t know whether manager finished successfully. So how can I initialize my class correctly for immediate access after all threads of Alamofire manager did their job?
You don't want to do the networking inside your model object. Instead, you want to handle the networking layer in some more abstract object such as a Service of class methods. This is just a simple example, but I think this will really get you heading in a much better architectural direction.
import Alamofire
struct User {
let name: String
let companyName: String
class UserService {
typealias UserCompletionHandler = (User?, NSError?) -> Void
class func getUser(completionHandler: UserCompletionHandler) {
let loginRequest = Alamofire.request(.GET, "login/url")
loginRequest.responseJSON { request, response, json, error in
if let error = error {
completionHandler(nil, error)
} else {
println("Login Succeeded!")
let userRequest = Alamofire.request(.GET, "user/url")
userRequest.responseJSON { request, response, json, error in
if let error = error {
completionHandler(nil, error)
} else {
let jsonDictionary = json as [String: AnyObject]
let user = User(
name: jsonDictionary["name"]! as String,
companyName: jsonDictionary["companyName"]! as String
completionHandler(user, nil)
UserService.getUser { user, error in
if let user = user {
// do something awesome with my new user
} else {
// figure out how to handle the error
Since both the login and user requests are asynchronous, you cannot start using the User object until both requests are completed and you have a valid User object. Closures are a great way to capture logic to run after the completion of asynchronous tasks. Here are a couple other threads on Alamofire and async networking that may also help you out.
Handling Multiple Network Calls
Returning a Value with Alamofire
Hopefully this sheds some light.