Merge Names From Data For Message Application - mongodb

Hello guys I'm writing a Message Application with Node.js and Mongoose. I keep datas in mongodb like that:
I want to list users who messaged before so I need to filter my 'Messages' collection but I can't do what exactly I want. If he sent a message to a person I need to take persons name but, if he take a message from a person I need to take persons name however in first situation person name in reciever, in second situation person name in sender. I made a table for explain more easily. I have left table and I need 3 name like second table.(Need to eliminate one John's name)
Sorry, if this problem asked before but I don't know how can I search this problem.
I tried this but it take user name who logged in and duplicate some names.
Message.find({$or: [{sender: req.user.username}, {reciever: req.user.username}]})

One option is to use an aggregation pipeline to create two sets and simply union them:
{$match: {$or: [{sender: req.user.username}, {reciever: req.user.username}]}},
{$group: {
_id: 0,
recievers: {$addToSet: "$reciever"},
senders: {$addToSet: "$sender"}
{$project: {
_id: req.user.username,
previousChats: {"$setDifference":
{$setUnion: ["$recievers", "$senders"]},
See how it works on the playground example

This is a tricky one, but can be solved with a fairly simple aggregation pipeline.
On our first stage of the pipeline, we will want to get all the messages sent or received by the user (in our case David), for that we will use a $match stage:
$match: {
$or: [
{sender: 'David'},
{receiver: 'David'}
After we found all the messages from or to David, we can start collecting the people he talks to, for that we will use a $group stage and use 2 operations that will help us to achieve this:
$addToSet - This will add all the names to a set. Sets only contain one instance of the same value and ignore any other instance trying to be added to the set of the same value.
$cond - This will be used to add either the receiver or the sender, depending which one of them is David.
The stage will look like this:
$group: {
_id: null,
chats: {$addToSet: {$cond: {
if: {$eq: ['$sender', 'David']},
then: '$receiver',
else: '$sender'
Combining these 2 stages together will give us the expected result, one document looking like this:
"_id": null, // We don't care about this
"chats": [
Final Solution
$match: {
$or: [
sender: req.user.username
receiver: req.user.username
}, {
$group: {
_id: null,
chats: {
$addToSet: {
$cond: {
'if': {
$eq: [
then: '$receiver',
'else': '$sender'
$match aggregation stage
$group aggregation stage
$addToSet operation
$cond operation


Push an object to a nested array within a document but use a value from a field in the root document

I've been scratching my head with this problem. I've attempted to search for a solution but I didn't find anything relating to my specific use case.
Would anyone be able to help me out?
Say I have a collection of "discount" documents, and importantly they have an "amount" field to say how much the discount is worth. Whenever a discount is redeemed I currently want to track what the worth was at the time of the redemption.
To do this I've been attempting to use the following code:
await datastore.collection('discounts').updateOne(
$expr: { $gt: [ '$maxUses', '$uses' ] },
$set: {
uses: 1
$push: {
redemptions: {
name: concatNames(user),
amount: '$amount', // <-- use amount from root document
when: new Date()
Unfortunately $amount does not pull the value from the root document, instead it just becomes "$amount" as a string. I've also attempted to convert this update to use a pipeline but $push is not a valid pipeline stage.
Here's a quick Mongo playground link.
Thanks in advance.
In order to refer to another fields value, you'll need to use the aggregation pipeline form of update. However, '$push' is an update operator, not an aggregation operator.
$concatArrays gets most of the way there like
{$set: {redepmtions: {$concatArrays: [ "$redemptions", [{amount: "$amount"}]}}
That will throw an error if $redemptions doesn't already exist, so use $cond to subsitute an empty array in that case:
{ ...criteria },
[{$set: {
redemptions: {$concatArrays: [
{$cond: [{$eq: ["array", {$type: "$redemptions"}]}, "$redemptions", []]},
[{amount: "$amount"}]

Mongodb - Find coupled documents, where A is following B and B is following A

I'm trying to find all users in my database that follow the user back.
The followers collection has 3 fields: _id, _t, _f.
When a user follows another user it adds their user ID to _f and the id of the target user to _t
I need to query all documents where the inverse for _f, _t exist in the database and retrieve all users id's that follow back.
_id: "62a0f3fb362c239460e8ee09",
_f: "611531d23039d93be3bf2e2a",
_t: "61bdd50570a6a12866e3297f",
createdAt: "2022-06-08T19:03:35.246Z"
_id: "62a0f3fb362c239460e8ee09",
_f: "61bdd50570a6a12866e3297f",
_t: "611531d23039d93be3bf2e2a",
createdAt: "2022-06-08T19:03:35.246Z"
If these two documents existed in a collection I would want the query to retrieve them both so that I could pull the _f value, thus retrieve all the users that I follow AND follow me back.
There is a difference between finding all couples, and finding all couples that a specific user is a part of them.
If you want to find all couples, you can use an aggregation pipeline with $lookup:
$lookup: {
from: "followers",
let: {f: "$_f", t: "$_t"},
pipeline: [
$match: {
$expr: {$and: [{$eq: ["$_t", "$$f"]}, {$eq: ["$_f", "$$t"]}]}
{$project: {_id: 1}}
as: "hasCouple"
{$match: {$expr: {$gt: [{$size: "$hasCouple"}, 0]}}},
{$set: {hasCouple: {$first: "$hasCouple._id"}}}
See how it works on the playground example - all couples
If you want just all couples that a user x is a part of them, add a $match step at the start, to get focused results:
{$match: {_f: x}},
See how it works on the playground example - specific user

Delete all but one duplicate from a mongo db

So I mad the mistake and saved a lot of doduments twice because I messed up my document id. Because I did a Insert, i multiplied my documents everytime I saved them. So I want to delete all duplicates except the first one, that i wrote. Luckilly the documents have an implicit unique key (match._id) and I should be able to tell what the first one was, because I am using the object id.
The documents look like this:
_id: "5e8e2d28ca6e660006f263e6"
match : {
_id: 2345
So, right now I have a aggregation that tells me what elements are duplicated and stores them in a collection. There is for sure a more elegant way, but I am still learning.
[{$sort: {"$_id": 1},
{$group: {
_id: "$match._id",
duplicateIds: {$push: "$_id"},
count: {$sum: 1}
{$match: {
count: { $gt: 1 }
}}, {$addFields: {
deletableIds: { $slice: ["$duplicateIds", 1, 1000 ] }
{$out: 'DeleteableIds'}]
Now I do not know how to proceed further, as it does not seem to have a "delete" operation in aggregations and I do not want to write those temp data to a db just so I can write a delete command with that, as I want to delete them in one go. Is there any other way to do this? I am still learning with mongodb and feel a little bit overwhelmed :/
Rather than doing all of those you can just pick first document in group for each _id: "$match._id" & make it as root document. Also, I don't think you need to do sorting in your case :
$group: {
_id: "$match._id",
doc: {
$first: "$$ROOT"
$replaceRoot: {
newRoot: "$doc"
}, {$out: 'DeleteableIds'}
Test : MongoDB-Playground
I think you're on the right track, however, to delete the duplicates you've found you can use a bulk write on the collection.
So if we imagine you aggregation query saved the following in the the DeleteableIds collection
> db.DeleteableIds.insertMany([
... {deletableIds: [1,2,3,4]},
... {deletableIds: [103,35,12]},
... {deletableIds: [345,311,232,500]}
... ]);
We can now take them and write a bulk write command:
const bulkwrite = db.DeleteableIds.find().map(x => ({ deleteMany : { filter: { _id: { $in: x.deletableIds } } } }))
then we can execute that against the database.
> db.collection1.bulkWrite(bulkwrite)
this will then delete all the duplicates.

Can I use populate before aggregate in mongoose?

I have two models, one is user
userSchema = new Schema({
userID: String,
age: Number
and the other is the score recorded several times everyday for all users
ScoreSchema = new Schema({
userID: {type: String, ref: 'User'},
score: Number,
created_date = Date,
I would like to do some query/calculation on the score for some users meeting specific requirement, say I would like to calculate the average of score for all users greater than 20 day by day.
My thought is that firstly do the populate on Scores to populate user's ages and then do the aggregate after that.
Something like
{$match: {'userID.age': {$gt: 20}}},
{$group: ...},
{$group: ...}
], function(err, data){});
Is it Ok to use populate before aggregate? Or I first find all the userID meeting the requirement and save them in a array and then use $in to match the score document?
No you cannot call .populate() before .aggregate(), and there is a very good reason why you cannot. But there are different approaches you can take.
The .populate() method works "client side" where the underlying code actually performs additional queries ( or more accurately an $in query ) to "lookup" the specified element(s) from the referenced collection.
In contrast .aggregate() is a "server side" operation, so you basically cannot manipulate content "client side", and then have that data available to the aggregation pipeline stages later. It all needs to be present in the collection you are operating on.
A better approach here is available with MongoDB 3.2 and later, via the $lookup aggregation pipeline operation. Also probably best to handle from the User collection in this case in order to narrow down the selection:
// Filter first
{ "$match": {
"age": { "$gt": 20 }
// Then join
{ "$lookup": {
"from": "scores",
"localField": "userID",
"foriegnField": "userID",
"as": "score"
// More stages
function(err,results) {
This is basically going to include a new field "score" within the User object as an "array" of items that matched on "lookup" to the other collection:
"userID": "abc",
"age": 21,
"score": [{
"userID": "abc",
"score": 42,
// other fields
The result is always an array, as the general expected usage is a "left join" of a possible "one to many" relationship. If no result is matched then it is just an empty array.
To use the content, just work with an array in any way. For instance, you can use the $arrayElemAt operator in order to just get the single first element of the array in any future operations. And then you can just use the content like any normal embedded field:
{ "$project": {
"userID": 1,
"age": 1,
"score": { "$arrayElemAt": [ "$score", 0 ] }
If you don't have MongoDB 3.2 available, then your other option to process a query limited by the relations of another collection is to first get the results from that collection and then use $in to filter on the second:
// Match the user collection
User.find({ "age": { "$gt": 20 } },function(err,users) {
// Get id list
userList = {
return user.userID;
// use the id list to select items
{ "$match": {
"userId": { "$in": userList }
// more stages
function(err,results) {
So by getting the list of valid users from the other collection to the client and then feeding that to the other collection in a query is the onyl way to get this to happen in earlier releases.

MongoDB query to find property of first element of array

I have the following data in MongoDB (simplified for what is necessary to my question).
_id: 0,
actions: [
type: "insert",
data: "abc, quite possibly very very large"
_id: 1,
actions: [
type: "update",
data: "def"
type: "delete",
data: "ghi"
What I would like is to find the first action type for each document, e.g.
{_id:0, first_action_type:"insert"}
{_id:1, first_action_type:"update"}
(It's fine if the data structured differently, but I need those values present, somehow.)
EDIT: I've tried db.collection.find({}, {'actions.action_type':1}), but obviously that returns all elements of the actions array.
NoSQL is quite new to me. Before, I would have stored all this in two tables in a relational database and done something like SELECT id, (SELECT type FROM action WHERE document_id = ORDER BY seq LIMIT 1) action_type FROM document d.
You can use $slice operator in projection. (but for what you do i am not sure that the order of the array remain the same when you update it. Just to keep in mind))
You can also use the Aggregation Pipeline introduced in version 2.2:
{ $unwind: '$actions' },
{ $group: { _id: "$_id", first_action_type: { $first: "$actions.type" } } }
Using the $arrayElemAt operator is actually the most elegant way, although the syntax may be unintuitive:
{ $project: {first_action_type: {$arrayElemAt: ["$actions.type", 0]}