Margin Widget Flutter - flutter

I've always wondered why Flutter doesn't have a Margin Widget but do have a Padding Widget?
Note: I know that I can access both properties using a Container Widget.

:v Aren't they are the same? "A margin is the space around an element's border, while padding is the space between an element's border and the element's content". If you Padding widget or Margin widget (if Flutter have), they also create a space from child to Padding/Margin widget - obviously same purpose. When you use Container, you can create a border and now you would see the difference.


Padding value between Flutter Appbar action items?

I am using AppBar widget and custom Appbar using container and need to position trailing action items like appbar does. Otherwise when moving from Appbar to customAppbar using Container. It's totally different.
so what is the padding value between action items and how much padding between last action item and border.
You can Simply use SizeBox() widget or Spacer() widget it's give you space between action items

Is there a way to dynamically size a widget according to whatever the size is left on the screen in Flutter?

Lets just say I have 2 widgets on the screen, one a dynamic container that the size depends on the things that are inside that container, and the second widget would be a scrollable ListView. Ideally, I am trying to have both widget on a non scrollable screen, only having the list view to be scrollable. I have tried using a GlobalKey attached to the dynamic container, and then defining the size of the container that's holding the ListView widget with that, but it did not work. This is done on Flutter Mobile development
There are multiple ways to do this. Here is how I would do it-
To limit the height of ListView, wrap the ListView with a Container widget and set the height of the Container to the required height. To make the container cover entire space, wrap with in an Expanded widget. So this is how your widget tree would look like-
//Expanded { //Container { //ListView }}

How to prevent widgets from being hidden behind the system status bar

So I am creating a new flutter widget and I am unable to understand how my app looks because of the space on top of the screen in my emulator,
As you can see there is a shaded area on top and my widgets are under it, is there any way to remove it?
Use Safe Area.
SafeArea is basically a glorified Padding widget. If you wrap another widget with SafeArea, it adds any necessary padding needed to keep your widget from being blocked by the system status bar, notches, holes, rounded corners, and other "creative" features by manufacturers.
Check this link for more.
Wrap your code with the SafeArea.
more info about SafeArea class

Flutter to apply styling to the child widget Is it necessary to wrap it inside a Container Widget

Is it necessary to use wrap another widget (ie Text, image etc) inside the Container widget as a child, if we want to apply styling to the child widget? In other words, can I apply styling to my Text or Image widgets without wrapping them inside Container widgets?
Yes its is necessary to wrap your widget using a Container or DecoratedBox.
The reason is that in flutter decorations are applied using the BoxDecoration class. If you want use styles like Borders, Background Colors Shadows etc you would need to use a Widget that uses a BoxDecoration.
If you don't want to use a Container you can use the DecoratedBox widget provided by flutter amongst others.
If you want to apply styles only to your text data, then you don't need to use Container or DecoratedBox, as pure text styles can be provided to the Text Widget, by providing the style property with the a TextStyle Class.
DecoratedBox Widget Docs
BoxDecoration Docs
TextStyle Docs

How to constrain the width of GridView with a Scrollbar in Flutter?

I am trying to display a scrollbar on the right-hand side of a ScrollView (a GridView in this case) but constraining the width of the scrollable area while still displaying a scrollbar on the right-hand side. I can't see how to customize the position of the scrollbar relative to the Scrollable
See this DartPad for an example.
In the example above, the ScrollBar is displayed directly to the right hand side of the GridView's children, but I would prefer to have it all the way to the right. I can't find any affordances in the GridView constructor to help me with this. Does this require a CustomScrollView or can this be achieved with a normal GridView?
It is necessary that this GridView to have exactly 400px in width? If this is not necessary you can set the width of your ConstrainedBox like:
width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width,
Then the GridView will have the exact size as your screen, so in consequence th scroll bar will be where you want it to be.
The fix was to swap the Center and Scrollbar widgets.