Problem with custom header in incoming request.
The header must be called Authorization Bearer
Anyone have idea how to called Header?
http-request set-var(req.token) str(""),lua.create_access_token
http-request add-header "Authorization Bearer" %[var(req.token)]
version 2.4
I am trying to create ACL in Haproxy to query Authorization from request header and route to backend based on AccessID. I have used map file which are populated with AccessID and backend server. I am sure that my ACL is not working and hence I am getting 503 for incoming requests. Any help is appreciated!
Config File:
frontend main
bind *:80
capture request header Authorization len 50
acl GET_calls method GET HEAD OPTIONS
acl PUT_calls method PUT
use_backend %[urlp,map_sub(/etc/haproxy/] if PUT_calls
Map File:
# AccessID backend server
JMYQ get_s1
P2BH get_s1
WEA1 get_s2
I have captured the request header in log and I see AccessID.
Apr 8 10:10:29 localhost haproxy[79517]: [08/Apr/2022:10:10:29.232] main main/<NOSRV> -1/-1/-1/-1/0 503 212 - - SC-- 0/0/0/0/0 0/0 {Credential=WEA1} "PUT /common/Demo2.file HTTP/1.1"
I have a backend that I don't control that works using magic links. If I use the magic link, I don't have to log on. I want to share the magic link externally without exposing the actual key as the key changes from time to time and I was hoping to use haproxy as a reverse proxy. I don't want the link to be open to the entire internet and would like to use basic auth as well. The problem I am facing is that the backend overwrites the Authorization header (it's required for the magic link to work) and I get stuck in a loop and need to log on every time
My workaround:
On first request I request the basic auth (works)
Then I write it to a cookie (this part works)
On each subsequent request, if the cookie exists, I read the cookie and set the Authorization header to the cookie value (this part does not work)
Then I run http_auth which in my mind should now work since I have overwritten the header
But it does not work. Any suggestions?
userlist auth-list
user myuser insecure-password mypass
frontend myfrontend
bind *:80
mode http
acl is-path path -i -m beg /publiclink
acl has_cookie req.hdr(X-MyAuth) -m found
http-request set-header Authorization %[req.hdr(X-MyAuth)] if has_cookie
http-request auth unless { http_auth(auth-list) }
http-request set-var(txn.myhostheader) req.hdr(Authorization) if { http_auth(auth-list) !has_cookie }
default_backend node
backend node
mode http
server dcnode1 check
http-response set-header set-cookie "X-MyAuth=%[var(txn.myhostheader)]; Path=/" if { var(txn.myhostheader) -m found }
http-request replace-path /publiclink1(.*) /magiclink\1
http-request set-header Authorization "Key magiclink"
My answer is related to this point :
On each subsequent request, if the cookie exists, I read the cookie and set the Authorization header to the cookie value (this part does not work)
In your backend, you set the Set-Cookie: X-MyAuth=... header :
backend node
http-response set-header set-cookie "X-MyAuth=%[var(txn.myhostheader)]; Path=/" if { var(txn.myhostheader) -m found }
So the next request contains a Cookie header like this one : Cookie: .* X-MyAuth=.*.
But in your frontend, you use the X-MyAuth header (which probably does not exist) :
frontend myfrontend
acl has_cookie req.hdr(X-MyAuth) -m found
http-request set-header Authorization %[req.hdr(X-MyAuth)] if has_cookie
You may use the X-MyAuth cookie value like this :
frontend myfrontend
acl has_cookie cook(X-MyAuth) -m found
http-request set-header Authorization %[cook(X-MyAuth)] if has_cookie
My back-end website is a very small IOT application. Sometimes when a request is send to the back-end server it returns a 404 because the header is to big. This is caused by the cookies send to the server.
Is it possible to send only the needed cookie to the back-end server by rewriting the header on the Haproxy ?
I’m looking for something that rewrites the header for cookies from
sesion=xyz; othercookie=123
You can use http-request replace-header or http-request replace-value to manipulate the Cookie header for the values you need. This is available in haproxy since version 1.5.
Example from the haproxy documentation:
http-request replace-header Cookie foo=([^;]);(.) foo=\1;ip=%bi;\2
applied to:
Cookie: foo=foobar; expires=Tue, 14-Jun-2016 01:40:45 GMT;
Cookie: foo=foobar;ip=; expires=Tue, 14-Jun-2016 01:40:45 GMT;
assuming the backend IP is
haproxy http-request documentation
So I have some existing code that sets a unique request ID in our front-end load balancer:
unique-id-format %{+X}o\ %Ts_%ci_%cp_%fi_%fp_%rt_%pid
unique-id-header X-Request-Id
log-format %ci\ %r\ %ST\ %B\ %Tr\ %Tt\ %s\ %ID\ %hr
This works as expected -- X-Request-Id is created as expected, logged and passed to the backend. No problems. However, I'd like to make this request ID generation conditional. No problem -- I should just be able to use http-request set-header instead of unique-id-header:
unique-id-format %{+X}o\ %Ts_%ci_%cp_%fi_%fp_%rt_%pid
http-request set-header X-Request-Id %ID
log-format %ci\ %r\ %ST\ %B\ %Tr\ %Tt\ %s\ %ID\ %hr
(These are all in a front_end section). Maddeningly, however %ID seems to evaluate to empty when used this way. I can use a hardcoded value instead of using %ID and it works. I can also use another log field (like %Ts) and it works. It does not, however, work with %ID. Any clues would be helpful -- thanks in advance.
EDIT: Version is 1.6.11
I had the exact same issue in that I wanted to conditionally set the header if not present and %ID wasn't working as you'd expect. I found solutions suggesting to use %[unique-id] but it turns out that's only in version 1.7+. I have subsequently upgraded to 1.7 and now it works perfectly.
unique-id-format %{+X}o\ %pid%ci%cp%fi%fp%Ts%ms%rt
acl cid_exists req.hdr(X-Correlation-ID) -m found
http-request set-header X-Correlation-ID %[unique-id] unless cid_exists
http-request capture hdr(X-Correlation-ID) len 64
log-format "%ci:%cp [%tr] %ft %b/%s %Th/%Ti/%TR/%Tw/%Tc/%Tr/%Ta %ST %B %CC %CS %tsc %ac/%fc/%bc/%sc/%rc %sq/%bq %{+Q}r %[capture.req.hdr(0)]"
The captured X-Correlation-ID header contains either a preexisting CID or one that this loadbalancer has created itself if missing.
The unique-id HTTP sample is referenced here.
I need to redirect a specific http URL first to its equivalent https and then on to a completely different https URL (don't ask why I can't just redirect the original http straight to the final https URL, this is what the client wants and the client is always right!). Additionally I need to be able to redirect the original https to the different https too.
So, what I need is the ability to redirect => and then =>, as well as redirecting =>
Currently to redirect just => I'm using this:
acl is_new_portal hdr(host) -i
redirect location code 302 if is_new_portal
with an initial bind on port 443, and I know to redirect http to https I would use:
redirect scheme https code 302 if !{ ssl_fc }
(using code 302 rather than 301 as eventually will be removed, so I don't want the redirection permanently cached in clients' browsers)
but I need to be able to do both relocations, and I'm not sure how you combine the two?
I am not certain to understand if your issue is related to the binding or to the ACLs. You already have all the answers to your question. You can wrap them in a simple frontend:
frontend main
bind :80
bind :443 ssl crt yourCertFile
acl is_new_portal hdr(host) -i
redirect scheme https code 302 if !{ ssl_fc } is_new_portal
redirect location code 302 if { ssl_fc } is_new_portal
http-response set-header Strict-Transport-Security max-age=31536000;\ includeSubDomains;\ preload; if { ssl_fc }
The space between ACLs after the if is interpreted as a AND. So you will get something like:
redirect to https IF the host is AND NOT using ssl
redirect to IF the host is AND using ssl