Is there any way to read and compare dates from nested JSON Array of Objects in PostgreSQL? - postgresql

I have a column data in a Table. The data column has JSON stored. It has the following format I want to check if assignment_end_date in user_nodes_assignment is greater than or equal to some date return that record.
Previously I am able to achieve the equal condition using the following query
select id, data 
from "fq_DateUserPerformance" fdup2 
where #> '{"user_node_assignments": [{"assignment_start_date": "2022-03-18T17:09:55.176822+01:00"}]}'::jsonb
But I am not able to do the same for greater than or less than. Does anybody know how I can achieve this?

You're looking for a json path query:
select id, data
from "fq_DateUserPerformance" fdup2
where jsonb_path_match(, '$.user_node_assignments[*].assignment_start_date.datetime() >= "2022-03-18T17:09:55.176822+01:00".datetime()')


Error when filtering some data with like and jsonb in PostgreSQL

I keep having a problem when filtering some data in postgresql.
For example, I want to filter by a json.
My jsons are saved in the following way
"[{\"Brand\":\"Leebo\"},{\"Housing Color\":\"Black\"},{\"Beam Type\":\"High Beam, Low Beam\"}]"
And let's say that I want to filter after
Shouldn't I write something like that in the query?
SELECT * FROM public.products
WHERE attributes is not NULL
AND attributes::text LIKE '%{\"Brand\":\"Leebo\"}%';
I tried also
SELECT * FROM public.products WHERE attributes::jsonb #> '"[{\"Material\":\"Artificial Leather\"}]"'
Because I won't receive data
Do you know how I could proceed differently?
But it only works if the column has all the data (eg if I give the exact data that is in the column)
Also, how could I search with whereIn?
You have an array in your JSONB because those characters ([ and ]) are array characters. If you are sure that you will always have only one array in your JSONB so you can use this:
SELECT * FROM public.products
WHERE attributes is not NULL
AND attributes[0]->>'Brand' = 'Leebo'
But if you can have several arrays inside JSONB then use jsonb_array_elements for extracting array elements, after then you can use JSONB operations like as ->>

How to sort data based on one of the timestamp field in Druid Scan Query

I'm using Druid scan query with ordering param "ascending". It is returning data based on configured timestamp field called serverReceiveTime. I wanted to sort my data on one of the other timestamp field(streamingSegmentStartTime). As per Scan query documentation, there is no such sort argument we can pass.
.intervals(IntervalParser.getIntervals(getSessionsQuery.getStartTime(), getSessionsQuery.getEndTime()))
.context(new DruidQueryContext(genericQuery.getRequestId()))
.offset(NumberUtils.toInt(getSessionsQuery.getNextToken(), 0))
Please let me know if there is any way to sort this data based on streamingSegmentStartTime at Druid end
Not sure what your query is doing, so this might not help, but you can sort by other columns if you use a group by query.
Take a look at the sortByDimsFirst query context property of the Group By query here:
If you set the first dimension of the DimensionSpec to the streamingSegmentStartTime and use sortByDimsFirst set to True, I think you can achieve what you want.

Firestore order by time but sort by ID

I have been trying to figure out a way to query a list of documents where I have a range filter on one field and order by another field which of course isn't possible, see my other question: Order by timestamp with range filter on different field Swift Firestore
But is it possible to save documents with the timestamp as id and then it would sort by default? Or maybe hardcode an ID, then retrieve the last created document id and increase id by one for the next post to be uploaded?
This shows how the documents is ordered in the collection
Any ideas how to store documents so they are ordered by created at in the collection?
It will order by document ID (ascending) by default in Swift.
You can use .order(by: '__id__') but the better/documented way is with FieldPath documentID() I don't really know Swift but I assume that it's something like...
.order(by: FirebaseFirestore.FieldPath.documentID())
JavaScript too has an internal variable which simply returns __id__.
Interestingly enough __name__ also works, but that sorts the whole path, including the collection name (and also the id of course).
If I correctly understood your need, by doing the following you should get the correct order:
For each document, add a specific field of type number, called for example sortNbr and assign as value a timestamp you calculate (e.g. the epoch time, see Get Unix Epoch Time in Swift)
Then build a query sorted on this field value, like:
let docRef = db.collection("xxxx")
docRef.order(by: "sortNbr")
See the doc here:
Yes, you can do this.
By default, a query retrieves all documents that satisfy the query in
ascending order by document ID.
See the docs here:
So if you find a way to use a timestamp or other primary key value where the ascending lexicographical ordering is what you want, you can filter by any fields and still have the results sorted by the primary key, ascending.
Be careful to zero-pad your numbers to the maximum precision if using a numeric key like seconds since epoch or an integer sequence. 10 is lexicographical less than 2, but 10 is greater than 02.
Using ISO formatted YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS date-time strings would work, because they sort naturally in ascending order.
The order of the documents shown in the Firebase console is mostly irrelevant to the functioning of your code that uses Firestore. The console is just for browsing data, and that sorting scheme makes it relatively intuitive to find a document you might be looking for, if you know its ID. You can't change this sort order in the console.
Your code is obviously going to have other requirements, and those requirements should be coded into your queries, without regarding any sort order you see in the dashboard. If you want time-based ordering of your documents, you'll have to store some sort of timestamp field in the document, and use that for ordering. I don't recommend using the timestamp as the ID of a document, as that could cause problems for you in the future.

Using MongoDB to query selected field

I am trying to query out the data from my MongoDB database but there are some fields which I would like to omit as MongoDB will query the whole collections with id, n out.
I did this to limit the query but unfortunately only one field could be omitted but not the other which is the 'n' field. How can I omit two fields?
data = collection.find_one({"files_id": file_id},{"_id":0,"data":1})
And I also realized that my query for data has the field name (u'data') too, how can I query it so that it only returns the data? for this case it's a binary data
{u'data': Binary('\x00\x00\xed\x00\n\x00\x00\xd5\xa9\x00\x000\x00\x00\x00#\x00\x00\x0f\xff\xf0\x00\x0b\x80\x00\x00\x00
Kindly assist thanks!

Is there a way to fetch max and min values in Sphinx?

Im using sphinx for document search. Each document has list of integer parameters, like "length", "publication date (unix)", popularity, ... .
The search process itself works fine. But is there a way to get a maximum and minimum fields values for a specified search query?
The main purpose is to generate a search form which will contain filter fields so user can select document`s length.
Or maybe there is another way to solve this problem?
It is possible if length, date etc are defined as attributes.
Attributes are additional values
associated with each document that can
be used to perform additional
filtering and sorting during search.
Try GroupBy function by 'length' and select mix(length), max(lenght).
In SphinxQl it is like:
select mix(length), max(lenght) from index_123 group by length
The same for other attributes.