How to downgrade flutter plugin using Android Studio? - flutter

I have upgraded to the latest version of the flutter plugin but breakpoints stopped working and I need to downgrade to another version:
But there is no option for downgrading(only disable and uninstall/install).
How can I downgrade it using Android Studio or dev tools?

In your terminal run these code:
flutter downgrade <yourVersion> // for example: flutter downgrade 3.0.4
flutter doctor


dart sdk is not configured in macos

I already have dart sdk installed:
running dart --version gives me:
Dart SDK version: 2.17.6 (stable) (Tue Jul 12 12:54:37 2022 +0200) on "macos_arm64"
up until now I was using vscode but now I need to go back to android studio which gives me the following error on top of every dart file:
Dart sdk is not configured
N.B: This is not a fresh install. I have been using flutter and vscode in my mac for quite some time now
Try this in your Android Studio.
search for flutter from the market
install flutter and also make sure dart is install, you can confirm by searching for dart also.
restart you android studio after and you should be fine

Can I upgrade or downgrade flutter sdk to a specific version?

I'm trying to change from v2.10.1 to v2.10.2. And can it be changed by path or maybe others?
To upgrade to 2.10.2, you can simply run
flutter version v2.10.2
and to downgrade:
flutter downgrade
flutter downgrade only works if you have installed previous version from the same channel. if not, you can run
flutter downgrade v2.10.1
seems like flutter version has been depreciated. You could use fvm to easily switch between different versions

How to change used Dart version in Android Studio?

So I am trying to run this command in terminal
flutter pub run intl_translation:extract_to_arb --output-dir=lib/i18n lib/i18n/app_localization.dart
and I get this error
Dart 2.15.1 is incompatible with your dependencies' SDK constraints. Please run "flutter pub get" again.
pub finished with exit code 65
And I noticed that the used Dart version is 2.15.1 and not version 2.10.5 which is specified in the Android Studio project settings
How would I change the actually used Dart version to be able to run the intl_translation command ?
You can download the version you want from this link.
From SDK manager in android studio you can change the flutter SDK and dart SDK to the path of the versions you want to use.
And then restart IDE

Not possible downgrade to Flutter 1.22.6

I am trying to downgrade my Flutter version to 1.22.6
I am using Flutter channel stable.
This is the output when I put in the terminal the command
flutter downgrade 1.22.6
There is no previously recorded version for channel "stable"
Yesterday was the last time I could downgrade to Flutter 1.22.6
Are there any changes in Flutter lastly?
Version 1.22.6 is listed in
Should I download the SDK by hand?
It's no more possible to downgrade from flutter 2.xx to 1.xx. However you can use flutter Version Manager fvm its specifically made to control flutter versions plus along with that you can install flutter sidekick as well.Use multiple versions of flutter specific for your projects I am attaching link for you.
FVM Flutter Sidekick

Android Studio Dart And Flutter Plugin is not installed

Here is the flutter doctor result:
[√] Flutter (Channel stable, 1.22.1, on Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.18362.30], locale en-US)
[√] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 30.0.2)
[!] Android Studio
X Flutter plugin not installed; this adds Flutter specific functionality.
X Dart plugin not installed; this adds Dart specific functionality.
[!] Connected device
! No devices available
! Doctor found issues in 2 categories.
I have already installed the flutter plugin. But the problem still exists. How can I fix this?
Just run this on your terminal (Mac users)
ln -s ~/Library/Application\ Support/Google/AndroidStudio4.1/plugins ~/Library/Application\ Support/AndroidStudio4.1
Well hello all
I would suggest you all to follow the steps what flutter documentation sites tells you to do
For windows-->There are some people who got detected flutter and dart plugins by the flutter doctor and few are not
I got this issue when I tried to install ...
I did everything like installed flutter and dart plugin still my flutter doctor haven't detected the plugins ...
following steps worked for me
flutter channel dev
flutter upgrade
flutter config --android-studio-dir="C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio"
flutter doctor -v
note :--- flutter config --android-studio-dir="C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio" should be example flutter config "C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio"
above steps worked for me i hope it will helps you too :)
change channel master to dev.
then upgrade.
flutter channel dev
flutter channel upgrade
try again
flutter doctor
Note: I think it's Android Studio 4.1 issue...
Since you say you have flutter plugin installed in Android Studio, and if Android Studio correctly shows your installed plugin, there is no reason to believe any third-party tool reporting otherwise.
Also, this will not affect your flutter development and your IDE plugins will work as expected inside the IDE and flutter tool's commands work independent of the IDE in use.
Android Studio 4.1 apparently changed its default plugin install path.
Related github issue: [flutter_tools] IDE plugin validators should be deprecated #61246
Flutter does not directly use the IDE plugins, so doctor failing to detect them does not affect any behavior (it's just annoying).
open terminal:
run> flutter channel dev
run> flutter channel updrade
open terminal:
Mac User:
flutter config --android-studio-dir=/Applications/Android\
Reinstall Flutter Plugin from Android Studio
Are you using Android Studio V 4.1?
With Android Studio V4.1 there is a problem.
Try to reinstall Android Studio but Version 4.0.1 and try it again, chances are this will fix your problem.
Open Android studio
Follow the Path Configure > Plugins > marketplace > search Flutter & Dart > Install
Restart IDE(Android studio)
Open Terminal and Export Flutter Path
and run flutter doctor -v
If you are upgrading for an existing project:
git clone
in your terminal.
The be sure to delete the Flutter folder in your App's root directory. Otherwise you will get over 50k errors popping up
Check your flutter PATH
which flutter
if you get /path-to-flutter-sdk/bin//flutter or similar you may have added an extra / in your $HOME/.rc_file. Remove the last '/', restart terminal and try again
this worked for me
flutter channel dev
flutter doctor