Filling Color in anychart js chart in multiple quadrant scatter chart - charts

Im newbie in js and anychart
I have anychart chart like this
how can i fill the color based on range like risk matrix.
*Result What i want
This is my code
// create data
var data = [
{x: 2.88, value: 3.12},
{x: 1.9, value: 2.3}
// create a chart
var chart = anychart.scatter();
// adjust scale min/max
// divide scale by three ticks
// create a bubble series and set the data
var series = chart.marker(data);
// enable major grids
chart.xGrid().enabled(true).stroke('0.1 blue');
chart.yGrid().enabled(true).stroke('0.1 blue');
var yAxis = chart.xAxis();
// set the chart title
chart.title("Quadrant-like Scatter Bubble Chart");
// set the container id

To get a risk matrix in the result, it’s better to use the Heatmap module.
Heatmap from your screenshot is recreated in this sample here:
Did we understand your question correctly?


How can I find all the lakes in a region (bounded by polgon) in earth engine?

The problem statement is that a region of interest is given.
I need to find all the lakes in a polygon bounded region using the NDWI index for water bodies, which are at a height of more than 1500m. Then display the changes in the area of lake's surface water starting from the year 1984 till 2018 on a 2-year interval in a table like structure in Google Earth Engine. I have used Landsat 5 and 7 data.
I have created the following code:
Earth Engine Code
Now I need to display the results in the polygon marked region in a table sort of structure in the following format:-
Rows - (Lake 1, Lake 2, Lake 3... Lake n)
Columns - (Surface Area in 1984, Surface Area in 1986, ....2018)
How should I go about doing it?
I answer this question in regard of the code posted in the comments, hopefully the question is updated with the code posted in the comments.
Filtering: ok.
Just a comment, I wouldn't name an image collection variable with name img, it's just confusing to me, but variables names are up to you.
var mf = ee.Filter.calendarRange(10, 12, 'month');
var img1 = ee.ImageCollection(l5
var img2 = ee.ImageCollection(l7
add NDWI: This is your code:
var addNDWI = function(image){
var ndwi = image.normalizedDifference(['B2', 'B4']).rename('NDWI');
var ndwiMask = ndwi.gte(0.3);
return image.addBands(ndwi);
var image1 =;
var image2 =;
you are not saving ndwiMask, so you won't be able to use it outside of this function. Again, I wouldn't name them image as they are not images but image collections.
elevation mask: you have to select the elevation band:
var elevMask ='elevation').gt(1500)
This mask image will have ones where elevation is greater than 1500 and zeros where not.
applying masks: in this part you have to remember that Earth Engine uses functional programming, so objects are not mutable, this means that you cannot update the state of an object using a method, you have to catch the output of the method you are calling. Here you need ndwi mask, so you have to compute it with NDWI band.
var mask = function(image){
var ndwiMask ='NDWI').gt(0.3)
var ndwi_masked = image.updateMask(ndwiMask);
return ndwi_masked.updateMask(elevMask);
var maskedImg =; // ImageCollection!
var maskedImg2 =; // ImageCollection!
Visualizing: As the results are ImageCollection, when you add it to the map EE makes a mosaic and that is what you would see. Keep that in mind for further processing.
var ndwiViz = {bands: ['NDWI'], min: 0.5, max: 1, palette: ['00FFFF', '0000FF']};
Map.addLayer(maskedImg, ndwiViz, 'Landsat 5 masked collection');

Google Charts Stacked bar formatting and spacing between data

I Used this parameter to create chart image
$params['cht']= 'bvs';//Chart Type
$params['chd'] = "t:";
$params['chm']= 'N,FF0000,-1,,12|N,000000,0,,14,,c|N,000000,1,,14,,c|N,000000,2,,14,,c';
$params['chs'] = $this->getWidth().'x'.$this->getHeight();// chart size
$params['chco'] = '4d89f9,C6D9FD,FF0000';//series color
$params['chbh'] = '80,20';//bar width and space
$params['chds'] = 'a';//$min_amount.','.$max_amount;//scaling for min and max amount
$params['chxt'] ='x';//visible axis
$params['chxr'] ='0,'.$min_value.','.$max_value;
$params['chg'] ='10,20';//Grid lines background
I am creating Stacked bar chart using google Visualization api.
I want to show the data in clear and proper spacing ,Stuck from 2 days .Thank you for help.

How to format a minimalist chart with jFreeChart?

I generate a transparent chart that lets the background of a web page be seen through it.
So far I've done this (omited the populating of dataset for brevity):
CategoryPlot p = lineChartObject.getCategoryPlot();
Color trans = new Color(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0);
for (int i=0;i<=3;i++){
lineChartObject.getCategoryPlot().getRenderer().setSeriesStroke(i, new BasicStroke(3.0f));
Which renders this:
I cannot find a way of:
Removing border of plot (1)
Removing border of leyend as well as making it transparent (3)
Making the labels on the X axis (2) to behave intelligently as the labels of Y axis do (A). Labels of Y axis space themselves so as to not clutter the graph, for example if I rendered the graph smaller, it would show fewer labels, like this:
Edit: X label domain is dates.
For (1) try:
For (2), a common reason for having too many categories along the x-axis is that the data is actually numerical, in which case you should be using XYPlot rather than CategoryPlot. With XYPlot, the x-axis scale adjusts in the same way that the y-axis does.
Edit from OP: Using a TimeSeriesChart with a TimeSeriesCollection as XYDataSet did the work! (fotgot to say X domain is dates)
For (3) try:
LegendTitle legend = chart.getLegend();
legend.setBackgroundPaint(new Color(0, 0, 0, 0));

How to show all legends in google Visualization: Pie Chart

i am using Google visualization pie chart for showing my vote details.But the chart didn't showing the zero values and legends.
How to show all legends in Google Visualization: Pie Chart
You can simply set the sliceVisibilityThreshold option to 0. This will force all the legends to show.
var options = {
sliceVisibilityThreshold: 0
var data = /* ... */;
var chart = new google.visualization.PieChart(/* ... */);
chart.draw(data, options);
What I did was to add a small value (0.005) to each of the values. When setting the sliceVisibilityThreshold: 1/25000, (1/25000 = 0.004) the slice/legend will be shown but the value will still be 0% due to rounding.

Annotations on a JFreeChart Pie Chart

Specifically I am looking to add text annotations to specific locations to a JFreeChart that is being output to a png file for web use. Can/how do annotations get added to pie charts. I have been able to successfully add annotations to XYPlots, but don't know how to overlay or add one to a PiePlot.
My full task is to use the PiePlot to create a sort of clock. So far everything has worked great, but now I need to add labels at the 12, 3, 6, and 9 o'clock locations and completely stumped.
Bit of an old question, but here's how I did something similar (annotation at 1, 2, 3, ... o'clock positions) using a polar plot. It uses a ChoiceFormatter and the NumberTickUnit:
final JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createPolarChart(
"HAPI Hourly Usage (UTC)", ds, true, true, false);
final PolarPlot plot = (PolarPlot) chart.getPlot();
// Create a ChoiceFormat to map the degrees to clock positions
double[] limits = new double[12];
String[] formats = new String[12];
limits[0] = 0;
formats[0] = "12";
// degrees = 360/12
for (int i = 1; i < limits.length; i++) {
limits[i] = degrees * (i);
formats[i] = Integer.toString(i);
ChoiceFormat clock = new ChoiceFormat(limits, formats);
TickUnit tickUnit = new NumberTickUnit(degrees, clock);
// now configure the plot
plot.setAngleTickUnit(tickUnit); // sets the ticks
plot.setAngleLabelsVisible(true); // makes the labels visible
plot.setAngleLabelPaint(Color.LIGHT_GRAY); // user choice
plot.setAngleGridlinesVisible(true); // must set this to display the
// labels
plot.setAngleGridlinePaint(Color.BLACK); // plot's background color
// (makes lines invisible)
plot.setRadiusGridlinesVisible(false); //turn off the radius value circles
ValueAxis axis = plot.getAxis();
axis.setTickLabelsVisible(false); //turn off the radius value labels
winds up looking like
After a fairly strenuous search I don't believe this is currently possible (JFreeChart 1.0.13).
Possible options are:
Create a second chart with an XYPlot to generate a second image with needed annotations. Overlay this image on the page. This option is bad because it doubles the number of chart images to be uploaded.
Set the image as a background on the page and HTML the text over the image. Bad because it isn't maintainable and makes a headache of data transfer.
Personally I am just going to find another way to communicate the information in the title, but I wanted to post my findings for the next person.