How to move or copy my git-cryp key to another laptop - git-crypt

I have my git-crypt key in another laptop and I would like to move this one to another one, I haven't seen any documentation related with this process or if it is possible to achieve that, thank you!!

I think its not copy or paste, So i also try to solve Asap.


Azure DevOps Task Control Option: Cannot Change "Run this task" dropdown

I'm new to Azure DevOps, so please forgive me if my query seems a tad silly.
I'm trying to change our build definition so that it will miss certain steps based on the value of a Pipeline variable. So, if I'm correct, I believe that I first must change the Run this task selection (found under Control Options) to Custom conditions (its current value is Only when all previous tasks have succeeded). However, everytime I try this, the original is reinstated. It's as though I don't have the proper permissions, but I'm certainly able to change and save other properties. I'd be grateful for any suggestions!
Thanks to those who responded. I've just tried again, and got it working. The "trick" involved is to make the selection using the arrow keys, and not the mouse. A colleague has also verified this quite odd behaviour.
The browser we are using is Chrome.

Track code changes to specific functions

Not sure how to even search for this topic so I'm just going to ask. I have a couple places in my code where changes to one function have to be also made to a similar function. Basically the operations in the functions are very similar but the data being worked on is different.
I don't like it but for now that's how it is. My question is anyone knows of a way or a tool that will notify me if a certain function has changed. If I get the notification I know to confirm the changes were made to other function.
Please don't tell me to change my code. I know this isn't ideal and thought has been put into alternatives, but nothing elegant has popped up.
Here is an idea I have. Maybe it will set the train of thought...
I can add a special comment in my code for a block that I want to be tracked. The comment will have opening and closing syntax:
I will then have a script that I tell to check a list of files, my_code.php, for now. It will look for the special comment syntax. "1234" will represent a file that holds the last modified code for that function, so 1234.php. If the contents between the comments do not match the code stored in the file then an alert is fired. Also I might add a relationship to the other code so the alert says something like
Code 1234 has changed. Please make sure code 5678 has been updated as well.
I think I can add this script to GIT somehow so it either is part of the core git commands like "push" or maybe just another command I have to run as part of our deployment process. A second option might be adding it to phpstorm's code inspector or something like that.
When the code has been modified and everything is good I will just manually copy the new code into the comparison file. There will not be a ton of updates so this will not be too tedious.
For now this is probably the route I'll go, but any critiques or suggestions are definately welcome.

Powershell: informations about last Windows graphical copy

This is my first post in stackoverflow, so hi to everybody!
I have a strange question. I'm searching for a way to get informations about the last Windows copy with PowerShell (version 3.0). For example, I copy (graphical way, not throw Powershell) one file from one destination to another and than I want to get information about this copy with Powershell (I need only the last copy operation). Exist a way to have this information?
Thanks a lot and sorry for my bad english!
This question fits better on SuperUser as you would need to enable file auditing, have a look here:

Fiddler copy paste is broken

I have a strange problem in Fiddler that I have been unable to fix by playing around with the various settings and options.
Copy and paste is not working in the Composer - both in the URI, and much much worst, in the Request Body.
This seem like a silly problem, but it has been the source of much grief for me, as I try to use it for testing a REST service I am developing, I have to manually type in EVERYTHING I need, every time. It is getting painful.
Copy/Paste works fine everywhere else on my machine. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling Fiddler, to no success.
If you have any idea what this may be happening, please let me know. Thanks.
I have no idea why you would be having this problem, but a hacky solution would be making an AutoHotkey script. The script would simply be Send %clipboard%. This will just take whatever is in your current clipboard and type it out. References here:
This is currently still an issue for the Linux beta..
an easy workaround is to use [shift]+[insert]

emacs local version control

I am wondering if there is local version control/snapshots for emacs independent of VC?
let me clarify:
every time I save buffer, I would like to be able to keep track of changes of each save in session. I know I can do something similar with backup files, but they are not automated like VC and a somewhat cumbersome.
I have searched Google, but did not find the solution.
Perhaps my query string was not good.
I found this for eclipse, am looking for emacs equivalent:
AFAIK there is no such solution, but you can make some ad hoc one - like creating a local VCS repository and advice the save-buffer command to commit the changes in the repository.
I also came across a section of the manual that might be of interest to you.
I don't know of a way to get Emacs to save buffer snapshots, but keep in mind that it has an infinite undo facility. If you just want a way to get back to earlier versions, that might help you. If you want real version control, then I'd go with Bozhidar Batsov's solution and advice the save-buffer command.