Overriding Jmeter property in Run Taurus task Azure pipeline is not working - azure-devops

I am running jmeter from Taurus and I need a output kpi.jtl file with url listing.
I have tried passing parameter -o modules.jmeter.properties.save.saveservice.url='true' and
-o modules.jmeter.properties="{'jmeter.save.saveservice.url':'true'}". Pipeline is running successfully but the kpi.jtl doesn't have the url. Please help
I have tried few more options like editing jmeter.properties via pipeline - which broke the pipeline and expecting input from user
user.properities- Which is ineffective.
I am expecting kpi.jtl file with all the possible logs especially url.

I believe you're using the wrong property, you should pass the next one:
More information: CSV file content configuration
However be informed that having a.jtl file "with all possible logs" is some form of a performance anti-pattern as it creates massive disk IO and may ruin your test. More information: 9 Easy Solutions for a JMeter Load Test “Out of Memory” Failure


Azure DevOps Pipeline using old connection string

I have an Azure DevOps pipeline which is failing to run because it seems to be using an old connection string.
The pipeline is for a C# project, where a FileTransform task updates an appsettings.json file with variables set on the pipeline.
The variables were recently updated to use a new connection string, however, when running a Console.PrintLn before using it and viewing it on the pipeline, it shows an outdated value.
Many updates similar to this have been run in the past without issue.
I've also recently added a Powershell task to echo what the value is in the variables loaded while the pipeline is running, which does display the new value.
I've checked the order of precedence of variables and there shouldn't be any other variables being used.
There is no CacheTask being used in this pipeline.
Does anyone have any advice to remedy this? It seems that the pipeline itself is just ignoring the variables set on the pipeline.
There is a problem with the recent File transform task version v1.208.0.
It will shows the warning message and not update the variable value correctly.
Warning example:
Resource file haven't been set, can't find loc string for key: JSONvariableSubstitution
Refer to this ticket: File transform task failing to transform files, emitting "Resource file haven't been set" warnings
The issue is from Task itself instead of the Pipeline configuration. Many users have the same issue.
You can change to use the File Transform task Version 2 to update the appsettings.json file.
Here is an example: Please remove the content in XML Transformation rules field and set the JSON file path

Making a determination whether DB/Server is down before I kick-off a pipeline

I want to check whether the database/Server is Online before I kick off a pipeline. In the database is down I want to cancel the pipeline processing. I also would like to log the results in a table.
format (columns) : DBName Status Date
If the DB/Server is down then I want to send an email to concerned team with formatted table showing which DB/Servers are down.
Run a query on each of the servers. If there is a result, then format output as shown above. I am using ADF pipeline to achive this. My issue is how do I combine various outputs from different servers.
For e.g.
DBName: A Status: ONLINE runDate:xx/xx/xxxx
DBName: B Status: ONLINE runDate:xx/xx/xxxx
I would like to combine them as follows:
Server DBName Status runDate
1 A ONLINE xx/xx/xxxx
2 B ONLINE xx/xx/xxxx
Use this to update the logging table as well as in the email if I were to send one out.
Is this possible using the Pipeline activities or do I have to use mapping dataflows?
I did similar work a few weeks ago. We make an API where we put all server-related settings or URL endpoint which we need to ping.
You don't require to store username-password (of SQL Server) at all. When you ping the SQL server, it will timeout if it isn't online. If it's online it will give you password related error. This way you can easily figure out whether it's up and running.
AFAIK, If you are using azure-DevOps you can use your service account to log into the SQL server. If you have set up an AD to log into DevOps, this thing can be done in the build script.
Both way you will be able to make sure whether SQL Server is Up and Running or not.
You can have all the actions as tasks in a yaml pipeline
You need something like below:
task: Check database status
register: result
task: Add results to a file
shell: "echo text >> filename"
task: send e-mail
when: some condition is met
There are several modules to achieve what you need. You need to find the right modules. You can play around with the flow of tasks by registering results and using the when clause.

Printing the Console output in the Azure DevOps Test Run task

I am doing some initial one off setup using [BeforeTestRun] hook for my specflow tests. This does check on some users to make sure if they exist and creates them with specific roles and permissions if they are not so the automated tests can use them. The function to do this prints a lot of useful information on the Console.Writeline.
When I run the test on my local system I can see the output from this hook function on the main feature file and the output of each scenario under each of them. But when I run the tests via Azure DevOps pipleine, I am not sure where to find the output for the [BeforeTestRun] because it is not bound a particular test scenario. The console of Run Tests Tasks has no information about this.
Can someone please help me to show this output somewhere so I can act accordingly.
I tried to use System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print, System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print, System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine and System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine, but nothing seems to work on pipeline console.
public static void BeforeRun()
"Before Test run analyzing the users and their needed properties for performing automation run");
I want my output to be visible somewhere so I can act based on that information if needed to.
It's not possible for the console logs.
The product currently does not support printing console logs for passing tests and we do not currently have plans to support this in the near future.
(Source: https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/content/problem/631082/printing-the-console-output-in-the-azure-devops-te.html)
However, there's another way:
Your build will have an attachment with the file extension .trx. This is a xml file and contains an Output element for each test (see also https://stackoverflow.com/a/55452011):
<TestRun id="[omitted]" name="[omitted] 2020-01-10 17:59:35" runUser="[omitted]" xmlns="http://microsoft.com/schemas/VisualStudio/TeamTest/2010">
<Times creation="2020-01-10T17:59:35.8919298+01:00" queuing="2020-01-10T17:59:35.8919298+01:00" start="2020-01-10T17:59:26.5626373+01:00" finish="2020-01-10T17:59:35.9209479+01:00" />
<UnitTestResult testName="TestMethod1">

Use log4j to log message in liberty console

Our log server consumes our log messages through kubernetes pods sysout formatted in json and indexes json fields.
We need to specify some predefined fields in messages, so that we can track transactions across pods.
For one of our pod we use Liberty profile and have issue to configure logging for these needs.
One idea was to use log4j to send customized json message in console. But all message are corrupted by Liberty log system that handles and modifies all logs done in console. I failed to configure Liberty logging parameters (copySystemStreams = false, console log level = NO) for my needs and always have liberty modify my outputs and interleaved non json messages.
To workaround all that I used liberty consoleFormat="json" logging parameter, but this introduced unnecessary fields and also do not allow me to specify my custom fields.
Is it possible to control liberty logging and console ?
What is the best way to do my use case with Liberty (and if possible Log4j)
As you mentioned, Liberty has the ability to log to console in JSON format [1]. The two problems you mentioned with that, for your use case, are 1) unnecessary fields, and 2) did not allow you to specify your custom fields.
Regarding unnecessary fields, Liberty has a fixed set of fields in its JSON schema, which you cannot customize. If you find you don't want some of the fields I can think of a few options:
use Logstash.
Some log handling tools, like Logstash, allow you to remove [2] or mutate [3] fields. If you are sending your logs to Logstash you could adjust the JSON to your needs that way.
change the JSON format Liberty sends to stdout using jq.
The default CMD (from the websphere-liberty:kernel Dockerfile) is:
CMD ["/opt/ibm/wlp/bin/server", "run", "defaultServer"]
You can add your own CMD to your Dockerfile to override that as follows (adjust jq command as needed):
CMD /opt/ibm/wlp/bin/server run defaultServer | grep --line-buffered "}" | jq -c '{ibm_datetime, message}'
If your use case also requires sending log4J output to stdout, I would suggest changing the Dockerfile CMD to run a script you add to the image. In that script you would need to tail your log4J log file as follows (this could be combined with the above advice on how to change the CMD to use jq as well)
`tail -F myLog.json &`
`/opt/ibm/wlp/bin/server run defaultServer`
[1] https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSEQTP_liberty/com.ibm.websphere.wlp.doc/ae/rwlp_logging.html
[2] https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/logstash/current/plugins-filters-prune.html
[3] https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/logstash/current/plugins-filters-mutate.html
Just in case it helps, I ran into the same issue and the best solution I found was:
Convert app to use java.util.Logging (JUL)
In server.xml add <logging consoleSource="message,trace" consoleFormat="json" traceSpecification="{package}={level}"/> (swap package and level as required).
Add a bootstrap.properties that contains com.ibm.ws.logging.console.format=json.
This will give you consistent server and application logging in JSON. A couple of lines at the boot of the server are not json but that was one empty line and a "Launching defaultServer..." line.
I too wanted the JSON structure to be consistent with other containers using Log4j2 so, I followed the advice from dbourne above and add jq to my CMD in my dockerfile to reformat the JSON:
CMD /opt/ol/wlp/bin/server run defaultServer | stdbuf -o0 -i0 -e0 jq -crR '. as $line | try (fromjson | {level: .loglevel, message: .message, loggerName: .module, thread: .ext_thread}) catch $line'
The stdbuf -o0 -i0 -e0 stops pipe ("|") from buffering its output.
This strips out the liberty specific json attributes, which is either good or bad depending on your perspective. I don't need to new values so I don't have a good recommendation for that.
Although the JUL API is not quite as nice as Log4j2 or SLF4j, it's very little code to wrap the JUL API in something closer to Log4j2 E.g. to have varargs rather than an Object[].
OpenLiberty will also dynamically change logging if you edit the server.xml so, it pretty much has all the necessary bits; IMHO.

TeamCity not showing service messages with powershell

I'm running a project configuration using powershell/psake and I'm using the TeamCity powershell module (https://github.com/JamesKovacs/psake-contrib/wiki/teamcity.psm1) yet TeamCity only shows the configuration as "Running"
However, the build log clearly displays all of the service messages:
[15:41:34]WARNING: Some imported command names include unapproved verbs which might make
[15:41:34]them less discoverable. Use the Verbose parameter for more detail or type
[15:41:34]Get-Verb to see the list of approved verbs.
[15:41:34]##teamcity[progessMessage 'Running task Clean']
[15:41:34]Executing Clean
[15:41:34]running the build
[15:41:34]##teamcity[progessMessage 'Running task Build']
[15:41:34]Executing Build
Am I wrong to thing these should be showing up in the project status instead of just "Running"?
It is typo in generated message. I just created pull request with fix. https://github.com/JamesKovacs/psake-contrib/pull/1