How to read release pipeline variable and use as environment variable in Azure DevOps in Azure CLI task? - azure-devops

I am using one powershell task and one Azure Cli task in release pipeline of Azure DevOps.
I have some release pipeline's variables. I want to read those variables as they will be required by my script in above two tasks. I used powershell core in Azure cli task
I tried to read them in the inline script directly as $(variableName) or $env:variableName but none of the above worked.
I tried to set read the variable in Environment variables option in the task and then use in the inline scripts using $env:variableName but it also didn't work. On printing the variableName in the script using Write-Host, the value I got is $(valueName) instead of the correct value.
How to read those variables inside these scripts?

The pipeline variables can be reference in the Azure CLI inline script by using the syntax $(variableName). I tested by adding the following in a script
write-host "The variable value: $(variableName)"


Can I access Azure App Configuration inside a script called in a pipeline task?

Using Azure App Configuration I can make the variables available to the entire pipeline. However, if the following task is running a PowerShell script, called Script.ps1. Are the configs vars going to be available in that script or do I have to pass them as input to the script?
The key-values that are fetched from App Configuration are set as pipeline variables, which are accessible as environment variables. To use environment variables in your PowerShell script file you can refer to the following.
Use environment variables in PowerShell script file:
Use PowerShell task in pipeline:
The result in the pipeline:

Azure Devops environment variable not resolving in task

In an Azure Devops Build pipeline, I'm setting an environment variable in Powershell, like below:
And i know the variable works in another powershell task, because of this test:
But I'm not able to actually use this in another, non-powershell task. See this docker build/push task where i'm trying to add a tag. I get an error saying that it can't find that variable. Is my notation wrong somehow? I've tried multiple different variations on the screen shot below, but none have worked.
The notation $env:LOCALTAG is powershell specific. I think you should use the macro syntax $(LOCALTAG) (without $env)

Powershell variable over azure devops variable

I am trying to pass PowerShell variable to an Azure Devops variable in pipeline during runtime but unable to pass them successfully. Could someone guide the correct syntax to apply escape sequence?
Azure devops pipeline variable:-
foo_ABC = abcdefghigklmnopqrstxyz
env= abc
Powershell task in pipeline:-
$environment= "$(env)".ToUpper()
$temp= "foo_$($environment)"
Write-Output "$($temp)"
Expected: abcdefghigklmnopqrstxyz
Actual: (foo_ABC)
For this issue , the value of nested variables (like $($temp) are not yet supported in the pipelines. You can refer to this case to see this point.
As a workaround, you can try to use the Variable Toolbox task.
You can refer to this case for this task.

Set Release.ReleaseDescription automatically from the build. (Azure devops Pipeline)

Good afternoon, I need help with this case, I want to generate a release description in my pipeline builds, I tried to set the variable in the build and I used a group variable but I was not successful, the idea is to generate a build that contains a description of what contains and when generating the new release already has the value in the variable Release.ReleaseDescription, I have a slack task that sends approvals, it would be good to have this description so that the people who approve see what it contains. This manual procedure is currently performed when the release is generated and a description is placed.
Variable group can only share variables with static values from build pipeline to release pipeline. However there is an extension task tool Variable Tools for Azure DevOps Services that can accomplish this. You can follow below steps:
1, You need first to search for Variable Tools for Azure DevOps Services and install it to your organization.
This task include two subtasks as the task describles:.
Variable Save Task - During your build you can save the variables to a json file stored with your other build assets
Variable Load Task - During your Release you can load the saved variables and gain access to them.
2, Then you need to define a variable (BuildDescription)in your build pipeline
3, Add a powershell task to assign a value to variable BuildDescription.
4, add Variable Save Task to save variable BuildDescription to a json file and store it to the build artifacts folder which will be published to azure devops server as a part of aritfacts.
5, in the release pipeline, add task Variable Load Task, and then you can use the variable (BuildDescription) in your release pipeline.
As above tasks cannot be run on linux system. We can write bash scripts to do the variable save task and variable load task.
To save the variable, you only need to replace above variable save task with bash task to run below command.
echo '{"des":"description"}' > variable-meta.json
To load the variable. Add bash task to replace variable load task
val= ($(jq '.description' variable-meta.json))
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=BuildDescription]$val"

Save Azure CLI command Output using inline script in DevOps

I've been trying to store the output of multiple az cli commands in a variable defined in my pipeline with 0 success.
This being my last attempt:
The way I try to make sure is getting pass to the var is by doing an echo, which it outputs this(in all attempts):
At the end what im trying to achieve is to get the key value stored to use later:
Any suggestions on how to do this in the Azure CLI task from Azure DevOps Pipeline?
PS: Have being trying some commands from shell and batch and must of the attempts failures are related to not recognizing commands(batch/shell) inside the script. Which is confusing since in Azure cli task Docs:
#4c74356b41 Answer helped a lot since I didn't know I could do query in azure cli commands to get a specific value of a command. But it didn't quite answer my questions. All that said, this link Set Output Variable in Azure CLI task on VSTS has the Answer to my question.
just use query path filtering, something like this:
--query '[0].key' -o tsv
this should output only the key you are interested it. reading: