Kafka: Throughput of producing to thousands of topics with different message rate - apache-kafka

The task is routing messages from a single huge source topic to many (few thousands) destination topics. Overall rate is about few millions of records per second. It barely handles such payload now, and we are looking for a solution to optimise it. However, it does not seem it reached any limit at hardware or network level, so I suppose it can be improved. A latency isn't important (few minutes delay is fine), an average message size is less than 1 KiB.
The most obvious way to increase throughput is to make batch.size and linger.ms larger. But the problem is a different message rate in destination topics: depends on a message destination the rate may vary from few messages per second to hundreds of thousands per second.
As I understand (please, correct me if I'm wrong), but batch.size is per-partition parameter. So, if we set batch.size too big we will go out of memory, because it was multiplied by a number of destination topics even all of them have only one partition. Otherwise, if batch.size will be small, then producer will send requests to broker too often. In each app instance we use a single producer for all destination topics (ProduceRequest can include batches to different topics). The only way to set this parameter different per topic is using a separate producer per topic, but it means thousands of threads and many context switches.
Can we set a minimum size of actual ProduceRequest, i.e. like batch.size, but for overall batches in the request, i.e. something opposite to max.request.size?
Or is there any way to increase throughput of producer?

the problem looks solveable and seems like we solved. it's not a big problem for Kafka to stream to 3k topics, but there are some things you should take care about:
Kafka-producer tries to allocate batch.size * number_of_destination_partitions memory on the start. if you have batch.size equals 10mb and 3k topics with 1 partition per topic, Kafka-producer will require at least ~30gb on the start (source code).
so the more destination partitions you have, the less batch.size you have to set up or the more memory you need. we chose small batch.size
messages rate per destination topics does't affect general performance. Kafka-producer sends several batches per one request. here max.request.size comes into the play (source code, maxSize is max.request.size). the higher max.request.size, the more batches could be sent per one request. it is important to understand that reaching a batch.size or a linger.ms don't instantly triggers sending batch to the broker. as soon as batch reaches the batch.size or the linger.ms, it is marked as sendable and will be processed later with other batches (source code).
moreover, batch.size or a linger.ms are not the only reasons to mark batch as sendable (check the previous link). and this is where the batches are actually sent (source code). that's why the same events rate per destination topics is not required, but still there are some nuances which will be described next.
2.1. a few words about linger.ms. can't say for sure how it acts in this scenario. on the one hand, the larger it is, the longer Kafka-producer will wait to collect messages for exact partition and the more data for that partition will be send per one request. one the other hand, it seems like the less it is, there more batches for different partitions could be packed into one request. while there is no certainty about how to do better.
despite that Kafka-producer is able to send more than one batch per request, it can't send more that one batch per request for one specific partition. thats why if you have skewed messages rate for destination topics, you have to increase partitions count for most loaded ones to increase throughput. but it's always necessary to remember that an increasing partitions count leads to an increase in memory usage.
actually, an information above helped us to solve our problems with performance. but there may be other nuances that we don't know about yet.
I hope it will be useful.


Kafka fetch max bytes doesn't work as expected

I have a topic worth 1 GB of messages. A. Kafka consumer decides to consume these messages. What could I do to prohibit the consumer from consuming all messages at once? I tried to set the
fetch.max.bytes on the broker
to 30 MB to allow only 30 MB of messages in each poll. The broker doesn't seem to honor that and tries to give all messages at once to the consumer causing Consumer out of memory error. How can I resolve this issue?
Kafka configurations can be quite overwhelming. Typically in Kafka, multiple configurations can work together to achieve a result. This brings flexibility, but flexibility comes with a price.
From the documentation of fetch.max.bytes:
Records are fetched in batches by the consumer, and if the first record batch in the first non-empty partition of the fetch is larger than this value, the record batch will still be returned to ensure that the consumer can make progress.
Only on the consumer side, there are more configurations to consider for bounding the consumer memory usage, including:
max.poll.records: limits the number of records retrieved in a single call to poll. Default is 500.
max.partition.fetch.bytes: limits the number of bytes fetched per partition. This should not be a problem as the default is 1MB.
As per the information in KIP-81, the memory usage in practice should be something like min(num brokers * max.fetch.bytes, max.partition.fetch.bytes * num_partitions).
Also, in the same KIP:
The consumer (Fetcher) delays decompression until the records are returned to the user, but because of max.poll.records, it may end up holding onto the decompressed data from a single partition for a few iterations.
I'd suggest you to also tune these parameters and hopefully this will get you into the desired state.

Kafka Should Number of Consumer Threads equal number of Topic Partitions

Pretend you determined that you wanted to use exactly 8 consumer threads for your application.
Would there be any difference in processing if a Kafka topic was set up as having 8 partitions vs 16 partitions?
In the first case, each thread is assigned to a single partition with twice the data, and in the second case each thread is assigned to two partitions with half the data each. It seems to me that there is no difference between these two setups.
I believe that, on the consumer side there could be a difference, if your threads are not CPU-constrained (and network is not at capacity). Assuming infinite data on the Kafka broker, or a lagging consumer, since each thread is consuming from two partitions in your second example, the kafka broker is able to send more data than if each thread had only one partition assigned. Kafka has a limit on the maximum amount of bytes that can be retrieved per fetch (replica.fetch.max.bytes in the config), so if you 2x the partitions, you can increase capacity, assuming the data is available.
When configured properly, and assuming ideal conditions, Kafka will serve data from page cache, so it can blast data down to consumers, and 90% of the time, the bottleneck will be the amount of partitions/available CPU on the consumer side. In general, the more partitions you have, the faster you can consume from Kafka, until you are CPU or bandwidth constrained on the consumer, at which point it won't matter if you have more or less partitions, since you're consuming data as fast as you can anyway.
An additional thing to take into account is that there could be more consumer commits being sent back to the brokers, since there are now more partitions, which means some additional overhead/crosstalk in the cluster. It's probably not 2x the commits, but probably higher than 1x the commits from the first scenario.
An important thing to remember is to, whenever possible, do the actual message processing on your consumer off-thread. That is, do not process the inbound messages on the same thread that is consuming/polling from Kafka. It might work at first, but you're going to start running into issues if your processing takes longer, there's a delay, huge volume increase on the inbound side, etc. Whenever possible, throw the inbound messages on a queue, and let another thread worry about processing/parsing them.
Finally, you don't want to take this to the extreme, and configure 1000 partitions if you don't have to. Each partition requires overhead on commits, zookeeper znodes, consumer rebalancing time, startup time, etc. So, I would suggest benchmarking different scenarios, and seeing what works best for you. In general, anything from 2-4 partitions per consumer thread has worked well for me in the past, even with very high message loads (topics with 50K+ messages per second, each ~1KB).

Handling a Large Kafka topic

I have a very very large(count of messages) Kafka topic, it might have more than 20M message per second, but, message size is small, it's just some plain text, each less than 1KB, I can use several partitions per topic, and also I can use several servers to work on one topic and they will consume one of the partitions in the topic...
what if I need +100 servers for a huge topic?
Is it logical to create +100 partitions or more on a single topic?
You should define "large" when mentioning Kafka topics:
Large means huge data in terms of volume size.
Message size is large that it takes time sending a message from queue to client for processing?
Intensive write to that topic? In that case, do you need to process read as fast as possible? (i.e: can we delay process data for about 1 hour)
In either case, you should better think on the consumer side for a better design topic and partition. For instances:
Processing time for each message is slow, and it better process fast between messages: In that case, you should create many partitions. It is like a load balancer and server relationship, you create many workers for doing your job.
If only some message types, the time processing is slow, you should consider moving to a new topic. There is a nice article: Should you put several event types in the same Kafka topic explains this decision.
Is the order of messages important? for example, message A happens before message B, message A should be processed first. In this case, you should make all messages of the same type going to the same partition (only the same partition can maintain message order), or move to a separate topic (with a single partition).
After you have a proper design for topic and partition, it is come to question: how many partitions should you have for each topic. Increasing total partitions will increase your throughput, but at the same time, it will affect availability or latency. There are some good topics here and here that explain carefully how will total partitions per topic affect the performance. In my opinion, you should benchmark directly on your system to choose the correct value. It depends on many factors of your system: processing power of server machine, network capacity, memory ...
And the last part, you don't need 100 servers for 100 partitions. Kafka will try to balance all partitions between servers, but it is just optional. For example, if you have 1 topic with 7 partitions running on 3 servers, there will be 2 servers store 2 partitions each and 1 server stores 3 partitions. (so 2*2 + 3*1 = 7). In the newer version of Kafka, the mapping between partition and server information will be stored on the zookeeper.
you will get better help, if you are more specific and provide some numbers like what is your expected load per second and what is each message size etc,
in general Kafka is pretty powerful and behind the seances it writes the data to buffer and periodically flush the data to disk. and as per the benchmark done by confluent a while back, Kafka cluster with 6 node supports around 0.8 million messages per second below is bench marking pic
Our friends were right, I refer you to this book
Kafka, The Definitive Guide
by Neha Narkhede, Gwen Shapira & Todd Palino
You can find the answer on page 47
How to Choose the Number of Partitions
There are several factors to consider when choosing the number of
What is the throughput you expect to achieve for the topic?
For example, do you expect to write 100 KB per second or 1 GB per
What is the maximum throughput you expect to achieve when consuming from a single partition? You will always have, at most, one consumer
reading from a partition, so if you know that your slower consumer
writes the data to a database and this database never handles more
than 50 MB per second from each thread writing to it, then you know
you are limited to 60MB throughput when consuming from a partition.
You can go through the same exercise to estimate the maxi mum throughput per producer for a single partition, but since producers
are typically much faster than consumers, it is usu‐ ally safe to skip
If you are sending messages to partitions based on keys, adding partitions later can be very challenging, so calculate throughput
based on your expected future usage, not the cur‐ rent usage.
Consider the number of partitions you will place on each broker and available diskspace and network bandwidth per broker.
Avoid overestimating, as each partition uses memory and other resources on the broker and will increase the time for leader
elections. With all this in mind, it’s clear that you want many
partitions but not too many. If you have some estimate regarding the
target throughput of the topic and the expected throughput of the con‐
sumers, you can divide the target throughput by the expected con‐
sumer throughput and derive the number of partitions this way. So if I
want to be able to write and read 1 GB/sec from a topic, and I know
each consumer can only process 50 MB/s, then I know I need at least 20
partitions. This way, I can have 20 consumers reading from the topic
and achieve 1 GB/sec. If you don’t have this detailed information, our
experience suggests that limiting the size of the partition on the
disk to less than 6 GB per day of retention often gives satisfactory

How does kafka compression relate to configurations that refer to bytes?

It's unclear to me (and I haven't managed to find any documentation that makes it perfectly clear) how compression affects kafka configurations that deal with bytes.
Take a hypothetical message that is exactly 100 bytes, a producer with a batch size of 1000 bytes, and a consumer with a fetch size of 1000 bytes.
With no compression it seems pretty clear that my producer would batch 10 messages at a time and my consumer would poll 10 messages at a time.
Now assume a compression (specified at the producer -- not on the broker) that (for simplicity) compresses to exactly 10% of the uncompressed size.
With that same config, would my producer still batch 10 messages at a time, or would it start batching 100 messages at a time? I.e. is the batch size pre- or post-compression? The docs do say this:
Compression is of full batches of data
...which I take to mean that it would compress 1000 bytes (the batch size) down to 100 bytes and send that. Is that correct?
Same question for the consumer fetch. Given a 1K fetch size, would it poll just 10 messages at a time (because the uncompressed size is 1K) or would it poll 100 messages (because the compressed size is 1K)? I believe that the fetch size will cover the compressed batch, in which case the consumer would be fetching 10 batches as-produced-by-the-producer at a time. Is this correct?
It seems confusing to me that, if I understand correctly, the producer is dealing with pre-compression sizes and the consumer is dealing with post-compression sizes.
It's both simpler and more complicated ;-)
It's simpler in that both the producer and the consumer compresses and uncompresses the same Kafka Protocol Produce Requests and Fetch Requests and the broker just stores them with zero copy in their native wire format. Kafka does not compress individual messages before they are sent. It waits until a batch of messages (all going to the same partition) are ready for send and then compresses the entire batch and sends it as one Produce Request.
It's more complicated because you also have to factor in the linger time which will trigger a send of a batch of messages earlier than when the producer buffer size is full. You also have to consider that messages may have different keys, or for other reasons be going to different topic partitions on different brokers so it's not true to say that qty(10) records compressed to 100 bytes each go all as one batch to one broker as a single produce request of 1000 bytes (unless all the messages are being sent to a topic with a single partition).
From https://kafka.apache.org/0110/javadoc/org/apache/kafka/clients/producer/KafkaProducer.html
The producer maintains buffers of unsent records for each partition.
These buffers are of a size specified by the batch.size config. Making
this larger can result in more batching, but requires more memory
(since we will generally have one of these buffers for each active
By default a buffer is available to send immediately even if there is
additional unused space in the buffer. However if you want to reduce
the number of requests you can set linger.ms to something greater than
0. This will instruct the producer to wait up to that number of milliseconds before sending a request in hope that more records will
arrive to fill up the same batch. This is analogous to Nagle's
algorithm in TCP. For example, in the code snippet above, likely all
100 records would be sent in a single request since we set our linger
time to 1 millisecond. However this setting would add 1 millisecond of
latency to our request waiting for more records to arrive if we didn't
fill up the buffer. Note that records that arrive close together in
time will generally batch together even with linger.ms=0 so under
heavy load batching will occur regardless of the linger configuration;
however setting this to something larger than 0 can lead to fewer,
more efficient requests when not under maximal load at the cost of a
small amount of latency.

How to set Kafka Producer message rate per second?

I am reading a csv file and giving the rows of this input to my Kafka Producer. now I want my Kafka Producer to produce messages at a rate of 100 messages per second.
Take a look at linger.ms and batch.size properties of Kafka Producer.
You have to adjust these properties correspondingly to get desired rate.
The producer groups together any records that arrive in between request transmissions into a single batched request. Normally this occurs only under load when records arrive faster than they can be sent out. However in some circumstances the client may want to reduce the number of requests even under moderate load. This setting accomplishes this by adding a small amount of artificial delay—that is, rather than immediately sending out a record the producer will wait for up to the given delay to allow other records to be sent so that the sends can be batched together. This can be thought of as analogous to Nagle's algorithm in TCP. This setting gives the upper bound on the delay for batching: once we get batch.size worth of records for a partition it will be sent immediately regardless of this setting, however if we have fewer than this many bytes accumulated for this partition we will 'linger' for the specified time waiting for more records to show up. This setting defaults to 0 (i.e. no delay). Setting linger.ms=5, for example, would have the effect of reducing the number of requests sent but would add up to 5ms of latency to records sent in the absense of load.
If you like stream processing then akka-streams has nice support for throttling: http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/java/stream/stream-quickstart.html#time-based-processing
Then the akka-stream-kafka (aka reactive-kafka) library allows you to connect the two together: http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka-stream-kafka/current/home.html
In Kafka JVM Producer, the throughput depends upon multiple factors. And most commonly it's calculated in MB/sec rather than Msg/sec. In your example, if let's say each of your row in CSV is 1MB in size then you need to tune your producer configs to achieve 100MB/sec, so that you can achieve your target throughput of 100 Msg/sec. While tuning producer configs, you have to take into the consideration what's your batch.size ( measured in bytes ) config value? If it's set too low then producer will try to send messages more often and wait for reply from server. This will improve the producer's throughput. But would impact the latency. If you are using async callback based producer then in this case your overall throughput will be limited by how many number of messages producer can send before waiting for reply from server determined by max.in.flight.request.per.connection.
If you keep batch.size too high then producer throughput will get affected since after waiting for linger.ms period kafka producer will send the all messages in a batch to broker for that particular partition at once. But having bigger batch.size means bigger buffer.memory which might put pressure on GC.