Schema loss when converting from table to datastream - scala

I am using Scala and Flink. I receive data from Kafka(for cpu_utilization) and able to read it. Now since I don't want to persist all data in db I am filtering required rows like cpu_utilization should be more than 10%. I am doing this by converting datastream to a table and in this step I also give the table a schema using the following : tableEnv.fromDataStream(datastream).as(columnNamesAsArray.mkString(Constants.COMMA)). Then I apply the query and convert it back to datastream. In the last step(converting back to datastream) the schema is lost. How can I prevent that loss. I am saying this because when I see each row in debug mode, the fieldByName attribute is null


Delta Lake Data Load Datatype mismatch

I am loading data from SQL Server to Delta lake tables. Recently i had to repoint the source to another table(same columns), but the data type is different in new table. This is causing error while loading data to delta table. Getting following error:
Failed to merge fields 'COLUMN1' and 'COLUMN1'. Failed to merge incompatible data types LongType and DecimalType(32,0)
Command i use to write data to delta table:
DF.write.mode("overwrite").format("delta").option("mergeSchema", "true").save("s3 path)
The only option i can think of right now is to enable OverWriteSchema to True.
But this will rewrite my target schema completely. I am just concerned about any sudden change in source schema that will replace existing target schema without any notification or alert.
Also i can't explicitly convert these columns because the databricks notebook i am using is a parametrized one used to to load data from source to Target(We are reading data from a CSV file that contain all the details about Target table, Source table, partition key etc)
Is there any better way to tackle this issue?
Any help is much appreciated!

Avoid loading into table dataframe that is empty

I am creating a process in spark scala within an ETL that checks for some events occurred during the ETL process. I start with an empty dataframe and if events occur this dataframe is filled with information ( a dataframe can't be filled it can only be joined with other dataframes with the same structure ). The thing is that at the end of the process, the dataframe that has been generated is loaded into a table but it can happen that the dataframe ends up being empty because no event has occured and I don't want to load a dataframe that is empty because it has no sense. So, I'm wondering if there is an elegant way to load the dataframe into the table only if it is not empty without using the if condition. Thanks!!
I recommend to create the dataframe anyway; If you don't create a table with the same schema, even if it's empty, your operations/transformations on DF could fail as it could refer to columns that may not be present.
To handle this, you should always create a DataFrame with the same schema, which means the same column names and datatypes regardless if the data exists or not. You might want to populate it with data later.
If you still want to do it your way, I can point a few ideas for Spark 2.1.0 and above:
These are equivalent.
I don't recommend using df.count > 0 because it is linear in time complexity and you would still have to do a check like df != null before.
A much better solution would be:
Or since Spark 2.4.0 there is also Dataset.isEmpty.
As you can see, whatever you decide to do, there is a check somewhere that you need to do, so you can't really get rid of the if condition - as the sentence implies: if you want to avoid creating an empty dataframe.

Cassandra Alter Column type from Timestamp to Date

Is there any way to alter the Cassandra column from timestamp to date without data lost? For example '2021-02-25 20:30:00+0000' to '2021-02-25'
If not, what is the easiest way to migrate this column(timestamp) to the new column(date)?
It's impossible to change a type of the existing column, so you need to add a new column with correct data type, and perform migration. Migration could be done via Spark + Spark Cassandra Connector - it could be most flexible solution, and even could be done via single node machine with Spark running in the local master mode (default). Code could look something like this (try on test data first):
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
options = { "table": "tbl", "keyspace": "ks"}"org.apache.spark.sql.cassandra").options(**options).load()\
.select("pk_col1", "pk_col2", F.col("timestamp_col").cast("date").alias("new_name"))\
P.S. you can use DSBulk, for example, but you need to have enough space to offload the data (although you need only primary key column + your timestamp)
To add to Alex Ott's answer, there are validations done in Cassandra that prevents changing the data type of a column. The reason is that SSTables (Cassandra data files) are immutable -- once they are written to disk, they are never modified/edited/updated. They can only be compacted to new SSTables.
Some try to get around it by dropping the column from the table then adding it back in with a new data type. Unlike traditional RDBMS, the existing data in the SSTables don't get updated so if you tried to read the old data, you'll get a CorruptSSTableException because the CQL type of the data on disk won't match that of the schema.
For this reason, it is no longer possible to drop/recreate columns with the same name (CASSANDRA-14948). If you're interested, I've explained it in a bit more detail in this post -- Cheers!
You can use ToDate to change it. For example: Table Email has column Date with format: 2001-08-29 13:03:35.000000+0000.
Select Date, ToDate(Date) as Convert from keyspace.Email:
date | convert ---------------------------------+------------ 2001-08-29 13:03:35.000000+0000 | 2001-08-29

Spark JDBC - How to stop automatic creation of table if table doesnt exist

I'm currently using jdbc to write data into an existing table.
.jdbc("jdbc:postgresql:dbserver", "schema.tablename", connectionProperties)
I'm currently using code similar to above. When given a wrong table name, it will create that table and input that table there as opposed to throwing an error. Is there anyway to stop that feature.
This behaviour is not supported by Spark. Your would need to write your own logic around it.
According to the ScalaDocs on Enumeration SaveMode you have the following options when writing Data to a sink:
Append: Append mode means that when saving a DataFrame to a data source, if data/table already exists, contents of the DataFrame are expected to be appended to existing data.
ErrorIfExists: ErrorIfExists mode means that when saving a DataFrame to a data source, if data already exists, an exception is expected to be thrown.
Ignore: Ignore mode means that when saving a DataFrame to a data source, if data already exists, the save operation is expected to not save the contents of the DataFrame and to not change the existing data.
Overwrite: Overwrite mode means that when saving a DataFrame to a data source, if data/table already exists, existing data is expected to be overwritten by the contents of the DataFrame.

Hbase reading freezes for a few records when reading with partial rowkey

I am reading data from HBase through spark. The code runs fine when reading the data using a prefix filter with a complete rowkey or using GET, but it freezes if I use a partial prefixed rowkey. The rowkey structure is md5OfAkey_Akey_txDate_someKey. I want to read all data matching “Akeys” from a data frame. The table has a single column family , 50 column qualifiers and has around 200 million records. So when I read using md5OfAkey_Akey_txDate the code gets stuck while if I construct the whole key it runs fine. But I do not want to pass the whole rowkey as I want to read all data for a particular account(Akey) and transaction date (txDate). Any help would be appreciated.