Broadcasting of scala options on sub-elements [duplicate] - scala

I am new to scala, please help me with the below question.
Can we call map method on an Option? (e.g. Option[Int].map()?).
If yes then could you help me with an example?

Here's a simple example:
val x = Option(5)
val y = + 10)
This will result in Some(15).
If x were None instead, y would also be None.

val someInt = Some (2)
val noneInt:Option[Int] = None
val someIntRes = (_ * 2) //Some (4)
val noneIntRes = (_ * 2) //None
See docs
You can view an option as a collection that contains exactly 0 or 1 items. Mapp over the collection gives you a container with the same number of items, with the result of applying the mapping function to every item in the original.

Sometimes it's more convenient to use fold instead of mapping Options. Consider the example:
scala> def printSome(some: Option[String]) = some.fold(println("Nothing provided"))(println)
printSome: (some: Option[String])Unit
scala> printSome(Some("Hi there!"))
Hi there!
scala> printSome(None)
Nothing provided
You can easily proceed with the real value inside fold, e.g. map it or do whatever you want, and you're safe with the default fold option which is triggered on Option#isEmpty.


lazy val v.s. val for recursive stream in Scala

I understand the basic of diff between val and lazy val .
but while I run across this example, I 'm confused.
The following code is right one. It is a recursion on stream type lazy value.
def recursive(): {
lazy val recurseValue: Stream[Int] = 1 #::
If I change lazy val to val. It reports error.
def recursive(): {
//error forward reference failed.
val recurseValue: Stream[Int] = 1 #::
My trace of thought in 2th example by substitution model/evaluation strategy is :
the right hand sight of #:: is call by name with that the value shall be of the form :
1 #:: ?,
and if 2th element being accessed afterward, it refer to current recurseValue value and rewriting it to :
1 :: ((1 #:: ?) map func) =
1 :: (func(1) #:: (? map func))
.... and so on and so on such that the compiler should success.
I don't see any error when I rewriting it ,is there somthing wrong?
CONCLUSION:I found it work fine if the val defined as a field. And I also noticed this post about implement of val. The conclusion is that the val has different implementation in method or field or REPL. That's confusing really.
That substitution model works for recursion if you are defining functions, but you can't define a variable in terms of itself unless it is lazy. All of the info needed to compute the right-hand side must be available for the assignment to take place, so a bit of laziness is required in order to recursively define a variable.
You probably don't really want to do this, but just to show that it works for functions:
scala> def r = { def x:Stream[Int] = 1#::( x map (_+1) ); x }
r: Stream[Int]
scala> r take 3 foreach println

Scalacheck: Generate list corresponding to list of generators

I want to generate a list of integers corresponding to a list of generators in ScalaCheck.
import org.scalacheck._
import Arbitrary.arbitrary
val smallInt = Gen.choose(0,10)
val bigInt = Gen.choose(1000, 1000000)
val zeroOrOneInt = Gen.choose(0, 1)
val smallEvenInt = smallInt suchThat (_ % 2 == 0)
val gens = List(smallInt, bigInt, zeroOrOneInt, smallEvenInt)
//val listGen: Gen[Int] = ??
//println(listGen.sample) //should print something like List(2, 2000, 0, 6)
For the given gens, I would like to create a generator listGen whose valid sample can be List(2, 2000, 0, 6).
Here is my first attempt using tuples.
val gensTuple = (smallInt, bigInt, zeroOrOneInt, smallEvenInt)
val tupleGen = for {
a <- gensTuple._1
b <- gensTuple._2
c <- gensTuple._3
d <- gensTuple._4
} yield (a, b, c, d)
println(tupleGen.sample) // prints Some((1,318091,0,6))
This works, but I don't want to use tuples since the list of generators(gens) is created dynamically
and the size of the list is not fixed. Is there a way to do it with Lists?
I want the use the generator of the list(listGen) in scalacheck forAll property checking.
This looks like a toy problem but this is
the best I could do to create a standalone snippet reproducing the actual issue I am
How about using the Gen.sequence method? It transforms an Iterable[Gen[T]] into a Gen[C[T]], where C can be List:
def sequence[C[_],T](gs: Iterable[Gen[T]])(implicit b: Buildable[T,C]): Gen[C[T]] =
Just use Gen.sequence, but be careful as it will try to return a java.util.ArrayList[T] if you don't fully parameterize it (bug).
Full working example:
def genIntList(): Gen[List[Int]] = {
val gens = List(Gen.chooseNum(1, 2), Gen.chooseNum(3, 4))
Gen.sequence[List[Int], Int](gens)
println(genIntList.sample.get) // prints: List(1,4)
EDIT: Please disregard, this doesn't answer the asker's question
I can't comment on posts yet, so I'll have to venture a guess here. I presume the function 'sample' applies to the generators
Any reason why you can't do:
gens map (t=>t.sample)
For a more theoretical answer: the method you want is traverse, which is equivalent to sequence compose map although it might be more efficient. It is of the general form:
def traverse[C[_]: Traverse, F[_]: Applicative, A, B](f: A => F[B], t: C[A]): F[C[B]]
It behaves like map but allows you to carry around some extra Applicative structure during the traversal, sequencing it along the way.

Scala convert Option to an Int

I have looked at these links
I have a map of [String, Integer] and when I do a map.get("X") I get an option. I would like the following.
val Int count = map.get(key);
// If the key is there I would like value if it is not I want 0
How do I achieve this in one line? I need to do this several times. It looks a bit inefficient to write a function everytime for doing this. I am sure there is some intelligent one line quirk that I am missing but I really like to get the value into an integer in ONE line :)
Just use getOrElse method:
val count: Int = map.getOrElse(key,0);
Note also, that in Scala you write type after name, not before.
#om-nom-nom (classic screen name) has the correct answer, but in the interest of providing yet another way™
val count = map.get(key) fold(0)(num => num)
Before in-the-know users bash me with, "Option has no fold!", fold has been added to Option in Scala 2.10
getOrElse is of course better in the current case, but in some Some/None scenarios it may be interesting to 1-liner with fold like so (edited complements of #Debiliski who tested against latest 2.10 snapshot):
val count = map.get(k).fold(0)(dao.userlog.count(_))
I suppose in 2.9.2 and under we can already do:
val count = map get(k) map ( dao.userlog.count(_) ) getOrElse(0)
Which is to say, in Scala there is often more than one way to do the same thing: in the linked thread, the OP shows more than 10 alternative means to achieve Option fold ;-)
Yet another way.
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
scala> val m = Map(9 -> 33)
m: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int,Int] = Map(9 -> 33)
scala> m.get(9).orZero
res3: Int = 33
scala> m.get(8).orZero
res4: Int = 0

Extract elements from one list that aren't in another

Simply, I have two lists and I need to extract the new elements added to one of them.
I have the following
val x = List(1,2,3)
val y = List(1,2,4)
val existing :List[Int]= => {
if (!y.exists(yInstance =>
yInstance == xInstance))
Result :existing: List[AnyVal] = List((), (), 3)
I need to remove all other elements except the numbers with the minimum cost.
Pick a suitable data structure, and life becomes a lot easier.
scala> x.toSet -- y
res1: scala.collection.immutable.Set[Int] = Set(3)
Also beware that:
if (condition) expr1
Is shorthand for:
if (condition) expr1 else ()
Using the result of this, which will usually have the static type Any or AnyVal is almost always an error. It's only appropriate for side-effects:
if (condition) buffer += 1
if (condition) sys.error("boom!")
retronym's solution is okay IF you don't have repeated elements that and you don't care about the order. However you don't indicate that this is so.
Hence it's probably going to be most efficient to convert y to a set (not x). We'll only need to traverse the list once and will have fast O(log(n)) access to the set.
All you need is
x filterNot y.toSet
// res1: List[Int] = List(3)
also, there's a built-in method that is even easier:
x diff y
(I had a look at the implementation; it looks pretty efficient, using a HashMap to count ocurrences.)
The easy way is to use filter instead so there's nothing to remove;
val existing :List[Int] =
x.filter(xInstance => !y.exists(yInstance => yInstance == xInstance))
val existing = x.filter(d => !y.exists(_ == d))
existing: List[Int] = List(3)

Nested Default Maps in Scala

I'm trying to construct nested maps in Scala, where both the outer and inner map use the "withDefaultValue" method. For example, the following :
val m = HashMap.empty[Int, collection.mutable.Map[Int,Int]].withDefaultValue( HashMap.empty[Int,Int].withDefaultValue(3))
res: Int = 3
m(1)(2) = 5
res: Int = 5
m(2)(3) = 6
res : scala.collection.mutable.Map[Int,scala.collection.mutable.Map[Int,Int]] = Map()
So the map, when addressed by the appropriate keys, gives me back what I put in. However, the map itself appears empty! Even m.size returns 0 in this example. Can anyone explain what's going on here?
Short answer
It's definitely not a bug.
Long answer
The behavior of withDefaultValue is to store a default value (in your case, a mutable map) inside the Map to be returned in the case that they key does not exist. This is not the same as a value that is inserted into the Map when they key is not found.
Let's look closely at what's happening. It will be easier to understand if we pull the default map out as a separate variable so we can inspect is at will; let's call it default
import collection.mutable.HashMap
val default = HashMap.empty[Int,Int].withDefaultValue(3)
So default is a mutable map (that has its own default value). Now we can create m and give default as the default value.
import collection.mutable.{Map => MMap}
val m = HashMap.empty[Int, MMap[Int,Int]].withDefaultValue(default)
Now whenever m is accessed with a missing key, it will return default. Notice that this is the exact same behavior as you have because withDefaultValue is defined as:
def withDefaultValue (d: B): Map[A, B]
Notice that it's d: B and not d: => B, so it will not create a new map each time the default is accessed; it will return the same exact object, what we've called default.
So let's see what happens:
m(1) // Map()
Since key 1 is not in m, the default, default is returned. default at this time is an empty Map.
m(1)(2) = 5
Since m(1) returns default, this operation stores 5 as the value for key 2 in default. Nothing is written to the Map m because m(1) resolves to default which is a separate Map entirely. We can check this by viewing default:
default // Map(2 -> 5)
But as we said, m is left unchanged
m // Map()
Now, how to achieve what you really wanted? Instead of using withDefaultValue, you want to make use of getOrElseUpdate:
def getOrElseUpdate (key: A, op: ⇒ B): B
Notice how we see op: => B? This means that the argument op will be re-evaluated each time it is needed. This allows us to put a new Map in there and have it be a separate new Map for each invalid key. Let's take a look:
val m2 = HashMap.empty[Int, MMap[Int,Int]]
No default values needed here.
m2.getOrElseUpdate(1, HashMap.empty[Int,Int].withDefaultValue(3)) // Map()
Key 1 doesn't exist, so we insert a new HashMap, and return that new value. We can check that it was inserted as we expected. Notice that 1 maps to the newly added empty map and that they 3 was not added anywhere because of the behavior explained above.
m2 // Map(1 -> Map())
Likewise, we can update the Map as expected:
m2.getOrElseUpdate(1, HashMap.empty[Int,Int].withDefaultValue(1))(2) = 6
and check that it was added:
m2 // Map(1 -> Map(2 -> 6))
withDefaultValue is used to return a value when the key was not found. It does not populate the map. So you map stays empty. Somewhat like using getOrElse(a, b) where b is provided by withDefaultValue.
I just had the exact same problem, and was happy to find dhg's answer. Since typing getOrElseUpdate all the time is not very concise, I came up with this little extension of the idea that I want to share:
You can declare a class that uses getOrElseUpdate as default behavior for the () operator:
class DefaultDict[K, V](defaultFunction: (K) => V) extends HashMap[K, V] {
override def default(key: K): V = return defaultFunction(key)
override def apply(key: K): V =
getOrElseUpdate(key, default(key))
Now you can do what you want to do like this:
var map = new DefaultDict[Int, DefaultDict[Int, Int]](
key => new DefaultDict(key => 3))
map(1)(2) = 5
Which does now result in map containing 5 (or rather: containing a DefaultDict containing the value 5 for the key 2).
What you're seeing is the effect that you've created a single Map[Int, Int] this is the default value whenever the key isn't in the outer map.
scala> val m = HashMap.empty[Int, collection.mutable.Map[Int,Int]].withDefaultValue( HashMap.empty[Int,Int].withDefaultValue(3))
m: scala.collection.mutable.Map[Int,scala.collection.mutable.Map[Int,Int]] = Map()
scala> m(2)(2)
res1: Int = 3
scala> m(1)(2) = 5
scala> m(2)(2)
res2: Int = 5
To get the effect that you're looking for, you'll have to wrap the Map with an implementation that actually inserts the default value when a key isn't found in the Map.
I'm not sure what your actual use case is, but you may have an easier time using a pair for the key to a single Map.
scala> val m = HashMap.empty[(Int, Int), Int].withDefaultValue(3)
m: scala.collection.mutable.Map[(Int, Int),Int] = Map()
scala> m((1, 2))
res0: Int = 3
scala> m((1, 2)) = 5
scala> m((1, 2))
res3: Int = 5
scala> m
res4: scala.collection.mutable.Map[(Int, Int),Int] = Map((1,2) -> 5)
I know it's a bit late but I've just seen the post while I was trying to solve the same problem.
Probably the API are different from the 2012 version but you may want to use withDefaultinstead that withDefaultValue.
The difference is that withDefault takes a function as parameter, that is executed every time a missed key is requested ;)