how can i get one word and repeat 3 word - echo

Hello! Hello!
Your program will be given as input a single word, and it should print out that word three times, separating the words with spaces.
As a refresher, here are some ways to read a single word from standard input (when the first line of input contains a single word), in a few different languages:
Python 3
help me to write this code

word = str(input("User Input-->"))
lst = word.split(' ')
print(f'{lst[0]} '*3)
Here the formatting will come in handy to solve your problem


Is there a way for spark to read this odd text format?

The file format I have is sort of like csv and looks like this (abinitio .dat file of some sort):
The commas are actually "Start of Header" 0x01 byte characters, but I will use commas for simplicity. I can easily read the above sample by reading the file as a string RDD with a custom line split ,\n and then passing that into I am currently splitting lines by ,\n because there may be newlines in the data and I thought that those two characters were unique for each record. However a problem occurs when there are newline characters at the start of text fields. For example:
1,one \n apple,10.00,\n
2,two banana,12.35,\n
3,\n three orange,9.23,\n
My current code is able to ignore the newline in record 1 but picks up the ,\n after the 3 and splits the 3 lines into 4. How can I reliably read in this format?
My current ideas are:
Check that there are the right number of , column delimiters before allowing a split. I am not sure how to implement this, is it possible to do a regex look-back when spark sees a ,\n and check for the correct number of delimiters?
Try to coerce the file into some other format besides CSV
Make my own InputFormatClass, although I am not sure what this entails.

officejs : Search Word document using regular expression

I want to search strings like "number 1" or "number 152" or "number 36985".
In all above strings "number " will be constant but digits will change and can have any length.
I tried Search option using wildcard but it doesn't seem to work.
basic regEx operators like + seem to not work.
I tried 'number*[1-9]*' and 'number*[1-9]+' but no luck.
This regular expression only selects upto one digit. e.g. If the string is 'number 12345' it only matches number 12345 (the part which is in bold).
Does anyone know how to do this?
Word doesn't use regular expressions in its search (Find) functionality. It has its own set of wildcard rules. These are very similar to RegEx, but not identical and not as powerful.
Using Word's wildcards, the search text below locates the examples given in the question. (Note that the semicolon separator in 1;100 may be soemthing else, depending on the list separator set in Windows (or on the Mac). My European locale uses a semicolon; the United States would use a comma, for example.
"number [0-9]{1;100}"
The 100 is an arbitrary number I chose for the maximum number of repeats of the search term just before it. Depending on how long you expect a number to be, this can be much smaller...
The logic of the search text is: number is a literal; the valid range of characters following the literal are 0 through 9; there may be one to one hundred of these characters - anything in that range is a match.
The only way RegEx can be used in Word is to extract a string and run the search on the string. But this dissociates the string from the document, meaning Word-specific content (formatting, fields, etc.) will be lost.
Try putting < and > on the ends of your search string to indicate the beginning and ending of the desired strings. This works for me: '<number [1-9]*>'. So does '<number [1-9]#>' which is probably what you want. Note that in Word wildcards the # is used where + is used in other RegEx systems.

MS Word: Carriage Returns in numbering format

in MS Word 2010, is it possible to include a manual line breaks in the formatting for a numbered list?
What I mean is I'm creating a style that includes numbering in a list. I'd like the list to appear like this:
Section 1[MLB]
Section 2[MLB]
I'm in the Define New Number Format dialog box, trying to find a way to include a manual line break in the Number Format field. I've got the word "Section" in there, but the line break is a problem so far. I've tried ^|, which is the search-and-replace code for manual line breaks. But that includes a literal carat followed by a pipe. Is there some other way of including things like paragraph breaks or line breaks in numbered lists? Thanks everyone.

How to fill a field with spaces until a length in Notepad++

I've prepared a macro in Notepad++ to transform a ldif file in a csv file with a few fields. Everything is OK but I have a final problem: I have to have 2 fields with a specific length and in this moment I cannot ensure that length because in the source file they are not coming so
For instance, I generate this line:
And I have to ensure that the 2nd and 3rd fields have 30 (filling with spaces at right side) and 9 (filling with zeros at left) characters, so in this case I should generate:
12345,namenamename ,000123456
I haven't found how Notepad++ could match a pattern in order to add spaces/zeros, so I have though in to add 1 space/zero to the proper field and repeat this step so many times as needed to ensure the lengths (this is, 29 and 8, because they cannot come empty) and search with the length in the regex (for instance: \d{1,8} for the third field)
My question is: can I repeat only one step of the macro several times (and the rest of the macro only 1 repetition)?
I've read the wiki related to this point ( and I don't found anything neither
If not possible, how could be a good solution? Create another 2 different macros and after execute the main one, execute this new 2 macros several times?
Thanks in advance!
A two pass solution with Notepad++ is possible. Find a pair of characters or two short sequence of characters that never occurs in your data file. I will use =#<= and =>#= here.
First pass, generate or convert the input text into the form 12345,=#<=namenamename______________________________,000000000123456=>#=. Ie add 30 spaces after the name and nine zeroes before the number (underscores used here just to make things clearer).
Second pass, do a regular expression search for =#<=(.{30})_*,0*(\d{9})=>#= and replace with \1,\2.
I have just suggested a similar solution in special timestamp format of csv

Split a string in SSRS if there is a space in between words

I have a field with multiple words in it. I want to separate the words onto different lines rather than have them separated by spaces.
So for example “Not Great”, I want to put “Not” on 1st line and “Great” on 2nd line, like so:
There could be words with “/” character in between i.e. “Great / Good” where I want to put everything after 1st word in 2nd line and everything after “/” in 3rd line i.e.
Basically, whenever there is space, I want split that string into multiple lines. How do I do that in SSRS?
Ok, you want the string broken up into different lines.
Do you mean on separate lines within the same tablix cell?
Thats straightfoward see
If you mean to split the string so the words are on different Tablix cells one approach would be to use a sub report on a list.
Set the list data set to the original data set containing the multiple word string, pass the string to the sub report as a parameter.
On the sub report pass the parameter to a data set that splits the string into individual lines.
Losts of suggestions for how to do that here
Turning a Comma Separated string into individual rows
Simply replace the space with a carriage return and line feed:
=Replace(Fields!SomeWords.Value, " ", vbCrLf)
=Fields!SomeFields.Value.Replace(Space(1), vbCrLf)