How to deploy container to ECS+Fargate+CodeDeploy without load balancer? - amazon-ecs

I have an app that comes in two pieces:
The (Ruby/Rails) main app which is also the web frontend
A Sidekiq event handler
The first one is not a problem, done that. CodeDeploy will deploy the new version by creating the new service(s) on the "blue load balancer target group" and start moving the traffic to them in a blue/green setup.
However, Sidekiq doesn't have a port, so no health check. This is the problem I'm having now, the NLB doesn't validate the health of the container, so it keeps restarting and the deploy eventually times out because it can't get a clean service.
I'm not sure if this is a ECS limitation or a CodeDeploy limitation (or a "me limitation" :) ), but it seems I have to have a load balancer for that to work.
But something about that just rings wrong! I'm sure AWS must have thought about "worker containers", right? How do you setup an ECS cluster with two services, each with one task - the two parts above. And how do you then use CodeDeploy to deploy to that service/task? Or do you deploy Sidekiq (in this case) in some other way?
Having two services, I can scale them individually.
At the moment, I have a CodePipeline, triggering a CodeBuild to build the image, push that into ECR then trigger CodeDeploy to do the deployment. It worked initially when I had one service, with the two tasks, but then both would scale simultaneously which isn't what I want in the end.


How to deploy workload with K8s on-demand (GKE)?

I need to deploy a GPU intensive task on GCP. I want to use a Node.js Docker image and within that container to run a Node.js server that listens to HTTP requests and runs a Python image processing script on-demand (every time that a new HTTP request is received containing the images to be processed). My understanding is that I need to deploy a load balancer in front of the K8s cluster that has a static public IP address which then builds/launches containers every time a new HTTP request comes in? And then destroy the container once processing is completed. Is container re-use not a concern? I never worked with K8s before and I want to understand how it works and after reading the GKE documentation this is how I imagine the architecture. What am I missing here?
runs a Python image processing script on-demand (every time that a new HTTP request is received containing the images to be processed)
This can be solved on Kubernetes, but it is not a very common kind of workload.
The project that support your problem best is Knative with its per-request auto-scaler. Google Cloud Run is the easiest way to use this. But if you want to run this within your own GKE cluster, you can enable it.
That said, you can also design your Node.js service to integrate with the Kubernetes API-server to create Jobs - but it is not a good design to have common workload talk to the API-server. It is better to use Knative or Google Cloud Run.

How can I update and ECS service adding an addition load balance to which a service talks to without downtime?

We use terraform to manage our AWS resources and have the code to change the service from one to two load balancers.
terraform wants to destroy the service prior to recreating it. AWS cli docs indicate the reason - the API can only modify LBs during service creation and not on update.
It seems we need a blue/green deploy with the one LB and two LB services existing at the same time on the same cluster. I expect we'll need to create multiple task sets and the rest of the blue/green approach prior to this change (we'd planned for this anyway just not at this moment)
Does anyone have a good example for this scenario or know of any other approaches beyond full blue/green deployment?
Alas, it is not possible to change the number of LBs during an update. The service must be destroyed and recreated.
Ideally, one would be doing blue green deploys with multiple ECS clusters and a set of LBs. Then cluster A could have the old service and cluster B have the new service allowing traffic to move from A to B as we go from blue to green.
We aren't quite there yet but plan to be soon. So, for now, we will do the classic parking lot switch approach:
In this example the service that needs to go from 1 LB to 2 LBs is called target_service
clone target_service to become target_service2
deploy microservices that can talk to either target_service or target_service2
verify that target_service and target_service2 are both handling incoming data and requests
modify target_service infra-as-code to go from 1 to 2 LBs
deploy modified target_service (terraform deployment tool will destroy target_service leaving target_service2 to cover the gap, and then it will deploy target_service with 2 LBs
verify that target_service with 2 LBS works and handle requests
destroy and remove target_service2 as it is no longer needed
So, this is a blue-green like deploy albeit less elegant.
To update an Amazon ECS service with multiple load balancers, you need to ensure that you are using version 2 of the AWS CLI. Then, you can run the following command:
aws ecs update-service \
--cluster <cluster-name> \
--service <service-name> \
--load-balancers "[{\"containerName\": \"<container-name>\", \"containerPort\": <container-port>, \"targetGroupArn\": \"<target-group-arn1>\"}, {\"containerName\": \"<container-name>\", \"containerPort\": <container-port>, \"targetGroupArn\": \"<target-group-arn2>\"}]"
In the above command, replace with the name of your ECS cluster, with the name of your ECS service, with the name of the container in your task definition, with the port number the container listens to, and and with the ARN of your target groups.
Update 2022
ECS now supports updation of load balancers of a service. For now, this can be achieved using AWS CLI, AWS SDK, or AWS Cloudformation (not from AWS Console). From the documentation:
When you add, update, or remove a load balancer configuration, Amazon ECS starts new tasks with the updated Elastic Load Balancing configuration, and then stops the old tasks when the new tasks are running.
So, you don't need to create a new service. AWS update regarding this here. Please refer Update Service API doc on how to make the request.

Does AWS CDK provide constructs to deploy ECS applications?

We generally use BlueGreen & Rolling deployment strategy,
for docker containers in ECS container instances, to get deployed & updated.
Ansible ECS modules allow implement such deployment strategies with below modules:
Does AWS CDK provide such constructs for implementing deployment strategies?
CDK supports higher level constructs for ECS called "ECS patterns". One of them is ApplicationLoadBalancedFargateService which allows you to define an ECS Fargate service behind an Application Load Balancer. Rolling update is supported out of the box in this case. You simply run cdk deploy with a newer Docker image and ECS will take care of the deployment. It will:
Start a new task with the new Docker image.
Wait for several successful health checks of the new deployment.
Start sending new traffic to the new task, while letting the existing connections gracefully finish on the old task.
Once all old connections are done, ECS will automatically stop the old task.
If your new task does not start or is not healthy, ECS will keep running the original task.
Regarding Blue-Green deployment I think it's yet to be supported in CloudFormation. Once that's done, it can be implemented in CDK. If you can live without BlueGreen as IaC, you can define your CodeDeploy manually.
Check this NPM plugin which helps with blue-green deployment using CDK.
Blue green deployments are supported in cloud formation now .
Don’t think CDK implementation is done yet .

Feasibility of using multi master Kubernetes cluster architecture

I am trying to implement CI/CD pipeline using Kubernetes and Jenkins. In my application I have 25 Micro services. And need to deploy it for 5 different clients. The microservice code is unique. But configuration for each client is different.
So here I am configuring Spring cloud config server with 5 different Profiles/Configuration. And When I am building Docker images, I will define which is the active config server profile by adding active profile in Docker file. So from 25 microservices I am building 25 * 5 number of Docker images and deploying that. So total 125 microservices I need to deploy in Kubernetes cluster. And these microservice are calling from my Angular 2 front end application.
Here when I am considering the performance of application and speed of response, the single master is enough of this application architecture? Or Should I definitely need to use the multi master Kubernetes cluster? How I can manage this application?
I am new to these cloud and CI/CD pipeline architecture tasks. So I have confusion related with designing of workflow. If single master is enough, then I can continue with current. Otherwise I need to implement the multi master Kubernetes HA cluster.
The performance of the application and/or the speed do not depend on the number of master nodes. It resolves High Availability issues, but not performance. Now, you should still consider having at least 3 masters for this implementation you are working on. If the master goes down, your cluster is useless.
In Kubernetes, the master gets the API calls and acts upon them, by setting the desired state of the cluster to the current state. But in the end that's the nodes (slaves) doing the heavy work. So your performance issues will depend mostly, if not exclusively, on your nodes. If you have enough memory and CPU, you should be fine.
Multi master sounds like a good idea for HA.
You could also look at using Helm which lets you configure microservices in a per installation basis so that you don't have to keep re-releasing docker images each time to configure a new environment. You can then inject the helm configuration into, say, a ConfigMap that mounts the content as an application.yml so that Spring Boot automatically loads the settings

Remove ECS task for forensic analysis

I use Amazon ECS for my services. ECS autoregisters the containers with the ELB. That is all fine.
However if one of my application gets into a failure mode I want to take it out of the ELB but keep it running so I can do forensic on it.
If I remove it from the ELB manually then ECS will just add it back in.
The AutoScaling group has a "standby" state. I guess it is something similar I am looking for in ECS.
Is that possible somehow?