Does argocd self heal rollout upgrade done on the cluster by wave? - service

I am deploying a service through argocd with
I am using wave to monitor my service deployment with secret as volume mount. When this secret change(which will), wave triggers rolling upgrade for the deployment which will then get the latest secret.
My question is
Does the rolling upgrade happen? If yes, then will argocd auto sync's it to old state after sometime? Or will argocd ignore the rollouts done manually on cluster?

Doing a rolling update is fine and Argo will not fight this. you can validate this by doing a rolling update manually on an application that is managed by Argo (the update should progress w/ no issues)
With that sync policy, you need to make sure that Argo is NOT managing the secret, or that you have an ignoreDifferences setting for it -


Observing weird kubernetes behavior while deleting using yaml

When I run kubectl delete deployment.yaml, It is displayed on cli that the deployment is deleted. The pod also gets into terminating state. But a new pod is again created with the same deployment and replica-set.
On further digging in I found out that deployment and RS are not being removed. Any reason why deployment and RS wouldn't be removed? Why would the be terminated if deployment isn't removed?
Any leads are appreciated.
As OP confirmed in the comments that they are running argocd then the recreation of the resources is expected behaviour if argocd is running in auto sync mode for the impacted namespace.
Here is a short snippet from the document
Argo CD has the ability to automatically sync an application when it detects differences between the desired manifests in Git, and the live state in the cluster. A benefit of automatic sync is that CI/CD pipelines no longer need direct access to the Argo CD API server to perform the deployment. Instead, the pipeline makes a commit and push to the Git repository with the changes to the manifests in the tracking Git repo.
Solution: you can disable autosync and monitor the delta and approve sync manually. This is something decided at project level. you can read about it here.

Is it possible to roll back services?

In k8s you can roll back a deployment. Can you also roll back a service?
Rolling back a service may be helpful if there was an erroneous update done to a service resource.
rollback / rollout undo is not available for service resource:
kubectl rollout
Manage the rollout of a resource.
Valid resource types include:
* deployments
* daemonsets
* statefulsets
There is no option to roll back the service as answered by confused genius, however just adding my 50 cents.
If you are using the Helm chart for deployment you could implement some way to roll back all resources if your deployment fails.
So while upgrading the helm release version you can use the --atomic which will auto roll back the resources if your deployment fails.
$ helm upgrade --atomic -f myvalues.yaml -f override.yaml redis ./redis
--atomic if set, upgrade process rolls back changes made in case of failed upgrade. The --wait flag will be set
automatically if --atomic is used
Read more about the atomic helm
But again there is no default support for SVC to roll back like deployment.

kubernetes gcp caching old image

I'm running GKE cluster and there is a deployment that uses image which I push to Container Registry on GCP, issue is - even though I build the image and push it with latest tag, the deployment keeps on creating new pods with the old one cached - is there a way to update it without re-deploying (aka without destroying it first)?
There is a known issue with the kubernetes that even if you change configmaps the old config remains and you can either redeploy or workaround with
kubectl patch deployment $deployment -n $ns -p \
"{\"spec\":{\"template\":{\"metadata\":{\"annotations\":{\"date\":\"`date +'%s'`\"}}}}}"
is there something similar with cached images?
I think you're looking for kubectl set or patch which I found there in kubernetes documentation.
To update image of deployment you can use kubectl set
kubectl set image deployment/name_of_deployment name_of_deployment=image:name_of_image
To update image of your pod you can use kubectl patch
kubectl patch pod name_of_pod -p '{"spec":{"containers":[{"name":"name_of_pod_from_yaml","image":"name_of_image"}]}}'
You can always use kubectl edit to edit which allows you to directly edit any API resource you can retrieve via the command line tool.
kubectl edit deployment name_of_deployment
Let me know if you have any more questions.
1) You should change the way of your thinking. Destroying pod is not bad. Application downtime is what is bad. You should always plan your deployments in such a way that it can tolerate one pod death. Use multiple replicas for stateless apps and use clusters for stateful apps. Use Kubernetes rolling update for any changes to your deployments. Rolling updates have many extremely important settings which directly influence the uptime of your apps. Read it carefully.
2) The reason why Kubernetes launches old image is that by default it uses
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent. Use imagePullPolicy: Always and it will always try to pull latest version on redeploy.

How to restart Kubernetes pod when a secret is updated in Hashicorp Vault?

Have successfully implemented Vault with Kubernetes and applications running in K8s are getting their environment variables from Hashicorp vault. Everything is great! But, want to take a step forward and want to restart the pod whenever a change is made to the secret in the Vault, as of now, we have to restart the pod manually to reset environment variables whenever we make changes to Vault secret. How this can be achieved? Have heard about confd but not sure how it can be implemented!
Use reloader We found it quite useful in our cluster. It does a rolling update hence you can change config with zero downtime too. Also if you made some errors in configmap you can easily do a rollback.
A couple ideas, depending on how much effort you want to put into it:
Just restart the pod every so often. A hacky way to do this is with a liveness probe, like this answer. Drawback is you can't use the liveness probe as a real health check without additional scripting.
Create an operator that polls Vault for changes and instructs Kubernetes to restart the pod when a change is detected. Not sure if Vault has an events API that you could use for that.
If a secret or token isn't renewable or leased, Vault Agent will fetch the secret every 5 minutes. This is not configurable. Non-renewable secrets include (but not limited to) KV Version 2.

Update kubernetes secrets doesn't update running container env vars

Currenly when updating a kubernetes secrets file, in order to apply the changes, I need to run kubectl apply -f my-secrets.yaml. If there was a running container, it would still be using the old secrets. In order to apply the new secrets on the running container, I currently run the command kubectl replace -f my-pod.yaml .
I was wondering if this is the best way to update a running container secret, or am I missing something.
For k8s' versions >v1.15: kubectl rollout restart deployment $deploymentname: this will
restart pods incrementally without causing downtime.
The secret docs for users say this:
Mounted Secrets are updated automatically
When a secret being already consumed in a volume is updated, projected keys are eventually updated as well. The update time depends on the kubelet syncing period.
Mounted secrets are updated. The question is when. In case a the content of a secret is updated does not mean that your application automatically consumes it. It is the job of your application to watch file changes in this scenario to act accordingly. Having this in mind you currently need to do a little bit more work. One way I have in mind right now would be to run a scheduled job in Kubernetes which talks to the Kubernetes API to initiate a new rollout of your deployment. That way you could theoretically achieve what you want to renew your secrets. It is somehow not elegant, but this is the only way I have in mind at the moment. I still need to check more on the Kubernetes concepts myself. So please bear with me.
Assuming we have running pod mypod [mounted secret as mysecret in pod spec]
We can delete the existing secret
kubectl delete secret mysecret
recreate the same secret with updated file
kubectl create secret mysecret <updated file/s>
then do
kubectl apply -f ./mypod.yaml
check the secrets inside mypod, it will be updated.
In case anyone (like me) want to force rolling update pods which are using those secrets. From this issue, the trick is to update an Env variable inside the container, then k8s will automatically rolling update entire pods
kubectl patch deployment mydeployment -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"containers":[{"name":"mycontainer","env":[{"name":"RESTART_","value":"'$(date +%s)'"}]}]}}}}'
By design, Kubernetes won't push Secret updates to running Pods. If you want to update the Secret value for a Pod, you have to destroy and recreate the Pod. You can read more about it here.