How can I extract all the tables and their attributes of my EER diagram in an excel file or similar? - mysql-workbench

I am new to SQL so would appreciate any guidance. I have built an EER diagram of a model straight into SQL workbench without there being a database linked to it, since the model will be built again formally on another platform, but the platform is not available to us quite yet so using SQL in the meantime to visualize it. What I was wondering is if there is a way to extract the class/entities and their attributes into a file, preferably excel, just as documentation.
Thank you in advance!


Does Oracle SQL Developer require a dedicated git repository? [duplicate]

We have big database with a lot of stuff and I want to use version control (Git) to manage changes.
There are a lot of articles how to do it step by step but one piece is missing for me.
Is there standard or recommended way for file structure of whole database (data excluded) and how it can be obtained from existing database?
It is a lot of sources, procedures, functions, packages, etc.
Version control articles show how to manage few files from version control perspective. But they suggest that each file should be selected and saved to file system separately.
Is there way to export/import all stuff to maybe some preorganized structure?
Good IDEs have such structures defined by languages or products. But it looks for me that SQL Developer doesn't have one.
It also looks for me that SQL Developer may have only one repository. No concept of projects which can combine or unite different databases in separate units.
Should I invent my whole structure and use something like
for each source? Sure I can do this but I worry that may miss something.
Any advise?
Yes, SQL Developer can unload a schema to files for you. And then you could take such files to your SVN or Git projects.
Tools - Database Export.
I set the output to multiple directories - so one directory for schema object type.
Then I set my application schema, then proceed to FINISH/OK.
Output looks like:
I talk about this in more detail here.

How do you create a Reports diagram in Enterprise Architect?

I am trying to create a Reports diagram with a model document and report specification in Enterprise Architect. The embarrassing part of this is that I've done this before, but can't work out how I did it. And I didn't take notes which I probably should do since this is something like a once every 2 years task for me.
In an older EA project, I have model document w/ custom templates in a reports diagram that will generate a data dictionary. Works great and I want that same thing for an EA project for a different, unrelated project.
But I can seem to figure out the first step, which is that Reports Diagram.
I am using version EA 13.0.1307.
Make sure you have the required MDG technology active.
You need the Core Extentions MDG to be able to create documentation diagrams
Create a Documentation Diagram
When creating a new diagram select Extented from the left pane, and Documentation from the right pane
Now the toolbox should show the elements you need to create your virtual document.

Is there any fastest method to update edmx?

I am using Sqlserver 2008 . I want to generate or update edmx. it take 8-15 minute to generate edmx. is there is any tool to create edmx fast?
I have a tool that works with VS2008, VS2010, VS2012, and VS2013, that can do both full and incremental updates of EDMX files. It doesn't work with VS2015 though, as development has been on ice for a while, and VS2015 don't support the same integration interfaces as previous versions of Visual Studio.
You can download it from (free nowadays), and there's a screencast showing the functionality I think you are looking for at
I don't know any way to generate EDMX model besides the "Update Model from database" approach. However, from my own experience, if your model is too big, you have 2 options:
Split your current model into several parts (Microsoft recommends 50 entities per model); or
Use Code-First instead of EDMX
Hope it helps!

How can i generate domain model diagrams, and documentation

I imported my project files into Enterprise Architect, under the Domain Model section. The program imported the files correctly, but it did not create domain model diagrams, so i can generate documentation about it, but it is empty.
If i imported the project files under the Class model section, class diagrams creates, and i able to generate documentation correctly. But i need the Domain Model.
So, how can i generate domain model diagrams, and a correct documentation with them?
There's no point in having EA generate diagrams for you (although that is possible as well). The only thing that will do is create huge, unreadable "wallpaper" diagrams.
You better create the diagrams yourself.
Just add a diagram in a package and start dropping classes onto it.
Once you have usable diagrams you can generate your documentation.

Data sources toolbox for VS2012 does not display my entity model

After adding an entity model either from the datasources toolbox itself or by adding it => "add" => "new item" it does not show up in the datasources toolbox and therefor i dont get that easy drop and drag functionality.
If I add a dataset it works but that is an older technology (is it not?) everything in my current project are entity models and to change to datasets (which only works if I add xmlns:yourAlias="clr-namespace:WpfApplication3") would be .. I don't think best practice and a waste of time.
I have recreated this same process of adding a entity model in VS 2010 and it works 100%, where i have the ability to simply drop and drag from the dataSource toolbox
Maybe ill just wait for VS SP1 before working with it for client projects. :(
If I add the Entity model in VS2010 and then load the project in 2012 it loads fine in the dataSource toolbox. This is an answer but not an ideal work around.
While working on a project I recently faced the same problem. It took me about two days of extensive research but I think I've finally found it:
At least for me it solved the problem. Please let me know if it helped you..
Being addicted to L2S, I tried to get familiar with VS2012 and EF5. But I nearly lost my nerves trying to use the data sources toolbox.
Finally I found a solution:
using Object Data Source is now the recommended approach for using EF in databinding scenarios. See this article for more details - The article also includes a link to revert to the old code generation if that is what you desire.