Why cadence's executions table with cassandra does not to split to multi tables - uber-api

Why cadence's executions table with cassandra does not to split to multi tables such as transfer_task and timer_task?

Cassandra doesn't support transactions across tables even if records share the same partition key. As Cadence provides transactional guarantees for workflow state updates and task creation they should be updated and inserted atomically. This forces us to put all of them into a single table. Note that SQL bindings don't have this problem and use separate tables.
See Samar's talk for more details.


Audit data changes with Debezium

I have a use case where I want to audit the DB table data changes into another table for compliance purposes. Primarily, any changes to the data like Inserts/Updates/Deletes should be audited. I found different options like JaVers, Hibernate Envers, Database triggers, and Debezium.
I am avoiding using JaVers, and Hibernate Envers as this will not capture any data change that happens through direct SQL queries and any data change that happens through other applications. The other issue I see is we need to add the audit-related code to the main application code in the same transaction boundary.
I am also avoiding the usage of database triggers as we are not using triggers at all for any of the deployments.
Then I left with Debezium which is promising. But, the only concern that I have is that we need to use Kafka to leverage Debezium. Is Kafka's usage is necessary to use Debezium if both the primary table and the audit table sit in the same DB instance?
Debezium is perfect for auditing, but given it is a source Connector, it represents just one part of the data pipeline in your use case. You will capture every table change event (c=create, r=read, u=update, d=delete), store it on a Kafka topic or local disk and then you need a Sink Connector (i.e. Camel Kafka SQL or JDBC, kafka-connect-jdbc) to insert into the target table.
For the same transaction boundary requirement you can use the Outbox Pattern if the eventual consistency is fine. There is also an Outbox Event Router SMT component that is part of the project.
Note that Debezium can also run embedded in a standalone Java application, storing the offset on local disk, but you lose the HA capability given by KafkaConnect running in distributed mode. With the embedded mode, you are also swtiching from a configuration-driven approach to a code-driven one.
I found Debezium to be a very comprehensive solution, and it is open source backed by Redhat. That gives it not only the credibility, but the security that it is going to be supported.
It provides a rich configuration to whitelist, blacklist databases/tables/columns (with wild card patterns), along with controls to limit data in really large columns.
Since it is driven from BinLogs, you not only get the current state, you also get the previous state. This is ideal for audit trails, and you can customize building a proper Sync to elastic topics (one for table).
Use of Kafka is necessary to account for HA and latency when bulk updates are made on DB, even though Primary and Audit tables are in same DB.

ksqlDB: Best way to create Tables from a Debezium source topics?

I would like to create Tables in ksqlDB from Debezium source topics, with the ultimate aim of performing a left join on these tables and efficiently outputting materialized views to a downstream database using the JDBC sink connector.
The Debezium source topics have not had any transforms applied (such as ExtractNewRecordState), so contain a 'before' and 'after' property, as described in the Debezium documentation here.
The reason for not applying the ExtractNewRecordState transform (which would presumably simplify matters) is that the source CDC topics may be used for various purposes and it does not appear possible to create multiple topics off the same source database table (since topic names are automatically determined by Debezium and depend on the database server, schema and table name as described here).
The best approach I have found so far is to:
create a stream in ksqlDB from the raw Debezium input, e.g.:
CREATE STREAM user_stream WITH (KAFKA_TOPIC='mssql.dbo.user', VALUE_FORMAT='AVRO');
create a second stream selecting the required fields from the 'after' property of the first stream, e.g.:
CREATE STREAM user_stream2 AS SELECT AFTER->user_id, AFTER->username, AFTER->email FROM user_stream EMIT CHANGES;
finally, convert the second stream to a table as described here, namely:
SELECT user_id,
LATEST_BY_OFFSET(username) AS username,
LATEST_BY_OFFSET(email) AS email
FROM user_stream2
GROUP BY user_id
These steps must be repeated to generate each Table, at which point a join can be performed on the Tables to produce an output.
This seems quite long-winded, with a lot of intermediate steps. Performance also seems sluggish. Is there a better and/or more direct way to generated materialized views using ksqlDB and Debezium? Can any of the steps be cut out and/or should I be using a different approach in step 3 (such as a windowing function)?
I'm particularly keen to ensure that the approach taken is the most efficient from a performance and resource usage perspective.

How does pglogical-2 handle logical replication on same table while allowing it to be writeable on both databases?

Based on the above image, there are certain tables I want to be in the Internal Database (right hand side). The other tables I want to be replicated in the external database.
In reality there's only one set of values that SHOULD NOT be replicated across. The rest of the database can be replicated. Basically the actual price columns in the prices table cannot be replicated across. It should stay within the internal database.
Because the vendors are external to the network, they have no access to the internal app.
My plan is to create a replicated version of the same app and allow vendors to submit quotations and picking items.
Let's say the replicated tables are at least quotations and quotation_line_items. These tables should be writeable (in terms of data for INSERTs, UPDATEs, and DELETEs) at both the external database and the internal database. Hence at both databases, the data in the quotations and quotation_line_items table are writeable and should be replicated across in both directions.
The data in the other tables are going to be replicated in a single direction (from internal to external) except for the actual raw prices columns in the prices table.
The quotation_line_items table will have a price_id column. However, the raw price values in the prices table should not appear in the external database.
Ultimately, I want the data to be consistent for the replicated tables on both databases. I am okay with synchronous replication, so a bit of delay (say, a couple of second for the write operations) is fine.
I came across pglogical https://github.com/2ndQuadrant/pglogical/tree/REL2_x_STABLE
and they have the concept of PUBLISHER and SUBSCRIBER.
I cannot tell based on the readme which one would be acting as publisher and subscriber and how to configure it for my situation.
That won't work. With the setup you are dreaming of, you will necessarily end up with replication conflicts.
How do you want to prevent that data are modified in a conflicting fashion in the two databases? If you say that that won't happen, think again.
I believe that you would be much better off using a single database with two users: one that can access the “secret” table and one that cannot.
If you want to restrict access only to certain columns, use a view. Simple views are updateable in PostgreSQL.
It is possible with BDR replication which uses pglogical. On a basic level by allocating ranges of key ids to each node so writes are possible in both locations without conflict. However BDR is now a commercial paid for product.

Bidirectional Replication Design: best way to script and execute unmatched row on Source DB to multiple subscriber DBs, sequentially or concurrently?

Thank you for help or suggestion offered.
I am trying to build my own multi-master replication on Postgresql 10 in Windows, for a situation which cannot use any of the current 3rd party tools for PG multimaster replication, which can also involve another DB platform in a subscriber group (Sybase ADS). I have the following logic to create bidirectional replication, partially inspired by Bucardo's logic, between 1 publisher and 2 subscribers:
When INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE is made on Source table, Source table Trigger adds row to created meta table on Source DB that will act as a replication transaction to be performed on the 2 subscriber DBs which subcribe to it.
A NOTIFY signal will be sent to a service, or script written in Python or some scripting language will monitor for changes in the metatable or trigger execution and be able to do a table compare or script the statement to run on each subscriber database.
***I believe that triggers on the subscribers will need to be paused to keep them from pushing their received statements to their subscribers, i.e. if node A and node B both subscribe to each other's table A, then an update to node A's table A should replicate to node B's table A without then replicating back to table A in a bidirectional "ping-pong storm".
There will be a final compare between tables and the transaction will be closed. Re-enable triggers on subscribers if they were paused/disabled when pushing transactions from step 2 addendum.
This will hopefully be able to be done bidirectionally, in order of timestamp, in FIFO order, unless I can figure out a to create child processes to run the synchronizations concurrently.
For this, I am trying to figure out the best way to setup the service logic---essentially Step 2 above, which has apparently been done using a daemon in Linux, but I have to work in Windows, making it run as, or resembling, a service/agent---or come up with a reasonably easy and efficient design to send the source DBs statements to the subscribers DBs.
Does anyone see that this plan is faulty or may not work?
Disclaimer: I don't know anything about Postgresql but have done plenty of custom replication.
The main problem with bidirectional replication is merge issues.
If the same key is used in both systems with different attributes, which one gets to push their change? If you nominate a master it's easier. Then the slave just gets overwritten every time.
How much latency can you handle? It's much easier to take the 'notify' part out and just have a five minute windows task scheduler job that inspects log tables and pushes data around.
In other words, this kind of pattern:
Change occurs in a table. A database trigger on that table notes the change and writes the PK of the table to a change log table. A ReplicationBatch column in the log table is set to NULL by default
A windows scheduled task inspects all change log tables to find all changes that happened since the last run and 'reserves' these records by setting their replication state to a replication batch number
i.e. you run a UPDATE LogTable Set ReplicationBatch=BatchNumber WHERE ReplicationState IS NULL
All records that have been marked are replicated
you run a SELECT * FROM LogTable WHERE ReplicationState=RepID to get the records to be processed
When complete, the reserved records are marked as complete so the next time around only subsequent changes are replicated. This completion flag might be in the log table or it might be in a ReplicaionBatch number table
The main point is that you need to reserve records for replication, so that as you are replicating them out, additional log records can be added in from the source without messing up the batch
Then periodically you clear out the log tables.

foreign data wrapper concurrent requests

How postgreSQL handle the multiple concurrent requests to foreign tables?
If two data consumers want to access the same foreign table, do they have to wait and execute the query sequentially, or concurrency of queries is supported?
The following answer is mostly for the foreign data wrapper for PostgreSQL, postgres_fdw.
If you need information about other foreign data wrappers, that will vary with the implementation of the foreign data wrapper and the capabilities of the underlying data store. For example, to have concurrent (read) requests with file_fdw, you need a file system that allows two processes to open the file for reading simultaneously.
Concurrency of queries against the same foreign table is just like for local tables. It is the remote server that handles the SQL statements, locks modified rows until the transaction finishes, and similar.
So there can be arbitrarily many concurrent readers, and readers won't block writers and vice versa.
If you run UPDATEs or DELETEs with WHERE conditions than cannot be pushed down to the foreign server (check the execution plan), it can happen that you have more locks than when using a local table.
Imagine a query like this:
UPDATE remote_tab SET col = 0 WHERE <complicated condition that is true for only one row>;
On a local table, this would only lock a single row.
If the condition is too complicated to be pushed down to the foreign server, postgres_fdw will first run a query like this:
SELECT ctid, col FROM remote_tab FOR UPDATE;
That will retrieve and lock all rows of the table.
Then the WHERE condition will be applied locally, and the resulting row is updated on the foreign server:
UPDATE remote_tab SET col = 0 WHERE ctid = ...;
So in this case, concurrency and performance can suffer quite a lot.