Jupyter server not working while using WSL2 and conda env - visual-studio-code

Whenever I try to run a jupyter notebook via WSL2 , I seem to be unable to connect to a kernel when running a VSCODE. The Vscode is running in Ubuntu, but I cannot connect to the remote jupyter server. I was able to do so for the last couple of months but suddenly, without me recalling channging anything, this process stopped working.
After typing 'jupyter notebook' in the terminal, I geth the following error in red, which (I think?) I received before and the jupyter was working nonetheless. However what's different is the 'forbidden' message. (see picture below)
My usual process was in WSL: conda activate env -> jupyter notebook > open another terminal -> conda activate env -> code . -> (vscode opens up running in wsl) -> copy paste one of the URLS to jupyter server -> viola it's working.
Thank you

It seems simply restarting the computer somehow solved the issue, interesting.


Stale environment variables in Jupyter Notebooks running in vscode using a conda environment kernel

I'm using jupyter inside a conda environment in vscode on Ubuntu and all works great. However, recently I've experienced issues with AWS access tokens expiring inside my jupyter notebook.
It seems that these access tokens get cached at some level, either in the code environment or somewhere in the jupyter layer, but I couldn't figure out where and how to clean it up.
I'm using aws-vault to generate SSO credentails, that can be accessed in the environment.
After starting a session, I can access the AWS_SESSION_EXPIRATION from my terminal:
when I start vscode, open a terminal, I get the same.
When I activate my environment, and run
python -c "import os;print(os.environ['AWS_SESSION_EXPIRATION'])"
I get the same.
However, when I open a new jupyter notebook and select the same environment, and run
import os
I get
I've tried locating any files that could cache the env variables either in the conda env or jupyter extension. I've also tried restarting vscode and the machine itself - all without success.
Can anyone help me clean this up?
Another example:
If I set in my terminal
export FOO=BAR
then I can access $FOO as expected through the terminal and jupy notebook within vscode.
Then I close vscode, run
unset FOO
reboot the machine, start vscode new and open a new notebook with the same conda environment.
Within, running
import os
STILL returns BAR
There seems to be an issue in the vscode-jupyter extension, that somehow stores the environment variables in the kernel.json file.
At the moment of writing this, the issue is still open. Working in ubuntu, this workaround from the issue's thread works for me:
Close code completely
find ~/.vscode/extensions/ms-toolsai.jupyter*
code .
Run a notebook and it will pick up the changes.
With closed vscode, issue the following command to delete cache:
find ~/.vscode/extensions/ms-toolsai.jupyter* -name kernel.json -delete
Source: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-jupyter/issues/9774#issuecomment-1110328329

Can't run CS50 command in VisualStudio code Terminal

Commands of CS50 are no more working anymore. I tried to redo steps of configuring SSH following the link https://cs50.readthedocs.io/github/#ssh , but I'm facing the message error present in the image below : CS50 command image error
After checking the documentation you provided and assuming it's what you followed,
https://cs50.readthedocs.io/projects/check50/en/latest/ states "Under Windows, please install the Linux subsystem. Then install check50 within the subsystem."
But in your picture you are using PowerShell (PS) so you can either start wsl from it by using the command wsl or you can open a new terminal from the vscode gui but make sure you selected wsl this time !

VSCode hangs when trying to run a Jupyter notebook?

I am trying to run a Jupyter notebook in VSCode. I have successfully run notebooks in the past, but something has happened to make VSCode "hang" when I try running. When I hit run, the terminal shows the file location and the location of python.exe as expected (shown in the first image, with some personal information redacted), but nothing ever happens. The code never completes and the cells never output. I get a small "pending" icon of a clock and an arrow (shown in the second image) to tell me a cell is running, but even the most basic "Hello, world" never completes or gives an error. I have no trouble running regular python files, and if I export an ipynb to py I can run it, but I cannot run the ipynb itself. Trying to restart the Jupyter kernel also seems to hang, never completing and never crashing or erroring. The only clue I really have is that when I hit F5 to run, there's no python version showing in the bottom left corner, the way there is when I run py files (third image is while trying to run ipynb and fourth image is while successfully running py).
I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the Jupyter extension from VSCode and restarting VSCode between every step. I have tried swapping between python.exe and conda.exe in the terminal settings python.condapath. I have checked that the windows terminal is cmd. I've tried creating new notebooks in VSCode that only have print("Hello, world"). I have tried the command "Select interpreter to start Jupyter server" and selected the correct version of Python, but nothing has changed any time I've tried to run.
I am using Anaconda version 4.10.3, VSCode 1.61.2, IPython version 7.9.0, and Jupyter notebook version 6.4.3.

Setting up jupyter kernel in remote VSCode notebook

I am trying to run some notebooks in my virtual environment in the VSCode (remotely connected). I install the venv as usual via python3 -m venv <venv-name>, activate it and install all the needed modules. When I run which ipython I get the one from the venv so I install the kernel via ipython kernel install --name "<name>" --user and it is successfully created in ~/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/ directory and the kernel.json points to the venv python. Then I open the VSCode and select both the Python: Select Interpreter and Jupyter: Select Interpreter to start Jupyter server to point to the virtual environment's python, sth. like .../<venv-name>/bin/python3.
However, when I try to run the cell it wants me to select kernel (I can also do it myself in the upper right corner of the VSCode), but my newly created kernel is not there. There are only two (same) ones from usr/bin/python.
It is really strange since twice in two days my kernel magically appeared for one notebook and worked as desired, but when I opened a new notebook, my kernel was gone again. I tried to remove/reinstall kernels, venvs, VSCode's Python and Jupyter extensions but nothing helped. Any suggestions?
For now, I start the kernel in remote command-line via jupyter notebook --no-browser --ip=<ip> and then insert the connection link to Jupyter Server in the bottom right corner of the VSCode status bar but am wondering if there is an easier way since all the stuff (except VSCode) is on a remote machine?
This way is not easy. You can set up Jupyter Kernel easily.
Firstly, using ssh to connect to the remote server.
Secondly, open Command Palette (⇧⌘P) and enter Python: Select Interpreter, you can directly connecting to remote kernel.
resource: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/datascience/jupyter-notebooks

"Running cells requires Jupyter notebooks to be installed" error in VS Code

I'm trying to use the new Jupyter integration for the Python extension in VS Code, and I'm getting the above error even though I have Jupyter installed and it works fine from the command prompt.
Here's my environment:
Python extension version 2018.10.1, and I see Run Cell/Run All Cells tooltips above #%% comments.
I've used the Python: Select Interpreter command to select my Anaconda environment, which is at ~/AppData/Local/Continuum/anaconda3/python.exe.
I have Jupyter installed in that interpreter (jupyter.exe is in the Scripts sub-folder under that location), and it runs fine with the jupyter notebook command at the Anaconda prompt.
But whenever I click on Run Cell or press shift-enter, I get this error message:
"Running cells requires Jupyter notebooks to be installed." Source: Python (Extension)
Is there something else I need to do to configure this?
You may give one try by restarting VS Code in following mentioned way [ It worked for me. ]
Open Bash or any other cmd
Activate any conda environment [ See below command ]
source activate base [ means activate base environment ]
Run VS Code instance [ See below command ]
code .
Now when you'll click on Run Cell or press shift-enter, it should work.
The problem is an issue in the VS Code python extension itself. There are a number of issues related to this open in the repository: #3354, #3343, #3330, and the issues are being worked on, see #3374.
The reason, as far as I understand, is that in this case - and in some other cases - the anaconda environment is not activated before running the command. Situations where the environment is activated are e.g. opening a python terminal or running a file in the python terminal, but this also needs to happen for Jupyter, Tests, and so on.
While theoretically, adding the Scripts folder to your PATH, as David mentioned, could help, it did not help in my case. This may just not be enough to properly reflect what happens on activation.
My guess is that we will have to wait for this issue to be resolved in the repo, but if someone else finds a workaround, I'd be happy.
Simply running vscode from the activated environment did not work for me, here is what did:
In terminal (bash) I ran:
conda activate <environment-name>
conda install jupyter notebook
When the install finishes, open vscode from terminal (the same shell with activated environment) with the command:
code .
Replace '.' with the path to the directory you want to open if it's not the current directory.
I've written 'conda install ...' but mamba also works.
If the terminal command for 'code ' does not work, it's likely you need to add it to environemnt variables; in such a case, this post might help.