Unity Shader Graph Odd Tiling - unity3d

I'm trying to create a shader that tiles a texture on an object, But I am Running into an issue. When trying to tile with this Shader Graph, It looks good from the front but looks wrong from the side. this is a 3x3x1 object and all of the squares should be the same size. Thanks in advance

I think it's because you're trying to input a Vector3 into a UV input node, which only takes a Vector2, so it's not using the Z component, which is the dimension that isn't working for you.
I haven't looked too deeply into it, but maybe this script will let you accomplish tiling in all three dimensions? https://github.com/Dsphar/Cube_Texture_Auto_Repeat_Unity/blob/master/ReCalcCubeTexture.cs


Apply material texture to a 3D model in Unity

I have a 3D model(part of heart) and also I have created a texture to apply on to it.
Unfortunately if I apply to the 3D model it doesnt look good. But I did the same for a cube and its nicely work as I expected. The below is the figure.
You can see the cube is more realistic, however, if I apply to my model, it is not very good. Any suggestion why this is happening?
The cube is "unwrapped" - it has a UV Map. Your Heart-Mesh does not.
You need to UV-Map / Unwrap your Heart-Mesh.
In Blender:
For this, you could try "Smart UV Project" in EditMode, but that will create small islands and you get a lot of seams.
By hand, you could mark seams and choose "unwrap" which can result in a
better UV map.
Alternative: Use a Triplanar Shader. Probably a good idea for a repeating texture like yours.
(I got that image from this reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Unity3D/comments/ndh9ll/simple_triplanar_shader_in_unity/)

Unity Point-cloud to mesh with texture/color

I have a point-cloud and a rgb texture that fit together from a depth camera. I procedurally created a mesh from a selected part of the point-cloud implementing the quickhull 3D algorithm for mesh creation.
Now, somehow I need to apply the texture that I have to that mesh. Note that there can be multiple selected parts of the point-cloud thus making multiple objects that need the texture. The texture is just a basic 720p file that should be applied to the mesh material.
Basically I have to do this: https://www.andreasjakl.com/capturing-3d-point-cloud-intel-realsense-converting-mesh-meshlab/ but inside Unity. (I'm also using a RealSense camera)
I tried with a decal shader but the result is not precise. The UV map is completely twisted from the creation process, and I'm not sure how to generate a correct one.
UV and the mesh
I only have two ideas but don't really know if they'll work/how to do them.
Try to create a correct UV and then wrap the texture around somehow
Somehow bake colors to vertices and then use vertex colors to create the desired effect.
What other things could I try?
I'm working on quite a similar problem. But in my case I just want to create a complete mesh from the point cloud. Not just a quickhull, because I don't want to lose any depth information.
I'm nearly done with the mesh algorithm (just need to do some optimizations). Quite challenging now is to match the RGB camera's texture with the depth camera sensor's point cloud, because they of course have a different viewport.
Intel RealSense provides an interesting whitepaper about this problem and as far as I know the SDK corrects these different perspectives with uv mapping and provides a red/green uv map stream for your shader.
Maybe the short report can help you out. Here's the link. I'm also very interested in what you are doing. Please keep us up to date.

Casting Civilization V based Hex Grid on Unity Terrain and Select Certain Areas of Grid

I am looking for approach for casting hex based grid on terrain which is for now pre-made but eventually it will be procedural for my exploration game where you can scan planet and elements will be highlighted/hex grid selected. What could be the approach towards making this kind of hex grid as my terrain will be un-even.
I have seen approaches like mesh creation, using tile-map, unity projectors but eventually I feel like this should be something using shaders but what about selection?
Can someone please guide me in a right direction.
I think this topic is more like for https://gamedev.stackexchange.com .
My tips for you:
I think the hexa grid projection can be solved with Unity built in Projector, you can use ortoghraphic projection with it, so it does not matter if your terrain is uneven, also it has a convenient way for selecting which layers are affected only (terrain, your buildings etc...)
(The projector, is a shader magic tho, it blends the picture you give it to it, and the layer below it)
If projector does not satisfies your needs, im pretty sure there are grid shader already written for unity.
About the selection, i think you could also solve that with projector, or give some trail effect to the grid boundaries? - i guess you gonna still store the boundaries so..
About country borders in Civ:
I think they cast a spline using the hex grid border points, then blend it on the terrain. I saw a shader that could draw lines on a terrain, so you might found it!
Keywords for search: Beziér, Catmull–Rom, Spline, terrain shader

Implementing multi-texture shading with the marching cube algorithm (voxels)

I am currently developing an asteroid mining/exploration game with fully deformable, smooth voxel terrain using marching cubes in Unity 3D. I want to implement an "element ID" system that is kind of similar to Minecraft's, as in each type of material has a unique integer ID. This is simple enough to generate, but right now I am trying to figure out a way to render it, so that each individual face represents the element its voxel is assigned to. I am currently using a triplanar shader with a texture array, and I have gotten it set up to work with pre-set texture IDs. However, I need to be able to pass in the element IDs into this shader for the entire asteroid, and this is where my limited shader knowledge runs out. So, I have two main questions:
How do I get data from a 3D array in an active script to my shader, or otherwise how can I sample points from this array?
Is there a better/more efficient way to do this? I thought about creating an array with only the surface vertices and their corresponding ID, but then I would have trouble sampling them correctly. I also thought about possibly bundling an extra variable in with the vertices themselves, but I don't know if this is even possible. I appreciate any ideas, thanks.

Paint on mesh for makeover

I'm now struggling for weeks on a part of the game I'm making.
As a beginner in Unity and programming, I need your experience and advice to understand how can I paint on skinned mesh like this (from 1:10):
I spend a lot of time to find a solution with no result. (Decal shader to separate texture, paint on mesh with alpha, project texture, merge texture .. ). But these solutions look bad for mobile or not exactly what I need.
So If someone know a way to do that, even a little info or anything, that will drive my research, it's very welcome.
Thank you !
The example you provide limits the range of the painting with a bitmap mask (ie on the eyebrows, or on the lips), so the painting is only meant for a more enjoyable UX. If this is what you need, you should probably do something like this:
You need to know where the mouse is interacting with the model. Raycasting is expensive and requires to update the colliders every frame, since you character is skinned. If you use the masking trick of your example, this dramatically reduces the amount of computation, since you could pass a subset of the mesh containing only that specific area (maybe just the face for ex)
see https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/SkinnedMeshRenderer.BakeMesh.html
and https://answers.unity.com/questions/39490/collider-on-skinned-mesh.html
(if you can't, there could be other tricks, like rendering the character's UV into a separate float buffer/texture, and sample that buffer using the mouse position)
Once you can raycast the mesh you can fetch the UV position of the hit
Using those UVs you can write to a texture, or instance particles/objects on a render target etc (there are many options here).
You then need to combine that texture with the bitmap mask in the shader of the character.