MongoDB Atlas Sync to Local disk and archive - mongodb

I have a MongoDB Atlas cloud database,
and I want to "sync" to a local server instance with mongod server running.
I have written an automated backup script that backs up a website, which then also does a mongodump to create an archive file from the (local) MongoDB, which then all gets dumped to an AWS bucket.
It's been working great, but I just realized that it's getting the local disk's mongo data, and not the "live" data on the Mongo Atlas cloud.
Is there a way mongodump can dump the MongoDB Atlas stuff to the local disk?
I hope there is an easier way than to "find" all on individual Atlas collections in my database, and "update" to the local disk.

I was successfully able to get a dump from Atlas to my local server using mongodump.
mongodump --forceTableScan --url="mongodb+srv://<username>:<password><database name>"
Note this failed until I included the --forceTableScan, which then after was seemingly successful.


Importing data into MongoDB Atlas

I have a local database/collection that I created from an external .bson file using mongorestore. I'm able to access the collection from my local machine, however, it's not updated in MongoDB Atlas.
How exactly can I import it? It seems that mongoimport only works with json files.

Restoring a mongo database but mongo shell does not show it

mongodump was used long time ago to create a backup, now in order to restore the database for a Meteor app, this command was used:
ais2> mongorestore C:\Users\AAA\Documents\meteor\apps\dump\dump\
PS C:\Users\empl1\Documents\meteor\apps\ais2> mongorestore C:\Users\AAA\Documents\meteor\apps\dump\dump\
preparing collections to restore from
reading metadata for dbais2.dataTeckAllMatchCol from C:\Users\AAA\Documents\meteor\apps\dump\dump\dbais2\dataTeckAllMatchCol.metadata.json
reading metadata for dbais2.makeModelCol from C:\Users\AAA\Documents\meteor\apps\dump\dump\dbais2\makeModelCol.metadata.json
reading metadata for dbais2.usageCol from C:\Users\AAA\Documents\meteor\apps\dump\dump\dbais2\usageCol.metadata.json
reading metadata for dbais2.vehiclesDetailsCol from C:\Users\AAA\Documents\meteor\apps\dump\dump\dbais2\vehiclesDetailsCol.metadata.json
restoring dbais2.dataTeckAllMatchCol from C:\Users\AAA\Documents\meteor\apps\dump\dump\dbais2\dataTeckAllMatchCol.bson
restoring dbais2.makeModelCol from C:\Users\AAA\Documents\meteor\apps\dump\dump\dbais2\makeModelCol.bson
restoring dbais2.usageCol from C:\Users\AAA\Documents\meteor\apps\dump\dump\dbais2\usageCol.bson
restoring dbais2.vehiclesDetailsCol from C:\Users\AAA\Documents\meteor\apps\dump\dump\dbais2\vehiclesDetailsCol.bson
finished restoring dbais2.dataTeckAllMatchCol (11705 documents, 0 failures)
Since I have a directory "dbais2" with all the database files located in the above path.
In a new shell ais2> meteor mongo opens a mongo shell, but show dbs does not show the "dbais2". How can I use the newly restored database? or it was not restored correctly? if so. how to restore it correctly?
When you run mongorestore as is, it will connect to the mongo instance running on port 27017 on your local machine (if any). That's what you would use in production. Since the restore succeeded, it must be that you have such an instance running. In that case, run mongo ais2 to connect to that instance and db.
In development, meteor runs its own mongo instance on port 3001 (assuming you used meteor on the default port 3000). When you run meteor mongo that is the instance your shell will connect to. If you want to restore into that, then rerun your command with the port specified:
mongorestore --port=3001 -d meteor C:\Users\AAA\Documents\meteor\apps\dump\dump\
After that you should see your data in the shell opened by meteor mongo. Note that in this command I'm also overriding the database name, so that the data will be imported into the database used by meteor in development (also called meteor).

Restoring mongodb from archived dumb on S3 server

I'm having a mongodb deployed on openshift, I want to restore the data from S3 bucket, is there a way to do this directly or I need to download the data from S3 first and then run mongorestore command?

How to backup Backup mongo db in meteorjs as mongodump is not working

I am new in Meteorjs and i am using mongo db which comes with the meteor package.
I have made one small meteor application using mongodb and now i want to take backup of the mongo db database. I have seen many web sites and still i am not able to backup my data base. Everyone explained the same thing that in mongo db folder use mongodump and mongostore but when i use mongodump and mongostore on my terminal then it displays something like 'mongodump' is not an internal or external source command. Can u please help me in finding out the solution.
I have found that the easiest way to backup your database (or move it between meteor installations for that matter) is to simple copy the files in .meteor\local\db
Then you don't have to worry about all that mongodb dump stuff. Simple.

How to perform one-time DB sync to another DB in MongoDB?

I have separate development and production MongoDB servers and I want to keep actual data in development server for sometime. What I should use for it: mongodump, mongoimport or something else?
Clarification: I want to copy data from production to development.
If it's a one time-thing
and you want fine control over parameters such as which collections to sync, you should use:
mongodump to dump bson files of your Production DB to your local machine
mongorestore to then, retrieve the dumped BSON files in your Local DB
Otherwise you should check out mongo-sync
It's a script I wrote for my self when I had to constantly copy my Local MongoDB database to and from my Production DB for a Project (I know it's stupid).
Once you put your DB details in config.yml, you can start syncing using two simple commands:
./mongo-sync push # Push DB to Remote
./mongo-sync pull # Pull DB to Local
If you use it inside some project, it's a good idea to add config.yml to .gitignore
You can use the db.copyDatabase(...) or db.cloneDatabase(...) commands:
This is faster than mongodump / mongorestore because it skips creating the bson representation on disk.
When you want the dev database to look exactly like the production database, you can just copy the files. I am currently running a setup where I synchronize my MongoDB database between my desktop and my notebook with dropbox - even that works flawless.