What is vscode integrated terminal keyboard shortcut name - visual-studio-code

Sorry for the noob question. I am on an Italian keyboard and I would like to change the keyboard shortcut for the integrated terminal to something I can actually use.
When trying to change it I can't actually find the option for which I should change the key bind.
I have the Open New External Terminal option, but not something like Open Internal Terminal Option.


Shortcuts within Find/Replace dialog do not work in Visual Studio Code?

As shown in this screenshot there are 5 occurrences of the "Find" field. But hitting CMD-ENTER -as shown in the shortcut balloon help - does nothing.
Why is it not working/ what can be done to get it to to work? I detest using the mouse for extremely common operations especially Find/Replace.
It is a little odd that the binding is Cmd+Enter on the Mac, whereas it is Ctrl+Alt+Enter on Windows? Things to try:
The equivalent of Ctrl+Alt+Enter on the Mac (and you indicated that Cmd+Option+Enter does work).
Check in the Gear Icon/KeyboardShortcuts editor what the command editor.actions.replaceAll is bound to.
Check in the Keyboard Shortcuts (click on the little keyboard icon to the right and type Cmd+Enter) to see if it is bound to something besides editor.actions.replaceAll.
You can run the Developer: Toggle Keyboard Shortcuts Troubleshooting command from the Command Palette, type Cmd+Enter and see what command vscode finds for that keybinding.
You indicated that Cmd+Option+Enter does work as you expect.

How to get keyboard shortcut `Cmd + S` to save on VS Code?

When I attempt to save my file on Visual Studio Code with the cmd+s keyboard shortcut, it does not save the code. I have to manually click File, the Save, just to be able to save my progress. I'm using macOS Catalina version 10.15.7 and VC Code version 1.55.2.
How do I fix this?
-Checked if ⌘ Cmd + S keyboard shortcut is tied to the Save functionality
If you do it right this solution will fix your issue.
I have never had a problem saving with VS-Code personally, but I have had issues with keybindings. IDK if you write your own keybindings, but if you do, you might want to check the keybindings that you have wrote to make sure they do not conflict with [CTRL + S]. The keybindings.json file that you create custom keybindings in, overrides the default keybindings.json file that defines the keybindings that VS-Code ships with.
To check your keybindings.json file...
Hit the F1-Key
A menu will drop open type in "Keyboard Shortcuts"
There will be two Preferences: Keyboard Shortcuts
Make sure to select Preferences: Keyboard Shortcuts and not Preferences: Default Keyboard Shortcuts
If the file is empty you are good. If you have keybindings written in the file, you need to iterate through them by hand, checking each one. Make sure that none use [CTRL + S] together. Even if the keybinding uses [CTRL + S] and other keys, you will need to disable it, so you can test if it is causing an issue.
Debugging [CTRL + S]
If your keybindings.json file is all good, then great, that's one thing to scratch off the list. The only thing left to do now is debug the Bound Key ("Key Binding"). To debug keybindings, you will use a built in tool, that VS-Code offers. To start do the following:
Hit the F1-Key
When the quick input drops open type the following into the text input:
"Toggle Keyboard Shortcuts Troubleshooting"
Select the option: Developer: Toggle Keyboard Shortcuts Troubleshooting
It should automatically open the OUTPUT panel, which is located in the same panel that your terminal is. Make sure that the OUTPUT is set to LOG(Window) in the drop down. (I took a picture and posted it below if you can't find the Keyboard Shortcut Troubleshooter).
The image might have funny declensions because I am on a dual monitor setup with 1 1080x1920 curved screen and one 1080x720 screen.... I cropped it to a STD HD 1920 width.
I Got My Trouble-shooter working, and Output open, now What Jay?
Okay... Well your at the right spot. Now every-time you press some keys, you should see your OUTPUT WINDOW working like crazy. It should be logging all sorts of stuff, which is good, very good.
This Part Is Important! READ CAREFULLY
What you want to do is use your keybinding that you feel isn't working appropriately. Use it when focus is set on an editor, use it when focus is set on a different editor, use it when focus is set on the sidebar. Where you are focused at in the editor at any given time can greatly affect a keybinding. The output is gonna write lines every-time you use your keybinding. Try not to hit any other keys while doing this, so you have a column in you output that includes logging from the keybinding you are testing only. Read the output see what it says. See if it looks right, or wrong. If it looks wrong, you can visit this link, to the VSCode site that covers this topic, and see if you can fix it your self. If you can't fix it your self, come back here, and edit your question. When you edit your question make sure that it includes the Troubleshooter's Logging Output.
VSCode Troubleshooting Keybindings (Keyboard Shortcuts) # https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/getstarted/keybindings#_troubleshooting-keybindings
Image that shows how to open the Keyboard Debugger
Also shows how to set the OUTPUT to Log(Window)
Another thing to check for is, for lack of a better term, combination key bindings. For example, I was having an issue with ⌘+s. VSCode gave a message that it was waiting for the second key binding. After looking at the keybindings.json, I noticed I had a key binding for opening up user snippets as
"key": "cmd+s cmd+n",
"command": "workbench.action.openSnippets"
The ⌘+s portion of this key binding conflicted with the default ⌘+s

In VS Code, is it possible to programmatically open devtools?

In VS Code, you can use command palette to open dev tools
Is it possible to programmatically open it? I scanned through the API but didn't find it.
One way to find it is open the keyboard shortcuts under preferences
So apparently the command is called workbench.action.toggleDevTools which you can execute as
On Windows it's File->Preferences->Keyboard Shortcuts
On Mac it's Code->Preferences->Keyboard Shortcuts
Of course you can also press Ctrl-Shift-P/Cmd-Shift-P and type "keyb" and it will show up.

How do I switch terminals in Visual Studio code using a keyboard shortcut?

I would like to be able to switch between terminal panes in VSCode using a keyboard shortcut. I am on a Mac.
I have opened keyboard shortcuts (Commandkey+K, Commandkey+S) and found the workbench.action.terminal.focusNextPane setting:
where it states quite clearly what the keyboard shortcut should be (option+command+downarrow or option+command+leftarrow) but neither of those work. They DO work when focus is in the editor and I want to switch between panes there, but not working when the focus in the terminal.
Not sure what I'm doing wrong but I hope I'm missing something obvious. Can anyone explain?
The commands you are looking at (Terminal: Focus Next Pane and Terminal: Focus Previous Pane) are to switch between split terminal panes.
The commands to switch between terminals are:
Terminal: Focus Next Terminal
Terminal: Focus Previous Terminal
both of which are unbound by default.

keyboard shortcut to switch focus in VSCode on a Mac?

Having a SQL file open in the editor, and psql running from the command line using the VSCode terminal, is there a keyboard shortcut to toggle the focus back and forth? I end up doing the CMD and the ` key to open/close the terminal but it'd be nice just to switch back and forth. Mac user.
Answering my own question: you can define workbench.action.terminal.focus in Keyboard Shortcuts (Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts) and then use that shortcut plus the CMD+1 to focus back on the editor (or CMD-2 etc). If someone has something more clever, let me know!