How to rename axios FormData array when submitting - axios

Is there something I can do to prevent axios from renaming my FormData field name when it is an array.
For example:
I have an array of images I am posting using the field name of images. When I post this, I notice in the payload of my browser the field becomes multiple fields, i.e. it becomes images.0 and images.1.
In other words it looks like axios is renaming the field and making multiple fields with names like images.N.
Is there any way to avoid this renaming? On the server side I am using node with Nestjs and multer.
My Nestjs controller function expects a field name images but it throws an "unexpected field" error because axios renames the fields to images.0 and then images.1.
NestJS controller function that fails (note the field name):
#UseInterceptors(FilesInterceptor('images', 30, { dest: './uploads' }))
#Body() body: CreateAssetDto,
#User() user: RequestUser,
#UploadedFiles() files: Array<Express.Multer.File>,
) {
console.log(files, body, user.userId);
//return this.assetsService.create(body, user.userId);
NestJs controller function that works (note the use of the field name images.0):
#UseInterceptors(FilesInterceptor('images.0', 30, { dest: './uploads' }))
#Body() body: CreateAssetDto,
#User() user: RequestUser,
#UploadedFiles() files: Array<Express.Multer.File>,
) {
console.log(files, body, user.userId);
//return this.assetsService.create(body, user.userId);


POST collection of objects in json-server

I am using json-server to fake the Api for the FrontEnd team.
We would like to have a feature to create the multiple objects (Eg. products) in one call.
In WebApi2 or actual RestApis, it can be done like the following:
POST api/products //For Single Creation
POST api/productCollections //For Multiple Creation
I don't know how I can achieve it by using json-server. I tried to POST the following data to api/products by using the postman, but it does not split the array and create items individually.
"id": "ff00feb6-b1f7-4bb0-b09c-7b88d984625d",
"code": "MM",
"name": "Product 2"
"id": "1f4492ab-85eb-4b2f-897a-a2a2b69b43a5",
"code": "MK",
"name": "Product 3"
It treats the whole array as the single item and append to the existing json.
Could you pls suggest how I could mock bulk insert in json-server? Or Restful Api should always be for single object manipulation?
This is not something that json-server supports natively, as far as I know, but it can be accomplished through a workaround.
I am assuming that you have some prior knowledge of node.js
You will have to create a server.js file which you will then run using node.js.
The server.js file will then make use of the json-server module.
I have included the code for the server.js file in the code snippet below.
I made use of lodash for my duplicate check. You will thus need to install lodash. You can also replace it with your own code if you do not want to use lodash, but lodash worked pretty well in my opinion.
The server.js file includes a custom post request function which accesses the lowdb instance used in the json-server instance. The data from the POST request is checked for duplicates and only new records are added to the DB where the id does not already exist. The write() function of lowdb persists the data to the db.json file. The data in memory and in the file will thus always match.
Please note that the API endpoints generated by json-server (or the rewritten endpoints) will still exist. You can thus use the custom function in conjunction with the default endpoints.
Feel free to add error handling where needed.
const jsonServer = require('json-server');
const server = jsonServer.create();
const _ = require('lodash')
const router = jsonServer.router('./db.json');
const middlewares = jsonServer.defaults();
const port = process.env.PORT || 3000;
'/api/products': '/products'
}));'/api/productcollection', (req, res) => {
const db = router.db; // Assign the lowdb instance
if (Array.isArray(req.body)) {
req.body.forEach(element => {
insert(db, 'products', element); // Add a post
else {
insert(db, 'products', req.body); // Add a post
* Checks whether the id of the new data already exists in the DB
* #param {*} db - DB object
* #param {String} collection - Name of the array / collection in the DB / JSON file
* #param {*} data - New record
function insert(db, collection, data) {
const table = db.get(collection);
if (_.isEmpty(table.find(data).value())) {
If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
The answer marked as correct didn't actually work for me. Due to the way the insert function is written, it will always generate new documents instead of updating existing docs. The "rewriting" didn't work for me either (maybe I did something wrong), but creating an entirely separate endpoint helped.
This is my code, in case it helps others trying to do bulk inserts (and modifying existing data if it exists).
const jsonServer = require('json-server');
const server = jsonServer.create()
const _ = require('lodash');
const router = jsonServer.router('./db.json');
const middlewares = jsonServer.defaults()
server.use(jsonServer.bodyParser)'/addtasks', (req, res) => {
const db = router.db; // Assign the lowdb instance
if (Array.isArray(req.body)) {
req.body.forEach(element => {
insert(db, 'tasks', element);
else {
insert(db, 'tasks', req.body);
function insert(db, collection, data) {
const table = db.get(collection);
// Create a new doc if this ID does not exist
if (_.isEmpty(table.find({_id: data._id}).value())) {
// Update the existing data
table.find({_id: data._id})
.assign(_.omit(data, ['_id']))
server.listen(3100, () => {
console.log('JSON Server is running')
On the frontend, the call will look something like this:'http://localhost:3100/addtasks', tasks)
It probably didn't work at the time when this question was posted but now it does, call with an array on the /products endpoint for bulk insert.

must have a selection of subfields. Did you mean \"createEvent { ... }\"?", [graphql] [duplicate]

Hi I am trying to learn GraphQL language. I have below snippet of code.
// Welcome to Launchpad!
// Log in to edit and save pads, run queries in GraphiQL on the right.
// Click "Download" above to get a zip with a standalone Node.js server.
// See docs and examples at
// graphql-tools combines a schema string with resolvers.
import { makeExecutableSchema } from 'graphql-tools';
// Construct a schema, using GraphQL schema language
const typeDefs = `
type User {
name: String!
age: Int!
type Query {
me: User
const user = { name: 'Williams', age: 26};
// Provide resolver functions for your schema fields
const resolvers = {
Query: {
me: (root, args, context) => {
return user;
// Required: Export the GraphQL.js schema object as "schema"
export const schema = makeExecutableSchema({
// Optional: Export a function to get context from the request. It accepts two
// parameters - headers (lowercased http headers) and secrets (secrets defined
// in secrets section). It must return an object (or a promise resolving to it).
export function context(headers, secrets) {
return {
// Optional: Export a root value to be passed during execution
// export const rootValue = {};
// Optional: Export a root function, that returns root to be passed
// during execution, accepting headers and secrets. It can return a
// promise. rootFunction takes precedence over rootValue.
// export function rootFunction(headers, secrets) {
// return {
// headers,
// secrets,
// };
// };
"errors": [
"message": "Field \"me\" of type \"User\" must have a selection of subfields. Did you mean \"me { ... }\"?",
"locations": [
"line": 4,
"column": 3
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong ? How to fix it ?
From the docs:
A GraphQL object type has a name and fields, but at some point those
fields have to resolve to some concrete data. That's where the scalar
types come in: they represent the leaves of the query.
GraphQL requires that you construct your queries in a way that only returns concrete data. Each field has to ultimately resolve to one or more scalars (or enums). That means you cannot just request a field that resolves to a type without also indicating which fields of that type you want to get back.
That's what the error message you received is telling you -- you requested a User type, but you didn't tell GraphQL at least one field to get back from that type.
To fix it, just change your request to include name like this:
me {
... or age. Or both. You cannot, however, request a specific type and expect GraphQL to provide all the fields for it -- you will always have to provide a selection (one or more) of fields for that type.

Express - return certain documents with named route parameters using axios

I'm having trouble communicating between the frontend and backend for a selected GET request.
I am using a React frontend with an express/mongoose setup out in the backend.
In the frontend, I do a GET call using axios for:
axios.get('/api/orders/', {
params : {
name: // user name can be Bob
And in the backend I'm having a hard time understanding the correct method I would need to do to query the database (example below doesn't work). I found stuff with .select but even then I still can't get it to work:
router.get('/orders', function(req, res) {
Order.find({}).select(req.params).then(function (order) {
I also tried doing this to see if I can even get the params to send properly and to no demise:
router.get('/orders/:name', function(req, res) {
res.send('client sent :',;
The orders document model holds objects that house an ordered array and a name (type: String) attached to the object. The Mongoose scheme for the order:
const orderScheme = new Schema({
name : { type : String },
orders : { type : Array}
In my MongoDB, I can see all the "Master Orders" send back. Each master order has the name of who submitted it, plus all the orders within (there can be a ton of orders).
What I'm trying to exactly do is pull up all orders that have a certain name. So if I search "TestAccount", I'll get all of bob's orders. I've included an image below:
Any pointers?
axios.get('/api/orders/' +
.then(function (response) {
// handle success
.catch(function (error) {
// handle error
You need to handle the Promise when resolved/rejected.
router.get('/orders/:name', function(req, res) {
return Order.find({name:}).then(function(orders) {
// return orders when resolved
.catch(function (error) {
// handle error
You did not specify a named route parameter in your route path.
You also aren't accessing the name property by using req.params only.
You should use Model.find() conditions parameter to specify which document[s] you're trying to find. is for filtering document fields.

Get all matching items using ids array form database

I can't receive list of items that matches with my array of ids.
This is PART of code in Angular component:
.subscribe(orders => { ...
Where ids is an array of
[{_id : ID },{_id : ID },{_id : ID },]
ID is "5235sd23424asd234223sf44" kind of string form MongoDB documents.
In angular service file I have imported:
Http, Headers, and import 'rxjs/add/operator/map';
Here is code in service in Angular:
return this.http.get('/api/ordersspecyfic', ids)
.map(res => res.json());
In express file I have require: multer, express,router,mongojs, db
And here is part of code in express, call to mongodb:
router.get('/ordersspecyfic', function(req, res, next){
var ids = req.body;
ids = (obj){ return mongojs.ObjectId(obj._id)});
db.orders.find({_id: {$in: ids}}, function(err, orders){
And I'm getting error:
Uncaught Response {_body: "TypeError: is not a function
&n…/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:46:12)↵", status:
500, ok: false, statusText: "Internal Server Error", headers:
Console.log in express file
is showing me that req.body is an empty object {}
As far as I know req.body is not an array, but I don't know if this is only problem with that code.
All others request of get single element, get all items etc. are working fine.
I just can't get this one working..
I assume you are trying to send ids to your server side with
return this.http.get('/api/ordersspecyfic', ids)
but http.get api doesn't work like that
get(url: string, options?: RequestOptionsArgs) : Observable
In order to send this data to your back-end you should use the post api
let headers = new Headers({ 'Content-Type': 'application/json' });
let options = new RequestOptions({ headers: headers });
return'/api/ordersspecyfic', ids, options)
post(url: string, body: any, options?: RequestOptionsArgs) : Observable
Two errors, backend and frontend.
Frontend error
You say this.http.get('/api/ordersspecific', ids);. This does nothing - or specifically, this only tries to get /api/ordersspecific. It doesn't send ids, your second parameter doesn't match any RequestOptions. In other words, your ids are ignored.
You'd want to append this as a query string. Check here how to add querystring parameters. But in short, it'd be something simple like:
return this.http.get('/api/ordersspecyfic?ids=<id1>&ids=<id2>...'
Backend error
You're reading stuff from body. It's a GET request, there should be no body. Read this from querystring:
router.get('/ordersspecyfic', function(req, res, next){
var ids = req.query.ids;

How to iterate on form array member in c# server (client is Extjs form)

In the server I get my arrays as such string:
I work with NameValueCollection but this iterates through all the form members.
How do I parse\iterate through array form member to get a neat array of
{"val1","val2","val3"} without its index?
BTW - the client was sent with ExtJs Form submit...(maybe its something in the client?)
I don't know how useful such an array could be if you can't map the value to its property, but try this:
var values[];
Ext.each(form.getForm().items, function (field) {
}, this);
url: 'backend.php',
method: 'POST',
params: {
values: Ext.JSON.encode(values)
success: function(response){
// process server response here