How to control two parameters on PID with one input? - simulink

I am trying to simulate a DC/DC full bridge converter(LLC) with simulink. Normally LLC converter works with frequency modulation. But I will use phase shifting too.
With PID, I can take good results I expected with frequency modulation and phase shifting separately. Also it works good manually(Without PID control).
(For example with 800V input
55k Hertz + 40 degree phase = 550V output
. 85k Hertz + 100 degree phase = 300V output)
I want simulate it lineer. For example range of frequency will be 40k-100k and phase will be 0-180 degree. So, for every 1k frequency of change, the phase will change 3 degree. I hope, I could explain well.
I think I have problem with using simulink and PID control. When I simulate frequency modulation and phase shift seperately it works well. But I cant take good results when I try to control both of them same time.(witout PID, changing them manually works well too)
How can I set PID, or how Can I build the relationship between the frequency and phase shift?
LLC Full bridge DC/DC Converter with frequency and phase modulation. I can take nice results with frequency modulation and phase shift seperately. But I couldnot apply both of them at same time. I mean I take meaningless results with PID.


Sampling frequency from Simulink to Matlab

I'm running a simulink model from simulink using matlab. My system is mainly in matlab, but I run the slx file and export the outputs to be used in matlab. The simulation is run for 48 seconds (1 second representing an hour). When I get the outputs, I'm expecting it to be the same quality as when I view it in simulink, but it's not. Here is an example of what my data looks like in simulink:
Here is how it looks like when I plot it in matlab (the number of samples becomes 307 when exported)
I tried to change the step size in simulink or change the solver, but this distorted my simulink output as the following.
My solver is ode45, how do I control the sampling frequency of my data so that I don't get different resolution after exporting it to matlab.
P.S Once I export it, I will interpolate the data so that I get samples in between the hours (a sample every minute instead of every hours). If I can do it at once by changing the step size then that will be perfect.
following your advice, I got this plot when I plot it vs time instead of samples
Thank you
You are using a variable-step solver (ODE45) and thus there is a very high chance you won't get a consistent sampling frequency.
The only way to ensure/control the sampling frequency is to use a fixed-step solver (ode4 for instance).
However, as to why the data looks different between the Simulink scope and the plotted data, for variable timestep solvers there is refine factor (configuration parameters -> Data Import/Export -> Additional Parameters). This is by default set to 1. Set this to 100 and you should get a more consistent-looking sample density.
What should be known about the refine factor?
To get smoother output and have a better time resolution, it is much faster to change the refine factor instead of reducing the step size.
When the refine factor is changed, the solvers generate additional points by evaluating a continuous extension formula at those points.
The refine factor applies to variable-step solvers and is most useful when you are using ode45.
Usually a value of 4 produces much smoother results.

Notch or Bandstop filter and preparing data for it

I am new to matlab and signal processing methods, but i am trying to use its filter properties over a set of data I have. I have a collection of amplitude values obtained at different timestamps. When this is plotted, I get a waveform with several peaks that I can identify. I then perform calculations to derive the time between each consecutive peak and I want to eliminate the rates that are around the range of 48-52peaks per second.
What would be the correct way to go about processing this data step by step? Would a bandstop or notch filter be better if I want to eliminate those frequencies and not attenuate it simply? I am completely lost in the parameters required to feed into the filters for this. Please help...
periodogram is OK, but I would suggest using pwelch instead. It makes a more reasonable PSD estimate and the default parameters are well thought out (Hann windows, 50% overlap of segments, etc.)
If what you want is to remove signals in a wide band (e.g. 48-52 Hz) equally, rather than a single and unchanging frequency, than a bandstop filter is ideal. For example:
fs = 2048;
y = rand(fs*8, 1);
[b,a] = ellip(4, 2, 40, [46 54]/(fs/2));
yy = filter(b,a,y);
This will use a 4th order elliptic bandstop filter to filter the random data variable 'y'. filtfilt.m is also a nice function; it applies the filter forwards and backwards so you get twice the filter action and none of the phase lag or dispersion.
I am currently doing something similar to what you are doing.
I am processing a lot of signals from the Inertial Measurement Unit and motor drives. They all are asynchronously obtained, i.e. they all have very different timestamp and also very different acquisition frequency.
First thing I did was to interpolate all signals data in order to have all signals with same timestamp. You can use the matlab function interp to do this.
After this, you will have all signals with same sample frequency and also timestamp, which will be good in further analysis.
Ok, another thing you can do to analyse the frequency of the peaks is to perform the fourier transform. For beginners i advice the use of periodogram function and not the fft function.
Imagine you signal is x and your sample frequency (after interpolation) is Fs.
You can now use the function periodogram available in matlab like this:
[P,f] = periodogram(x,[],[length(t)],Fs);
This will give the power vs frequency of your signal. After that you will be able to plot and take a look at the frequencies of your signal. In other words, you be able to see the frequencies of the signals that make your acquired signal.
Plot the data this way:
plot(f,P); or semilogy(f,P);
The second is the same thing as the first, but with a logarithmic scale.
After this analysis you can use the Filter Desing and Analysis Tool to design you filter. Just type fdatool in matlab and it will open the design window. Choose the filter type, the cut and pass frequencies and click in design. This tool is very intuitive.
After designing you can export the filter to workspace.
Finally you can use the filter you designed in your signal to see if its what you wanted.
Use the functions filter os filtfilt for this.
Search in the web of the matlab help for the functions I wrote to get more details.
There are a lot of examples availables too.
I hope I could help you.
Good luck.

Using System Identification Toolbox transfer function with Simulink

I believe I am doing something fundamentally wrong when trying to import and test a transfer function in Simulink which was created within the System Identification Toolbox (SIT).
To give a simple example of what I am doing.
I have an input which is an offset sinusoidal wave from 12 seconds to 25 seconds with an amplitude of 1 and a frequency of 1.5rad/s which gives a measured output.
I have used SIT to create a simple 2 pole 1 zero transfer function which gives the following agreement:
I have then tried to import this transfer function into Simulink for investigation in the following configuration which has a sinusoidal input of frequency 1.5rad/s and a starting t=12. The LTI system block refers to the transfer function variable within the workspace:
When I run this simulation for 13 seconds the input to the block is as expected but the post transfer function signal shows little agreement with what would be expected and is an order of magnitude out.
Could someone give any insight into where I am going wrong and why the output from the tf in simulink shows little resemblance to the model output displayed in the SIT. I have a basic grasp of control theory but I am struggling to make sense of this.
This could be due to different initial conditions used in SimuLink and the SI Toolbox, the latter should estimate initial conditions with the model, while Simulink does nothing special with initial conditions unless you specify them yourself.
To me it seems that your original signals are in periodic regime, since your output looks almost like a sine wave as well. In periodic regime, initial conditions have little effect. You can verify my assumption by simulating your model for a longer amount of time: if at the end, your signal reaches the right amplitude and phase lag as in your data, you will know that the initial conditions were wrong.
In any case, you can get the estimated initial state from the toolbox, I think using the InitialState property of the resulting object.
Another thing that might go wrong, is the time discretization that you use in Simulink in case you estimated a continuous time model (one in the Laplace variable s, not in z or q).
edit: In that case I would recommend you check what Simulink uses to discretize your CT model, by using c2d in MATLAB and a setup like the one below in Simulink. In MATLAB you can also "simulate" the response to a CT model using lsim, where you have to specify a discretization method.
This set-up allows you to load in a CT model and a discretized variant (in this case a state-space representation). By comparing the signals, you can see whether the discretization method you use is the same one that SimuLink uses (this depends on the integration method you set in the settings).

Instantaneous Phase in Matlab

I have a signal in matlab and what to calculate the instantaneous phase for a specific band. I want to filter the signal into this range (using a bandpass filter) and then get the instantaneous phase. I know that there are problems using some filters with non-linear phase responses, is there any way to get around this? I have found some information online about back filtering the signal but it's still a little unclear. I'd like to avoid using wavelets (they're probably overkill here). Thanks.
Unless you resort to noncasual techniques (like the filtfilt suggested in the comment by nibot), you will always have some phase distortion. Linear phase FIRs with a delay D will add a phase of 2*pi*f*D, while nonlinear phase IIRs will add phase that is not linearly dependent on f.
In both cases, it is easy to compute the phase distortion (for example, use freqz(num, den) for IIRs) and account for that distortion when interpreting the resulting measurement. Of course, you'll have meaningless results when the phase changes significantly over the frequency range you are interested in - but that's a different issue.

MATLAB 'spectrogram' params

I am a beginner in MATLAB and I should perform a spectral analysis of an EEG signal drawing the graphs of power spectral density and spectrogram. My signal is 10 seconds long and a sampling frequency of 160 Hz, a total of 1600 samples and have some questions on how to find the parameters of the functions in MATLAB, including:
pwelch (x, window, noverlap, nfft, fs);
spectrogram (x, window, noverlap, F, fs);
My question then is where to find values ​​for the parameters window and noverlap I do not know what they are for.
To understand window functions & their use, let's first look at what happens when you take the DFT of finite length samples. Implicit in the definition of the discrete Fourier transform, is the assumption that the finite length of signal that you're considering, is periodic.
Consider a sine wave, sampled such that a full period is captured. When the signal is replicated, you can see that it continues periodically as an uninterrupted signal. The resulting DFT has only one non-zero component and that is at the frequency of the sinusoid.
Now consider a cosine wave with a different period, sampled such that only a partial period is captured. Now if you replicate the signal, you see discontinuities in the signal, marked in red. There is no longer a smooth transition and so you'll have leakage coming in at other frequencies, as seen below
This spectral leakage occurs through the side-lobes. To understand more about this, you should also read up on the sinc function and its Fourier transform, the rectangle function. The finite sampled sequence can be viewed as an infinite sequence multiplied by the rectangular function. The leakage that occurs is related to the side lobes of the sinc function (sinc & rectangular belong to self-dual space and are F.Ts of each other). This is explained in more detail in the spectral leakage article I linked to above.
Window functions
Window functions are used in signal processing to minimize the effect of spectral leakages. Basically, what a window function does is that it tapers the finite length sequence at the ends, so that when tiled, it has a periodic structure without discontinuities, and hence less spectral leakage.
Some of the common windows are Hanning, Hamming, Blackman, Blackman-Harris, Kaiser-Bessel, etc. You can read up more on them from the wiki link and the corresponding MATLAB commands are hann, hamming,blackman, blackmanharris and kaiser. Here's a small sample of the different windows:
You might wonder why there are so many different window functions. The reason is because each of these have very different spectral properties and have different main lobe widths and side lobe amplitudes. There is no such thing as a free lunch: if you want good frequency resolution (main lobe is thin), your sidelobes become larger and vice versa. You can't have both. Often, the choice of window function is dependent on the specific needs and always boils down to making a compromise. This is a very good article that talks about using window functions, and you should definitely read through it.
Now, when you use a window function, you have less information at the tapered ends. So, one way to fix that, is to use sliding windows with an overlap as shown below. The idea is that when put together, they approximate the original sequence as best as possible (i.e., the bottom row should be as close to a flat value of 1 as possible). Typical values vary between 33% to 50%, depending on the application.
Using MATLAB's spectrogram
The syntax is spectrogram(x,window,overlap,NFFT,fs)
x is your entire data vector
window is your window function. If you enter just a number, say W (must be integer), then MATLAB chops up your data into chunks of W samples each and forms the spectrogram from it. This is equivalent to using a rectangular window of length W samples. If you want to use a different window, provide hann(W) or whatever window you choose.
overlap is the number of samples that you need to overlap. So, if you need 50% overlap, this value should be W/2. Use floor(W/2) or ceil(W/2) if W can take odd values. This is just an integer.
NFFT is the FFT length
fs is the sampling frequency of your data vector. You can leave this empty, and MATLAB plots the figure in terms of normalized frequencies and the time axis as simply the data chunk index. If you enter it, MATLAB scales the axis accordingly.
You can also get optional outputs such as the time vector and frequency vector and the power spectrum computed, for use in other computations or if you need to style your plot differently. Refer to the documentation for more info.
Here's an example with 1 second of a linear chirp signal from 20 Hz to 400 Hz, sampled at 1000 Hz. Two window functions are used, Hanning and Blackman-Harris, with and without overlaps. The window lengths were 50 samples, and overlap of 50%, when used. The plots are scaled to the same 80dB range in each plot.
You can notice the difference in the figures (top-bottom) due to the overlap. You get a cleaner estimate if you use overlap. You can also observe the trade-off between main lobe width and side lobe amplitude that I mentioned earlier. Hanning has a thinner main lobe (prominent line along the skew diagonal), resulting in better frequency resolution, but has leaky sidelobes, seen by the bright colors outside. Blackwell-Harris, on the other hand, has a fatter main lobe (thicker diagonal line), but less spectral leakage, evidenced by the uniformly low (blue) outer region.
Both these methods above are short-time methods of operating on signals. The non-stationarity of the signal (where statistics are a function of time, Say mean, among other statistics, is a function of time) implies that you can only assume that the statistics of the signal are constant over short periods of time. There is no way of arriving at such a period of time (for which the statistics of the signal are constant) exactly and hence it is mostly guess work and fine-tuning.
Say that the signal you mentioned above is non-stationary (which EEG signals are). Also assume that it is stationary only for about 10ms or so. To reliably measure statistics like PSD or energy, you need to measure these statistics 10ms at a time. The window-ing function is what you multiply the signal with to isolate that 10ms of a signal, on which you will be computing PSD etc.. So now you need to traverse the length of the signal. You need a shifting window (to window the entire signal 10ms at a time). Overlapping the windows gives you a more reliable estimate of the statistics.
You can imagine it like this:
1. Take the first 10ms of the signal.
2. Window it with the windowing function.
3. Compute statistic only on this 10ms portion.
4. Move the window by 5ms (assume length of overlap).
5. Window the signal again.
6. Compute statistic again.
7. Move over entire length of signal.
There are many different types of window functions - Blackman, Hanning, Hamming, Rectangular. That and the length of the window and overlap really depend on the application that you have and the frequency characteristics of the signal itself.
As an example, in speech processing (where the signals are non-stationary and windowing gets used a lot), the most popular choices for windowing functions are Hamming/Hanning of length 10ms (320 samples at 16 kHz sampling) with an overlap of 80 samples (25% of window length). This works reasonably well. You can use this as a starting point for your application and then work on fine-tuning it a little more with different values.
You may also want to take a look at the following functions in MATLAB:
1. hamming
2. hanning
I hope you know that you can call up a ton of help in MATLAB using the help command on the command line. MATLAB is one of the best documented softwares out there. Using the help command for pwelch also pulls up definitions for window size and overlap. That should help you out too.
I don't know if all this info. helped you out or not, but looking at the question, I felt you might have needed a little help with understanding what windowing and overlapping was all about.
For the last parameter fs, that is the frequency rate of the raw signal, in your case X, when you extract X from audio data using function
You may get fs from it.
Investigate how the following parameters change the performance of the Sinc function:
The Length of the coefficients
The Following window functions:
Blackman Harris