Vuforia and MRTK for Hololens 1 : ImageTarget not working - unity3d

I'm creating a simple app with a menu and multiple scenes. The structure is the following :
Loading (empty scene, MRTK Scene Manger, load the main scene, contains the camera)
Main (4 buttons used to change scene, no camera)
Cube (a scene with a cube, no camera)
Scenario1 (a scene with Vuforia and ImageTarget, contains Vuforia Behaviour script)
The problems
I have one main issue :
When I launch the application in Unity, Vuforia use my webcam as a camera and the ImageTarget are detected really quickly. However when I deploy on the Hololens using USB method (since Vuforia isn't supported using Hololens Remoting Player), it's really hard to detect the ImageTarget. The ImageTarget got 4/5 stars when uploaded on Vuforia and these are my settings :
In Vuforia database I also set the height of the target to 0.21m since I printed it on a A4 sheet
There you can see the scene system I use :
For the camera, the loading scene contains the Main Camera, then in Scenario1 I have an empty object containing Vuforia Behaviour Script.
Why is Vuforia having so much troubles to detect the ImageTarget when running on the Hololens ?

Please refer to Vuforia Engine Release Notes | VuforiaLibrary, support for HoloLens 1 was deprecated in Vuforia Engine v10.3.2.


Unity and Hololens, how to remove the black mesh renderer?

I created a simple application which is a menu containing 4 scenes.
Scene 1 = using Vuforia, I replace marker with a 3D Object
Scene 2 = you can click on a 3D sphere
Scene 3 = you can click on a 3D cube
Scene 4 = you can click on a 3D pyramid
My main focus is the scene 1 actually.
The problem
When I was testing this scene in Unity, Vuforia would automatically use my webcam as a camera and I could look for marker as you can see on this picture :
Now I got my hands on the Hololens, using Holographic Remoting Player I keep getting this mesh on every scene I created (this picture is from Unity but I see the exact same in the Hololens) :
What I've tried
I looked for element using a Mesh Renderer but if I disable this element, then the virtual element doesn't appear anymore.
I also took a look into the MRTK Camera settings which are the following ones :
But I can't figure out how to remove this black backgrounded mesh that appears on each of my scene.
I figured it out, so for anyone having this issue the solution is to set the MRTK - Spatial Awarness display option to Occlusion

Unity 3D Shader Doesn't appear on VR mode

We have two scene, in one scene we create level design and mechanics for VR in runtime, and other scene we use SteamVR for VR mode. Shader show up in editor scene but doesn't work in VR scene.
Thank you for your answers,
Actually it was a save load problem. We use 3th party asset from unity asset store (Runtime Save & Load) and SceneAssetLibrary.asset that hold scene asset references was overwritten when worked on scene. So we revert that file thus it worked again.

How to change the AR Foundation Camera Rotation and position using joystick in Unity3d

I am creating a project like AR Portal in the AR foundation.
there are two modes in this:
AR Mode
Joystick Mode
Everything is going well with AR Camera and in AR mode.
In joystick mode, I am unable to rotate the camera and I am stuck on that problem and didn't find any solution.
If I disabled the Tracked pose Driver of AR Camera, then it will work but if I enable the Tracked Pose Driver, then it will not work.
Is it possible to rotate the camera when Tracked Pose Driver is enabled?
I'm not sure what you're trying to do there. AR camera is usually a physical camera, changing its position and rotation by code would not make a lot of sense. If you are using the joystick for a different scene/ part of the scene, try using a regular Unity camera and write a simple controller to move it around.

How to get Vuforia and MRTK MultiScene System works?

I'm working on AR Project with the HoloLens 2. I need to recognize a QRcode to build my Buttons in the real world at the right positions. So what I'm doing I used MRTK 2.2 and I applied the MRTK configuration. I work with the Multi Scene System so that I have MainScene Manager where all children are not destroyable.
The camera is under the MainSceneManger and I attached to it Vuforia Behavior and DefaultIntialization error Handler and the Image target is under other Scene. The camera could not detect the Image which is in the Fact my QRcode, but when I put the ImageTarget under the MainSceneManager where the Main camera is it works fine. How could I get this work when the Image Target and Main camera are not under the Same Scene.
Ps: In the attached picture I Loaded the Haupseite Scene intentionally so that you can see where the ImageTarget placed.

Setting up Hololens MRTK 2.0 with Vuforia in Unity 2019.1

I'm developing a Unity app for the Hololens 1 that uses Vuforia. Unfortunately, I cannot get the camera to work with Vuforia, it remains frozen in place and does not follow head movement. When I disable Vuforia, the camera tracks fine.
My setup is as follows:
* Windows 10
* Unity 2019.1.4f1
* MRTK v2.0.0 RC2
* Vuforia 8.1.11
I tried following the steps outlined here:
To no avail. I also tried having both cameras active, same result. The Vuforia Hololens sample that can be found in the Unity asset store is severely outdated (using the old Holotoolkit, not MRTK), so it is not very useful to me. I noticed that older versions of Vuforia allow the script on the camera to be set to "world center": "camera", but this option is now forced to "device" when Vuforia is configured for the hololens.
Can anyone tell me how to properly configure my scene for MRTK 2 and Vuforia? I'd be eternally grateful for a link to an up to date example project.
This seems to be an issue only when using Unity's holographic remote. I would still very much like to resolve that though, since deploying is very time-consuming and makes debugging almost impossible.
This worked for me:
Import MRTK package and add it to the scene. This will create a MainCamera under MixedRealityPlayspace Game Object.
Then GameObject > VuforiaEngine > ARCamera. This will create an ARCamera with two components: Vuforia Behavior and Default Initialization Error Handler. Copy these two components and add them to the MainCamera created when you added MRTK.
Finally delete ARCamera.
I use Windows 10, Unity 2018.4, MRTKv2.0 and Vuforia 8.
Good luck.