How can i prevent the "show all column" not to show my initial hidden columns in Material React Table v1.0 - material-ui

This is my Declaration of my columns. I have a prop of enableHiding set to false. And set my initialState State
const columns = [
accessorKey: "name",
header: "Name",
{ accessorKey: "email", header: "Email" },
{ accessorKey: "password", header: "Password", enableHiding: false },
accessorKey: "username",
header: "Username",
enableHiding: false,
accessorKey: "phone",
header: "Phone Number",
accessorKey: "address",
header: "Address",
enableHiding: false,
accessorKey: "gender",
header: "Gender",
enableHiding: false,
**This is my Declaration of my columns in the MaterialReactTable v1.0. I initialize the column gender,id,password, username and address to false. **
columnVisibility: {
gender: false,
id: false,
password: false,
username: false,
address: false,


In jsTree make last child selected after click on in with link open

I can't make my last child node selected after click on it.
Click open this node (href url) but on reloaded page it only select parent node.
Maybe there is also an option to prevent selection of parent node? I don't need it at all.
My tree have only 3 levels and only 3rd/last is used to open links.
jstree config:
$(() => {
core: {
multiple: false,
themes: {
dots: false,
data: {
url: '/jsonCats',
dataType: 'json',
state: {
key: 'navTree',
tree_state: false,
types: {
firstfloor: {
icon: false,
selected: false,
secfloor: {
icon: false,
hidden: {
icon: false,
element: {
icon: 'bi bi-file-earmark-text',
search: {
case_sensitive: false,
show_only_matches: true,
plugins: ['search', 'types', 'state', 'changed'],
$(document).ready(() => {
$('.search-input').keyup(function () {
const searchString = $(this).val();
$('#jstree').jstree('search', searchString);
$('#jstree').on('changed.jstree', (e, data) => {
if (data.event === undefined) {
return false;
if (data.node.a_attr.href !== '#' && data.event.bubbles) {
example json last child:
"id": 1001,
"parent": "16",
"text": "Text",
"type": "element",
"li_attr": {
"elem": "element"
"a_attr": {
"href": "/KnowledgeBase/1001"
localStorage only select parent node:
{"state":{"core":{"open":["1","16"],"scroll":{"left":0,"top":0},"selected":["1"]}},"ttl":false,"sec":1673943166005} not working when sub document / deeply nested document is modified

I find my document from whole collection like this:
const account = await Account.findOne({ "buildings.gateways.devices.verificationCode": code })
const buildings = account.buildings
const gateways = buildings[0].gateways;
const devices = gateways[0].devices;
const device = _.filter(devices, d => d.verificationCode === code);
now I want to change one of the property "patientLastName" and then save the whole document. I am doing as below.
device.patientLastName = lastName;
const updated = await;
This simply does not change anything. I have tried many solutions given but none of them working.
not sure if I can save parent document just like that?
I have few other calls where same code works but only change for this is that this is in my post call while working ones are in put call.
My Schema:
const accountSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
email: { type: String, unique: true, required: true },
password: { type: String, required: true },
userName: { type: String, unique: true, required: true },
companyName: { type: String, required: true },
apiKey: { type: String, unique: true, required: true },
apiCallCount: { type: Number, default: 0 },
solutionType: String,
parentCompany: String,
new mongoose.Schema({
buildingName: String,
address: String,
suite: String,
floor: String,
timeZone: String,
new mongoose.Schema({
gatewayName: String,
gatewayKey: { type: String, sparse: true },
suite: String,
devices: [
new mongoose.Schema({
serialNumber: { type: String, sparse: true },
area: String,
connectionStatus: Number,
gatewayKey: String,
applicationNumber: Number,
firmwareVersion: String,
needsAttention: Boolean,
verificationCode: String,
patientRiskStatus: String,
patientFirstName: String,
patientLastName: String
}, { timestamps: true })
}, { timestamps: true })
}, { timestamps: true })
}, { timestamps: true });
I am trying this:
it gives me error message -
"message": "Converting circular structure to JSON"
const updated = account.update(
"_id" : ObjectId(accountId),
"buildings.gateways.devices.verificationCode": code
"$set": {
"buildings.$.gateways.0.devices.0.patientFirstName": "name1",
"buildings.$.gateways.0.devices.0.patientLastName": "name2",
Your help is appreciated. Thanks
complete call for your reference.
// Register User'/register', async (req, res, next) => {
try {
var { email, userName, password, firstName, lastName, role, deviceIds, code } = req.body;
// checking if email or username already exist before registering.
const verifyEmail = await User.find({
$or: [
{ 'email': email },
{ 'userName': userName },
if (verifyEmail.length > 0) {
throw new BadRequestError('DuplicateEmailOrUserName', {
message: 'Email or Username already exists'
// finding accountId for verification code first
const account = await Account.findOne({ "buildings.gateways.devices.verificationCode": code })
if (account.length === 0) {
console.log("Invalid registration code")
throw new BadRequestError('InvalidVerificationCode', {
message: 'Invalid registration code'
var accountId = account ? account._id : null
const buildings = account.buildings
const gateways = buildings[0].gateways;
const devices = gateways[0].devices;
//console.log("devices", devices)
// finding deviceId to insert for user from that account
const device = _.filter(devices, d => d.verificationCode === code);
// console.log("device", device)
if (!deviceIds) {
deviceIds = => item._id)
// console.log("deviceIds", deviceIds)
const hashedPassword = await hasher.hashPassword(password);
const newUser = new User({
accountId: accountId ? accountId : undefined,
userName: userName,
password: hashedPassword,
email: email,
firstName: firstName,
lastName: lastName,
role: role,
refreshToken: uuidv4(),
refreshTokenExpiryDate: moment().add(process.env.REFRESH_TOKEN_EXPIRY_IN_DAYS, 'days'),
deviceIds: deviceIds ? deviceIds : [],
isActive: true,
const newlySavedUser = await;
const {
password: pwd,
} = newlySavedUser.toObject();
**// solutions by #SuleymanSah** <----
try {
let result = await Account.findByIdAndUpdate(
$set: {
"buildings.$[building].gateways.$[gateway].devices.$[device].patientFirstName": "userName"
arrayFilters: [
{ "building._id": ObjectId("5d254bb179584ebcbb68b712") },
{ "gateway._id": ObjectId("5d254b64ba574040d9632ada") },
{ "device.verificationCode": "4144" }
new: true
if (!result) return res.status(404);
} catch (err) {
res.status(500).send("Something went wrong");
} catch (err) {
Let me know if you need more information. Thanks
You can use the filtered positional operator $ for this.
Note that we also need to have the buildingId and gatewayId to make it work dynamically.
router.put("/account/:accountId/:buildingId/:gatewayId", async (req, res) => {
const { patientFirstName, verificationCode } = req.body;
try {
let result = await Account.findByIdAndUpdate(
$set: {
"buildings.$[building].gateways.$[gateway].devices.$[device].patientFirstName": patientFirstName
arrayFilters: [
{ "building._id": req.params.buildingId },
{ "gateway._id": req.params.gatewayId },
{ "device.verificationCode": verificationCode }
new: true
if (!result) return res.status(404);
} catch (err) {
res.status(500).send("Something went wrong");
Let's have this document:
"_id" : ObjectId("5e0da052b4b3fe5188602e11"),
"apiCallCount" : 1,
"email" : "",
"password" : "123123",
"userName" : "username",
"companyName" : "companyName",
"apiKey" : "apiKey",
"solutionType" : "solutionType",
"parentCompany" : "parentCompany",
"buildings" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("5e0da052b4b3fe5188602e12"),
"buildingName" : "buildingName 1",
"address" : "address",
"suite" : "suite",
"floor" : "floor",
"timeZone" : "String",
"gateways" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("5e0da052b4b3fe5188602e13"),
"gatewayName" : "gatewayName 1",
"gatewayKey" : "gatewayKey",
"suite" : "suite",
"devices" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("5e0da052b4b3fe5188602e15"),
"serialNumber" : "serialNumber 1",
"area" : "area",
"connectionStatus" : 0,
"gatewayKey" : "gatewayKey",
"applicationNumber" : 11,
"firmwareVersion" : "firmwareVersion",
"needsAttention" : true,
"verificationCode" : "123456",
"patientRiskStatus" : "patientRiskStatus",
"patientFirstName" : "patientFirstName",
"patientLastName" : "patientLastName",
"createdAt" : ISODate("2020-01-02T10:48:34.287+03:00"),
"updatedAt" : ISODate("2020-01-02T10:48:34.287+03:00")
"_id" : ObjectId("5e0da052b4b3fe5188602e14"),
"serialNumber" : "serialNumber 2",
"area" : "area",
"connectionStatus" : 0,
"gatewayKey" : "gatewayKey",
"applicationNumber" : 22,
"firmwareVersion" : "firmwareVersion",
"needsAttention" : true,
"verificationCode" : "987654",
"patientRiskStatus" : "patientRiskStatus",
"patientFirstName" : "patientFirstName",
"patientLastName" : "patientLastName",
"createdAt" : ISODate("2020-01-02T10:48:34.288+03:00"),
"updatedAt" : ISODate("2020-01-02T10:48:34.288+03:00")
"createdAt" : ISODate("2020-01-02T10:48:34.288+03:00"),
"updatedAt" : ISODate("2020-01-02T10:48:34.288+03:00")
"createdAt" : ISODate("2020-01-02T10:48:34.288+03:00"),
"updatedAt" : ISODate("2020-01-02T10:48:34.288+03:00")
"createdAt" : ISODate("2020-01-02T10:48:34.289+03:00"),
"updatedAt" : ISODate("2020-01-02T10:48:34.289+03:00"),
"__v" : 0
To update the device patientFirstName with verificationCode 123456, we need to send a PUT request to the url http://..../account/5e0da052b4b3fe5188602e11/5e0da052b4b3fe5188602e12/5e0da052b4b3fe5188602e13
5e0da052b4b3fe5188602e11 is accountId.
5e0da052b4b3fe5188602e12 is buildingId.
5e0da052b4b3fe5188602e13 is gatewayId.
Request body:
"verificationCode": "123456",
"patientFirstName": "UPDATED!!!"
Result will be like this:
"apiCallCount": 1,
"_id": "5e0da052b4b3fe5188602e11",
"email": "",
"password": "123123",
"userName": "username",
"companyName": "companyName",
"apiKey": "apiKey",
"solutionType": "solutionType",
"parentCompany": "parentCompany",
"buildings": [
"gateways": [
"devices": [
"_id": "5e0da052b4b3fe5188602e15",
"serialNumber": "serialNumber 1",
"area": "area",
"connectionStatus": 0,
"gatewayKey": "gatewayKey",
"applicationNumber": 11,
"firmwareVersion": "firmwareVersion",
"needsAttention": true,
"verificationCode": "123456",
"patientRiskStatus": "patientRiskStatus",
"patientFirstName": "UPDATED!!!",
"patientLastName": "patientLastName",
"createdAt": "2020-01-02T07:48:34.287Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-01-02T07:48:34.287Z"
"_id": "5e0da052b4b3fe5188602e14",
"serialNumber": "serialNumber 2",
"area": "area",
"connectionStatus": 0,
"gatewayKey": "gatewayKey",
"applicationNumber": 22,
"firmwareVersion": "firmwareVersion",
"needsAttention": true,
"verificationCode": "987654",
"patientRiskStatus": "patientRiskStatus",
"patientFirstName": "patientFirstName",
"patientLastName": "patientLastName",
"createdAt": "2020-01-02T07:48:34.288Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-01-02T07:48:34.288Z"
"_id": "5e0da052b4b3fe5188602e13",
"gatewayName": "gatewayName 1",
"gatewayKey": "gatewayKey",
"suite": "suite",
"createdAt": "2020-01-02T07:48:34.288Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-01-02T07:48:34.288Z"
"_id": "5e0da052b4b3fe5188602e12",
"buildingName": "buildingName 1",
"address": "address",
"suite": "suite",
"floor": "floor",
"timeZone": "String",
"createdAt": "2020-01-02T07:48:34.288Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-01-02T07:48:34.288Z"
"createdAt": "2020-01-02T07:48:34.289Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-01-02T09:10:25.200Z",
"__v": 0
And if you always want to update in the first building's in the first gateway, you may use this:
router.put("/account/:accountId", async (req, res) => {
const { patientFirstName, verificationCode } = req.body;
try {
let result = await Account.findByIdAndUpdate(
$set: {
"buildings.0.gateways.0.devices.$[device].patientFirstName": patientFirstName
arrayFilters: [{ "device.verificationCode": verificationCode }],
new: true
if (!result) return res.status(404);
} catch (err) {
res.status(500).send("Something went wrong");
Now you need to send only the accountId in the url like this: http://../account/5e0da052b4b3fe5188602e11

How to return only some columns of a relations with Typeorm

Ok, i'm having trouble with getting the relations with typeorm, when i run the service it returns me all the data from the relation, and i want only specific fields, like id and name.
Here's my code:
async findById(id: string): Promise<UsersUseOfferHistoric> {
return await this.repository.findOne({
where: { id },
relations: ['userId', 'offerId'],
Here's the json Output:
"id": "da0fd04e-17c6-4412-b342-a4361d191468",
"createdAt": "2020-01-07T19:48:30.840Z",
"userId": {
"id": "bdc00227-569f-44b5-9bdd-c8de03661ebd",
"name": "Alexandre Vieira",
"cpf": "10443771430",
"email": "",
"password": "asjdsifjdsfasf",
"imagePath": "/me.png",
"active": true,
"lastLogin": "2020-01-07T19:40:26.850Z",
"createdAt": "2020-01-07T19:40:26.850Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-01-07T19:40:26.850Z"
"offerId": {
"id": "e399560c-d2c2-4f4e-b2b1-94cae3af3779",
"offerDrescription": "Nova oferta top",
"discountCoupon": " Desconto top",
"discountValidity": "2020-01-07T14:18:19.803Z",
"discountPercentage": 20,
"discountQuantityLimit": 50,
"createdAt": "2020-01-07T19:45:33.589Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-01-07T19:45:33.589Z"
Here's the output i want:
"id": "da0fd04e-17c6-4412-b342-a4361d191468",
"createdAt": "2020-01-07T19:48:30.840Z",
"userId": {
"id": "bdc00227-569f-44b5-9bdd-c8de03661ebd",
"name": "Alexandre Vieira",
"offerId": {
"id": "e399560c-d2c2-4f4e-b2b1-94cae3af3779",
"offerDrescription": "Nova oferta top",
The findOne function accepts an select: ['id', 'createdAt'] property where you can filter the fields of the outgoing relation. To explicitly select the returned fields of a joined table (using the relations property does implicitly a left join) you have to use a query builder.
await getRepository(Foo).createQueryBuilder('foo')
.where({ id: 1})
.select(['', 'foo.createdAt', '', ''])
.leftJoin('foo.bars', 'bar') // bar is the joined table
Try something like that:
select: {
id: true,
createdAt: true,
userId: {
id: true,
name: true,
offerId: {
id: true,
offerDrescription: true,
where: {...},
You can do it like this if you rather use the repository API instead of the queryBuilder
return await this.repository.findOne({
where: { id },
select: {
userId: {
id: true,
name: true
offerId: {
id: true,
offerDrescription: true
relations: {
userId: true,
offerId: true,

Format Date in VueJS. Back-end to front-end

So, I need to format a date coming from the back-end into the front-end.
I have a table:
export default {
components: {
return {
DatePickerFormat: 'dd/MM/yyyy',
items: [],
columns: [
label: 'Number',
field: 'number',
type: 'String',
filterable: true,
placeholder: 'Number'
label: 'Identification number',
field: 'identNumber',
type: 'String',
filterable: true,
placeholder: 'Identification number'
label: 'Name',
field: 'name',
type: 'String',
filterable: true,
placeholder: 'Name'
label: 'Code',
field: 'code',
type: 'String',
filterable: true,
placeholder: 'Code'
label: 'From',
field: 'dateFrom',
type: 'String',
filterable: true,
placeholder: 'dd/mm/yyyy'
label: 'To',
field: 'dateTo',
type: 'String',
filterable: true,
placeholder: 'dd/mm/yyyy'
label: 'Last change',
field: 'dateChanged',
type: 'String',
filterable: true,
placeholder: 'dd/mm/yyyy'
fields : {
"Number": "number",
"Identification numer": "identNumber",
"Name": "name",
"Code": "code",
"From": "dateFrom",
"To": "dateTo",
"Last Change": "dateChanged"
json_meta: [
"key": "charset",
"value": "utf-8"
computed: {
formatedItems () {
if (!this.items || this.items.length === 0) return []
return => {
return {
dateFrom: moment(item.dateFrom).format('DD/MM/YYYY'),
dateTo: moment(item.dateTo).format('DD/MM/YYYY'),
dateChanged: moment(item.dateChanged).format('DD/MM/YYYY')
Is this the correct code segment? Because I can't get it working for some reason?
Upon hitting the "search" button the data comes from the back-end and vizualize in the table. However, the date format right now is 1554163200000. How I can make it and format it in dd/mm/yyyy?
TypeError: Cannot read property 'map' of undefined
at s.formattedItems (eoriTable.vue:231)
at xt.get (vue.esm.js:3142)
at xt.evaluate (vue.esm.js:3249)
at s.formattedItems (vue.esm.js:3507)
at s.render (eoriTable.vue?d724:1)
at s.A._render (vue.esm.js:4544)
at s.<anonymous> (vue.esm.js:2788)
at xt.get (vue.esm.js:3142)
at (vue.esm.js:3219)
at Lt (vue.esm.js:2981)
JA # vue.esm.js:1741
That's the error when I build it. When I change :rows: formattedItems to items (which was the default value) everything is fine it renders but the date is not formatted.
You can use moment.js and computed properties
import moment from 'moment'
computed: {
formatedItems () {
if (!this.items || this.items.length === 0) return []
return => {
return {
dateFrom: moment(item.dateFrom).format('DD/MM/YYYY'),
dateTo: moment(item.dateTo).format('DD/MM/YYYY'),
dateChanged: moment(item.dateChanged).format('DD/MM/YYYY')
and in your component
Another option is using table-row slot of vue-good-table

Dojo-DataGrid :: How to dynamically fetch values as options for a select box in Dojo DataGrid

I have a Dojo-DataGrid which is programatically populated as below :
var jsonStore = new{ url: "json/gaskets.json" });
var layout= [
{ field: "description", width: "auto", name: "Tier/Description", editable:true },
{ field: "billingMethod", width: "auto", name: "Billing Method", editable: true,
type: dojox.grid.cells.Select, options: [ '0', '1' ] },
{ field: "offeringComponents", width: "auto", name: "Offering Component", editable: true,
type: dojox.grid.cells.Select, options: [ '0', '1' ] },
{ field: "serviceActivity", width: "auto", name: "Service Activity", editable: true,
type: dojox.grid.cells.Select, options: [ '0', '1' ] },
{ field: "hours", width: "auto", name: "Hours" },
{ field: "rate", width: "auto", name: "Rate <br/> (EUR)" },
{ field: "cost", width: "auto", name: "Cost <br/> (EUR)" },
{ field: "price", width: "auto", name: "Price <br/> (EUR)" },
{ field: "gvn", width: "auto", name: "Gvn" }
grid = new dojox.grid.DataGrid({
query: { description: '*' },
store: jsonStore,
structure: layout,
rowsPerPage: 20
}, 'gridNode');
The options for the field billingMethod (Currently defined as dojox.grid.cells.Select) are hard coded right now, but I would like to get those values dynamically from the backend as JSON. But dojox.grid.cells.Select currently(I am using Dojo 1.5) does not have a option to define a "store".
I am trying to use dijit.form.FilteringSelect, but this needs a id(of a Div) for its constructor and I cannot specify one as this select box has to go with in the grid, rather than a separate DIV.
Your answer works fine, the issue is that in the combo the user can select A, but once the combo lose the focus, the value 1 will be shown. Some months ago I had the same problem, and I got a solution from KGF on #dojo. The idea is to have a formatter on the cell that just creates a SPAN element, and then it invokes a query over the store to get the label of the selected element and put it on the SPAN. I modified your example to get that working.
var grid;
var jsonStore;
dojo.addOnLoad(function() {
jsonStore = new{
data: {
"identifier": "identify",
"label": "description",
"items": [
"identify": 123,
"description": "Project Manager"},
"identify": 234,
"description": "Developer"},
"identify": 536,
"description": "Developer",
var myStore = new{
data: {
identifier: 'value',
label: 'name',
items: [{
value: 1,
name: 'A',
label: 'A'},
value: 2,
name: 'B',
label: 'B'},
value: 3,
name: 'C',
label: 'C'}]
//[kgf] callback referenced by formatter for FilteringSelect cell
function displayValue(nodeId, store, attr, item) {
if (item != null) { //if it's null, it wasn't found!
dojo.byId(nodeId).innerHTML = store.getValue(item, attr);
var layout = [
field: "identify",
width: "auto",
name: "Id 2 Hide",
hidden: true},
field: "description",
width: "auto",
name: "Tier/Description",
editable: true},
field: 'billingMethod',
name: 'Billing Method',
editable: true,
required: true,
width: '150px',
type: dojox.grid.cells._Widget,
widgetClass: dijit.form.FilteringSelect,
widgetProps: {
store: myStore
formatter: function(data, rowIndex) { //[kgf]
//alert("data "+data)
var genId = 'title' + rowIndex;
var store =;
var attr = "label";
setTimeout(function() {
identity: data,
onItem: dojo.partial(displayValue, genId, store, attr)
}, 50);
//for now return a span with a predetermined id for us to populate.
return '<span id="' + genId + '"></span>';
grid = new dojox.grid.DataGrid({
query: {
description: '*'
store: jsonStore,
singleClickEdit: true,
structure: layout,
rowsPerPage: 20
}, 'gridNode');
I was finally able to figure this out..Incase someone wants to implement same kind of stuff using DOJO Datagrid+FilteringSelect.
Sample Code
var grid;
var jsonStore;
dojo.addOnLoad(function() {
jsonStore = new{
data: {
"identifier": "identify",
"label": "description",
"items": [
"identify": 123,
"description": "Project Manager"},
"identify": 234,
"description": "Developer"},
"identify": 536,
"description": "Developer"}
var myStore = new{
data: {
identifier: 'value',
label: 'name',
items: [{
value: 1,
name: 'A',
label: 'A'},
value: 2,
name: 'B',
label: 'Y'},
value: 3,
name: 'C',
label: 'C'}]
var layout = [
field: "identify",
width: "auto",
name: "Id 2 Hide",
hidden: true},
field: "description",
width: "auto",
name: "Tier/Description",
editable: true},
field: 'billingMethod',
name: 'Billing Method',
editable: true,
required: true,
width: '150px',
type: dojox.grid.cells._Widget,
widgetClass: dijit.form.FilteringSelect,
widgetProps: {
store: myStore
grid = new dojox.grid.DataGrid({
query: {
description: '*'
store: jsonStore,
singleClickEdit: true,
structure: layout,
rowsPerPage: 20
}, 'gridNode');