Changing maxvalue of sequence which is defined inside table in db2 - db2

Hi I want to Change maxvalue of sequence which is defined inside table in db2.
Alter sequence "sequencename" is not working
Alter sequence is not working

A Sequence is external to a table.
Are you actually trying to update an identity column?


bigint id changed back to int during table rename

I hit the int limit on a large table I use.
The table is in single user mode and has no FK constraints.
CREATE TABLE my_table_bigint (LIKE my_table INCLUDING ALL);
ALTER TABLE my_table_bigint alter column id set data type bigint;
CREATE SEQUENCE my_table_bigint_id_seq;
INSERT INTO my_table_bigint SELECT * FROM my_table;
ALTER TABLE my_table_bigint ALTER id SET DEFAULT nextval('my_table_bigint_id_seq');
ALTER SEQUENCE my_table_bigint_id_seq OWNED BY;
SELECT setval('my_table_bigint_id_seq', (SELECT max(id) FROM my_table_bigint), true);
At this point I tested that I could insert new rows without any problems. Success, I thought.
I went about renaming the tables.
alter table my_table rename my_table_old
alter table my_table_bigint rename my_table
ALTER INDEX post_comments_pkey RENAME TO post_comments_old_pkey
ALTER INDEX post_comments_pkey_bigint RENAME TO post_comments_pkey
Now, when I checked the schema.... the table ID type had changed BACK to integer, instead of bigint.
Copying took about 3 days - so I am really, really hoping that I don't need to do this again. This is postgres10 on RDS.
I'm going to take care of this problem like this:
Create a new table - call it my_table_bigint2.
Do this:
CREATE TABLE my_table_bigint2 (LIKE my_table INCLUDING ALL);
ALTER TABLE my_table_bigint2 alter column id set data type bigint;
CREATE SEQUENCE my_table_bigint2_id_seq;
ALTER TABLE my_table_bigint2 ALTER id SET DEFAULT nextval('my_table_bigint2_id_seq');
ALTER SEQUENCE my_table_bigint2_id_seq OWNED BY;
And start populating that table with the new data. (This is fine given the usecase.)
In the meantime, I'm going to run
ALTER TABLE post_comments alter column id set data type bigint;
And finally, once that's done, I'm going to
INSERT INTO my_table SELECT * FROM my_table_bigint2;
My follow-up question - is this allowed? Will this create some interaction between the sequences? Should I use a new sequence?

PostgreSQL add auto increment to empty ID column

I create table in PostgreSQL but I forgot to add auto increment.
How to alter empty Id column in Postgres to add auto increment?
Starting with Postgres 10 it's recommended to use identity columns for this.
You can turn an existing column into an identity column using an ALTER TABLE:
alter table the_table
alter id add generated always as identity;
If you already have data in the table, you will need to sync the sequence:
select setval(pg_get_serial_sequence('the_table', 'id'), (select max(id) from the_table));
You will need to create a sequence owned by that column and set that as the default value.
CREATE TABLE mytable (id int);
ALTER TABLE mytable ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('mytable_id_seq');

Postgres: difference between DEFAULT in CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE in database dump

In database dump created with pg_dump, some tables have DEFAULTs in the CREATE TABLE statement, i.e.:
f1 integer DEFAULT nextval('test_f1_seq'::regclass) NOT NULL
But others have an additional ALTER statement:
ALTER TABLE ONLY test2 ALTER COLUMN f1 SET DEFAULT nextval('test2_f1_seq'::regclass);
What is the reason of this? All sequential fields were created with type SERIAL, but in the dump they look different, and I can't guess any rule for this.
The difference must be that in the first case, the sequence is “owned” by the table column.
You can specify this dependency using the OWNED BY clause when you create a sequence. A sequence that is owned by a column will automatically be dropped when the column is.
If a sequence is implicitly created by using serial, it will be owned by the column.

Is there a way to change the datatype for a column without changing the order of the column?

I have a column where I want to change the data type. I currently am using Redshift. I know I can use the alter table statement to change the datatype, but this would change the order of the columns.
Is there a way to change the datatype without changing the order of the column?
I would recommend creating a new table with the schema you want and copying it over from the old table using a insert into new_table (select * from old_table) statement (here you can also do any casting to the new data type), after which you can drop the old table and rename the new one:
drop table old_table;
alter table new_table rename to old_table;
Using ALTER TABLE table_name ALTER COLUMN column_name TYPE new_data_type will not change the order of the columns in your table.
Please note that this clause can only changes the size of a column defined as a VARCHAR data type.
There are also other limitations described in AWS documentation of ALTER TABLE

Postgres alter field type from float4 to float8 on huge table

I want to alter column data type from float4 to float8 on a table with huge rows count. If I do it in usual path it takes much time and my table blocked for this time.
IS any hack to do it without rewrite the table content?
ALTER TABLE ... ALTER COLUMN ... TYPE ... USING ... (or related things like ALTER TABLE ... ADD COLUMN ... DEFAULT ... NOT NULL) requires a full table rewrite with an exclusive lock.
You can, with a bit of effort, work around this in steps:
ALTER TABLE thetable ADD COLUMN thecol_tmp newtype without NOT NULL.
Create a trigger on the table that, for every write to thecol, updates thecol_tmp as well, so new rows that're created, and rows that're updated, get a value for newcol_tmp as well as newcol.
In batches by ID range, UPDATE thetable SET thecol_tmp = CAST(thecol AS newtype) WHERE id BETWEEN .. AND ..
once all values are populated in thecol_tmp, ALTER TABLE thetable ALTER COLUMN thecol_tmp SET NOT NULL;.
Now swap the columns and drop the trigger in a single tx:
ALTER TABLE thetable DROP COLUMN thecol;
ALTER TABLE thetable RENAME COLUMN thecol_tmp TO thecol;
DROP TRIGGER whatever_trigger_name ON thetable;
Ideally we'd have an ALTER TABLE ... ALTER COLUMN ... CONCURRENTLY that did this within PostgreSQL, but nobody's implemented that. Yet.