How to make Powershell pass a list as argument to gcloud - powershell

I want to submit my neural network model to google cloud via the following command as in the tutorial:
gcloud ai-platform jobs submit training ${JOB_NAME} \
--region=us-central1 \ \
--scale-tier=CUSTOM \
--master-machine-type=n1-standard-8 \
--master-accelerator=type=nvidia-tesla-p100,count=1 \
--job-dir=${JOB_DIR} \
--package-path=./trainer \
--module-name=trainer.task \
-- \
--train-files=gs://cloud-samples-data/ai-platform/chicago_taxi/training/small/taxi_trips_train.csv \
--eval-files=gs://cloud-samples-data/ai-platform/chicago_taxi/training/small/taxi_trips_eval.csv \
--num-epochs=10 \
--batch-size=100 \
I was working with powershell and I have a problem with the master-accelerator argument which should be a dictionnary. I don't know how to pass such to gcloud. I have tried #{count=1; type=...}, but received a Bad syntax for dict arg: [#] error.
How can I pass a list of parameters in PowerShell such that the gcloud submit command accepts it?
I thank you in advance for your help.
I have tried to use delimiters as ^^^^:^^^^, along this, but this still does not work (Invalid delimeter).


Detect if argo workflow is given unused parameters

My team runs into a recurring issue where if we mis-spell a parameter for our argo workflows, that parameter gets ignored without error. For example, say I run the following submission command, where the true (optional) parameter is validation_data_config:
argo submit --from workflowtemplate/training \
-p output=$( artifacts resolve-url $BUCKET $PROJECT $TAG) \
-p tag=${TAG} \
-p training_config="$( yq . training.yaml )" \
-p training_data_config="$( yq . train-data.yaml )" \
-p validation-data-config="$( yq . validation-data.yaml )" \
-p wandb-project="cyclegan_c48_to_c384" \
-p cpu=4 \
-p memory="15Gi" \
--name "${NAME}" \
--labels "project=${PROJECT},experiment=${EXPERIMENT},trial=${TRIAL}"
The validation configuration is ignored and the job is run without validation metrics because I used hyphens instead of underscores.
I also understand the parameters should use consistent hyphen/underscore naming, but we've also had this happen with e.g. the "memory" parameter.
Is there any way to detect this automatically, to have the submission error if a parameter is unused, or even to get a list of parameters for a given workflow template so I can write such detection myself?

ERROR: (gcloud.sql.instances.create) Projects instance [my-project] not found: The requested flag is either misspelled or unsupported by Cloud SQL

When I try to create cloud sql instance using gcloud I got this error. Any thoughts folks?
--database-version=$DB_VERSION \
--cpu=$NUMBER_CPUS \
--memory=$MEMORY_SIZE \
--storage-type=$STORAGE_TYPE \
--storage-size=$STORAGE_SIZE \
--storage-auto-increase \
--database-flags=$DATABASE_FLAGS \
--region=$REGION \
--authorized-networks=$NETWORKS \
--assign-ip \
It doesnt mater enabled projectId or not in this command

In `aws cloudformation deploy --parameter-overrides`, how to pass multiple values to `List<AWS::EC2::Subnet::ID>` parameter?

I am using this CloudFormation template
The List parameter I'm trying to pass values to is:
"Subnets" : {
"Type" : "List<AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id>",
"Description" : "The list of SubnetIds in your Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)",
"ConstraintDescription" : "must be a list of at least two existing subnets associated with at least two different availability zones. They should be residing in the selected Virtual Private Cloud."
I've written an utility script that looks like this:
echo -e "\n==Deploying\n"
aws cloudformation deploy \
--region $REGION \
--profile $CLI_PROFILE \
--stack-name $STACK_NAME \
--template-file \
--no-fail-on-empty-changeset \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM \
--parameter-overrides \
VpcId=$VPC_ID \
Subnets="$SUBNET1 $SUBNET2" \ #<---------------this fails
InstanceType=$EC2_INSTANCE_TYPE \
KeyName=$KEY_NAME \
If I deploy this, after a while my stack fails to deploy saying that a Subnet with the value "subnet-abcdef subnet-ghijlmn" does not exist.
The correct way to pass parameters to list is to comma separate them
aws cloudformation deploy --parameter-overrides Subnets="$SUBNET1,SUBNET2"
will work
Tried every possible solution found online, none worked.
According to the documentation below, you should escape the comma without double-slashes. Tried that, didn't work either.
What worked FOR ME (apparently this is very environment-dependent) was the command below, escaping the coma with just one slash.
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name teste-memdb --template-body file://memorydb.yml --parameters ParameterKey=VpcId,ParameterValue=vpc-xxxx ParameterKey=SubnetIDs,ParameterValue=subnet-xxxxx\,subnet-yyyy --profile whatever
From the Documentation here
List/Array can be passed just like python Lists.
'["value1", "value2", "value3"]'
Also to note Cloudformation internally used python.

Setting Dynamic Properties in Dataproc Job

Here's what I am trying to accomplish. I want to create a workflow template so that I can spin up a cluster, run a job, and delete the cluster. Within the job, I want to pass in properties that can be set dynamically. For example, set a property to the current date.
Below is a simple example. I uses the data function correctly but that is handled at creation time so it looks like it will always be 12/31/2020 if I setup the workflow today. I know I can delete the job and add it back to the template for each run, but I was was hoping for a simpler way.
gcloud dataproc workflow-templates create workflow-mk-test --region us-east1 --project data-engineering-doz4
gcloud dataproc workflow-templates set-managed-cluster workflow-mk-test \
--cluster-name=cluster-mk-test \
--project data-engineering-doz4 \
--image-version=1.3-ubuntu18 \
--bucket data-engineering-dev \
--region us-east1 \
--subnet ml-data-engineering-east1 \
--no-address \
--zone us-east1-b \
--master-machine-type n1-standard-4 \
--master-boot-disk-size 15 \
--num-workers 2 \
--worker-machine-type n1-standard-4 \
--worker-boot-disk-size 15
gcloud dataproc workflow-templates add-job pyspark gs://data-engineering-dev/jobs/ \
--workflow-template=workflow-mk-test \
--step-id=test-job \
--region=us-east1 \
--project=data-engineering-doz4 \
-- date `date -v -1d '+%Y/%m/%d'` \
--output-location s3n://missionlane-data-engineering-dev-us-east-1/delete-me/`date -v -1d '+%Y/%m/%d'`
Dynamic properties generated by running shell commands is not a supported feature of Dataproc jobs. In this case, you might want to consider making the logic part of your job, i.e., getting the current date dynamically in

Magento 2 web configuration stuck

I have a problem installing Magento 2. I set the web configuration and i click on the next button, but it is not going on the next step. I tried to set the admin url.
Yo can try install it via comand line.
bin/magento setup:install --backend-frontname="adminlogin" \
--db-host="localhost" \
--db-name="DB_NAME" \
--db-user="MYSQL USERNAME" \
--db-password="PASSWORD FOR MYSQL USER" \
--language="en_US" \
--currency="USD" \
--timezone="America/New_York" \
--use-rewrites=1 \
--use-secure=0 \
--base-url="http://YOUR.DOMAIN" \
--base-url-secure="https://YOUR.DOMAIN"" \
--admin-user=adminuser \
--admin-password=admin123# \ \
--admin-firstname=admin \
--admin-lastname=user \
Try it and let me see errorlog, if it doesn't worked for you.
Maybe you have troubles with server or permissions configs.