Own common libraries in own dart/flutter projects in VSCode? - flutter

I'm working on one project for some time now on flutter. Part of the source code has been designed so that it can be used again as is in other projects.
I'm working with Visual Studio Code.
Now I'm creating a second project. I'd like to organize folders this way:
Parent folder
Project1 folder
Project2 folder
Is it possible to add the library folder to the projects, as it is not inside their respective folders?

In pubspec.yaml of project 1, refer to the library as:
path: ../my_library

The way to solve this isn't straightforward for beginners. So I summed up the proposed solutions here (I provide the names out of fairness, and follow related potential discussions below each one).
From Richard Heap:
In pubspec.yaml of project 1, refer to the library as:
path: ../my_library
From me:
In ../my_library, add a specific pubspec.yaml. Something like:
name: my_libraries
description: my own common libraries
publish_to: 'none' # Remove this line if you wish to publish to pub.dev
version: 1.0.0+1
sdk: ">=2.17.1 <3.0.0"
sdk: flutter
From me:
Drag and drop (maybe there's a menu) your my_libraries folder from a file explorer to the VSCODE Explorer panel, and choose "add folder to workspace". Of course, all dependencies to external libraries used in my_libraries must be specified in its own pub_spec.yaml file.
I added source files in my_libraries/lib/. Don't know if the lib sub-directory is mandatory. Didn't take time to test without, and I like better to keep the same structure in my_libraries than in projects.
in project (and my_library) source files, to import my_library source files, just do as:
import 'package/my_library/xxx.dart'
where xxx.dart is the file to import.


Not a valid Dart package name - Flutter error

I want my app to be available for the web.
I run this command: flutter create .
I get this error: "Fredi" is not a valid Dart package name.
I know that there shouldn't be any capital letters. However, I do not know how to change the dart package name.
I have already used these packages successfully, but they seem to be changing other things, not the Dart Package Name.
change_app_package_name: ^1.1.0
rename: ^2.0.1
The only thing in my project with the name 'Fredi' is the root folder (original project name). However, I don't know how to change it (file explorer won't let me) and it will probably break things.
What step can I take?
Config Files
app/build.gradle -> applicationId "com.tomasward.fredi"
android manifest -> package="com.tomasward.fredi"
android manifest -> android:label="Fredi"> [I understand this is the name displayed to the user, I've tried changing it but it doesn't fix the error.]
You can run flutter create --project-name "your_valid_package_name" InvalidPackageNameDirectory to create a Flutter project in a directory with a non-valid package name.
In an already existing project, you can change the package name by modifying the name property in the pubspec.yaml at the root of the project (see here for more details on the pubspec).
You can probably rename your package name with the help of some dependency that you can find on pub.dev by typing "rename" in the search bar.
All those dependencies will help you rename your package to a lowercase only package name, then you will be able to use the flutter create . command to create the web folder for your app.

How to make VS code able to lookup code in subproject directory for autocompletion?

I have project structure
The dependency of these 4 projects is
core_launcher -> core_ui -> core_domain -> core_data
4 projects are located in the same directory and I include one to another via pubspec.yaml file (for example core_launcher/pubspec.yaml):
sdk: flutter
path: ../core_ui
The same thing I do with all projects to make dependency hierarchy.
The problem is that I can import all files from core_ui subproject when I'm currently editing some file in core_launcher but VSCode doesn't see any classes from his parents
(core_domain & core_data).
However, I can input import 'blah-blah-blah manually and VSCode see this class and import works well, but I can't do that with hit Alt+Enter that I do for fast-import.
So, I'm wondering why autocomplete is not working for inherited libraries.
Somebody had the same issue?
Code completion will only show classes from your direct dependencies. There are two possible reasons for this:
Relying on transitive dependencies is not a good idea, because it's possible that your dependencies will remove or change their dependencies and not consider that a breaking change.
If code completion listed all classes from all transitive dependencies the code completion list would be huge and include classes from packages you do not recognise (because they are just other packages dependencies). This would be a bad user experience and make it easy to accidentally rely on packages that are not listed in your pubspec.yaml.
The fix is to explicitly list core_domain and core_data in your pubspec.yaml too, because if your project is using classes from them, then they are dependencies.

Combining multiple different flutter projects

So I have received a project which requires e-commerce, food ordering and car hailing services like Grab to be inside one app. I have delivered all these 3 apps in different projects before and for this new project I'm wondering whether it is possible to combine all my previous source code into one project, running on different dependencies.
You can create packages for all 3 modules (food, e-commerce, car-hailing services)
To create a Flutter package, use the --template=package flag with flutter create:
flutter create --template=package food
Folder Structure
- food
- e_commerce
- car_hailing_service
Import this in the main module's pubspec.yaml file
sdk: flutter
# My Custom Packages
path: packages/food
path: packages/e_commerce
path: packages/car_hailing_service
If you have any common functionalities for all 3 packages then create a separate package for that also and import that common package for all 3 packages.
Refer to this document for creating flutter packages. I hope this helps you.

how to add modified plugin to my app? how to give path?

I modified the plugin dropdown_formfield and gave the name dropdown_formfield-hijacked.dart. Now I cant give a path to my dependency. it is located at the same level pubspec.yaml in my app.
path: 'what is the path'?
Typically, you might have a folder called projects where you keep your source.
You might have two projects:
In the former, you refer to the latter as:
path: ../dropdown_formfield

Create a package in dart

How do I create a package in the new Dart Editor?
There is no "Add Pub support" checkbox?
Also how to create "packages" with the new editor?
Is a tutorial out there that describes the process with the new Editor?
To create a package named mypackage.
For Dart package:
dart create --template=package-simple mypackage
For Flutter package:
flutter create --template=package mypackage
From the Dart/Flutter Documentation:
Step 1: Create the package
To create a Flutter package, use the --template=package flag with flutter create:
flutter create --template=package hello
This creates a package project in the hello folder with the following content:
A (mostly) empty license text file.
The unit tests for the package.
A configuration file used by the IntelliJ IDEs.
A hidden file that tells Git which files or folders to ignore in a project.
A hidden file used by IDEs to track the properties of the Flutter project.
A yaml file containing metadata that specifies the package’s dependencies. Used by the pub tool.
A starter markdown file that briefly describes the package’s purpose.
A starter app containing Dart code for the package.
.idea/modules.xml, .idea/modules.xml, .idea/workspace.xml**
A hidden folder containing configuration files for the IntelliJ IDEs.
A (mostly) empty markdown file for tracking version changes to the package.
There's no such possibilty in the Dart Editor for now. To create a package follow these steps :
create an New Application mylib without sample content
add a pubspec.yaml file
add a lib folder
create a mylib.dart containing the code you want to package
See the Package layout conventions for more informations.
You can create a dart project following the flutter way that allow you to auto generate the structure and the hierarchy of the package.
Follow below steps to create a package in DART:
Step 1: Create the package
$ flutter create --template=package hello
Step 2: Implement the package
For pure Dart packages, simply add the functionality inside the main lib/.dart file, or in several files in the lib directory.
To test the package, add unit tests in a test directory.
For additional details on how to organize the package contents, see the Dart library package documentation:
Any dart app is a package. To create a new Dart app use:
dart create my_package