Enabling SSO on ArgoCD with OIDC Configuration using Helm Chart - single-sign-on

I am trying to enable SSO on ArgoCD.
I am trying the OIDC Way.
I was able to make things work by editing the configmap and the secret.
But, If we again do the Helm Upgrade. There is a chance that we might loss the configuration and again we have to modify the secret and configmap.
So, We want to follow the GitOps Pattern of passing the OIDC.CONFIG during the helm Upgrade.
I tried few ways of setting it.
--set-file argo-cd.server.config.oidc.config="$(ARGO_CD_SSO_CONFIG_FILE)"
If I try this way and make it template before deploying it.
We are getting the below pattern.
config: |
But ArgoCD Expects it to be "oidc.config".
Can anyone help me with this.


How do I use crossplane to Install helm charts (with provider-helm) into other cluster

I'm evaluating crossplane to use as our go to tool to deploy our clients different solutions and have struggled with one issue:
We want to install crossplane to one cluster on GCP (which we create manually) and use that crossplane to provision new cluster on which we can install helm charts and deploy as usual.
The main problem so far is that we haven't figured out how to tell crossplane to install the helm charts into other clusters than itself.
This is what we have tried so for:
The provider-config in the example:
apiVersion: helm.crossplane.io/v1beta1
kind: ProviderConfig
name: helm-provider
source: InjectedIdentity
...which works but installs everything into the same cluster as crossplane.
and the other example:
apiVersion: helm.crossplane.io/v1beta1
kind: ProviderConfig
name: default
source: Secret
name: cluster-credentials
namespace: crossplane-system
key: kubeconfig
...which required a lot of makefile scripting to easier generate a kubeconfig for the new cluster and with that kubecoinfig still gives a lot of errors (but does begin to create something in the new cluster, but it doesnt work all the way. Gettings errors like: " PodUnschedulable Cannot schedule pods: gvisor}).
I have only tried crossplane for a couple of days so I'm aware that I might be approaching this from a completely wrong angle but I do like the promise of crossplane and its approach compared to Terraform and alike.
So the question is: I'm thinking completely wrong or I'm missing something obvious.
The second test with the kubeconfig feels quite complicated right now (many steps in correct order to achieve it).
As you've noticed, ProviderConfig with InjectedIdentity is for the case where provider-helm installs the helm release into the same cluster.
To deploy to other clusters, provider-helm needs a kubeconfig file of the remote cluster which needs to be provided as a Kubernetes secret and referenced from ProviderConfig. So, as long as you've provided a proper kubeconfig to an external cluster that is accessible from your Crossplane cluster (a.k.a. control plane), provider-helm should be able to deploy the release to the remote cluster.
So, it looks like you're on the right track regarding configuring provider-helm, and since you observed something getting deployed to the external cluster, you provided a valid kubeconfig, and provider-helm could access and authenticate to the cluster.
The last error you're getting sounds like some incompatibility between your cluster and release, e.g. the external cluster only allows pods with gvisor and the application that you want to install with provider helm does not have some labels accordingly.
As a troubleshooting step, you might try installing that helm chart with exactly same configuration to the external cluster via helm cli, using the same kubeconfig you built.
Regarding the inconvenience of building the Kubeconfig you mentioned, provider-helm needs a way to access to that external Kubernetes cluster, and since kubeconfig is the most common way for this purpose. However, if you see another alternative that makes things easier for some common use cases, this could be implemented and it would be great if you could create a feature request in the repo for this.
Finally, I am wondering how you're creating those external clusters. If it makes sense to create them with Crossplane as well, e.g. if GKE with provider-gcp, then, you can compose a helm ProviderConfig together with a GKE Cluster resource which would just create the appropriate secret and ProviderConfig when you create a new cluster, you can check this as an example: https://github.com/crossplane-contrib/provider-helm/blob/master/examples/in-composition/composition.yaml#L147

How to pass configuration via argocd and crossplane

We are trying to create an environment using crossplane and argocd. Once Crossplane generates the database and saves the credentials to a secret on the management cluster. After we are deploying the credentials from management cluster to our destination cluster to a secret.
Now we need to pass the credentials from secret a to secret B which the application knows about. The issue starts when argo do not use helm install but template thus lookup function don't work. We thought about using vault as a middle man but we are not sure how to load values from secret to vault.
Anyway if you encounter such an issue or have some sort of a solution we'll be very happy to hear.
Thank you
You need to commit the (encrypted) secrets somewhere for ArgoCD to pick them up. That is the whole point of GitOps.
Alternatively you can try using https://argo-cd.readthedocs.io/en/stable/user-guide/parameters/ but this is considered a temporary workaround

Best practice for shared K8s Secrets in Helm 3?

I have a couple Charts which all need access to the same Kubernetes Secret. My initial plan was to create a Chart just for those Secrets but it seems Helm doesn't like that. I am thinking this must be a common problem and am wondering what folks generally do to solve this problem?
Best practice is, don't save any sensitive secrets in kubernetes clusters. kubernetes secret is encode, not encrypt.
You can reference the secret via aws ssm/secrets manager, hashicorp Vault or other similars.
Most charts that follow the common chart development practices allow you to use an existing secret instead of creating one for you. This way, you can create your common secrets normally (without helm), and refer to them from the charts that need them, via a reference like existingSecret config key.
Take minio helm chart for example: it accepts an existingSecret key as an alternative to passing an accessKey and a secretKey.
As you can see in the main charts repo, this is a pretty common practice.

sharing common components in a helm chart

I have a Kubernetes cluster in which I would like to deploy various company dependent pods and services.
All of them need some common components (e.g. ingress, traefik, postgres).
Therefore I had designed a chart structure:
- myproject
- ingress
- traefik
- postgres
- svc1
- pod1
- svc2
- pod2
My idea was to control the company-dependent pods/services via environment variables and do deployments like this:
helm install --set env="dev" --set company="cat" ./myproject
helm install --set env="prod" --set company="dog" ./myproject
svc1, svc2, ... read the env values.
Anyway, this construct doesn't work. I get an error that some common component already exists.
I understand this.
I think one way to avoid the problem would be to create a separate chart for ingress, traefik etc. and generate it first.
But I have the feeling that this is not right way. What would be a good solution to solve this problem?
Are all the charts developed by you? or are you using 3rd party charts?
Depending on how you are using the charts this might alter the solution.
Have you tried using something related to DRY? this article is very helpful for using DRY in helm.
Also, would be very helpful if you shared the error that is happening.

How to bind kubernetes resource to helm release

If I run kubectl apply -f <some statefulset>.yaml separately, is there a way to bind the stateful set to a previous helm release? (eg by specifying some tags in the yaml file)
As far as I know - you cannot do it.
Yes, you can always create resources via templates before installing the Helm chart.
However, I have never seen a solution for your question.