How to use SHA512 hashing algorithm with elliptic curve to sign, in PKCS11Interop? - pkcs#11

In am using PKCS11Interop in C#, i got CKR_MECHANISM_INVALID error while trying to use method Sign. The key object i am using is of mechanism type CKM_EC_KEY_PAIR_GEN . but at signing time, i use mechanism CKM_ECDSA_SHA512 .
I tried to define key mechanism as CKM_ECDSA_SHA512 at key-pair generation time, but it seems that this key type needs some attributes that i don't know. The attributes i am using is similar to the correct version of this question, but it seems using hash algorithms need some thing more.
Please guide me how should i use SHA512 hash algorithm with ECDSA elliptic key.

Your unmanaged PKCS#11 library most likely does not support CKM_ECDSA_SHA512.
By returning CKR_MECHANISM_INVALID error your unmanaged PKCS#11 library is telling you that "An invalid mechanism was specified to the cryptographic operation". You can use GetMechanismInfo() method to check whether the mechanism is supported:
if (!slot.GetMechanismList().Contains(CKM.CKM_ECDSA_SHA512))
throw new Exception("Unmanaged PKCS#11 library does not support CKM_ECDSA_SHA512 mechanism");
However CKM_ECDSA_SHA512 (hashing and signing) mechanism is used rather rarely. It's much more common and efficient to compute SHA512 hash in your application and then sign it with CKM_ECDSA (just signing) mechanism.


Simple way to encrypt file via Swift and Cocoa?

I am searching for a way to encrypt a file via AES using Swift in my Cocoa Applications.
As far as I can see the common frameworks (i.e. CryptoSwift) are supposed to encrypt text only.
Is there a specific framework for this job or is there any kind of macOS built in method for this?
Yes, using CommonCrypto is a good start. I would not recommend using any homegrown implementations however.
Doing security right is hard, AES is no exception to this.
You need to use a proper key of the correct length ( 64 or 32 bytes preferred )
You need to use padding ( I recommend PKCS7 ) in case your data is shorter than the blocksize / keysize. AES is not secure on its own and this bit is important.
You also really want to use an initializationVector, ( either appendend or prepended to the final data stream ) since otherwise it would be possible for an attacker to draw correlations between several encrypted streams from the same key
You should also make use of a HMAC ( SHA2-256 and up, also available in commoncrypto ) in order to prevent tampering with your encrypted data and giving you unexpected and potentially harmful result data.
The list goes on, but my memory fails me at this point since It has been a while since I needed to create an implementation.
I would highly recommend googling around for a standard implementation that wraps around CommonCrypto.
I would also suggest that using anything that is written as is ( I.E. CryptoSwift ) is not recommended as the codebase isn't proven and went through proper vetting like Apple's frameworks are.

How to Fingerprint a JWK?

Is there a standard, canonical method for creating a fingerprint (aka thumbprint) for a JWK?
From what I was reading it seems that the standard doesn't define how a kid should be specified, which I find odd. To me it makes the most since to have it be a deterministic value rather than one that requires a lookup table such that others could easily recreate the key id in by virtue of possessing the public key.
I am aware that SSH fingerprints and X.509 thumbprints are standardized, but those don't seem like a suitable solution for all environments where JWKs are used (especially browsers) because they are too complex for naive implementations and including the libraries capable of manipulating such (i.e. forge) would waste a lot of memory, bandwidth, and vm compile time.
Officially it's called a "thumbprint" not a "fingerprint".
I think the RFC7638 will answer your question.
This RFC describes a way to compute a hash value over a JWK.
It is really easy to implement:
Keep the required parameters only. For a RSA key: kty, n and e and for an EC key: crv, kty, x and y.
Sort those parameters in lexicographic order: e,kty and n
Compute the parameters and values into Json: {"e":"AQAB","kty":"RSA","n":"0vx7agoebGcQSuuPiLJXZptN9nndrQmbXEps2 aiAFbWhM78LhWx4cbbfAAtVT86zwu1RK7aPFFxuhDR1L6tSoc_BJECPebWKRXjBZCi FV4n3oknjhMstn64tZ_2W-5JsGY4Hc5n9yBXArwl93lqt7_RN5w6Cf0h4QyQ5v-65Y GjQR0_FDW2QvzqY368QQMicAtaSqzs8KJZgnYb9c7d0zgdAZHzu6qMQvRL5hajrn1n 91CbOpbISD08qNLyrdkt-bFTWhAI4vMQFh6WeZu0fM4lFd2NcRwr3XPksINHaQ-G_x BniIqbw0Ls1jF44-csFCur-kEgU8awapJzKnqDKgw"}
Hash it using SHA-256 and encode it into Base64 Url Safe: NzbLsXh8uDCcd-6MNwXF4W_7noWXFZAfHkxZsRGC9Xs
I don't believe there is a true standard, but this topic has been discussed in the IETF mailing archives. While the conversation seemed to get a little side-tracked by whether or not canonical JSON was a good idea in general, there was one method that seems reasonable as a standard fingerprinting method.
Remove all "metadata" fields from the JWK (where in this case "metadata" is defined as any non-required key, ie anything but "kty" and the parameters for the encryption algorithm defined by the JWA RFC-7518).
Convert stripped JWK into "canonical" JSON (sort keys lexicographically, no leading or trailing whitespace, and no whitespace between tokens).
Compute digest over created JSON string.
There is also no true standard that I am aware of for canonical JSON, but all the sources I've seen agree on at least the rules listed above (which are the only rules that should be relevant for the types of objects used for JWK's).

How can I set the SHA digest size in

I am kinda playing with the SHA-1 algorithm. I want to find out differences and variations in the results if I change few values in the SHA-1 algorithm for a college report. I have found a piece of java code to generate hash of a text. Its done by importing
class. However, I want to change the h0-4 values and edit them but I don't know where can I find them? I had a look inside the MessageDigest class but couldn't find it there. Please help me out!
Thanx in advance.
I don't believe you can do that. Java doesn't provide any API for its MessageDigest Class, which can allow you change the values.
However, there are some workarounds (none of which I've ever tried). Take a look at this answer to the question "How to edit Java Platform Package (Built-in API) source code?"
If you're playing around with tweaks to an algorithm, you shouldn't be using a built-in class implementing that algorithm. The class you mention is designed to implement standard algorithms for people who just want to use them in production; if you're using SHA-1 (or any cryptographic algorithm) instead of playing around and tweaking it, it's never a good idea to change the algorithm yourself (e.g. by changing the initial hash value), so the class does not support modifying those constants.
Just implement the algorithm yourself; from Wikipedia's pseudocode, it doesn't look like it's all that complicated. I know that "don't implement your own crypto, use a standard and well-tested implementation" is a common mantra here, but that only applies to production-type code -- if you're playing around with an algorithm to see what effect tweaking it has, you should implement it yourself, so you have more flexibility in modifying it and seeing the effect of the modifications.
Basically adding to #Rahil's answer but too much for comments:
Even without API access, if MessageDigest were the implementation you could use reflection. But it's not.
Most of the java standard library is just commonly-useful classes in the usual way, e.g. java.util.ArrayList contains the implementation of ArrayList (or ArrayList<?> since 6), contains the implementation of FileInputStream (although it may use other classes in that implementation), etc. Java Cryptography uses a more complicated scheme where the implementations are not in the API classes but instead in "providers" that are mostly in their own jars (in JRE/lib and JRE/lib/ext) not rt.jar and mostly(?) don't have source in
Thus the class does not have the code to implement SHA1, or SHA256, or MD5, etc etc. Instead it has code to search the JVM's current list of crypto providers to find an implementation of whatever algorithm is asked for, and instantiate and use that. Normally the list of providers used is set to (the list of) those included in the JRE distribution, although an admin or program can change it.
With the normal JRE7 providers, SHA1 is implemented by
In effect the API classes like MessageDigest Signature Cipher KeyGenerator etc function more like interfaces or facades by presenting the behavior that is common to possibly multiple underlying implementations, although in Java code terms they are actual classes and not interfaces.
This was designed back in 1990 or so to cope with legal restrictions on crypto in effect then, especially on export from the US. It allowed the base Java platform to be distributed easily because by itself it did no crypto. To use it -- and even if you don't do "real" crypto on user data in Java you still need things like verification of signed code -- you need to add some providers; you might have one set of providers, with complete and strong algorithms, used in US installations, and a different set, with fewer and weaker algorithms, used elsewhere. This capability is now much less needed since the US officially relaxed and in practice basically dropped enforcement about 2000, although there are periodically calls to bring it back. There is still one residual bit, however: JCE (in Oracle JREs) contains a policy that does not allow symmetric keys over 128 bits; to enable that you must download from the Oracle website and install an additional (tiny) file "JCE Unlimited Strength Policy".
TLDR: don't try to alter the JCE implementation. As #cpast says, in this case where you want to play with something different from the standard algorithm, do write your own code.

Coldfusion encrypt to perl crypt

Is it possible to duplicate output from the perl crypt function using ColdFusion decrypt?
I am not familiar with encryption programming, but as I understand it crypt uses the DES algorithm unless otherwise indicated. Coldfusion can use the DES algorithm, but I don't know what other parameters to use.
Allow me to clarify my situation. I am working with a vendor supplied application written in perl. My local toolset is mainly ColdFusion. I would like to enhance the vendor supplied login function with a 'lost your password/reset password' function. I would prefer not to change the vendor source code, which I have access to, since it get upgraded regularly and I don't want to have to keep applying the changes. The best solution, for a host of reasons, is to emulate the perl crypt() function output in ColdFusion so I can build the password reset function externally to the vendor application. It is admittedly an awkward and confusing situation.
I do not know if the emulation approach is feasible; if not it is back to the drawing board.
Just in case you didn't know, perl's crypt() function (and the crypt() function in the standard C library) is a one-way hashing function usually used for storing passwords. It's not an encryption function and there is no known decryption function.
As such, you're probably not looking for a function called decrypt(). I don't used Coldfusion, so I can't help you find the proper function.

checksum code in obj-c

I am looking for checksum algorithm written in obj-c so that I can validate a ticket(number) and generate 2Dbar code based on validation.
Any ideas on how to achieve this?
Sounds like you can use a public-key cryptographic function.
Encrypt with the private key fixed length information, including a number (the real ticket number) and a random salt (to reduce the chance of someone cracking your key), into a fixed length output.
You can then use the public key to decode that output and verify that the information is there.
Here is some Apple sample code that demonstrates the use of cryptographic functions.
For 2D barcode code, you could start by looking at ZXing